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On May 22, British local time, Chan Zhimin appeared before a court in London, and is expected to stand trial in England on October 21st, 2024. She is also the prime suspect in a case involving the illegal absorption of public deposits in China, involving over 40.2 billion yuan.

  在英国及欧洲等地游走,钱志敏摇身一变成张亚迪(音译,Yadi Zhang),持有的是张亚迪的圣基茨和尼维斯联邦(Saint Kitts and Nevis)护照,但这个新的身份并未让钱志敏“金蝉脱壳”。

In such places as the United Kingdom and Europe, Money Chi Min moved into Yadi Zhang, holding the Saint Kitts and Nevis Federation passport of Zhang Yadi, but this new identity did not “get out of the shell”.

  张亚迪只是钱志敏众多身份中的一个。《财经》记者了解到,这个自2015年左右声称因车祸腿部受伤的46岁女人,拥有多个身份:在英国,钱志敏声称过去20多年在全球从事珠宝贸易。钱志敏以南银(音译,Nan Yin)名义获得一本假的缅甸护照。在中国时,钱志敏是前述非吸案所涉公司,即天津蓝天格锐电子科技有限公司(下称“蓝天格锐”)的实际控制人。她的真实姓名藏于背后,对外自称“花花”“花姐”,在英国昵称变成“Rose”等。为了遮蔽脸部,钱志敏与投资者见面时戴粉色面纱、假面舞会的面具,在这些场合她大讲投资理财、虚拟货币,打造蓝天格锐走在科技前沿和投资有道的形象,向投资者传达财富梦想触手可及,“格锐给你三世富贵”。

In China, he was the actual controller of the non-smoking companies mentioned above, namely the Blue Sky Gear Technology Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Blue Sky Gear). Her real name was hidden behind her, calling herself the Flowers, turning it into Rose and others in Britain. In order to cover her face, she was wearing a pink veil and mask for meeting with investors in order to cover her face, and on those occasions, she was talking about investing in money, virtual money, and building a blue skygreath in the front of science and technology and investment.


After a sharp explosion in Blue Shige, he disappeared. Chinese justice found that the Blue Shige case involved $40.2 billion in non-smoking, and that several of his associates were sentenced.

  在中国警方对钱志敏发布红色通报,开展全球追捕时,钱志敏再次冒险——尝试兑换比特币变现,并试图把比特币兑换成资金转进银行账户用于在英国等地购买高价值房产。这一过程,借由充当“前台”或助理的温简(音译,Jian Wen)实施,温简是一名前中式外卖店员工。

When the Chinese police issued a red notice to Quan Zhimin for global pursuits, he once again took the risk – trying to convert bitcoin into cash, and trying to convert bitcoin into a bank account for the purchase of high-value properties in places such as the United Kingdom. This process was carried out by Win-Jian Wen, a former Chinese shop employee who worked as a “front desk” or assistant.


The purchase of a house in the United Kingdom led to an investigation by the London police because it was unable to account for the true origin of the money. The London police seized a number of electronic devices during searches for premises rented by Win-Jen and Quan Zhi-min. The investigation and tracing contained multiple digital wallets, which resulted in the seizure of more than 61,000 bitcoins. At the end of May 2024, a bitcoin was over $70,000, so that the value of the seized bitcoin was over £3 billion.


On May 24, local British time, Win-Jean was sentenced to 80 months in prison by a British court for his involvement in money-laundering offences. The Win-Jin judgement mentioned that the case was related to a large-scale investment fraud committed in China between 2014 and 1017, involving over $40 billion, involving 128,000 investors. Part of the proceeds of this investment fraud were replaced with Bitcoin, installed in an encrypted currency wallet, and smuggled out of China using laptops.


At the time of Winjan’s arrest, he disappeared again, but recently arrived. According to media reports, after returning to London in April of this year, he was detained on charges of acquiring, using or possessing an encrypted currency, a criminal property in London and elsewhere in the United Kingdom, and is currently charged with two counts of illegal possession of an encrypted currency.


