瞭望元宇宙|数字人闯入元宇宙 虚拟形象究竟蕴含多少可能?

资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:27 评论:0



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In the context of this emerging concept, a production, learning, and research exercise is under way. In the context of the digital transition, can the Yuan cosmos take up a role? How do these new concepts land in the Chinese language?


As a “indigenous” of the meta-cosm, the Digital Man has been the focus of discussions in industry and academia in recent years, and it is now widely accepted in industry that large-scale applications of digital people are dependent on high-text reality, good production efficiency, and manageable costs. At the same time, however, the need for real-time cloud resonance is challenged by the value of the terminal's running super-calculation.


In recent years, with


“The future of digital human development is showing a static dynamic, 2D to 3D, cartoons to be written, and one-way multi-way interaction.” In an interview with the 21st Century Economic Report, the founder of the era and CEO Quixiang said that the digital sphere is now emerging and is entering a rapid growth phase, with an outbreak in the near future.


But beyond the wealth of imagination, there are problems of landings that still haunt practitioners and users. In the future, it is still time to verify whether digitals can achieve a high degree of real-time, high degree of flexibility and adaptability to landing scenarios and to interact effectively with humans.


Quality cost dilemma.

  中国人工智能产业发展联盟发布的《虚拟数字人发展白皮书》显示,“虚拟数字人”一词最早源于1989 年美国国立医学图书馆发起的“可视人计划”(Visible Human Project, YHP)。2001年, 国内以“中国数字化虚拟人体的科技问题”为主题的香山科学会议滴174次学术讨论会提出了“数字化虚拟人体”的概念。



At the time, however, these “virtual digital figures” referred mainly to visualization of the structure of the human body, showing the spatial relationship between the size, shape, location and organs of anatomy structure in a three-dimensional form.


Over the past five years, thanks to a breakthrough in deep learning algorithms, the digital production process has been effectively streamlined and virtual digitalists are beginning to get on track.


At the same time, this has attracted attention at the policy level.


In August 2022, the Beijing Municipal Bureau for Economics and Informatization issued the first specific support policy for the digital industry in the country - the Beijing Municipal Action Plan for Innovation in the Digital Industry (2022-2025) (hereinafter " the Plan " ). The Plan proposes to seize the digitally represented opportunity of the Internet's 3.0 innovation application industry, to take full advantage of the International Centre for Science, Technology and Innovation in order to create a high ground for innovation in the digital industry.


The Plan sets out development goals: “by 2025, Beijing will have cultivated one to two leading digital enterprises with more than RMB 5 billion in revenue, 10 leading digital enterprises with more than RMB 1 billion in revenue, 10 joint laboratories and enterprise technology innovation centres in 10 schools, more than five common technology platforms, 20 digital application poles, and more than two unique digital parks and bases.”


But the industry seems to be a bit off track with the goals set out in the Plan, and the 21st Century economic reporters have learned that




Three business models.


Kwok Jianjun expressed a similar view in his interview, stating that the skills behind digital maturity are, on the one hand, technological integration and, on the other hand, IP operations. “Digital people are a very long industry chain that requires both the development of bottom-level engine technology and the optimization of upper-level tools and production tubes in order to satisfy the triple effect of good digital image, productivity efficiency and cost-controllability.”


According to Kwok Jianjun, the current industry is more confident in technology production than in business thinking. In this regard, one of the paths being explored in the era of assertiveness is the choice of a more professional ecological partner for commercialization.


In recent days, the Heixi Media Group, a leading and entertainment company, has set up an independent company and launched Gon Jun's Digital Man, and Guo Jianjun has indicated that there will be multiple collaboration around the construction of an interactive digital IP matrix and the creation of a virtual space.


It is worth mentioning that one of the main tasks of planning for the Plan is to accelerate digital innovation using IPs that match specific scenarios, and it proposes “to promote innovation that combines skilled and artistic talent, accelerates the incubation of digital IPs, and fosters the creative economy.” At the same time, it is important to create digital brands that support digital participation in advertising marketing, branding, strengthening the management of digital operations and creating digital images that transmit positive energy.”


