
资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:25 评论:0



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Liu Jia-young, an entrepreneur from the block chain, graduated from the Central School of Fine Arts last year. The art of the past & ldquao; White & rdquao; and the undisguised newcomers in the art world, unwittingly discovering that they stand on the surface of contemporary art.

今年3月,佳士得与数码交易平台Makers Place合作,以近7000万美元的价格,拍卖了艺术家Beeple的数码作品《每一天:前5000天》。基于区块链技术和非同质化代币(NFT)的艺术品,一下子成为艺术圈关注的焦点。

In March of this year, Jiast, in collaboration with the digital trading platform Makers Place, auctioned the artist Beaple's digital work, Every Day: The First 5,000 Days. Art based on block chain technology and non-consistency tokens (NFTs) became the focus of attention in the art world.

3月,刘嘉颖参加了北京UCCA Lab举办的全球首个大型加密艺术群展,5月29日,她的个展”一个小目标”在北京嘉德艺术中心开幕,主办方称,这是“全球首个有关区块链艺术及加密艺术的主题个展”。

In March, Liu Jia Yung participated in the first major global exhibition of encrypt art organized by UCCA Lab, Beijing, on 29 May, her exhibition & rdquo; a small target & rdquo; the opening of the Beijing & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & the opening of the Beijing & & & & & & & & art of block chains and encryption.


In Yomi, Liu Ka-young's mentor is the artist Xiao Jianan. In an interview with the media, Jia-An said, & ldquao; my graduate student, Liu Jia-Yung, who created a wonderful block chain, taught me a lot, told me the logic of the block chain, and I took a lot less turns. & rdquao;


In 2019, Liu Ka Yung launched a vote in Opensea using non-homogenous tokens (NFT) technology. In 2020, she created & ldquo; the Red Gold Gallery & rdquo; and her work revolved around the themes of encrypting money, credit creation, trading, etc., and valued participation and interaction.

《红与蓝》 现场图片


& rdquo; a small target & rdquo; an underline exhibition, which at first glance does not differ much from other contemporary art exhibitions. It is presented in the form of paintings, sculptures, animations, devices, etc., but through an artist's on-the-spot presentation, viewers understand that, unlike the under-line exhibition, all the works of the exhibit are based on the creation, discussion and circulation of the block chain community, and the under-line display is merely a part of them.


It was presented in the form of an image and field experience, and was Liu Jia-Ying’s first block chain experiment, using the technology of the Tetsu block chain. Artists, through the transformation of the ERC20 contract, gave more than half a million block chain users access to a digital currency that, more than a decade later, produced the first deal at the decentralised trading platform, Esther Delta.


Liu Ka Ying’s most discussed work, Red and Blue, also appeared in the exhibition in the form of a device. In September 2019, she published 100 red-to-blue chrome pieces in the Taiku and ran a year-long auction competition. Artists did not give advance notice of the meaning of the chrome, but, after a year’s wait, looked at the distribution of its value in the auction.


In 2020, Liu Jia-Yung created a series of " Voice-over Money ", based on the technology of the Tai Tao block chain, each of which is related to auctions (transactions) and has not been completed if no bids are made. The series includes " Zero dollars ", which looks like a dollar coin, but is also a non-homogenous monet for a block chain. Artists bound the symbolic zero concept to an encrypted currency, where the " Zero dollar " received nearly 3.6 bids in too currency on an encrypted art auction platform.


《TopBidder》是一件以“拍卖机制”形式呈献的艺术品,允许以太坊用户以及现场观众实时参与竞价并进行虚拟互动。它是一个基于以太坊智能合约的激进拍卖协议,协议对ERC721代币标准进行改造,为NFT增加了强制转让所有权的机制。任何竞拍者只要出价高于上一位竞标者10%,即可自动获得该NFT拥有权。这使得任何非永久占有型加密资产(Radical NFT,简称rNFT)均具备天然的自动定价机制,提高rNFT资产的流动性,从而实现价值自主权。在这个拍卖平台上,艺术品的拍卖和收藏都被颠覆。

TopBidder is an art that is presented in the form of “ auction mechanism & & rdquo; allows real-time participation in biding and virtual interaction with users and viewers in the field. It is a radical auction agreement based on an thaya smart contract that transforms the ERC721 currency standard and adds a mechanism for compulsory transfer of ownership to NFT. Any bidder can automatically acquire ownership of the NFT as long as the bid is 10% higher than the previous bidder.


