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Polygon最初被称作 Matic Network,2021年2月更名为Polygon,以侧链(和Rollup不同)的方式对以太坊进行扩容。Polygon zkEVM由Polygon构建,为所有想要更便宜、更快速地使用以太坊而不牺牲安全性或去中心化的人而设计。Polygon zkEVM特点是无需许可——任何人都可以使用它,同时也是开源的,意味着开发者只需要信任代码,而不必信任Polygon。

Polygon, originally known as Matic Network, changed its name to Polygon in February 2021, expanding it in a side chain (as opposed to Rollup). Polygon zkEVM, constructed by Polygon, is designed for all those who want to use it cheaper and faster without sacrificing safety or centralization. Polygon zkEVM is characteristic of not needing permission — it can be used by anyone, but also by open sources, meaning that developers need only trust code instead of trusting Polygon.


Polygon的愿景是成为以太坊链上首个 Layer 2 解决方案聚合器,为以太坊建设一个模块化、通用、灵活的扩容框架,“把世界带到以太坊”,让任何人在任何地方都能为世界各地的人们创造价值。Polygon相信以太坊仍将是开发人员安全的和去中心化的首选基础层,并致力于通过为开发人员、合作伙伴、社区和用户赋能和投资来开发一个繁荣的生态系统。

Pollygon’s vision is to be the first of the Layer 2 solution polymers in the Etherms chain to build a modular, universal, flexible and inclusive framework for Ether, “Bringing the World to Ether” that anyone can create value for people everywhere. Polygon believes that Ether will remain the preferred base for human safety and decentralisation, and is committed to developing a prosperous ecosystem by empowering and investing in developers, partners, communities and users.



Polygon通过提供模块化SDK(软件开发工具包)让开发人员根据项目的需求在不同的Layer2扩容选项之间进行选择,这是Polygon实现可扩展性的工具和技术支持。未来,Polygon打造的Layer2聚合器还将支持多种Layer2解决方案,包括Matic Pos链、Optimistic Rollups,zkRollups,Validium等。

Polygon, by providing modular SDK (software development toolkit), allows developers to choose between different Layer2 scalability options according to project needs, which is a tool and technical support for Polygon’s scalability. In the future, Polygon’s Layer2 polymer will also support various Layer2 solutions, including the Matic Pos chain, Optimistic Rollups, zkRollups, Validium, etc.


High-speed transactions and low Gas-fee

Polygon没有独立构建一个像以太坊一样的第一层网络(Layer1),而是以扩展的思路选择采用第二层网络(Layer2)——通过侧链完成链下计算,并使用Plasma框架和PoS验证器让网络保证去中心化和资产安全。再由于Matic Network侧链完全兼容以太坊EVM,且节点少,能够高速度处理链上交易(以太坊网络为14TPS,Polygon网络为7200+TPS),同时具备低Gas费(用户每笔交易的成本比以太坊足足低了1万倍)的特点。

Polygon did not build independently a first-tier network like the Tailingas (Layer1), but chose to use the second-tier network (Layer2) with an extended approach - to complete the calculation of the chain below the side chain and to use the Plasma framework and the PoS certification to make the network secure for decentralisation and asset security. And because the Matic Network side chain is fully compatible with the Tailingas EVM, with fewer nodes, allows for high speed processing of transactions in the chain (7200+TPS using the Taipingang network of 14TPS, Polygon), with the characteristics of low Gas fees (the cost per transaction is 10,000 times lower than the user’s cost per transaction).



当Polygon zkEVM主网测试版推出时,它是否等效以太坊虚拟机(EVM)是最为市场和用户关注的地方。对此,Polygon团队的回答表示肯定。

When the Polygon zkEVM homepage test version was launched, whether it was equivalent to the ÉVM was the most market and user-friendly place. In response, the Polygon team said yes.

EVM等效性指的是和EVM的不同兼容效果,有四个主要级别。越趋近EVM等效,意味着越兼容以太坊。执行字节码的EVM被看作是达到完全等效的EVM。Polygon团队认为Polygon zkEVM是执行EVM字节码的zkEVM,同时支持所有EVM操作码,且在zkEVM和EVM之间没有接口——例如重新编译器或LLVM。

The EVM equivalent means that there are four main levels of compatibility with the EVM. The closer the EVM equivalent means the more compatible it is. The EVM for the byte code is considered to be EVM for the full equivalent. The Polygon team considers Polygon zkevM for the EVM byte code, while supporting all EVM codes, and there is no interface between ZKEVM and EVM — for example, a redrawer or LLVM.

此外,Polygon zkEVM支持所有EVM的预编译智能合约(有9个预编译智能合约,Polygon zkEVM支持其中五个,另外四个即将推出)。

In addition, Polygon zkEVM supports pre-compiled intelligence contracts for all EVM (nine pre-compiled intelligence contracts, five of which are supported by Polygon zkEVM and four are about to be launched).