In fact, IP operates, and client services and traffic changes are now the three main business models for the current digital population.


According to the Report on Trends in the Development of the Digital Human Industry (2023), recently released by Xeng Xinjung, the content/IP-type digital person relies mainly on the commercial IP operation of the digital person for commercial realization, the functional service type is delivered to the client for realization, while the virtual dichotomy requires flow realization in the context of virtual space creation and rules.


“Digital production costs and cycles are reduced by a reduction in customization. There are also differences in the production patterns and cycles of the three digitals, with content/IP digitals more project-based and custom-based; functional service types are combinations of products and customization, custom-based development on generic products; and virtual compartmentalization is more product-based, with users using platform tool products for digital image production and activities within the corresponding virtual setting, with content/IP digitals generally having the highest costs and cycles, and virtual split digitals having the lowest.”


Large-scale application dependent on manageable costs


“The large-scale application of digital people is essential for three conditions: high-writing effectiveness, high production efficiency and manageable costs.”


The Information and Communication Specialist of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the President of the Shanghai Institute for Flows, Science, Technology, and Innovation Research told economic reporters in the twenty-first century that the technology to construct a virtual world was maturing, and that applications were becoming increasingly rich and effective. But digital people still faced a number of problems in understanding interactions.


“In the process of creating the meta-cosmos, the order and logic of a world will be constructed, but whether there is gravity in the world and how much gravity it is, is the direction that technology now needs to explore. At the same time, the logic of the virtual world requires the production of patterns and algorithms, in which it is also a challenge for the industry to effectively interact with the tactile senses of the users, outside the sight and hearing.”


"The future super-writing of the world will be a major feature of visualization. This will require graphic calculations of the magnitude. Kwok Jianjunk believes that the VR/AR terminal will be the gateway to the metacosystem, but that the terminal's operation depends on the high speed of arithmetic, in which real-time cloud rendering solves the problem of bringing the overwritten world to the end experience.

  “只有云端实时渲染在达到较高标准的情况下,才能真正带来足够写实、互动、有沉浸感的图像画质。这也就是蔚领时代认为的GaaS(Graphics as a Service)时代到来的逻辑依据。”

"Only real-time cloud rendering, if it meets a high standard, can it actually produce enough graphics to be written, interactive, and immersed. That is the logic behind the age of Gaaphys as a Service, as it was considered in the Axis era."


According to Kwok Jianjun, the underlying technologies that underpin real-time cloud rendering in the future are mainly cloud-based technologies, such as multiple GPU co-reflations, and the individual processes that the C+S architecture achieves to produce dozens of paths of video flow for dozens of players. "These innovative cloud-based technologies are the backbone of the future meta-codes, which are built around games like and the ability of the future meta-cosms to virtualize.


“It is a welcome sign that we have seen the rapid technological development of the head-reflection engine and that the application of the visual level has now begun.” Mr. Guo Jianjun said.


In addition to cloud-based technologies, the development of 3D reconstruction technologies offers additional possibilities for large-scale digital landings.


The above-mentioned Report notes that 2D digitals and 3Ds are generated/modelled in different ways and that the 2D digitals are, by their very nature, the generation of images, thus mainly through the use of in-depth learning techniques to generate images based on video that are identical to those of the real person, with relatively mature technology.


“3D digitals need to build 3D models, mainly using software traditions for manual modelling, static scanning modelling (camera array scanning modelling), dynamic optical fields or AI modelling (3D re-engineering technology) to generate 3D models. Currently, manual modelling and static scanning modelling techniques are mature and widely applied, using 3D reconstruction techniques or dynamic optical re-establishment can greatly save modelling time and improve modelling efficiency, which is an important future layout direction.” The report states.


On the other hand, at , , > >, the machine needs to interact more naturally with humans by hearing, visual, synonyms and various , >,


In October 2021,




(原标题:瞭望元宇宙|数字人闯入元宇宙 ,虚拟形象究竟蕴含多少可能?)





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