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OKX was established in 2014 and received millions of dollars in investment from leading companies. Its solid foundation attracted the best technology and business experts around the world, enabling OKX to provide secure, stable and reliable trading services via the Internet. Today, OKX serves millions of users in more than 100 companies.


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OKX was founded by Xu Star, also known as Xu Sing, while OKX's CEO was Hao Jie. 2 Jb buys plus agents, brush their faces, register their invitation numbers, phone POS


OKX uses block chains to construct financial ecology to remove financial barriers, develop the global economy, and make the world a better place. It constantly innovates and improves user experiences so that everyone can use encrypted currency transactions and investments. 在 OKX 上使用 USDTa 和 USDCa 进行存款和取款的分步指南2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

SDDTA and USDCa's step-by-step guide to deposit and withdrawal on OKX 2 Jb's grand buying agent plus, face-painting, registration invitation code, mobile phone POS

去中心化金融的持续扩张和最近对不可替代代币的主流关注已经对以太坊区块链产生了相当大的需求并导致拥塞。当前的费用结构意味着当网络拥塞时交易成本会增加。这使得在以太坊上与 USDT 和 USDC 等稳定币进行交易相当昂贵。2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

The continued expansion of decentralized finance and the recent mainstream concern about irreplaceable tokens have created a considerable demand for and caused congestion in the Etherkom block chain. The current cost structure means that transaction costs will increase when network congestion occurs. This makes transactions with stable currencies such as USDT and USDC in Etheria quite expensive.

各种区块链试图为此提供解决方案,其中之一是 Algorand,这是一种具有“纯权益证明”共识算法和高性能双层实现的区块链。2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

a variety of block chains attempt to provide a solution to this problem, including Algorand, a block chain with “ pure equity certificate & & rdquo; consensus algorithms and high performance double-level realization. 2Jb major purchasing agent plus, face brushing, registration invitation code, mobile phone POS

为了满足高效稳定币交易的需求,OKX 现在支持Algorand 稳定币交易。这意味着 OKX 用户在使用基于 Algorand 的稳定币 USDTa 和 USDCa 时可以利用低费用和更快的结算时间。2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

To meet the need to stabilize currency transactions efficiently, OKX now supports Algorand to stabilize currency transactions. This means that OKX users can use low-cost and faster settlement times when using Algoran-based stabilizers USDTA and USDCa. 在本教程中,我们将准确解释如何在您的 OKX 账户中进行 USDTa 和 USDCa 存款和取款。2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

In the course, we will explain exactly how USDTa and USDCa deposits and withdrawals can be made in your OKX account.

以下指南假定您已经在 OKX 拥有一个帐户。如果您不这样做,只需单击主页上的注册即可在几分钟内创建一个。我们还向我们的新用户提供价值 10 美元的免费加密货币。2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

the following guide assumes that you already have an account in OKX. If you do not do this, just click on the registration on the home page to create it in a few minutes. We also provide our new user with a free encrypted currency worth $10.

登录您的 OKX 账户并导航到OKX 主页右上角的资产。点击存款继续。2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

log into your OKX account and navigate to the top right corner of the OKX homepage. Click on deposit to continue. 在存款部分,单击选择货币以打开 OKX 支持的数百种加密货币的下拉列表。选择USDT或USDC。2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

in the deposit section, click the currency to open the list of downs and downs of hundreds of encrypted currencies supported by OKX. Select either USDT or USDC.


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或者,在“选择货币”选项下方的“热门选择”中查找USDT或USDC 。2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

or, in “ Select currency & rdquo; &ldquo under option; Hot selection & rdquo; Find USDT or USDC. 2Jb shopping agent, face-painting, registration invitation code, cell phone POS


from the second drop-down list, choose USDT-ALGO or USDC-ALGO, and then click Continue.

在使用加密货币进行交易时,不同网络上的资产地址可能看起来非常相似。OKX 会弹出一个弹出窗口,提醒您请求存款地址的加密货币,建议您仔细检查所有详细信息。试图将数字资产发送到错误的地址或网络可能会导致资金永久损失。2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

The asset addresses on different networks may look very similar when dealing with encrypted currency. OKX pops up a pop-up window and reminds you to ask for the encrypted currency of the deposit address and suggests that you carefully check all details. Attempting to send digital assets to the wrong address or network may result in a permanent loss of money.


to confirm that you understand this, click on me. 2Jb buys plus agent, brushes the face, registers the invitation code, cell phone POS

要完成您的存款,您必须选择您希望 USDC 或 USDT 到达哪个 OKX 账户。通过“存款至”下拉列表执行此操作。2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

to complete your deposit, you must select which OKX accounts you want USDC or USDT to reach. This operation is done by “ deposit to ” drop down list.

接下来,复制存款地址并将其粘贴到您的 Algorand 钱包的收件人地址字段中。或者,您可以使用提供的二维码。2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

, copy the deposit address and paste it to the recipient's address field of your Algoran wallet. Alternatively, you can use the two-dimensional code provided.

