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Many people do not yet know what money-searching software is available today, but we have one, Ouyi, two, coin, three, Beast Market, four, Balancer, five, Peaks, six, U8, seven, Ancient Springs, eight, Bione, nine, ONUB, 10, BTCBOX, which is now the only available in the country, suggesting that the use of large platforms such as EULEX be more secure.



1. .


The Euro-Iok trading platform, known as OkCoin at the inception of the first Bitcoin trading platform, is one of the most reliable existing platforms in many digital asset trading platforms, and is favoured by many users with its superior security features. Ok is one of the world-renowned digital asset trading platform, established in Malta in May 2017, which deals mainly with the provision of Bitcoin.




The network is one of the world’s well-known digital asset apps, making intra-field transactions possible through self-built digital money apps. It also connects with other localized regional French apps worldwide, targeting investors across the globe. In the face of the multiplicity of block chains, it brings together professional teams to conduct extensive investigations and research on existing block chain projects, wrapping up high-quality block chain projects into investment products, and investors need only invest in smart client service packages that include high-quality block chain projects to avoid filtering.


3. The Beast Market


It is a world-class, integrated trading platform that provides services such as off-the-shelf, futures, etc. to global users. It currently has more than 7 million users worldwide.


Currently, many countries and regions have MSB, Singapore MAS, SVGFSA, etc., financial regulatory plates that are compliant and safeguard users’ interests. The technology team comes from the Alibaba, Oracle, Google, and Financial Securities industries, with in-house leading skills.



It is also a well-established trading platform in currency circles, with a very large daily turnover, a very good overall trade depth, a consistent reputation in currency circles and a preferred currency platform for a number of high-quality projects, which is now in the frontline headlines at the international level.

不过平台早年曾经发生过大额被盗事件,曾经一度濒临破产,最后是靠着出售股权的方式才挺了过来,安全性上还有待考证。并且去年又由于Tether公司诉讼的问题受到了一定的牵连,未来 或许会面临一定的政策性风险。

But earlier in the year, the platform had been heavily stolen, once on the verge of bankruptcy, and finally survived by selling shares, with security still to be tested. And last year, with some involvement in Tether’s litigation, there may be some policy risks ahead.


At the same time, because of the emergence of new and emerging platforms, such as currency security, and the rise of the gun price, the future decline in market share has become a norm, especially in certification audits, where domestic users are not very friendly, process is very complex, users experience less, and domestic users do not recommend it than none of the country's three major advantages.


5. Peaks


The network was created in 2014 by a team of professionals in financial science and technology. Each of the three founders has extensive experience in serving large financial institutions and has accumulated 40 years of expertise in derivatives trading, real-time network applications and interfaces, and high-frequency trading system operations.



It is a trading platform created by a group of digital purple enthusiasts dedicated to block chain assets. Its headquarters, based in Tokyo, is one of the most influential platforms in the current Chinese network of apps. It consists of an integration deformation of “binary” and “finance” that means the integration of digital technology and finance.


Currency support: 99 digital currencies, including BTC, ETH, LTC, BNB, 235 matching markets, and French currency transactions.

手续费率:0.1% 交易手续费。若持有BNB,BNB抵扣手续费功能会默认开启。交易费用直接扣除BNB, 交易任何币种均享有50%折扣(暂行),即0.05%。

The transaction costs are deducted directly from the BNB, with a 50% discount (provisional) or 0.05% for any currency in which the transaction takes place.


Advantages: high security, multilayered, multi-cluster system architecture; high-performance engine technology of up to 1.4 million single-seconds; high volume of transactions; support for multi-computer end and mobile phones; multilingual support; more currency and lower transaction costs; and faster rate of currency withdrawals.


Disadvantages: Contract transactions start late and are not yet mature.




It is a web-based platform that provides trading services for Bitcoin futures and options. Established in 2016 by the CEO and based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The aim is to help users seeking specialized encrypted money futures and options trading platforms to provide services in markets that are fully mobile with the same standards as traditional derivatives markets.



It is the large digital currency application network in the United States, with a high global profile, with a combined strength fourth in the world, a high volume of transactions and a very good depth of currency transactions, followed by platform compliance and a platform for first-priced American block chain licences.


Security is in place, and there have been no currency thefts to date. The number of users is high, and the experience is very good. More than 100 countries and territories around the world are currently served.


Officially, its registered users are over 25 million and its 24-hour transaction amounts to up to $1 billion, but the network has so far been more stringent in its scrutiny of the upper currency, so that the amount of money that can be traded is small. And that is why its currency is in good depth, and its slogans are very good.



With SSL superdefence links, offline bitcoins wallets, timely block access, multi-currency address-sharing techniques, multiple security clearance protection, and reduced block chain asset transaction costs and extraction costs.


