
Cow bear struggles began after more than half of Bitcoin's fall in May, and the entire encryption market has gone through policies since 519, financial flight, competition over French currency, etc. The currency circle is still weak today, and analysis suggests that this is the back-up of the Cow Bear, running fast. But some believe that this is just a big backlash for the Cow City, the next half of which is


is directly related to the Dragon Head Currency, i.e. Bitcoin, the uncontroversial place of this Bull City is the institutional cow under the monetary policy of the Global Bank.

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Indicator reference for cattle and bear cities


1. BTC Top High

2017年的比特币牛市中,比特币的顶点是2万美金附近,如果按照比特币之前 4 年一周期的大周期论而言,突破上一轮前高点,正是牛市开始的标志。

In 2017, in Bitcoin, the peak of Bitcoin was around $20,000, and if, according to the broad cyclical theory of the four-year cycle before Bitcoin, it was the mark of the start of the bull market that went beyond the previous round.


If we refer solely to the bitcoin market unit price, we can find that:


In a round of cattle, Bitcoin will break two to three times the previous height and continue to hit the top for a period of time, and this two to three times the next time Bear City!


For example, in 2017, in the cattle market, Bitcoin broke past $1,200, two to three times as high (in 2015 calf), and the area of 1200 was $2,400 to 3600. After a market turnback, Bitcoin rose by about six times, reaching a peak of around $20,000, and then the lowest point in Bear City was around $3,000!


Prior to 519, Bitcoin had a market price of 54k-60k, which was just two to three times higher than the previous 20k. If historical data were available, the sixfold increase would be around $300,000, and the next round of bears ending in the cattle market should be near 54k, with 83 per cent of the drop, which corresponds to the historical drop.

综上,如果参考2017年那轮牛市的价格区间,那么 6 万美金的比特币,就不会是顶点。这也是为什么多数机构或是大佬,保守的本轮牛市 BTC 看到 8-10 万美金,激进地看到 15-20 万美金甚至更高。但是本轮牛市会不会按照以往的数据指标继续,或者说6万美金是不是已经到顶了呢?这很难说,时间和市场将会揭晓一切答案。

In summary, if we look at the price range in 2017 for the Bull City, then $60,000 in bitcoins will not be the top point. That is why most institutions, or big people, the conservative BTC, see $8-100,000, and radically, $150,000-20 million, or even higher. But will the Bull City continue according to previous data indicators, or will the $60,000 have reached its peak? It is hard to say that time and the market will reveal all the answers.

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2. BTC market share


The market share of Bitcoin is the second important reference indicator, and, based on past experience, in the bear market, the market share of Bitcoin will reach a level of over 80 per cent as a preservation rate vis-à-vis the rest of the mountain, and in the cow market, the market share of Bitcoin will become increasingly low until a critical point, when the bull market is declared to be closed, and the market value of Bitco is growing again and again.


The peak of every cattle market in history ends with a low point in the Bitcoin market.

2018 年 1 月 13 日的牛市顶点,BTC 占比是 32.45%。目前 BTC 的占比是44%左右。从这个指标来看,我们似乎也还处于一个相对安全的牛中阶段。

The ratio of BTC to the peak of the cattle market on January 13, 2018 is 32.45%. The current ratio of BTC is around 44%. From this indicator, we also seem to be in a relatively safe middle of cattle.

不过需要注意的是,在上一轮牛市,BTC 在接近 2 万美金时达到了66%的市值占比,然后仅仅一个月在各路山寨疯狂跌倒了32.45%,宣告牛市结束。

It should be noted, however, that in the last round of cattle, the BTC reached a market value ratio of 66 per cent when it approached US$ 20,000, and then fell by 32.45 per cent in a single month in the mountains, declaring the bull market closed.

