- 有可用的ChatGPT账号,且能正常访问 (魔法)。
- 注册一张虚拟信用卡Depay。
- 一些USDT。如果没有的话,可以去信用卡TG群里问问能不能有人给代充电。
登录ChatGPT,看到左边有个Upgrade plan的就可以升级到ChatGPT Plus。
Log in to ChatGPT and see a Upgrade Plan on the left to upgrade to ChatGPT Plus.
- ChatGPT必须要美国信用卡,国内的双币卡、全币卡都是不能使用的。
- Depay是美国虚拟信用卡,其主要作用往里充值USDT,然后国内绑定微信、支付宝进行消费。刚好也能绑OpenAI。
Registration is simple, either by mail or mobile phone.
注册成功后去下载他们的app,iOS需要美区Apple ID,也可以下载他们的内测版。安卓直接下载apk包。
When registered, you can download their apps, iOS needs Apple IDs in the US, and you can download their internals.
Depay Scan Registration Link
log on to App, at the top left corner of the corner of the application card, and select the card type. The difference is between the rates and the KYC review.
Standard card, no card charge, KYC is required, and the system will check automatically within about 10 minutes of the issuance of the identity card.
However, the rates are higher than the standard cards, which are used for people with anonymous needs.
The cards can also be upgraded to high-level and platinum cards, but all upgrades require KYC. So if you're the one who wants to use them anonymously, let's get a Lite card, and if you want to follow the upgrade, the standard card.
If you open a Lite card, remember to fill it first.
然后往里充起码23 USDT (2%的充值手续费加上USDT换成USD的汇损)
Deepay doesn't accept direct transfers and needs to use virtual currency. Find the USDT in the wallet, get your trc20 address.
Then charge it at least 23 USDTs.
There's no U. We can replace it.
点击ChatGPT窗口左边的Upgrade Plan,选择升级。
Click the Upgrade Plan on the left side of the ChatGPT window to select an upgrade.
At the time the payment is completed, note the address of a tax-exempt state, or the final closure may be more than $20.
The duty-free address in the United States can be found on a website that creates a false identity.
美国有5个州免消费税,分别是:俄勒冈(Oregon)、阿拉斯加(Alaska)、特拉华(Delaware)、蒙大拿(Montana)和新罕布什尔(New Hampshire)。
Five states in the United States are exempt from consumption taxes: Oregon, Alaska, Delaware, Montana and New Hampshire.
Note that this is a subscription, which is automatically withheld every month. However, Depay is not a credit card in the strict sense of the word, but a prepaid card.
- 保证可用性,在高峰期也是优先保证付费用户的使用。
- 响应速度快,ChatGPT回答犹如德芙一样丝滑。
- 可以优先体验新功能和改进,以后可能会推出更多的付费功能。
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