Etheria is a very hot concept in recent years, and the volume of transactions is increasing. Some friends may not know about Ether’s specific concepts and associated design principles.
What's the Etherroom?
以太坊(英文Ethereum)是一个开源的有智能合约功能的公共区块链平台,通过其专用加密货币以太币(Ether,简称“ETH”)提供去中心化的以太虚拟机(Ethereum Virtual Machine)来处理点对点合约?以太坊的概念首次在2013至2014年间由程序员Vitalik Buterin受比特币启发后提出,大意为“下一代加密货币与去中心化应用平台”,在2014年通过ICO众筹开始得以发展?
Ethereum is an open-source, smart-contracting public block chain platform that offers decentralised Etherium Virtual Machines (Ether, “ETH”) with a dedicated encrypted currency to deal with point-to-point contracts. The Etheraya concept was first introduced by programmer Vitalik Buterin, inspired by Bitcoin, to the effect that the next generation of encryption moneys and decentralized applications began to develop in 2014 through ICO crowd-sourcing.
Etheria can be used to create decentralised programs? Autonomy and smart contracts, according to the New York Times, already have dozens of available programs in May 2016. The intended application targets cover finance?
II? What are the design principles of Ethio?
1. The principle of brevity
The agreement will be as simple as possible, even at the cost of some data storage and time inefficiencies? An ordinary programmer will be able to perfect the full development statement. This will ultimately help to reduce the potential impact of the agreement on any particular individual or elite group and to advance the application of the agreement on the use of the protocol as open to all?
2? General principles
Is there no “specificity” as a fundamental part of Taiyo’s design philosophy? Instead, the Taiyu provides a well-developed script for users to construct any type of intelligent contract or transaction that can be precisely defined? To create a full-scale daemon or Skynet, you may need thousands of binding contracts and determine that it is possible to feed them generously?
3? Modularization principles
In the development process, it should be easy to allow the application layer to continue to function unaltered while making a minor change somewhere in the agreement. The development of the eBay should maximize these things to the benefit of the entire encrypt monetary ecosystem, not just itself?
4. The principle of non-discrimination
An agreement should not proactively attempt to restrict or hinder specific categories or uses, and all regulatory mechanisms in the agreement should be designed as direct regulatory hazards, and should not attempt to oppose specific undesirable applications? One could even run an unlimited circular script on a tavern, provided he was willing to pay for the step-by-step transaction costs?
III? Ethercom's function:
以太坊是一个平台,它上面提供各种模块让用户来搭建应用,如果将搭建应用比作造房子,那么以太坊就提供了墙面?屋顶?地板等模块,用户只需像搭积木一样把房子搭起来,因此在以太坊上建立应用的成本和速度都大大改善?具体来说,以太坊通过一套图灵完备的脚本语言(Ethereum Virtual Machinecode,简称EVM语言)来建立应用,它类似于汇编语言?我们知道,直接用汇编语言编程是非常痛苦的,但以太坊里的编程并不需要直接使用EVM语言,而是类似C语言?Python?Lisp等高级语言,再通过编译器转成EVM语言?
Etheria is a platform that provides a variety of modules for users to build applications, and if building applications is compared to building houses, it provides walls with walls. Rooftops, floors, etc., where users just build houses like building blocks, so the costs and speed of building applications in Etheria are greatly improved? In particular, it builds applications through a sophisticated script language (Etherium Virtual Machinecode, or EVM language) that is similar to the compilation language. We know that it is very painful to compile language programming directly, but not using EVM language, but more advanced languages like C? Python?Lisp?
The above-mentioned application on the platform is actually a contract, which is the heart of Etheria? The contract is an automatic agent living in the Etheria system. He has his own e-mail address. When the user sends a transaction to the address of the contract, the contract is activated. On the basis of the additional information in the transaction, the contract runs its own code and returns the result, which may be another transaction from the address of the contract.
What are the design principles of this paper? What are the design principles of the portal? Through this introduction, is it clearer to believe that your friends have learned more about the knowledge of the portal?
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