Encrypted currency transactions are a high-risk combination of high returns. As elsewhere, transactions have no collateral, and if someone tells you you need a bond, you should stay as far away from them as possible. However, encrypted currency transactions are a very significant #8230;

Encrypted currency transactions are a high-risk combination of high returns. As elsewhere, encrypted currency transactions have no collateral, and if someone tells you you need a bond, you should stay as far away from them as possible.
High volatility, price swings, pumping and selling, Ponzi scams, escape scams, underground transactions, and limited regulation have allowed for lucrative, encrypted currency transactions to be opened only to risk-taking, skilled and sober traders, who have reaped a great deal, especially during the cattle market. You may have heard of these events.
When there was pessimism surrounding it, people began to panic and sell the money at the same price as Venezuela , and a few experienced traders could even profit from the bear market.
This guide will tell you the most common crypto-currency transaction strategy that you can immediately apply to your transactions.

If you want to enter the country to encrypt currency transactions, it would be useful to learn about the basics of technical analysis. Although looking at charts at the beginning, drawing lines, defining key price levels seems to be rigid, they are one of the best tools available to you, and they are certainly much better than nothing.
If you have experience in trading foreign exchange and stocks, you will know what we are talking about. But, unlike foreign exchange and stocks, their key horizons and prices are much more subject to technical analysis, while crypto-currency transactions are markedly different. Prices tend to be more volatile, markets move faster, and they are more susceptible to price manipulation.
As complicated as it may seem, with the help of appropriate technical analysis, encrypted currency transactions can also offer many high-profit opportunities. If you keep your transactions and strategies smart enough to be prudent, you may enjoy and benefit from them.
Here are the tools that can support your decision-making:
- Tradingview (图表和技术分析)
- Predicoin (市场态势分析服务)
- Coinpaprika (货币指数和调研网站)
- Coinmarketcal (加密货币活动预告日历)
- Delta (投资组合追踪 App)
此外,eToro 是开始你的交易生涯的绝佳场所。eToro因其社交交易功能而知名,此外它也可以提供大量的资源、工具、指南以帮助你了解加密货币和传统交易的来龙去脉。
In addition, eToro is an excellent place to start your business career. eToro is well known for its social trading function, and it can also provide a wealth of resources, tools, guides to help you understand the context of encrypted currency and traditional transactions.
For every beginner, Hodl is a basic long-term encrypt currency-trading strategy. There is almost no trade skills and experience, and practically no one can do it.
Hodl,这个著名的叫法来源于 hold (持有) 的误拼。它是在2013年12月份 Game Kyuubi 在 Bitcointalk.org 上发布并知名的。
Hodl, the famous term is based on the misspelled hold (possession). It was published by Game Kyubi on Bitcointalk.org in December 2013.

The central principle behind Hodl’s crypto-currency transactions is to buy a potentially encrypted currency and hold it securely for the long term, i.e. to expect it to be sold later. This sales transaction can take place one year, several years, or even decades later.
为了让这种策略生效,你需要了解如何购买加密货币以及如何安全的储存它。大多数坚持持有者 (hodlers)使用诸如 paper wallets 的冷钱包或是 Ledger、 Trezor 这样的物理设备。
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