On 16 May 2024, the Directorate of Public Security of Tianjin City, Hedong Division, issued a circular stating that international recovery and recovery collaboration with United Kingdom law enforcement agencies, among others, continued through international law enforcement cooperation channels.


"She really bought us bitcoin?"


In March 2024, Xu Xu Xi, when he noted the image of Yadi in Wenchen’s report, asserted that Xu Xu Xi had previously invested in the blue skygreath of property, that the money had not returned, and that after the blue skygreath of thunder, she and some investors had been able to communicate with the relevant authorities in order to know the true identity of the flowers.


Xu Xu, who has retired, invests in seven items of intellectual property in Blue Sky Gear, some of which are related to Bitcoin. The Blue Sky Gear was established in March 2014 and operates openly on services such as electronics research and development, web-based technology technology technology technology development and consultancy, without the qualifications to sell the products of intellectual property, but the company designed 10 items of intellectual property.


Since the mysterious birth of Bitcoin in 2009, it has become a subversive digital currency because of its centralization, anonymity, scarcity, and the fact that it can be traded and paid online, with low-cost and rapid cross-border payments. One year before its establishment, in 2013, Bitcoin entered the wider Chinese public’s horizon, with Chinese buyers appearing at the end of 2013, breaking the price of Bitcoin from hundreds of dollars to $1,000.


In December 2013, in order to protect against the risk of money-laundering and to maintain financial stability, the People's Bank of China, among others, issued a Circular on Protection against the Risk of Bitcoin, which makes it clear that bitcoin is not a real currency and cannot and should not circulate on the market as a legal currency. At the same time, it was explicitly stated that financial institutions and payment agencies should not price Bitcoin for their products or services, should not cover the insurance operations associated with bitcoin or include bitcoin in their insurance liability.


After the Blue Sky Gear was established, it quickly hit the tide of virtual currency, such as Bitcoin. The Blue Sky Gear's BLIF number 1 (hereinafter “Digital Insurance No. 1”), each marked by three bitcoins at a total value of $24,000 per day during the two-year period in which it was requisitioned, received a return of $24,000 for two years, while at the end of the two-year period, a valuable asset package worth $36,000 was given to pay off virtual currency, such as Bitcoin and Dotco. In presenting the product, the external claim was that the appreciation of digital currency had great potential, that specialized custodian services and socialization collaboration were important, and that BLIC was the only insurance company in the world that provided property insurance for digital money, with 10 copies in the Cayman Islands, i.e., that she had purchased 30 bitcoins.


In Chongqing, Jung-jian and his old companions also bought digital insurance number one and ordered more than 10 bits of bitcoins. Zheng-jung told the financial press that at the time, he was not familiar with the use of the coin by older investors and placed it under the blue sky to guarantee high returns.


At 59 years of age, Zheng Jianxian claimed that he and his wife began investing in the Blue Sky Gear products in 2016, and that the Blue Sky Gear products kept up with the hot spots. For example, the Blue Shirts claimed to be autonomous in the development of the first line of smart-dressing equipment, the possession of supercomputers to dig bitcoins, the statutory representative of the company was rated as the best-faith entrepreneur, and this led Zheng Jian and many senior and middle-aged investors to believe that the company was powerful. In order to attract investors, the Blue Sky Gear organizations held meetings and visits, and so forth, they also issued a propaganda phrase, “You give Gertruge three years, you give Gore three years, you are rich.”


It is also known that a small number of investors have been organized to visit and travel to the United Kingdom and claim to be registered with a branch in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


For example, in the Bitcoin project, a insurance policy of 24,000 yuan, a daily value added of 0.3 per day of work, and a bonus of 72 dollars for every working day of work. As a result, there has been a gradual increase in investment by the Zheng Jian couple, as well as some money borrowed.


In Tianjin, Li Min was also suffering from a hard investment in Blue Sky Gear. In 2015, Li was looking at his house and buying it, with money in his hand, he could not help his classmates to persuade him to invest in blue sky hard products.


