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比特币现金数字货币代码为:BCH,英文名:Bitcoin Cash,比特币现金是比特币的分叉币之一,走的是按需扩容的大区块生态开发路线,最大的特点就是转账手续费很低,最早期比特币现金就是BCC,国外一些网站用BCH表示。因为有一个国外的山寨币占用了BCC,所以一些国外的网站用BCH表示比特币现金。

Bitcoin cash numeric currency code: BCH, in English: Bitcoin Cash, in which bitcoin is one of the bitcoin's splits. The biggest feature of this is the low cost of transferring money, the earliest bitcoin's cash is BCC, and some sites abroad are indicated by BCH. Since one foreign bounties occupies BCC, some foreign websites use BCH for bitco's cash.

比特币现金 (Bitcoin Cash) 为世界带来一种可靠的货币,满足原先比特币身为「点对点数位现金」的承诺,并提供商家与使用者低手续费且可靠的交易确认。它,因其不受限制的成长、全世界的普及、无须允许的创新,以及去中心化的开发,有着极为光明的未来。

Bitcoin cash brings a reliable currency to the world, meeting its original commitment to be a “point-to-point cash” and providing low-cost and reliable transaction confirmation between traders and users. It has an extremely bright future because of its unbridled growth, universal access to innovation, non-permissive innovation, and decentralized development.

比特币现金 (Bitcoin Cash) 在POW币种里面,算力安全上是目前除了比特币之外,最安全的一个,同时具有重组保护功能,六个区块之后就无法回滚,很难被51攻击。

Bitcoin cash (Bitcoin Cash) is currently one of the safest in the Pow currency, with the exception of Bitcoin, with a reorganization protection function, and six blocks cannot roll back and are difficult to get attacked by 51.

链上扩容-比特币现金遵循中本聪以链上扩容达成全球普及的路线。作为第一步,区块大小限制已成为可调式的,而预设大小也增加到了8MB 。 能使未来区块大小大幅增加的研究更是正在进行中 。

As a first step, block size limits have become modifiable, and the size of presets has increased to 8MB. Studies that will significantly increase the size of blocks in the future are still under way.

新的交易签名-新的签名哈希 (SigHash) 类别防御了重放攻击、强化了硬体钱包安全性,也解决了哈希的平方复杂度问题。

The new transaction signature - the new signature (SigHash) category defends the reintroduction of the attack, enhances the security of the hardware wallet, and solves the problem of Al-Hashi's square complexity.

新的难度调整算法(DAA) - 响应式地调整工作量证明(PoW) 之难度使矿工能够自由地从传统比特币迁移至比特币现金,同时也防范了算力的波动。

The new difficulty adjustment algorithm (DAA) - Responsive adjustment of workload certification (PoW) makes it possible for miners to move freely from traditional bitcoin to bitcoin cash, while also protecting against fluctuations in numeracy.

去中心化的开发 - 提供软体实作的数个独立开发团队,保障了安全的未来。比特币现金能够抵抗开发相关的政治及社交攻击,也不受制于单一的组织或专案。 bitcoin-ml 邮寄清单提供一个优良的平台,让人们提出需要跨团队开发者合作的变动。

Decentralized development - providing a few soft-made independent development teams to secure a secure future. Bitcoin cash is resistant to development-related political and social attacks, and is not subject to a single organization or project. Bitcoin-ml mailing lists provide an excellent platform for proposing changes that require cross-team developers to work with.


1. Decentralization


2. Anonymous


Bitcoin cash is more private and anonymous than traditional payment methods such as bank transfers and credit card payments, as it is generally impossible to know who controls the Bitcoin address.


3. Fixed ceiling


The Bitcoin cash agreement guarantees that there will never be more than 21 million bitcoins. Bitcoin cash is supplied in quantitative terms and is therefore a sound currency.


4. Smart contracts


Bitcoin is a programmable currency that allows smart contracts to be made on a monetary basis. A programmable economy will significantly address transparency and credibility in economic operations and reduce social operating costs.


1. Fast-track transactions


The Bitcoin cash network was designed to handle transactions quickly and at minimal cost.

与初始的比特币区块链受限于1MB区块和替换费用不同,比特币现金区块为8MB。 升级到更大的区块意味着矿工可以验证所有交易,而不仅仅是收费最高的交易。较大的区块有助于保持BCH内存池的空间和交易的快速确认。

Unlike the initial Bitcoin block chain, which is limited to 1MB block and replacement costs, the Bitcoin cash block is 8MB. Upgrade to a larger block means that miners can verify all transactions, not just those with the highest fees. Large blocks help to maintain the space and fast confirmation of transactions in the BCH memory pool.


2. Affordable for both clients and businesses


Bitcoin cash transactions will soon be excavated — — even at the lowest cost. As more transactions are appropriate in 8MB blocks, there is less competition to ensure that your transactions are confirmed in the next block.


In the case of consumers, low fees mean low charges to businesses. Businesses can begin to accept currency cash payments without paying monthly fees and percentage of each transaction. Moreover, currency exchange costs do not exist; the BCH is a global currency without borders.


3. Minimum risk


One of the risks of accepting credit card payments, especially online, is fraud. Businesses are always exposed to the risk of refunds (transfers from a consumer’s credit card or bank account). Some financial institutions actually collect fees from traders, such as a 20-dollar refund from a PayPal dealer and an original transaction fee.


Bitcoin cash transactions are in seconds, confirmed in a few minutes. You can send or receive money on a global scale, and the transaction is irreversible (even for fraudsters).


4. Easy to implement


Small businesses just need their own bitcoin cash address to start receiving BCH payments.

像Coinbase Commerce这样的商业服务使它变得更加容易。商户可以在电子商务平台上添加CoinbaseCommerce作为支付选项,也可以添加到现有的结账流程中。你所需要的只是一个电子邮件地址和一部电话。

Business services like Coinbase Commerce make it easier. Businesses can add Coinbase Commerce to the e-commerce platform as a payment option, or they can add it to the current closing process. All you need is an e-mail address and a phone.


5. Periodic upgrades


The Bitcoin cash community is unique in its commitment to continue upgrading the network. Recently, developers issued an upgrade to the BCH address format. The BCH address now includes "bitcoincash:" before the usual letters and numerical strings, so bar code scanning is not mistaken for a bitcoin address.


The risk of project failure is largely non-existent, as the BCH expands up to 32M and successfully acquires part of the BTC market, while the new smart contract will also acquire part of the ETH market. The team skills and operational capabilities are beyond doubt. The biggest risk for BCH is that the price will fall with the market!


Two, BCH is very much like a domestic Internet giant, stealing other people's share of the market across borders once there's a chance! Smart contract function, making B cross borders, stealing the share of the market held by ETH, adding new value to it!


Bitcoin can be said to be BCH’s past, but after the split, BCH has been seen as a bitcoin in a new direction, and BCH has a larger block, capable of dealing with more transactions, and does not create congestion as BTC does because of the size of the blocks and the speed of processing is not keeping pace with the volume of transactions. This is also the clearest difference between BCH and BTC. This also directly results in BCH processing costs being much lower than BTC, which, because of the slow pace of processing of transactions, has rules for dealing with whose fees are higher, which is unlikely to happen. Because the BCH community is conceptually different from the current BTC community core team, it simply says that BCH has little to do with BTC, becoming a whole new currency.


The BCH can be considered an “innovation” in bitcoin, and they agree that bitcoin is capable of implementing more projects by raising the size of blocks, using the latest technology, but their radicalism has also turned them against, saying that they are profit-driven miners and do not respect the will of middle-aged minds, and that they are as passionate but too radical as historical innovators.




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