适用于 Web3 的 AWS

AWS for Web3

Polygon 团队构建的一套完整解决方案,类似于 Amazon Web Services 为 Web2 开发人员提供的解决方案——一个适用于所有可能用例的工具,只需单击一个按钮即可进行扩展。对于Web3,Polygon PoS提供了由以太坊主网保护的低费用和高交易吞吐量的执行层。例如使用Polygon Edge,项目可以从头开始构建自定义区块链。未来,Polygon Avail将提供通用、可扩展的数据可用性Puzzles,其ZK解决方案将首先使网络拥塞成为过去,然后开发围绕隐私的应用程序。

A complete set of solutions built by the Polygon team, similar to those developed by Amazon Web Services for Web2 developers -- a tool that applies to all possible uses, which can be expanded by clicking on a button. For Web3, Polygon Pos provides an enforcement layer of low-cost and high-trading traffic throughput protected by the Tails main network. Using Polygon Edge, for example, the project can start from the top. In the future, Polygon Avail will provide universal and scalable data availability in Puzzles, whose ZK solution will first turn network congestion into the past and then develop privacy-based applications.

2017年,Matic Network成立于孟买

In 2017, Matic Network was founded in Mumbai.

2019年4月19日,Matic Token在 Binance 上线

On April 19, 2019, Matic Token was online at Binance.

2020年5月31日,Matic Network宣布主网上线

On May 31, 2020, Matic Network announced the main online line.


22 January 2021, opening of the ETH-Matic cross-link bridge in support of Aave

2021年2月21日,Matic Network更名为Polygon,以全力支持Layer2

On 21 February 2021, Matic Network changed its name to Polygon to fully support Layer2


On March 12, 2021, Coinbase announced the launch of MATIC.


On 14 April 2021, Polygon offered Aave a second-tier mobile mining incentive of approximately $40 million


On 29 April 2021, Polygon launched a $100 million fund to support DeFi implementation

2021年6月,Polygon宣布推出PolygonScan浏览器,该浏览器是在EtherScan帮助下构建的Polygon 区块浏览器(以太坊最受欢迎的区块链资源管理器)。

In June 2021, Polygon announced the launch of the PolygonScan Browser, a Polygon block browser (the most popular block chain resource manager in Tetau) built with the help of Ethan Scan.

2021年7月20日,Polygon推出Polygon Studios,专注于区块链游戏及NFT领域

On 20 July 2021, Polygon launched Polygon Studios, focusing on block chain games and the NFT field


In mid-August 2021, Polygon announced that it would develop zero-knowledge extension technologies with $1 billion worth of MATIC tokens; on the same day, it acquired and merged Hermez Networks with $250 million worth of MATIC tokens (250 million).


At the end of August 2021, Polygon announced the Plan for the Establishment of the Polygon Ecosystem DAO, which empowers communities in the direction of project development


In early October 2021, OpenSea announced its deployment to Polygon


In mid-November 2021, Polygon announced another Ether-based outreach solution, Miden, based on proof of zero knowledge.

2022 年4月,Polygon走向碳中和

In April 2022, Polygon headed for carbon neutrality.

2022年10月,Polygon zkEVM测试网启动,

In October 2022, the Polygon zkEVM test network was launched.


In January 2023, the Polygon Foundation was established

2023年3月21日,Polygon和Immutable合作推出以太坊扩展网络“Immutable zkEVM”

On 21 March 2023, Polygon and Immutable launched the Ethio-Extension Network “Immtable zkEVM”

Polygon于2017年由Jaynti Kanani、Anurag Arjun和Sandeep Nailwal创立,三位联合创始人分别是Polygon的首席执行官、首席产品官和首席运营官。后来,塞尔维亚程序员和企业家Mihailo Bjelic也加入团队,成为联合创始人。Matic协议的主要发明者是Jaynti Kanani。

Polygon was founded in 2017 by Jaynti Kanani, Anurag Arjun and Sandeep Nailwal, and three co-founders were the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Product Officer and the Chief Operations Officer of Polygon. Subsequently, Serbian programmer and entrepreneur Mihailo Bjelic joined the team as co-founders.

Kanani拥有Dharmsinh Desai理工学院的工程学士学位以及在Housing.com担任数据科学家的经验,是第一个Plasma MVP实施的核心贡献者之一。

Kanani has a bachelor's degree in engineering from the Dharmsinh Desai Institute of Technology and experience as a data scientist in Hosing.com, which was one of the core contributors to the first Plasma MVP implementation.

