【电商周报】11月第四周: 主播逃税被叫停 十荟团“断臂求生” 快手电商 小米 达达集团 丽人丽妆等纷晒财报........ 网经社 电子商务研究中心 电商门户 互联网+智库
资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:155 评论:0(网经社讯)11月第四周(11.20-11.26),各电商领域又有哪些事?以下为网经社(100EC.CN)为您带来本周零售电商、生活服务电商、跨境电商及产业数字化各电商平台最新动态回顾。
Web-economy defines e-commerce as a narrow range of electric power providers and a broad range of electricity providers. A narrow range refers to retail power providers, which are predominantly consumer consumers, and a broad range of electronics and generals, which refer to online transactions and business patterns of all physical, service and virtual goods, which are predominantly Internet-based. These include, inter alia, industrial power suppliers, which are predominantly commodity-based and industrial goods, retail power suppliers, which are predominantly consumer-oriented, cross-border electricity suppliers, and providers of life services, represented by on-line sales, on-line tourism, on-line rentals, on-line medical treatment, and on-line travel.
According to surveillance by the Internet Economics and Economics “DATA.100EC.CN), this week (20 November-26 November) there were seven cases of financing in various power suppliers, with a total financing of over $340 million.
II, Industrial dynamics
/strang> means, in a narrow sense, commodity trading activities through network channels, including physical and virtual merchandise transactions.
小米组织架构调整:涉及手机 销售运营 市场体系等
On 20 November, the Mi Group (01810.HK) organizational structure was updated and cadres appointed, covering the mobile phone sector, marketing operations, market systems, etc.
The Black Five'
On 22 November, the Web Economics and Social Council was informed that the “Shakin Global Purchase X Black Five Carnival” campaign, launched between 18 November and 28 November, allowed domestic consumers to buy good goods abroad without having to go home. The campaign drew large-scale coupons through the Monopoly game, 9 tax warehouse benefits, 7 major televised spots, 50 + benefits from live broadcasts, 10 overseas buyers for field connections, and helped cross-border traders, Darns and brands to open businesses during the "Black Friday" period. & nbsp;
苏宁易购全员信称 双11销售目标全员达成
"Sunning buys a full-time letter of sale for the target of double 11 to reach
On November 22, Suning bought a letter to all employees stating that the sales target of two 11 sales had been fully met, and that efforts had been made to regularize the November EBITDA (depreciation of tax interest and pre-amortization profits). The letter also revealed that the reward had been honoured for 2,646 employees who had reached the sales target in October.
byte beats offshore TikTok version of "Steak Shop"
11月22日,据悉,字节跳动加速海外电商业务体系成型。上周,该公司在海外上线了一款名为TikTok Seller的产品,该产品能够帮助卖家通过手机管理其TikTok店铺,类似于国内抖音电商业务的管理后台“抖店”。目前,TikTok Seller主要为在东南亚的TikTok商家提供服务。
On 22 November, it was reported that the byte beats to speed up the development of the overseas power vendor business system. Last week, the company went overseas with a product called TikTok Seller, which helped vendors manage their TikTok shop through mobile phones, similar to the management back-office “twitch shop” in the country’s voice-twitching business.
网络主播雪梨和林珊珊偷逃税共被罚近亿元 两人对此道歉并暂停直播
On 22 November, the National Revenue Authority's Hangzhou Municipal Revenue Authority Network indicated that the host of the network, the Weibo ID:Cherie in Sydney, and the Weibo ID:Linsansan_Sunny, would be subject to tax recovery, payment of late payments and penalties amounting to $65,553.1 million and $27,67.25 million, respectively, for tax evasion. In response, Sydney and Lin Sanshan sent an apology to their users.
字节布局下沉市场 开设“懂懂买车”线下门店
On 22 November, the by-line of the first branded car special store, “I know how to buy a car”, was recently opened in the district of Yochi, Sichuan Namcheng City, where new-energy vehicles and traditional small and medium-sized cars were provided with marketing services, as well as second-hand car sales services.
Retailed Wisdom for the first time in the Great Penguin City Super Carnival, GMV amounted to 270 million
On November 22, the first two-and-a-half Super Carnival Festival in the City of Penguin Gee retailed wisdom together with Wal-Mart, High Step, Peño orchard, Ting-tao Buy, Yong-hee, Doo-Doo, Carrefour, Mi-Ye-Gah, Yong-Wang 8 major businesses, using as a vehicle the Tengu-Gi City mini-program, the Twee-Gi-life platform, Sky-Achieve Elimination, the homeowners of the joy struggles and the micro-searching, the micro-messcopic video, and the Xiao-Hing Festival, together created the Bi-Oi Carnival Carnival Festival in the fresh retail sector. It is known that during the course of the 11-a-day Super Carnival Festival, based on the first business super-procedure in the City of Penguin-Gi-Gi City, the total sales of small programs reached 270 million, an increase of 30 per cent over the previous year.