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3. Promulgation and market value of bounties


History suggests that there are a number of salient features in the late and mid-term of the former Bitcoin Cattle:


1. There is no justification for the rise of many bounties, much less the basics, but it often rises several dozen times, for example, in 2017, when a bounties in the cattle market, which used to pull hundreds of times in a week, dragged you up or couldn’t resist getting into the car. But the final cut of the cucumbers is also unremitting, and please refer to a big guy in the currency ring, known as “Sunche”.


2. Many titanium values are exaggerated, some technical or celebrity-based star-field values are exaggerated, amounting to billions of dollars in market value, but not many users, calling out to knock down currencies such as BTC or ETH, either expensive or expensive.


Three, the new projects have gone on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on. There is a great chance that this kind of currency will be zero in the absence of the bull market.

在519以前的山寨可以看出已经进入“无理取闹”的阶段,有没有基本面和数据支撑已然不再重要,每天都有新项目在各个微信群和电报群 CX,一上线市值就是上亿美金起,此起彼伏的市价增加。让人有一种牛市末期的感觉。

Before 519, it became clear that the stage of “unjustified” was under way, that it was no longer important to have basics and data to support it, that there were new projects on a daily basis in the CX of the micro-letters and telegrams, and that the first-line market was worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and that the price of each other's markets had increased. There was a sense of the end of the cattle market.

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It's very hot in the recent days. It's commonly known as "shit money."


4. BTC size on exchange


One of the salient features of the end of the cow market is that a lot of bitcoins are pouring into trading platforms and starting to set up, because the price falls and the cow market ends and the bear market comes.


If we look at this indicator alone, the bull market feels that it is still a long, if not a formal, start-up, because bitcoin is now flowing out of trading platforms, and bitcoin in trading platforms has become less and less available in recent years. Agencies have been working at a low level of effort, and news has been on the air lately.


If that indicator were to be used, it would not be excessive to say that we are still in the early stages of the cattle market.

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5. Volatility of BTC and ETH


In 2017, there were seven large returns in the city of Bitcoin (in yuan)


First: 3350-1851, down 44.7 per cent, seven days.


Second: 5180-3151, 39.2 per cent drop, 47 days


Third: 8888-4885, 45 per cent drop, 7 days


Fourth: 19200-12301, with a 35.9 per cent drop, for two days


Fifth: 21200-1290, 39.2 per cent drop, 34 days


Sixth: 32668-19437, 40.5 per cent drop, 13 days


Seventh: 47936-34613, 38 per cent drop, 4 days


By contrast, the roulette's return was mild before 519 (in United States dollars)


First: 12051-9834, down 18.4 per cent, three days.


Second: 19485-16199 with a decline of 16.9 per cent and two days


Third: 34762-27777, 20.1 per cent drop, 1 day


Fourth: 41900-28800, 31.3 per cent drop, 14 days


Fifth: 58326-44918, 23 per cent drop, 2 days


Sixth: 61,800-51,500, 20 per cent drop, 12 days


Seventh: 595-30,000, nearly 50 per cent drop, not rebounding from 5.12 to the present.

2021年减半大牛市开始后,按2013,,2017年规律,涨起来应该有多次40%回调,实际只有多次20%回调,最多回调仅30%。在从1万美金几乎无回调,疯涨到$6.5万后,又出现了一次519(高杠杆连环爆仓) & 521(政策打击) 导致的54%跌幅($**843到$30066),相当于94(政策打击)+312(高杠杆连环爆仓)的叠加。

Halve by 2021 . Under the 2013-2017 pattern, there should have been multiple 40% returns, with only 20% returns, and only 30%. After almost no return from $10,000 to $65,000, there was another 519 (high-leared-cture) & 521 (policy strike) drop ($**8443 to $30066), which is equivalent to 94 (high-le-clash) +312 (high-cry) collapse)


If historical data could be repeated in the current round, the city would continue and, conversely, would enter the bear market until the next half of Bitcoin would open a new round of cattle.

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6. Bitcoin 60-day index for Jiangchallor

这一过程用数学语言描述,就是 “60日累计涨幅” 过高。60日累计涨幅=把过去60日的涨幅,一天天累加起来。

This process is described in mathematical terms as the "60-day cumulative increase" is too high. The 60-day cumulative increase = the increase over the past 60 days, adding up every day.