Lemin bought four items of property, of which 10 related to Bitcoin, and the salesmen persuaded him to “buy 5 to one.” Li bought 5 items in each case for a total cost of $240,000, which means that Li bought more than 30 bitcoins. On 21 May 2024, Bitcoin first broke the $70,000 threshold (about $500,000).


In spring 2017, Li went to Jiangsu Province to attend the Blue Sky Gear promotion. Li recalled that she only saw flowers once, that they were a little fat, that they were wearing yellow mask for the prom, that they had bought bitcoin, and that they had already sold part of it, “it's for money, and let investors rest assured that the later purchases will be appreciated.”


After the sharpness of the Blue Sky Gear, investors dream of wealth. The self-proclaimed loss of millions of dollars, a review of the financial situation seven or eight years before and after the crime, and the increasingly dramatic reality of the Blue Sky Gear, sighing as if it were a "dream."


Many of the people who were sucked into the Blue Sky Gear investment in the black hole are the elderly, and Wang Sam has not been aware for a long time of the exact amount of her mother-in-law’s investment in Blue Tight. Wang Sam claims that after her mother-in-law’s investment was damaged, she began to be afraid to tell her family, and only gradually revealed some information since 2023, losing two generations of her family’s savings, but the elderly are afraid to even call the police.


According to Wang Sam, older people in the family have been on a field trip to the “mines” in the blue sky, where equipment is in place, and are known to be supercomputers that can quickly dig money. Because of the amount invested, older people are given the opportunity to see flowers, who claim to be a Ph.D., have extensive experience in financial wind management and talk about the company’s future and vision.


In recent days, Wang Xian has started to collate relevant information and is looking for ways to claim damages. She asks the financial reporter, "Did she really buy us bitcoin?"


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}It's crazy to suck gold.


In July 2017, Zheng Jian et al. discovered that the proceeds were no longer on the books, and the relevant authorities stopped returning funds on the pretext that they were being reshuffled. Indeed, on 21 April 2017, the Hedong Division of the Public Security Bureau of Tianjin City opened an investigation into a case involving the illegal absorption of public deposits.

  但蓝天格锐这个平台像一艘巨轮一样,层层销售并没有立刻“刹车”。据有关蓝天格锐的司法判决显示,2017年4月,在河南省滑县,一名被告人在发展投资人过程中建立比特币社群,并在当年5月和6月,仍在组织产品推介会,宣传蓝天格锐 “嘉年华”“数字保险一号”“数字保险二号”“智能招商”“生命环招商”等委托理财产品,分享投资收益心得,宣扬承诺零风险、高回报返息。

But this platform, like a giant ship, does not immediately “brain” sales. According to a judicial decision on Blue Tight, in April 2017, in Henan Province, a defendant established a Bitcoin community in the process of developing investors, and in May and June of the same year, a product promotion conference was organized to promote entrusted property, such as the Digital Insurance No. 1 “Digital Insurance No. 2” “Intelligent Motor for Life”, to share the return of investment gains and promise zero risk and high returns.


In June 2019, the Hedong Division of the Public Security Bureau of Tianjin City informed that, since the opening of the investigation into the case involving the illegal absorption of public deposits, the public security organs had stepped up their efforts to organize the investigation of the case. To date, 50 suspects such as Jiangtao, the company's statutory representative, have been arrested, 28 of whom have been transferred for review and prosecution.


Since 2019, the persons involved in the Blue Shigere case have been tried and sentenced. The court found that the company was registered in the name of Xian Zhimin and changed its legal representative to Jiangtao in June 2014.


A number of judicial instruments in the Blue Ribbon case series have found that Chan Chi Minh recruited Jiangtao et al. and, under the name of Blue Ribbon, launched nationwide 10 issues of property management, such as “Blue Sky One” and “Blue Sky Two” and “Incentive Customer Service Centre for Life” and “Intelligent Service Enterprise Scheme”, as baited by promises of debt service, high returns, public outreach to society through the organization of property promotions, distribution of promotional materials and investment in the circulation of the population, and the absorption of funds through agreements with the undefined public on investment in property.