Tremble 11 Festival: up to $150 million in one-stop live transactions
On 22 November, the Illustrative Report of the Day of 11 Good Things, 2021, was co-produced with the Graduate Institute of Commerce and Counts. The report shows that 2,546 million hours of live time were spent on the Day of 11 Good Things in 2021, with a cumulative view of 39.5 billion people and 1.227 million hours of private airtime. During the live broadcast, the volume of individual live traffic amounted to $150 million, and the number of live broadcasts amounted to 1.06 million. The cumulative time of live time during the official live broadcast period was 194 hours, with an average of 1.5 live times per day.
11月22日,成都彩虹电器(集团)股份有限公司发布了一则关于公司提起诉讼的公告,指出公司于近日就与苏宁易购集团股份有限公司苏宁采购中心、苏宁易购集团股份有限公司票据纠纷一案向江苏省南京市中级人民法院提起诉讼。在这份公告中,彩虹集团指出,苏宁采购中心向其开具的4张金额合计为3671.02万元的电子商业承兑汇票已到期,但前者始终拒绝支付。 On 22 November, Chengdu Rainbow Electric (Governance) Ltd. issued a notice of action against the company, stating that the company had recently filed a lawsuit with the Intermediate People’s Court in Nanjing, Jiangsu, in a dispute with Sunning Buyer’s Purchasing Centre and Sunning Buyers’ Company Limited. In that announcement, the Rainbow Group stated that the four electronic commercial bills issued to it by the Sunin Procurement Centre, totalling $367.02 million, had expired and that the former had consistently refused to pay. 知乎电商:内容产生的商品交易总额为49.7亿元 Knows that power suppliers: contents result in total merchandise transactions of $4.97 billion 11月22日,知乎公布了2021年第三季度财报,其中关于电商的部分引起注意。财报显示,截止9月30日,知乎带货内容产生的商品交易总额为49.7亿,同比增长92%;第三季度日均订单量同比增长31%,转化率高达200%。 On 22 November, the third quarter of 2021 was published, with attention drawn to the electricity vendor section. The financial statements showed that, as at 30 September, the total volume of merchandise transactions generated by the contents of the goods with knowledge was $4.97 billion, representing a 92 per cent increase over the same period; the average number of orders for the third quarter increased by 31 per cent on the same date, with a conversion rate of up to 200 per cent. 微信视频号发布双12直播暖冬好物节活动 Micromail Video Launching Two 12 Live Warm Winter Festival 11月23日,微信视频号近日发布了“12.12视频号直播暖冬好物节”主题活动通知。12.12视频号直播暖冬好物节活动时间为2021年12月9日20点至12月12日24点。活动期间,微信视频号官方将推出多种玩法帮助商家、达人等合作伙伴快速达成销售目标。 On 23 November, a message on the theme “12.12 Video Live Winter Good Friday” was launched. 12.12 Video Live Winter Good Friday from 2000 hours to 2400 hours on 12 December 2021. During the event, the official Twitter Video will launch a variety of methods to help business and human partners quickly reach their sales targets. 直播电商“觅酷网络”完成千万级天使轮融资 云集投资 "Strong" live feeder, "Cool Search Network" completes the 10 million-scale Angel Round Finance investment 11月23日,“觅酷网络”完成数千万人民币天使轮融资,由云集进行战略投资。本轮资金将主要用于扩充团队,在品牌营销端和渠道端进行赋能。 On November 23, the “Cooking Network” completed the tens of millions of yuan in angel financing, with the cloud making strategic investments. This round of funding will mainly be used to expand the team to enable it at the end of branding and at the end of the channel. 降薪裁员 十荟团“断臂求生” 11月23日,网经社获悉,十荟团近日从10000人迅速缩减到不到2000人,从2000余县市撤退到5个城市。自11月起在保证员工基本工资和基本生活需求的前提下,公司中后台员工包括绩效工资在内的部分工资缓发,以70%的比例发放。缓发部分,公司将按年化3%计息,并在2022年Q1内予以补发,同时匹配同等金额的股权激励。而在8月22日,十荟团也被曝大量裁员,关闭多城业务。 On 23 November, the Minister of Economic and Social Affairs was informed that the ten regiments had been rapidly reduced from 10,000 to less than 2,000 in recent days, retreating from more than 2,000 counties to five cities. Since November, part of the company’s back-office employees’ wages, including those for performance, have been suspended at 70%. 快手电商Q3:GMV为1758亿 营收同比增长33.4% Express > Q3: GMV 17,5.8 billion revenue growth of 33.4 per cent over the same period 11月23日,快手科技(1024.HK)发布了截至2021年9月30日的第三季度财报。财报显示,该季度快手实现营收205亿元,同比增长33.4%。GMV为1758亿,同比增长86.1%。其中,直播服务收入达77亿元,环比增长7.4%。线上营销服务收入达109亿元,同比增长76.5%。电商交易总额(GMV)达