在对历史数据的回测中,“60日累计涨幅” 指标表现出了完美的一致性:

In response to historical data, the “60-day cumulative increase” indicator shows perfect consistency:


a The most fanatical point in the market = the highest point in the currency = the highest point in the cumulative increase of 60 days, no less than a day.


b. The top Kline is sharp, not flat, because market sentiment is the point, not the period.


This is supposed to be a well-known index, created by Jiangchallor. The logic behind the index is that when a round of cattle goes to the end of the market and the bubbles are so high that short-term prices rise faster than the newcomer's money gets in, the bubbles break and the bear market starts.


" We are in the midst of an atypical cattle market ", which was published this year by Jiangchallor, says:


“But the previous period of April 13, when it was high at $**895, did not fit the pattern, with a difference of 51 days between the top of the 60-day increase and the highest currency. The performance on the K line was not the tip, but the top of a circle arc, from the surface of the past arc.


But the previous period of April 13, when it was high at $**895, did not fit the pattern, with a difference of 51 days between the top of the 60-day increase and the highest currency. The performance on the K line was not the tip, but the top of a circle arc, from the top of the past arc.

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And it makes a lot of old people in currency circles think that the cow market is not over, "How can the cow market end before it's over with the hysteria of the hysteria?"

按照以往牛市的历史数据,17 年那轮的 60 日指数是140%,比特币在 2 月份时将将突破了100%,所以若是熊市来临,总得再冲一次100%以上的涨幅才行,不然 2 月份那波105%就是牛市巅峰了?这实在难让人信服。不管怎么说,60 日指数接近甚至突破100%之时,都是你需要警惕之日。

According to historical data from the cattle market, the 60-day index for the 17-year cycle was 140%, and Bitcoin would have crossed 100% by February, so if the bear market had arrived, it would have had to hit more than 100% more than once. Otherwise, in February, 105% of the wave would have been the peak of the bull market.



本轮牛市可能是最让人纠结的,2017年的牛市,除了 BTC,大家都是在画饼,区块链没有什么真的应用,也没有什么能出圈的东西,所以熊的理直气壮,一个大泡沫,一捅就爆。

This is probably the most disturbing, the 2017 bull market, where everyone except BTC paints cakes, the chain of blocks has no real applications, and there's nothing to get out of the circle, so the bear is strong, a big bubble, and it explodes.

而本轮,BTC 除了圈内人士之外,开始真正得到机构和传统金融圈的认可。特斯拉,高盛,ARK基金等大公司开始配置、许多养老金开始购买比特币、ETF 离通过不远、Coinbase 上市、ETH 也找到了自己的方向、DeFi 已被证明行之有效。

This round, BTC, in addition to those in the circle, is beginning to get real recognition from institutions and traditional financial circles. Big companies like Tesla, Goldman Sachs, the ARK Fund, many pensions, the purchase of bitcoin, the ETF not far from the market, Coinbase, the ETH have found their way, and the DeFi has proved to be effective.

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每天创新不断,用户数量,锁仓量,累计收入,都在不断增长,甚至 ETH 一条链吃不下要溢出到其他的链。NFT 更是通过加密艺术,以及 NBN Topshot 等方式开始“出圈”。

Every day, innovation, the number of users, locks, accumulated revenues are growing, and even the ETH chain can't be overflowed to other chains. The NFT is starting to "go out" through encryption art, and NBN Topshot.


At the policy level, our country’s fight against bitcoin mining has led to a reduction in bitcoin computing power and an out-of-mine migration. El Salvador became the first country in the world to recognize bitcoin as a national coin, and a few small countries, such as Paraguay and Panama, seem to have the same meaning.

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Anyway, there's too much news about digital money this year, and it's hard to see. So is the cow market really there? What do you think? You're welcome to leave a message in the comment area and tell me.