According to the report, many products attract more customers by means of liferings, haze cleaners, purifiers, and bitcoin. In the case of liferings, the finance journalist learned from the judgement in the case of Blue Tighten's principals that a witness mentioned the establishment of more than 200 life kiosks throughout the country, with almost $7 million a month in losses in almost every client centre.


Many of the blue sky's products contain virtual currency, such as bitcoin. For example, the Digital 2 project invests $38,000, with a daily value increase of $110, the contract duration is 24 months, the contract expires with an additional $38,000 digital asset package, including Bitcoin, Dotcoco, Leitco, and the brochure says that “the combined two-year gain is about $96,000!”


From April 2014 to August 2017, according to judicial findings, the total amount of illegally absorbed funds was over 40,228 million yuan, which was under the control of Money Chimin. Of this amount, over $34,118 million was spent on the return of over 128,000 fund-raising participants, over $336.7 million was spent on the day-to-day expenses of companies and on the operation of projects, while the remainder was spent on the purchase of property, jewellery, automobiles, etc. After the incident, the public security organs pursued the money, seized a sum of funds, real estate, vehicles, etc., and the assets in question were frozen in accordance with the law, frozen over $1.8 billion, seized over $500 million in cash, seized jewellery, gold bars, motor vehicles, etc., and seized the property in question.


In September 2021, Jiangtao, the legal representative of the Blue Shigere, was sentenced to 10 years' imprisonment for illegally absorbing public deposits. After the incident, he claimed that he had learned to pay money Chi-min by playing online, because he was fully subject to the command of Money Chi-min in the game, and that he was “but actually only named”. To raise its visibility, the company purchased the title of a Chinese business honest leader.


In Jingtao's statement, he and Jin Zhimin agreed to work for three years, and to pay him $1 million and another $30,000 per month, but in fact to reach only 12,000 to 15,000 yuan per month, and stopped for more than a year.


The Blue Sky Gear did dig bitcoins. According to the Mantao story, the company's business included the “mining” business. He was responsible for the maintenance of the “mining mines” and the miner, whose mine started digging bitcoins, and later the machine became obsolete, and another virtual currency, the Dotco, was dug up, and the virtual coins were transferred to him on an irregular basis.


Another person in charge of the “mines” confirmed that in June 2014, at a factory in Nansha District, Guangzhou City, the site had entered about 1,000 mining machines, which, after being deactivated, became operational in July, and were taken away by people sent by Jiangtao in March 2015, shortly after bringing in an old mine machine, which was never used. There was also a mine in the northern Tianjin district. They all said that it was not clear how much bitcot had been dug up.


According to an audit in the Blue Sky Gear case, the Blue Sky Gear was used to purchase $1.14 billion in bitcoins. Financial Reporters enquired about the public price of bitcoins, which fluctuated between $310 and $3,000 between April 2014 and July 2017. According to Finance Reporters, the amount of 61,000 bitcoins seized by the United Kingdom, a small amount of which came from “mining”, mostly through the transaction.


The mysterious cross-border adventure of flowers


After the sharpness of the Blue Shige case, “flowing” Money Chi-min escaped.


According to China’s judicial documents, he has been in love with Zhao Zhifeng since April 2014. In February 2017, he offered to allow Zhao Chi Fung to help him cross the border and then, with Zhao’s help, to cross the border.

  温简案的英国司法文件则显示,离开中国后,钱志敏以南银(音译,Nan Yin)名义获得一本假的缅甸护照。2017年9月16日,钱志敏入境英国时,持有的是张亚迪的圣基茨和尼维斯联邦护照,后者在2017年6月17日刚成为圣基茨和尼维斯联邦公民。该护照持有者享有英国、加拿大等150多个国家和地区的免签或落地签待遇,投资至少15万美元即可入籍获得。

On September 16, 2017, when he entered the United Kingdom, he was in possession of a St. Kitts and Nevis federal passport, which he had just become a citizen of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis on June 17, 2017. The holder of the passport enjoyed a visa-free or landing status for more than 150 countries and territories, including the United Kingdom and Canada, and invested at least $150,000 in naturalization.


