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The recent Hong Kong Financial Science and Technology Week 2022 explored in depth the use of digital assets and block chains, artificial intelligence and big data in the financial field, all of which are closely related to the topic of high temperature at times - Web3.0.


So, what the hell is Web3.0?


What's Web3.0?

在介绍Web3.0之前,先简单科普一下什么是Web1.0和 Web2.0。

Before introducing Web3.0, we should like to make a brief introduction to what is Web1.0 and Web 2.0.

在互联网诞生之初的 Web1.0 时代,互联网基本上是“只读”模式,人们只是被动地接收信息。主要代表就是网易,新浪这些门户网站。

In the age of Web1.0, when the Internet was born, the Internet was basically a “read-only” model, and people simply received information passively.

到了 Web2.0 时期,随着社交媒体的兴起,我们开始有了各种交互,催生出了以用户生产和分享内容为主导的全新互动网络模式。那个阶段的代表有微博、推特等社交媒体。

By the time of Web 2.0, with the rise of social media, we began to interact with each other, giving rise to a completely new model of interactive networks dominated by user production and content sharing. That stage was attended by social media such as Twitter and Twitter.

而人们对于 Web3.0 的构想,则是一个相对去中心化的,自动化、智能化的全新互联网世界。用户所创造的数字内容,包括数字身份、数字资产和数据,所有权和控制权都归属于用户。

The idea of Web3.0 is a relatively decentralised, automated, intelligent, new Internet world. Users create digital content, including digital identity, digital assets and data, with ownership and control vested in users.


The simple thing is that you own everything you create online, and you get it. The universe, the NFT, the virtual currency are the current outer circle, based on the concept of Web3.0, which explores and presents decentralisation.


We now often say that we are being monitored by big data, because the Internet needs to access our information to build a database, and the results of the analysis of the data are coming back to us. In this pattern, it seems that our information is no longer our own.


And the goal of Web3.0 is to get rid of traditional servers and give us a database of our own. It's like a house, where only we have individual access.

那Web3.0这个概念最早其实是由万维网的发明者,蒂姆·伯纳斯·李提出的。早在16年前,也就是2006年前后,伯纳斯·李认为,目前互联网的局限在于HTML 是给人看的,没有元数据,不能被机器所理解。因此应该把数据赋予含义,开发出更智能、自动化程度更高的互联网应用,从而实现 Web3.0,即Semantic Web,直译为语义网。

The concept of Web3.0 was first proposed by Tim Burns Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web. As early as 16 years ago, around 2006, Bernard Lee argued that the current limit of the Internet was that HTML was human, without metadata, and could not be understood by machines. It was therefore important to give meaning to the data and to develop more intelligent and automated Internet applications so that Web3.0, or Semantic Web, could be translated into a semantic web.


So, web3.0 is not really a new concept, but a new story of the old concept.


And for the last two years, we're all talking about Web3.0, and some say it's the future of the Internet, and some say it's a bubble party. The truth is, the development of the meta-cosmos might be the answer.



"MegaCosmos+Web3.0" is the future of the Internet?


Web3.0 has been pushed to the centre of the topic as the meta-cosm unfolds, but few know the relationship between the two. In fact, it is easy to say that, if the meta-cosmos is a child, then Web3.0 is his mother. Web3.0 provides a technological framework and conceptual support for the meta-cosmos, which is based on a virtual world that embraces the functions of human interaction, virtual socialization, spatial computing, etc.


But, today, the metaspace is clearly not simply a virtual world, but a “real world” in a virtual environment. People in a real society can use digital identities to entertain, consume, socialize, create, or even make money in a virtual world, and travel freely across different scenes.


The Internet giants, regardless of the amount of money, want to be the first to eat crabs.

2021年10月,扎克伯格将 Facebook正式更名Meta,宣布进军元宇宙。12月,Meta推出了元宇宙社交平台——Horizon Worlds,仅一年时间里就“烧”掉了100亿。在这个虚拟世界里,用户可以和他人社交、探索,构建从 VR 游戏到全新世界的任何事物。

In October 2021, Zuckerberg officially changed the name of Facebook to Meta, announcing its march into the United States. In December, Meta launched the meta-cosm social platform, Horizon Worlds, which “burned” 10 billion dollars in just one year. In this virtual world, users can socialize, explore, and build anything from the VR game to the new world.


On 18 January of this year, Microsoft acquired $68.7 billion in visual snowstorms, in which it also clearly stated that it had laid the foundation for the construction of a meta-cosm for Microsoft.


The unique thing about this game company is that it does not make games, but provides users with tools and platforms to produce their own unique works. Developers can collect virtual money for a variety of objects and game experiences, and then convert it into real money in a proportion.


Virtual money, as a currency used within a given community to purchase goods and services, is in itself a virtual resource. A distinguished representative, Bitcoin, is called upon here. Decentralized, with specific “exploitation” procedures, bitcoin can be obtained and traded.


Not only the metacosystem, but in the whole concept of Web3.0, virtual resources, once recognized, can translate into real values.



Web3.0 will be the next annual of the Internet?


From web1.0, which can only be searched and browsed, to the time of reading and writing interactive web 2.0, to web3.0, to maximize individual value, to become the owner and manager of personal data, web3.0 is controversial.

特斯拉CEO马斯克就曾痛批元宇宙,但互联网发展至今,好像真的印证了一句话:Nothing impossible。

Tesla Ceomask was a pain in the universe, but the Internet has developed to the present day, as if it had actually testified: Nothing impossible.


It is not paradoxical to look to the sea of reality or to pursue the virtual world of freedom.


Although there is still a way to go from the current Web3.0 to the daily lives of Internet users, the good future that Web3.0 can bring and the safety and ease that it can bring to Internet users are indeed worthy of our vision.


From 2G to 5G, it has evolved not only to the speed of the Internet, but also to the age of the smart Internet, from digital communication. From Web1.0 to Web3.0, we all look forward to a new Internet world in which individual values can be maximized.




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