肩负网信使命任务 铸就区块链网络安全防护盾

资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:21 评论:0



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Recently, the National Workshop on Cybersecurity and Informatization was held in Kyoto. The directive placed a strong emphasis on the mission of the Network “to bring people together, to protect them from risk, to govern them well, to increase their energy for development and to work together to win” and defined the key principles of “ten adherences”, raised the regularity of the Network to a new level, and asked for it, providing operational guidelines for the building of a new era of network power.


Cyber security and informatization are vital for the long-term sustainability of the country, for the sustainable development of the economy and society, and for the well-being of the population. Building a strong cyber-state that addresses both cybersecurity and informs development. There is no national security without cybersecurity, and there is no modernization without information.


In recent years, the digital transformation has been the central theme of the future development of the world’s thousands of businesses, and the booming digital economy has also led to the exacerbation of new cybersecurity risks. The release of data from international authoritative platforms has led to an unprecedented security threat to the world’s network environment in 2022, and the situation is deteriorating further.


Sustainable and high-quality development of the digital economy is underpinned by new infrastructure, such as block chain technology. As the block chain is increasingly recognized for its value in many areas, the cybersecurity implications of its application are becoming increasingly evident, especially in the area of crypto-currency.


As a bottom-of-the-system support, while many security control technologies, such as block chain cryptography, distributed storage, operate as core principles, there are security gaps of their own, and security incidents, such as data leaks, financial losses, and system malfunctions, persist. In addition to technological risks, the centralization of block chains, anonymity, non-frozenness, and borderless features also provide a powerful “protective umbrella” for illegal activities, such as cybercrime, while effectively protecting user privacy and providing easy access to users.

  据中科链源SAFEIS安全研究院《2022年区块链安全白皮书》数据统计显示,2022年全球区块链安全事件中,涉事金额超过 10 万美元的事件多达204起。其中,漏洞攻击事件59 起,Rug Pull事件54 起,闪电贷攻击事件21起,涉虚拟币案件18起,数据泄露攻击事件14起,钓鱼攻击事件10起,加密骗局事件8起,前端攻击事件5起,价格操纵攻击事件4起,预言机攻击事件3起,套利攻击事件3起,重大崩盘事件2起,治理攻击事件2起,病毒攻击事件1起。

According to SAFEIS Security Research Institute White Paper 2022, as many as 204 incidents involving more than $100,000 in global block chain security incidents in 2022 were recorded. Of these, 59 were leaked attacks, 54 were Rug Pull incidents, 21 were flash loan attacks, 18 were cases involving virtual currency, 14 were leaked attacks, 10 were fishing attacks, 8 were encryption scams, 5 were front-end attacks, 4 were price-fixing attacks, 3 were forecast machine attacks, 3 were arbitrage attacks, 2 were major crashes, 2 were managed attacks and 1 was viral attacks.

  2022年,全球区块链安全事件涉事总金额超过753亿美元,其中,重大崩盘事件超过600亿美元,涉虚拟货币案件约为112亿美元,漏洞攻击事件约24亿美元,数据泄漏攻击事件约8亿美元,加密骗局事件约3.4亿美元,闪电贷攻击事件约2.6亿美元,价格操纵攻击事件约1.3亿美元,Rug Pull事件约7684万美元,预言机攻击事件约 3736 万美元,套利攻击事件约1015万美元,钓鱼攻击事件约1110万美元,前端攻击事件约495万美元,治理攻击事件约220万美元,病毒攻击事件约120万美元。

In 2022, global block chain security incidents totalled over $75.3 billion, with major crashes exceeding $60 billion, virtual currency-related cases amounting to approximately $11.2 billion, porous attacks amounting to approximately $2.4 billion, data leak attacks amounting to approximately $800 million, encryption scams amounting to $340 million, flashlight attacks amounting to some $260 million, price manipulation attacks amounting to some $130 million, Rug Pull incidents amounting to approximately $76.84 million, predictive attacks amounting to approximately $37.36 million, arbitrage attacks amounting to approximately $10.15 million, fishing attacks amounting to approximately $4.1 million, front-end attacks amounting to $4.95 million, management attacks amounting to approximately $2.2 million, and viral attacks amounting to approximately $1.2 million.


In the context of the detection of the “virtual currency-related cases”, which account for the highest percentage of funds involved, the Hubei Gate, the national “virtual currency case” was successfully solved during the month alone. The case involving virtual currency cross-border gambling involved 400 billion yuan and over 50,000 people; Shanxi Jin City, the police successfully solved a case involving virtual currency money-laundering fraud and captured 21 suspects, with assets of more than 54.8 million USDT, corresponding to about 380 million yuan; Hong Kong police successfully dismantled the virtual currency-related cross-border money-laundering group, involving more than 100 million yuan; it is evident that money-laundering, fraud, distribution, net bets continue to be one of the four most common and most dangerous forms of virtual currency crime of this year.


The industry’s high-quality development presupposes that effective security measures and solutions are needed on the path to technological and innovation applications in order to avoid rapid growth, uncontrolled growth, exploitation in bad faith, and serious impacts and hazards on cybersecurity. In human society’s development, technological change brings with it a “double-edged sword” effect, and that technological innovation and hidden risks are mutually reinforcing. Cyber security requires universal participation, greater national responsibility, prevention, full protection of technological well-being, and the building of a community of destiny in cyberspace, contributing every element to the building of a secure network of powerful nations.




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