On 1 November 2017, Jiangtao and his girlfriend were arrested in Vientiane, Laos. A man close to Jiangtao and his girlfriend told the finance journalist that the company had arranged his departure.


In his testimony, Jiangtao also stated, when agreeing to represent his approach, that if the company was in need of him, the flower would find a way to “grave” him.


In 2016, Chan Chimin was referred to as Wu Xiaolong, the manager-in-chief of the Blue Tianqing River. The relevant judicial documents show that in August 2016, Wu Xiaolong, the then Director-General of the Linghai Public Security Department, was taken away by the relevant authorities in Linghai, Liaoning Province, for suspicion of illegally absorbing public deposits. Fan, who was then Deputy Secretary and Deputy Manager of the Linghai Water Company, was found and promised huge benefits. In April 2023, Wu was arrested again for illegally absorbing public deposits in November 2022.


In the blue sky, flowers create a low profile and a mysterious image. Many managers in the blue sky say they don't know the true identity of flowers, and others say that “the director of the company is a woman called flowers”.


A number of investors told Fashion journalists that, after their escape, many investors became aware of the true identity of the flowers, known as Flowers, Money Chi-min, 46 years old, Jiangsu, and ordinary people. Previously, at the Flowers presentation, “Flowers” wore masks, masks, and investors were not allowed to carry mobile phones, subject to security checks. “Flowers” claimed that they graduated from school, Drs. Double, and knew the financial world.


Flowers fled and entered the United Kingdom on 16 September 2017, turning into Zhang Yadi, born in 1990. Less than a week after their arrival in the United Kingdom, links were established with Gen-Jian, who had previously worked in a Chinese take-out restaurant.


In May 2017, Win-Jean was looking for jobs in a town in Leeds and Nanjok County. In summer 2017, Win-Jean moved to London, where he first lived in the basement below the restaurant. Soon, the moment of change came.


On September 21, 2017, Win-Jean e-mailed him as his personal assistant, looking for a place to rent, and said that the tenant included flowers and her boyfriend and herself. In his introduction, the flower was a successful jeweler, dealing in diamonds, antiques, etc., in Japan, Thailand, China, and so forth, hoping to expand his business in the United Kingdom and Switzerland.


In October 2017, Win-Jean and Flowers moved together to Hampshire, a wealthy area north-west of London, to live in a mansion worth nearly £5 million (approximately £40 million) with six bedrooms with a monthly rent of £17,000. The lease agreement shows that Gen-Yin and Flowers are co-tenants.


One year later, on October 31, 2018, the mansion rented by Hempster Wendell and Flowers was searched for the first time by the London police. An anti-money laundering investigation was initiated by the London police when Win-Jen tried to purchase a property worth ten million pounds in bitcoin and could not prove its origin. The London police raided and searched in a bedroom upstairs. Hein-Jin explained to the police that the flower was injured in the leg of an accident and could not go downstairs. She was a flower carer and interpreter.


In August 2020, the British police searched the Hampshire house again. This time, he was absent and unknown.


Bitcoin Money Laundering


Having learned from the flowers, a gentle life can be changed, with attendant risks.


From 2016 to 2020, Win-Jean’s declared income to the United Kingdom’s tax authorities showed that in 2016, moderate income did not exceed £6,000, zero income in 2017, and there was no employment record in 2018. But there have been a lot of changes in life since Win-Jen and Jin-Sung-min co-leased.

  2017年9月24日,名为“YA Zhang”的女士在伦敦奢侈品百货哈罗德(Harrods)开设会员账号,次月账号信息更换为温简。该会员账户开设约满3个月时,购买的多件女性名牌服装、鞋子等,花费已达9.2万英镑。2018年1月,温简以2.4万余英镑购入一辆梅赛德斯奔驰汽车。随后,温简单独或与“花花”一起频繁出国旅行。温简与“花花”一同出境英国时,会避开与中国签订引渡条约的国家。温简还曾在英国之外的其他国家,兑换小额的比特币,并与他人联系探索加密货币的交易方式。

On September 24, 2017, a woman named “YA Zhang” opened a membership account in London with Harrods for luxury goods, and the next month's account number was changed to Gen-Jian. When the account was opened for about three months, she purchased several women's branded clothes, shoes, etc., at a cost of £92,000. In January 2018, Win-Jian purchased a Mercedes Mercedes vehicle for more than £24,000.