Nailwal拥有印度顶级商学院之一的 MBA学位。他曾经是德勤的前顾问和Welspun集团电子商务部门的前CTO,此外还是ScopeWeaver.com的联合创始人兼首席执行官。

Nailwal holds a MBA degree from one of India’s top business schools. He was a former consultant to Deloitte and former CEO of the Welspun e-commerce sector, and co-founder and CEO of ScopeWeaver.com.

Arjun此前曾担任Iris Business 的AVP。

Arjun was previously known as AVP of Iris Business.

2019年4月,Polygon完成了种子轮融资,由Coinbase Ventures领投、ZBS Capital,融资金融未披露。

In April 2019, Polygon completed seed rotation finance, led by Coinbase Ventures, ZBS Capital, which was not financially disclosed.

2022 年,Polygon 完成了4.5亿美元的融资规模,既是其2017年成立以来首次进行的大规模融资,也是区块链历史上最大的融资,将其当前资金库增加到 24 亿美元。本次融资共有40家风投公司投资,由红杉资本印度领投,包括软银集团、Galaxy Digital、Galaxy Interactive、Tiger Global、Republic 资本、Alan Howard(Brevan Howard的联合创始人)、Kevin O’Leary(ABC《创智赢家》节目的投资嘉宾)。这些资金通过私募 Matic的方式募集。

In 2022, Polygon completed the size of its $450 million financing, the first large-scale financing since its inception in 2017, and the largest in the history of the block chain, raising its current pool to $2.4 billion. There were 40 investment by Redwood Capital, led by India, including the Silver Group, Galaxy Digital, Galaxy Interactive, Tiger Global, Republic Capital, Alan Howard (co-founder of Brevan Howard), Kevin O’Leary (an investment guest in ABC’s Smart Winner programme).


The compatibility of the bottom of Polygon and the ease of development are increasingly being seen in the market, and the promise it made to bring the world to Etheria is indeed being fulfilled.


More brands/business preferences Polygon

Polygon是过去几年中吸引了最多 Web2 公司进入其生态系统的链,使其成为 Web2 公司的首选去处。团队在2022年的回顾当中表示道:Polygon网络实现了迄今为止没有任何协议能够做到的事情——开始推动Web3被主流(品牌/平台)采用。包括Adobe、Disney、Meta、Instagram、NFL、NuBank、Reddit、Robinhood、Starbucks、可口可乐、运动品牌Adidas Originals和奢侈品品牌Prada等公司,以及摩根大通、星展银行、使用(部署在Polygon链上)借贷应用Aave的SBI数字资产控股公司等金融企业。

Polygon has attracted the largest number of Web2 companies to the chain of their ecosystems in the last few years, making it the preferred location for Web2. The team recalled in 2022 that the Polygon network has achieved what none of the agreements so far have been able to do — starting to promote the mainstreaming of Web3 (brands/platforms). These include Adobe, Disney, Meta, Instagram, NFL, Nubank, Reddit, Robinhood, Starbucks, Coca Cola, sports brand Adidas Origanals and luxury brand Prada, as well as financial enterprises such as Morgan Chase, Star show banks, and Aave SBI Digital Asset Holdings, which uses loans (as deployed on the Polygon chain).


The Polygon team partnered with some of the largest companies around the world to build it on Polygon. This list.




Polygon does not have the highest TVL, but has a sizeable ecosystem (more than 7,000 active dapps are known). The areas include NFT, DeFi, GameFi, DAO, development tools, browsers, wallets, payments, businesses, financing, etc.


DEX领域有QuickSwap、Curve、SushiSwap、Balancer、Uniswap 、Synapse 、Dfyn Network、ApeSwap、DODO、KyberSwap等项目;

QuickSwap, Curve, SushiSwap, Balancer, Uniswap, Synapse, DfynNetwork, ApeSwap, DoDO, KyberSwap, etc.


流动性管理领域有Arrakis Finance、Tetu、Stake DAO、Impermax Finance、Kogefarm、Adamant Finance等项目;

The areas of liquidity management include projects such as Arrakis Finance, Tetu, Stake DAO, Impermax Finance, Kogefarm, Adamant Finance;

GameFi领域有Crazy Defense Heroes、Sunflower land、Cometh 、Planet IX、Monster Champions、Pegaxy、metaENGINE等项目;

In the area of GameFi, projects such as Crazy Defense Heroes, Sunflower Land, Cometh, Planet IX, Monster Campions, Pegaxy, MetaENGINE, etc.

借贷协议领域有Aave、Market、dForce、Mimo DeFi、Hundred Finance、RAMP、EasyFi、Timeswap等项目。

The lending agreements are in the areas of Aave, Market, dForce, Mimo DeFi, Hundred Finance, RAMP, EasyFi, Timeswap, etc.

Polygon ID

2022年3月,Polygon团队推出了Polygon ID,这是一个适用于Web3的自我主权、去中心化和私密的身份。

In March 2022, the Polygon team launched the Polygon ID, a self-sovereign, decentralized and private identity applicable to Web3.

