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Recently, the Secretary-General discovered a lawsuit dispute between the military and listed companies of natural persons
据成都市武侯区人民检察院公布的刑事裁定书: According to the criminal verdict issued by the People's Procuratorate of the Wuhu District of Cheng City: 2014年底,被告人杜兵利用翻墙软件在搜索引擎上发现红日药业商务往来送礼的清单和不正当商业行为的文件等内部资料,并全部下载至硬盘。 At the end of 2014, the accused Soldier discovered on the search engine, using wall flip software, in-house information such as lists of commercial gifts from the Red Day pharmaceutical industry and documents of improper commercial conduct, all of which were downloaded to hard disks. 2014年12月,被告人杜兵通过互联网找到红日药业董事会秘书郑某的邮箱,并用u88×××@mail.com邮箱向其发送邮件,以曝光红日药业上述信息为由索要钱财,该公司未理会。 In December 2014, the accused, Mr. Dowry, via the Internet, found the post office box of the Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Red Sun Pharmacy Industry and sent an e-mail to him using the u88 x x @mail.com mailbox for the purpose of seeking money for the disclosure of the above-mentioned information on the Red Sun Pharmacy industry, which was ignored by the company. 随后杜兵在天涯论坛发帖并附一张该公司商业往来费用清单的截图。该公司发现天涯论坛的帖子后,经研究决定,由郑某联系杜兵,称愿花30万元解决此事。 Then the soldiers posted a list of the company’s business transaction costs at the Tianjin Forum and attached it to it. After discovering the Tianhai Forum’s post, it was decided, after a study, that Chung would contact the Tweeds and say he would spend $300,000 to resolve the matter. 杜兵提出需要300万元解决,并要求以比特币支付。(此后在申辩的过程中,杜兵辩护律师表示,比特币不受刑法保护,不具有财产属性,估计也是考虑到这点,不要钱,要比特币) The Soldier has proposed a solution of $3 million,
红日药业经评估后,被迫同意被告人杜兵的要求。后杜兵通过邮件多次与郑某联系,并教郑某如何购买、支付比特币。 After an assessment of the drug, he was forced to agree to the request of the accused, the soldiers contacted Cheng by mail and taught him how to purchase and pay Bitcoin. 红日药业于2015年1月9日将30万元存入其员工王某的银行账户,同年5月13日转账270万元至王某账户。 On 9 January 2015, the Red Day Pharmaceuticals industry deposited $300,000 into the bank account of his employee, Wang Xiao, and transferred $2.7 million to the Wang Xiao account on 13 May of the same year. 郑某使用王某个人银行账户内的资金,花费300万元购买了2101.209个比特币并将其中的2099.7个比特币转入杜兵提供的纸钱包地址内,经“融币”后转入火币网杜兵A0949X@GMAIL.COM账号内。 On the basis of the use of funds in the bank account of one of the Wang's individuals, Zheng was able to purchase 2101.209 bitcoins at a cost of $3 million and transfer 2099.7 bitcoins of them to the card and wallet address provided by the Soldier, which was then transferred to the account number A0949X@GMAIL.COM. 杜兵将该2099.7个比特币变卖提现至其建设银行卡(尾号3854)和农业银行卡(尾号9374)内,得款200余万元。(买入花了300万的比特币,最终卖出变成了200万)
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