Liu Ka Yung believes that the art of the block chain is more extreme, & & ldquo; it is based on a credit endorsement & & rdquo; it is more extreme than violence and power. When the art of the block chain is getting closer to forming a closed ring, with artists and works, art galleries, auction platforms, the original art world has been shaken and changed.


In & ldquao; a small target & rdquao; at the exhibition site, the first financial director visited artist Liu Ka-young.


First Economy: How do you look at your identity as an artist when you're an entrepreneur in the block chain?


At the beginning, I was exploring all kinds of media, not finding a way out of the art world, and I was very confused at the time of my second study, when I felt that I might not be an artist.


And then I put the artist thing down, and it was so easy, that I started to start from the block chain & mdash; — my favorite field & mdash; & mdash; to try again and again, to experiment. It was very valuable for me to learn a set of ways to do the art in Yomi.


After the graduation show last year, the work received good feedback, and I slowly combined the arts with the company, and I went on the road to turn the work into art by technical means.


First Economy: Are you aware of what you really want to learn about art when they're on the same track? Isn't it a big difference from what you thought when you first came to the United States?


This is a big difference. I was the first to work in my third year, and I didn't read enough. At that time, I talked to a teacher about some strange ideas, and he suggested that I go to Kanmi to study some of the best experimental art. When I first met with my teacher in Yumami, I knew nothing about art, and it was interesting that he talked to me about the Internet for four hours.




: uses block chain technology for encryption. There are several types of encryption that I'm seeing, the simplest being NFT, and there are many tools to help you, so that one key can send an image, a currency, and that's the minimum threshold, and the easiest to disseminate. My earliest work, " No one is born ", is using the bottom code of the block chain to modify the smart contract, and then triggers a series of spin-off events in the block chain world.


My understanding of block chains is not from books, but from battle. Our team has a lot of brilliant intellectual contract engineers, numerical model engineers, algorithm contract engineers, and I'm inspired in my work, and I'm creating it. The technology used in my block chain work is all about the essence of the block chain technology.


It's using the core part, not drawing an image, to symbolize something. We really do it. TopBidder, for example, I want to solve the problem of the flow of NFT art, the problem of the collection, the problem of the artist getting money for every round of work sold, so we really made an auction platform. So Mr. Li Jinhua says I'm serious, and that's what he says.



First Finance: What do you think of your & ldquao; play & rdquao;


: I interviewed two of my Tibetans who felt that nothing like this had ever happened, so they were excited. Because the blocks chain can solve problems at the code level, much deeper than ordinary art media, and much deeper intervention in society, and that's the way I think I'm good at artistic creation, not the other way around.


Yomi gave me a weapon that you need to train yourself. I had a teacher who said that you had a submachine gun on your shoulder, and you didn't need to practice a flying knife like any other student. But I didn't know that at the time. At the time of graduation, it was probably also due to the epidemic, and under pressure, I found a path that I was better at.


First Finances: Is technology and platform change an opportunity for the group of artists? Or are the paths of traditional artists narrow and even impossible?


It's hard for me to talk about other artists, and I can only talk about myself. I think that the technology of block chains is completely different from the traditional art from the world, not from the context of discussion, and that its tools, media, materials and even themes are not in the same context.


Now many artists are starting to work on a variety of block chain themes, and artists are going to find what they really love. If the block chain is not his, he can totally leave the block chain.


First Economy: The art of block chains now looks radical and even rebel. But in fact, you have to build on some of the existing artistic resources, the structure of the arts industry, whether it's a compromise or a compromise?


: when we start a business, we also think about opening a new blue sea market instead of remaining in the old Red Sea market. I think the block chain art is a new blue sea, including my collections, many of which are for the first time collections of art, they're engineers, they're cryptographers, they're mathematics, and I think they've opened a new field and market. That's interesting to me, including when they're collections, they're also used to collect too much money.


I find it interesting to combine the currency and the art circles through today's exhibition.




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