Attempts to use bitcoin to purchase high-value properties in London are a way of trying to deal with bitcoins in a warm and flowering manner. In November 2017, Winjan found London’s real estate agent looking for a source of a house to sell. In the United Kingdom, it is necessary to hire a lawyer to help complete the transaction.


Through the information provided in the Winjan case, the finance journalist learned that in February 2018, a house worth £23.5 million was set up with a flower, which was replaced by £23.5 million to communicate with real estate agents and lawyers, and to carry out the purchase process. In his introduction, he contacted a company where bitcoin could be converted into legal currency and obtained a report as a source of funding for the lawyer. Some bitcoin was then transferred to that company as a “trade test” in exchange for the pound price, which was then transferred to the firm’s designated account. Shortly after the operation, some bitcoin was replaced by £23.5 million, which was transferred to the firm’s designated account. The two funds, approximately £850,000, were used as a guarantee for the purchase of the property.

  买房决心并未因此受阻,温简和“花花”转而尝试购买伦敦另一处价值1250万英镑的房产,其间,如何将大量比特币兑换成法定货币仍然是一大难题。2018年1月31日,一项严厉的新政《不可解释财富令》(Unexplained Wealth Order)在英国生效实施,旨在使目标人物披露不明来源的财富,有力打击经济犯罪。律师将《不可解释财富令》的相关内容发送给温简,并表示购买房产可能还需要进一步提供资产来源信息。对此,温简解释比特币是“张女士开采的”,她不太可能提供证明,当时比特币还并不值钱。律师寻求专家建议后,要求温简提供比特币钱包地址,以便验证那些比特币是否是由“采矿”产生。随后,温简又被要求提供“花花”的详细信息。

On 31 January 2018, a tough new deal, Unexplained Wealth Order, came into force in the United Kingdom with a view to enabling the target person to disclose unknown wealth and to combat economic crime. Counsel sent the relevant elements of the Unexplainable Wealth Order to Win-Jin and indicated that the purchase of the property might require further information on the origin of the assets. In this regard, Win-Jin explained that the Bitcoin was “proved by Ms. Zhang” and she was unlikely to provide proof that the Bitcoin was not valuable at the time. Counsel, after seeking expert advice, asked Win-Jen to provide a Bitcoat wallet address in order to verify whether the Bitcoins had been produced by “mining”.


As these problems eventually remained unresolved, the road to home purchases in the United Kingdom was suspended, and Win-Jean then turned the view of home purchases outside the United Kingdom. In Dubai, two apartments were purchased by Win-Jeng-de-Dyon, and the deal was re-shipped shortly thereafter.

  2018年10月,伦敦警方通过电子邮件联系温简,告知她此前转到律所指定账户的资金已被冻结,并表示这笔钱的来源可能与犯罪有关。温简从未回复这封邮件。2021 年 5 月,温简被逮捕,随后被英国皇家检察署起诉,英国皇家检察署提供给法庭的材料提到该案洗钱资金涉及的中国投资欺诈案,所涉公司就是蓝天格锐。

In October 2018, the London police contacted Win-Jean by e-mail, informing her that the funds previously transferred to the firm’s designated account had been frozen and stating that the origin of the money might be related to the crime. Win-Jin never replied to the letter. In May 2021, Win-Jen was arrested and subsequently prosecuted by the British Crown Prosecution Service, which provided the court with information about the Chinese investment fraud involved in the money-laundering case, which involved the company Blue Tian-Eng-Eng.


During the Winjan trial, the defence held that Winjan was not aware that the bitcoin in question was derived from the proceeds of crime and that he deeply regretted having been involved with Zhang Yadi, and that he would not have been involved had it not been for Zhang Yadi.


