When the circle of friends
But do you really know the chain of blocks?
As early as 2008, China introduced the concept of block chains, which in the following years served the electronic currency bitcoin as a public ledger for all transactions. It was a central component of Bitcoin.
比特币“chain of blocks”,后被翻译为区块链。但现在比特币被当作虚拟交易货币使用,区块链更像是一种新的模式。比特币的设计已经成为其他应用程序的灵感来源。
Bitcoin's "chain of blocks" is translated into a block chain. But now Bitcoin is used as a virtual transactional currency, and the block chain is more like a new model. Bitcoin design has become a source of inspiration for other applications.
The essence of the block chain is a decentralised distributed database that contains data blocks of valid information for multiple Bitcoin network transactions and is linked by special passwords.
What is the practical application of the block chain in 区块链的特性让它最先在金融行业生根,并不断向多个行业伸展。2016年时,工信部《中国区块链技术和应用发展白皮书》就列举了6个有较大价值的方向,金融服务、供应链管理、文化娱乐、智能制造、社会公益和教育就业。 In 2016, the White Paper on Technology and Applied Development in China’s Block Chain, issued by the Ministry of Trade and Communications, listed six more valuable directions: financial services, supply chain management, cultural entertainment, smart manufacturing, social goods, and educational employment. 腾讯、蚂蚁金服、百度、小米、京东、华为、中信集团、湖南大学、中山大学等企业和高校相继推出区块链相关服务,以行业服务类数量为大头,涵盖了包括6大领域的更大的范围。 Businesses and higher education institutions such as tungsten, ant gold garments, 100 degrees, millet, Kyundong, Huaiyo, Sino-Sin Group, Hunan University, Nakayama University and others have successively launched block-chain-related services, covering a larger range of six broad areas, with a large number of industry service categories. 区块链在新闻等信息传播上也有巨大优势,每条信息都被记录并筛查,虚假的信息被过滤后,我们拿到的就是正确率极高的有效信息。就连吹上天的广告,也更容易甄别真假。 Block chains also have a great advantage in news and other information dissemination. Every piece of information is recorded and screened. When false information is filtered, we get the most accurate and effective information. 国计民生的食品安全问题或可通过区块链解决,给食品加上二维码等,利用区块链不可篡改的特性,完美记录食品的供应来源和制作材料,再加上物流情况和产检报告等,严格监督食品安全。 The problem of 区块链可在全球构建出一个统一的共享存储池,更可靠的数据、更快速的传输速度,世界级“网盘”再也不用担心存储量的限制了。 Block chains can build a unified shared pool globally, with more reliable data and faster transmission speeds, and world-class “webs” no longer have to worry about storage limitations. 区块链好处多多,人扎堆的地方就有各种各样的诈骗。打着区块链的幌子招摇撞骗的可不少,先画饼给投资者,炒人气圈钱,等拿到大量资金后就跑路,这样的诈骗形式与网络诈骗一样,难以追踪也是真的。 There are many advantages to block chains, and there are various kinds of strong frauds 除了诈骗,区块链本身也有缺陷,目前区块链节点还比较少,正确与否的判断机制还是根据大数据来的,所以当51%的节点被攻击者盗用时,整体网络的运作就会受到严重影响。 In addition to fraud, the block chain itself is flawed, there are currently fewer block chain nodes, and the correct judgement mechanism is based on big data, so that when 51 per cent of the nodes are embezzled by the attackers, the functioning of the network as a whole is seriously affected. 商业安全、用户隐私数据的保护问题也值得开发者考虑,虽然企业互通合作的愿望很大,但是安全技术能不能跟上也是一个大问题。 Commercial security and the protection of user privacy data also merited the consideration of developers, and while there was a great desire for business to work together, it was also a major question of whether security technologies could keep pace. 不得不说,不少依托区块链的融资到最后都是骗局(比如趣步),投资的话还是要擦亮眼睛。 It has to be said that many of the financing of the block chain is ultimately a fraud (e.g., fun moves), and that investments should still be light-eyed.
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