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A lot of friends consult with in the fifth batch and information chain file.


The main responsibilities of service providers are clearly defined. These include, first, the implementation of responsibility for the security management of information content. Second, the existence of technical conditions appropriate to their services. Third, the development and public management of rules and platform conventions. Fourth, the implementation of a genuine identity certification system. Fifthly, block chain information services may not be used for activities prohibited by law, administrative regulations or for the production, reproduction, publication, dissemination and disposal of information prohibited by law or administrative regulations. Sixthly, they are users of block chain information services who violate laws, administrative regulations and service agreements and are subject to disposal measures in accordance with the law.


As an emerging technology, the block chain has the characteristics of that cannot be tampered with , anonymity, etc., while providing opportunities for national development and facilitating social life, poses a certain security risk. Through integration into the field of communication, a number of outlaws are used to disseminate harmful information contrary to the law, to commit cybercriminal activities to the detriment of the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations.


Block Chain Information Services Regulations


Block chain information service management requirements


Article 9 of the Convention stipulates that, if a block chain information service provider develops new online products, applications and functions, it is required to report to the State and the Internet Information Offices of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government for a security assessment in accordance with the above-mentioned article.


Article 11 of the Block Chain Information Service Regulation provides that the block chain information service provider shall adopt it within ten working days of the date on which the service is provided.


National Internet Information Office


The system for the filing of block chain information services reports the name of the service provider, the type of service, the form of service, the application area, the server address, etc., and performs the filing process.


Qualities for auctions required by the Digital Collection, NFT platform, block chain qualifications, ICP, ED qualifications, web publishing service qualifications, information network dissemination audio-visual programme qualifications, network culture performance qualifications, network security level protection qualifications can be left a message - Yong Xin-Yanga7609


The most important qualification in this document is the block chain record. There are nearly 70 entries in the last series of blocks list with names containing digital collections.


(i) Block chain information service filing


In 2019, the National Internet Information Office issued Regulation of Block Chain Information Services, which requires online filing of information service platforms such as websites. (Web address:)


The formal implementation of the regulatory provisions marks the beginning of formal regulation of block chain information services in the country. As of May 2022, the Networking Office had published eight filings. The filing services are divided into three categories: (iii) infrastructure providers, application operators, and technology providers. These include digital collections, metacosm, and suggest that the chain services of block information systems be prepared for security level protection.


(ii) Workstations for copyright services


The digital collection platform issues sales products in accordance with the qualifications of the copyright service workstations approved by the Copyright Office or the distribution of products approved by the copyright service workstations.


Copyright service workstations can carry out publicity and training on copyright laws and regulations and related knowledge; specialized services such as copyright advice, copyright registration, dispute mediation, information services, copyright-related statistics, etc. in the region.


Qualifying conditions for copyright service workstations: necessary office space, work funds and staff who are familiar with copyright-related laws and regulations and have copyright service capabilities; more than 60 per cent of the products in industrial parks or clusters are substantively related to copyright; familiarization with copyright-related industries in their regions, providing specialized services such as copyright advice, copyright training, copyright registration, dispute mediation, information services, copyright-related statistics, etc. for enterprises in their regions and assisting enterprises in the exercise of copyright rights; accreditation by the copyright administration of their districts (municipalities) and counties and active participation in the relevant work commissioned by the copyright administration; application for the establishment of copyright service workstations at the municipal level and above.


(iii) Licence for web publishing services


The digital collection platform issues sales products, either with the qualifications of the Web Publishing Service Licence or through the sale of products published by the Web Publishing Service Licence.


The licensed services in the Internet Publishing Service Licence include: Internet audio-visual publications, Internet books, Internet newspapers, Internet magazines, mobile phone publications, Internet academic publications, Internet electronic publications, Internet text publications, Internet education publications, Internet games publications, Internet maps.


(iv) Licensing of value-added telecommunications operations


For a digital collection platform to issue a product, reference should be made to the Licence for the Operation of Value Added Telecommunications Operations. The Licence for the Operation of Value Added Telecommunications is a licence for the operation of telecommunications and information services provided through public network infrastructure. The State applies a licensing system for the operation of telecommunications operations.