2014年成立于美国的西雅图,目前 全球排名第6位,是一家老牌的知名数字货币app官网,以安全和高著称,目前交易200多个币种,其交易也非常活跃。

Created in 2014 in Seattle, the United States, currently ranked sixth in the world, a well-known network of digital money appellators, known for their safety and high profile, currently trading more than 200 currencies, which are also very active.


Teams come from the world’s most well-known Internet technology companies, which serve well, and have been secure for so many years. They are now also the leading digital money app office in the United States, with some global visibility and influence.


In general, the application is an old-fashioned, well-known, well-traded and very active community, with a large number of fans, and a more reliable network of apps.


1. Ant coins


At the end of 17 years, it was gradually overtaken by the country’s three major networks, which, in many places, were more specialized.



Launched in February 2012, an encrypted currency and derivatives trading platform in the United States, led by Steven, a former HSBC executive, provides trading services to nearly 20 countries/areas worldwide, with more than half a million users registered to date, with business plates covering contracts, currency, OTC and property.


The platform currently supports 15 derivative trading pairs (100 times leveraged). Experienced in technical services, product design, wind control, etc., is not only the first application network to develop a stand-alone warehouse model for futures, but also an application network to provide full compensation for extraordinary losses.


Starting at the end of 2021, the global market will be fully deployed, formerly supporting the Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese versions. The platform will always build a complete trading ecosystem around the encrypt asset transactions, and will aim to provide secure, simple and extreme encrypting asset trading experiences for global encrypt asset lovers.



It is a network of applicants with the largest volume of local bitcoin transactions, and a very structured and character-oriented network of applicants, established in 2014 to date for only three currencies, BTC, ETH, BCH, which has now received two rounds of financing from the consortium and is also well known as the investor. Its founder is now also the director of the block chain association.



Headquartered in New York, it currently supports investments in BTC, ETH and Zcash and operates only in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong and Singapore.



The app network, founded by a Canadian Chinese engineer, Zhao Chang Peng, invested all its funds in Bitcoin in 2014, and became the co-founder and chief technical officer of Coin, China’s largest Bitcoin trading platform at the time. In July 2017, he created the app network and issued his own platform’s currency, Coin.


It is currently the top 10 of the world's encrypted currency net trading volume, the use of transactional interfaces for pro-people, the provision of different national languages and support for multiple currencies, and the regular addition of new currencies. Although it is not possible to do so, it is quite convenient to use bitcoin (BTC), ETH, currency and other stable currencies (USDT, USDC, TUSD, etc.) for the purchase of other encrypted currencies.



Appearances: Provides currency transactions. Established in New York, United States, in 2015, it was the first application network to apply for a New York bitcoin license.



It was created by Goldman Sachs’ former employee to fill the trading gap in Bitcoin after the closing of the door-to-door network. And the company’s founder is now the director of the block chain association.

8.DeerBit Global

是由币团队所开发,币团队于2014年推出 BitoEX, 提供个人钱包/企业应用/金融审计等数位货币解决方案。

It was developed by the Currency Team, which launched BitoEX in 2014 to provide digital currency solutions such as personal wallets/business applications/financial auditing.


The currency team is committed to promoting digital currency, working to provide customer-wide quality services and brand commitments. Our promise is to make digital currency transactions easier, easier to use, and more comprehensive.


In 2017, in response to customer and market trends, the currency team began planning and developing a virtual currency trading platform in the hope of meeting the needs of customers for faster and more economical transactions.


Currency Net


Since 2021, the network has entered the Chinese market, which has accumulated over 100,000 users over a period of several months and has generated much discussion in the Chinese-speaking communities.



It is also an old trading platform, but it has now become a three-line platform, far behind, owing to the general nature of the operation’s outreach. But the platform’s mainstream currency is still well advanced in terms of the depth of its transactions, it has so far not opened up a large security gap, it is good in terms of the speed and security of the transactions alone, and it is possible to participate in the event of a modest amount of money.


III. Definition and History of Virtual Currency


Virtual currency is a cryptology-based currency that uses distributed booking techniques (block chains) to record transactions and ensure their security and traceability. The first virtual currency was Bitcoin, which was created in 2009 by an anonymous developer (or development team). Bitcoin uses point-to-point trading, with no central bank or government agency to regulate its issuance and transactions. Bitcoin’s invention breaks the shackles of the traditional monetary system and lays the foundation for the emergence of digital money.


IV. Status of virtual currency


In addition, an increasing number of companies and institutions have begun to accept virtual currency as a legitimate mode of payment. These companies include SAP in Germany, the SBI Group in Japan, and PayPal in the United States.


Disclaimer: articles on the website come from the Web, provide display services only, do not guarantee the authenticity of the content, trade carefully! If a transaction is made, the net is responsible for all the consequences.




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