Polygon Supernets

Polygon团队在2022年4月推出的Polygon Supernets技术,允许创建应用特定、可扩展和可定制的区块链网络。

The Polygon Supernets technology, launched by the Polygon team in April 2022, allows the creation of a network of specific, scalable and customized blocks.

Polygon 的代币名称是$MATIC,总供应量为 100 亿枚,流通量为68.7 亿枚,流通市值约135.7 亿美金,用于治理、在 POS 链上支付交易费用(zkEVM 上的交易费用将以$ETH 结算),以及验证和保障该链的质押等用途。

Polygon's token name is $MATIC, with a total supply of $10 billion and a circulation of 6.87 billion, with a market value of approximately $13.57 billion, for purposes of governance, payment of transaction costs on the POS chain (the transaction costs on zkEVM will be settled at $ETH) and validation and guarantee of the chain's pledge.



In accordance with the allocation rules, the distribution ratio of $MATIC is as follows:

  • 生态系统:23.33%
  • 基金会:21.86%
  • 币安 Launchpad:19%
  • 团队:16%
  • 质押奖励:12%
  • 顾问:4%
  • 私募(种子轮 + 早期支持者):3.8%

其中在私募当中,种子轮部分以 1 MATIC=0.00079 美元的价格进行销售,共筹集到 165000 美元,销售代币总供应量的 2.09%;早期支持者部分以 1 MATIC=0.00263 美元的价格进行销售,共筹集了 450000 美元,出售了代币总供应量的 1.71%。

Of these, the seed wheels were sold at a price of US$ 1 MATIC = US$ 0.00079 and raised US$ 165,000, or 2.09 per cent of the total supply of the currency, while the early supporters were sold at a price of US$ 1 MATIC = US$ 0.00263, raising US$ 450,000 and selling 1.71 per cent of the total supply of the currency.


MATIC has risen by more than 42 per cent since the beginning of 2023.


As the Polygon system continues to improve, Polygon, which integrates solutions, can no longer be seen as a simple side-chain network, but as the bottom of the Web3 block-chain configuration. For example, it provides basic capabilities such as the flow and payment of encrypted assets and the construction of decentralized applications.

此外,其按需定制区块链的功能,比如利用Polygon Edge(SDK)工具构建专门的区块链网络;使用Polygon Avail模块构建独立链、侧链等多元结构的区块链网络;利用Polygon Nightfall协议为私人交易提供隐私保护的功能等是Polygon强大的基本面。

In addition, its customized block chain functionality, such as the use of the Polygon Edge (SDK) tool to build a dedicated block chain network; the use of the Polygon Avail module to construct a multi-structured network of blocks, such as stand-alone chains, side chains; and the use of the Polygon Nightfall protocol to provide privacy protection for private transactions are powerful fundamentals of Polygon.

此外,Polygon自2020 年 6 月推出基于权益证明的以太坊侧链(Polygon PoS)之后,其产品插件也得到了显著发展,呈现多样化的发展趋势。除了推出采用零知识证明(ZKP)的Polygon zkEVM之外,当前Polygon 还在积极开发另外两个 ZK Rollups 实施,即 Polygon Miden 和 Polygon Zero。它们是结合了 Optimistic Rollup 和 ZK Rollup 的混合 Rollups,称为 Polygon Nightfall。

In addition, since the introduction of the equity-based Ether Rim (Polygon Pos) in June 2020, Polygon’s product plugins have developed significantly, showing a diversified trend. In addition to the introduction of Polygon zkEVM using the Zero Knowledge Certificate (ZKP), Polygon is currently actively developing two other ZK Rollups, namely Polygon Miden and Polygon Zero.


Most recently, the Polygon network has upgraded the key hard fork expected by the community, addressing issues such as the surge in network Gas fees and the restructuring of destructive chains.






ZK Rollup扩展以太坊的潜力显而易见,但是它也面临着自己的挑战。

The potential of ZK Rollup to expand the Etheria is clear, but it also faces its own challenges.

ZK证明一直被视为有前途的技术,但生成速度缓慢且成本高昂。如果它对扩展以太坊主网效益不高,则是否采用它是一个尚待观察的问题(作者注:ZK技术面临的挑战当然不仅是Polygon要面对的问题,也是其它一众Layer2 ZK项目要面对的问题)。

ZK has proved to be a promising technology, but generating it is slow and costly. If it is not very effective in expanding the Internet, it is an issue to be observed (the author notes that the challenge for ZK technology is, of course, not only for Polygon, but also for other Layer2 ZK projects).


the potential risk of the side chain


The Polygon side chain is not entirely secure, and it is still theoretically possible to control the entire network by malicious acts. There are also confidence issues in the other side chain, which is a potential risk to the side chain itself.




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