输入您要存入 OKX 账户的 USDTa 或 USDCa 金额,并仔细检查输入的地址是否与我们提供的地址相符。最后,发送您的交易。2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

Enter the amount of USDTa or USDCa that you want to deposit into the OKX account and check carefully whether the address entered corresponds to the address we provided. Finally, send your transaction. 您的 USDTa 或 USDCa 应该会在几秒钟内到达您的 OKX 账户。2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

Your USDTa or USDCa should reach your OKX account in a few seconds. 2Jb buys plus agent, brush face, register invitation number, cell phone POS


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登录您的 OKX 帐户并单击资产,然后单击提款。2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

log into your OKX account and click on assets, and then click to draw. 2 Jb buys plus agents, brush face payments, register invitation numbers, mobile phone POS

在取款部分,点击选择货币,然后从下拉列表中 选择USDT或USDC 。2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

in the withdrawal section, click to select the currency and then drop the list from   select the USDT or USDC.

您还可以在“选择货币”选项下方的“热门选择”中查找 USDT 或 USDC。2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

You can also buy plus agents at “ select currency & rdquo; & & & rdquao under option; hotly choose ” find USDT or USDC in 2Jb.


Note: If this is your first withdrawal, you may need to add additional security to your account. For more information, please refer to the end of this curriculum.


click “ withdrawal method & rdquo; drop-down list below. Select a withdrawal from the chain or choose an internal direct transfer of funds to a supported account.

如果进行内部转账,请输入收款平台、收款账户详细信息以及您要发送的 USDT/USDC 金额。点击继续完成交易。2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

In case of internal transfers, enter the payout platform, details of the collection account and the amount of USDT/USDC you want to send. Click to continue the transaction.

如果您通过 Algorand 区块链提款,请从可用提款网络的下拉列表中选择 USDT -ALGO或USDC-ALGO。接下来,单击继续。2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

If you draw through the Algorand block chain, select the USDT -ALGO or USDC-ALGO from the drop-down list of available withdrawal networks. Next, click to continue.

在以下屏幕上,在地址字段中输入收件人 Algorand 地址。输入您要提取的 USDT 或 USDC 的数量,然后点击继续。2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

enters the recipient Algorand address in the address field. Enter the number of USDTs or USDCs you want to extract, and then click to continue.

在我们完成您的提款之前,我们要求您通过几项安全检查。输入提示时发送给您的六位数 SMS 和电子邮件安全代码。2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

. You are required to pass several security checks before we complete your withdrawal. Send your six-digit SMS and e-mail security code when you enter the tip. span style="display:non"2Jb buys plus agent, brush face, register invitation number, mobile POS


, you will soon see your money in your wallet.


to ensure that your funds deposited with us remain absolutely secure, we ask our users to put in place additional security measures for their accounts. This includes additional password and text message verification checks.

首次提款时,您可能会看到一个弹出窗口,要求您完成这些空头步骤。要设置双重身份验证,只需在出现提示时输入您的电话号码。您将收到一条带有六位数代码的 SMS 消息。将代码复制并粘贴或键入到必填字段中。2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

you may see a pop-up window that requires you to complete these empty steps at the time of the first withdrawal. To set up a double identification, just enter your phone number when you have a hint. You will receive a SMS message with a six-digit code. Copy the code and paste or type it into the required field. 2Jb buys the Plus agent, brushes face, registers invitation code, cell phone POS

为确认是您提出此请求,OKX 将通过电子邮件向您发送第二个六位数代码。出现提示时在相关框中输入。2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

to confirm that this is your request, OKX will send you a second six-digit code via e-mail. Enter it in the relevant box when a hint appears.


Finally, you need to set a second password, which we will ask you to enter when you withdraw the funds. Enter the strong password and wait for the SMS authentication code. Enter the code when the hint is completed.


OKX provides a secure, secure and stable environment for encrypted currency transactions via web and mobile applications. User accounts are protected using global server load balances, distributed clusters, etc. 2Jb grand purchase agent plus, face-paint payment, registration invitation number, mobile POS


OKX excellent security is based on core private key encryption algorithms and cold wallet technology. The team has advanced privacy encryption techniques that support factor authentication, security settings and cell phone authentication codes, mailbox authentication codes, etc. 虽然加密货币交易所已经采取了安全措施,但不能完全保证用户的资金安全。除了将资金存入中心化的加密货币交易所,用户还可以选择将资金转移到信誉良好的钱包以降低风险。但是,每种方法都存在一定的风险,用户需要根据自己的具体情况进行比较和选择最合适的方法。2Jb大嘉购plus代理招商,刷脸支付,注册邀请码,手机POS

Although security measures have been put in place for an encrypted currency exchange, it is not possible to guarantee the financial security of the user entirely. In addition to depositing the funds in a centralized, encrypted currency exchange, the user may choose to transfer the funds to a reputable wallet to reduce the risk. However, there are certain risks in each method, and the user needs to compare and choose the most appropriate method according to its particular circumstances.




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