(v) Licences for the operation of cybercultures


For a digital collection platform to distribute its products, reference should be made to the Licence for the Operation of Cyber Culture.


(vi) Property rights (digital) exchange


Copyright of block-chain works of the digital collection platform as a platform for the digital assetization of copyrights and the distribution and sale of securitized products shall have the qualifications of an exchange approved by the provincial government or more, or be issued by an exchange in accordance with the law.


The filing number is a sign of whether the website is legally registered and operated, and the relevant details of the ICP file are readily available on the website filing system of the Ministry of National Industry and Informatization.


In accordance with the requirements of the Regulation, block chain information service providers should indicate their filing numbers at prominent locations such as Internet sites, applications, etc. that they provide services to the outside world.


The letter office will follow up with the above-mentioned articles to monitor and check the subject of the file in accordance with the regulations and to ensure that the unrecorded subject fulfils the obligation to file as soon as possible.


Regional distribution of the fourth batch of enterprises:


According to the list, 76 of the enterprises in which the fourth batch of territorial block chain information services were located were from Beijing, while most of the remaining businesses were concentrated in Guangdong, Zhejiang and Shanghai.


In the fourth series, enterprises from 22 provinces and municipalities are listed as autonomous regions. Of these, the three largest companies, 76 in Beijing, 57 in Guangdong, and 32 in Shanghai, followed by 31 in Shanghai, and 9 in Jiangsu, are ranked fifth.


I. Process of operation of the block chain information service filing system


First, the applicant is required to provide, as the case may be, information on the subject, on the person responsible, on the service, and to record the picture of the material required, and then submit it to completion.


A response is pending from the relevant authorities within 20 working days.


The block chain information service provider that has completed the file should display its registration number on its Internet site, application and other prominent locations.


Preparations for the filing period of block chain information services


1. Preparation of materials: preparation of personal certificates/information relevant to the enterprise, such as electronic annexes on business licences, information on the ICP register, presentation of business products, company seals, statement of authenticity of material (submitted by the attached network of officers).


2. A block chain information service that registers information for the first time requires a physical name to be registered, a name, a cell phone number, a mailbox, etc., and a password to complete the file information.


III. Documentation of block chain information services


Requires submission of information on the subject of the application, on the person responsible and on the services provided:


(i) Information on the applicant


Applicants are divided into individuals and institutions. Both are required to provide: place of registration (detailed address), proof of authenticity of signed material according to the template provided by the filing system and upload scanned copies; and, if there is a website, the site on the first page of the website.


1. Individuals


Individuals are required to submit names, ID numbers, ID addresses, a detailed mailing address and upload ID scans.


2. Institutions


Institutions are required to submit unit names, unified social credit codes, certificate addresses, detailed mailing addresses and upload business licence scans.


(ii) Officer-in-charge information


This section requires the submission of names, office calls, identity cards, identification numbers, cell numbers, mailboxes and identity cards.


(iii) Service information


Information is the main part of the archive.


1. Basic information on services


The basic information required for the service includes the name of the service, the name of the website, the name of the URL/client, the official account name, the description of the service, the availability of the Information Services Authority and information prior to the start of operations.


If the content of the website needs to be published, news, etc., you need to go to the competent department to process the pre-approval documents, select the “matters requiring pre-approval” and have to upload the pre-licensed certificate scans; otherwise, select “any of the above”.


When the service manager is the same as the facilitator, check whether the service manager is different from the facilitator and write the name and contact details of the service manager.


If approved, a record number is issued. The audit is not appropriate and the reasons for the failure are explained.


2. Service content


Services are divided into three categories: infrastructure providers, application operators and technology providers.


If the name of the chain is not in the drop-down list, add the main chain to be checked.


(1) Infrastructure providers


Currently, options for the type of infrastructure provider's services provided by the filing system include “mining ponds, cloud mining and node information”, which is open to multiple options.


The above-mentioned provider is required to tick the type of service and fill in the main chain name.

(2) 应用运营商

(2) Application operators


Currently, the application operator type options offered by the filing system are “区块链信息服务备案[第五批境内区块链信息服务备案]


I trust you have a better understanding of the chain information service, thanks for your support and interest in us, following the presentation of the block chain information service and the fifth batch of the internal block information service.




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