On May 24, local British time, Win-Jean was sentenced to 80 months' imprisonment for involvement in money-laundering offences. According to the information obtained by the Wim-Jean journalist, although the prosecution had previously filed numerous charges against Win-Jen, the judge found Win-Jen to be involved in money-laundering to be 150 bitcoins. This is a digital wallet kept and controlled by Gen-Jin, with 150 bitcoins recorded, and Win-Jean converted some bitcoins into cash, most of which were laundered through Dubai and Switzerland, and the remaining 33.89 bitcoins were seized by the police.

  针对比特币洗钱的英国刑事审判,还未结束。5月22日,名为张亚迪的钱志敏出现在英国法庭。这次,与钱志敏一同出庭的还有另一名被告,名字是Senghok Ling。此人信息目前未知。据悉,法庭已排期,对钱志敏的庭审安排在10月21日。

The British criminal trial against Bitcoin for money-laundering has not yet been completed. On May 22, Money Chimin Zhang Yadi appeared in a British court. This time, he was joined by another defendant, Senghok Ling. The information on this person is currently unknown. According to the information received, the court has scheduled a trial against Money Chi Min on October 21.


How to track cross-border


Concerned about the money behind Win-Jean’s money laundering, and its association with China’s crime, investors such as Xu Jian and Zheng Jian, who suffered financial damage, rekindled their hopes. But the issue of Bitcoin being seized in the United Kingdom, whether and how to recover it across borders, and how to pursue it, is a critical issue.


According to media reports, in respect of assets seized by the British side, the Crown Prosecution Service has initiated civil recovery proceedings before the British High Court, and if it is established that there are no other legitimate rights holders, the assets will be formally confiscated to determine how the proceeds of crime will be treated.


In April 2024, after hearing the news, Xu and some investors approached the English court in the Win-Jean case and voluntarily wrote to assert their rights. Xu, in his letter, stated that they were the right holders of the Bitcoin and assets involved in the Win-Jin and Qian Chi-min cases, and hoped that the relevant authorities, such as the British courts, would give investors the means to declare and recover their losses. Two days after the letter was sent, a letter was received from the British court stating that the letter had been forwarded to the Criminal Proceeds Investigation Department of the Crown Prosecution Service.


On 16 May, the Tianjin Public Security Bureau, Hedong Division, issued a case report stating that it had stepped up its efforts to organize operations since the opening of the investigation into the case of the suspected illegal absorption of public deposits by Tianjin Blue Tiangre Electronic Technology Ltd. In February 2018, the Tianjin City Public Security Bureau, through Interpol, issued a red notice to the main suspects, conducted a global arrest and continued international recovery and recovery collaboration with relevant law enforcement agencies in the United Kingdom, including through international law enforcement cooperation channels.


In the series of cases, which had previously been fully pursued by Chinese law enforcement agencies, the assets in question had been frozen and seized in accordance with the law, and the recovery of damages had been put on the agenda. Prior to that, the task force for the clearance of cases in which the funds had been collected throughout the country had been sent information to registered fund-raising participants.


On 16 May, in connection with the dismissal of the case, a finance journalist called the Task Force for the clearance of the Blue Tiangue case in Tianjin City.

  北京师范大学刑事法律科学研究院教授、国际追逃追赃问题专家黄风,对《财经》记者分析称,为加大对犯罪收益的追缴力度, 英国颁布的《犯罪收益 ( 追缴) 法》引入两种追缴机制, 即以犯罪收益为对象的刑事没收制度和以违法所得为对象的民事追缴。民事追缴程序本质上是一种对物的诉讼,追缴的是特定的财物,包括通过违法行为获得的收益和准备用于违法行为的财物。民事追缴与刑事诉讼程序无直接联系,无论与违法所得相关的罪行是否被提起刑事诉讼, 对违法所得的民事追缴均可独立进行。

The Proceeds of Crime (Recovery) Act, enacted by the United Kingdom, introduces two mechanisms for recovery, namely a criminal forfeiture regime for the proceeds of crime and a civil recovery for the proceeds of crime. The civil recovery procedure is essentially a matter-of-matter proceeding, in which specific property is recovered, including proceeds obtained through offences and property intended for offences.


According to the relevant public information, the amount of money laundered in bitcoin that was found to be involved in the Win-Jean criminal proceedings was smaller than in the whole of the detected bits, and civil recovery proceedings were initiated by the British side. Under the corresponding procedure, the rightful owner of the property in question had the right to file a claim after the commencement of the civil recovery proceedings and, subject to review by a judge, the property should be excluded from the scope of “recoverable property”.


At the same time, Huang Fung noted that, with the recent arrival of Money Chi-min, criminal proceedings could be instituted against Money Chi-min, the assets in question, such as Bitcoin, could also be recovered through criminal confiscation. The choice of the means to be followed by further clarification. If recovery is made through criminal confiscation, China and the United Kingdom can cooperate in the area of criminal justice assistance. Under the Treaty between the People’s Republic of China and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on Mutual Legal Assistance, the requested party holding confiscated assets may, to the extent permitted by its law, either return to the requesting party or share the proceeds of the asset or sell the asset with the requesting party.


It is known that investors want Chinese authorities to communicate with the British, including through mutual legal assistance. There are also some investors who are in contact with lawyers with experience in the field of cross-border recovery to negotiate possible ways to recover damages through civil proceedings.


As a lawyer, Zhao's team is dedicated to foreign dispute resolution. Recently, Zhao's team has indicated to Financial Intelligence journalists that its team is working closely with third-party funding funds, prominent British law firms, Crown Counsel and encrypted money experts to find possible civil or criminal avenues in the United Kingdom to help victims recover.

  赵旗志透露,CPS在回复中表示,已了解到中国有相当数量的人成为最初案件的受害者,他们正试图寻求追回损失。目前的刑事诉讼,Jian Wen因一项洗钱罪被判有罪,没收程序将在判刑后进行,但仅限于这项罪行。其他嫌疑人目前已被起诉,刑事诉讼正在进行中,在刑事审判结果出来之前,CPS暂不讨论此案。鉴于这些进展,CPS正在考虑其在民事追偿调查中的立场,这项调查仍在进行中,因此在案件未结束前,CPS暂不予回应进一步的信息。其团队人士还曾就比特币的民事追缴与刑事没收这两者间的关联咨询CPS, CPS 表示,如通过民事追偿程序追回部分或全部资产,英国方面是否分享在英国追回的款项将按照通常的方式考虑。

In response, CPS revealed that it had learned that a significant number of people in China had been victims of the initial case and that they were trying to recover damages. The current criminal proceedings, in which Jian Wen was convicted of a money-laundering offence, would be followed by a confiscation procedure, but only after sentencing. Other suspects were currently being prosecuted, the criminal proceedings were ongoing, and the CPS would not discuss the case until the outcome of the criminal trial. In the light of these developments, the CPS was considering its position in the civil recovery investigation, which was still ongoing, and would not respond to further information until the end of the case.


Currently, for 61,000 bits of cross-border recovery, Djay, the head of the cross-border dispute resolution committee at the headquarters of the law firm, and his team have held preliminary meetings with stakeholders and victims in the Blue Shigere case to explore cross-border recovery options and strategies. Djay and his team, previously representing Chinese victims, dealt with the cross-border bankruptcy of the encrypted digital money exchange FTX.


Dinger said to the finance journalist that his team had acted on behalf of the blue skygreg segment of their clients, provided them with initial pro bono legal advice, was following up on the blue skygregian cross-border tracking process, and had recently communicated with various British law firms, pushed for specific locations for the Blue Tighter cross-border recovery programme. To address the cost of cross-border recovery, his team was engaging with international litigation financing agencies to consider whether to introduce internationally popular litigation financing.


The road to cross-border recovery still faces many challenges, “the historical significance of the case has been recognized by both Chinese and British lawyers”, said Ding Jie.





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