1758 亿元,同比增长86.1%。 On 23 November, fast-hand technology (1024.HK) released its third-quarter financial report for the period up to 30 September 2021. The financial statements showed that the quarterly fast-track revenues amounted to $20.5 billion, an increase of 33.4 per cent, compared with an increase of $17.58 billion, an increase of 86.1 per cent, including $7.7 billion for live broadcasting services, an increase of 7.4 per cent, an increase of $10.9 billion for online marketing services, an increase of 76.5 per cent, compared with an increase of 86.1 per cent. 小米集团Q3:营收780.6亿元 净利润同比增长25.4% 11月23日,小米集团(01810.HK)公布公司截至9月30日的第三季度财务业绩。财报显示,第三季度,小米营收780.6亿元,市场预期796.14亿元,同比增长8.2%。 On 23 November, the Mi Group (01810.HK) announced the company’s financial performance for the third quarter as of 30 September. The financial statements showed that during the third quarter, the Mio Camp collected $780.6 billion and the market expected $79,614 million, an increase of 8.2 per cent. 达达集团:营收16.87亿元 京东到家GMV为372亿元 {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}The strong {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} Dada Group: $1.687 billion. 11月24日,本地即时零售和配送平台达达集团(Nasdaq:DADA)发布了2021年第三季度业绩,总营收16.87亿元,可比口径下同比加速增长86%,同时经营利润率显著改善。 On 24 November, the local instant retail and distribution platform, the Dada Group (Nasdaq:DADA), released its performance for the third quarter of 2021, with a total revenue of $1,687 million, an accelerated growth of 86 per cent below comparable calibres and a significant improvement in operating profitability. 微信视频号个人主页新增“订单”功能 Add a new "order" function on the homepage of the micromail video number 11月24日,微信近日被发现最新版中再次针对视频号进行了一系列功能上的升级,视频号个人主页新增“订单”功能,且与公众号之间再度加深绑定关系。 On 24 November, a series of functional upgrades to video numbers were found in the latest edition of the letter in recent days, adding a new “order” function to the personal home page of the video and deepening the binding relationship with the public. 微店商家双11:直播总成交额超3500万 Microstore double 11: total over 35 million on live. 11月24日,微店披露了视频号的双11成绩,从数据上来看,微店商家双11直播总成交额超3500万,直接通过微店小程序引流视频号直播达60万次,涵盖服饰、美妆、食品等多个品牌类别。 On 24 November, microshops revealed double 11 performances for video numbers. Data show that the total value of two-time commercials was over 35 million, with 600,000 direct streaming video numbers, covering various brand categories such as apparel, make-up, food, etc. 阿里将推顶尖校招技术人才专项计划 Ali will be promoting the top-of-the-school talent project . 11月24日,据阿里巴巴集团董事会主席张勇透露,阿里已在酝酿新的顶尖校招技术人才专项计划,涵盖多维度,并已有初步框架。张勇称,人才发展是连续的过程,招聘和入职只是起点,我们会把起点、发展路径、发展模式等环节联系起来持续去看。核心是为大家创造更好的机会,更宽松的空间,更广阔的舞台。 On November 24, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Alibaba Group, Zhang Yong, revealed that Ali had developed a new special programme for the recruitment of skilled personnel at the top of the school system, covering multiple dimensions and with an initial framework. Zhang Jing argued that talent development was a continuous process, that recruitment and entry were only the starting point, and that we would continue to look at the links between starting points, development paths, development models, and so on. The core was to create better opportunities for all, more relaxed space, and a wider stage. 网红蛋糕“贝思客”母公司手乐电商频临破产 Web-red cake "Beth" parent, handyman . 11月24日,光大证券发布风险提示行公告称,作为主办券商日通过日常督导发现,网红蛋糕“贝思客”母公司、新三板挂牌企业手乐电商已被法院裁定受理破产清算申请。手乐电商存在出发强制终止挂牌、被法院宣告破产风险。 On November 24, HDR issued a risk-alert announcement stating that, as a sponsor of the voucher, it was discovered through daily supervision that the Internet-red cake “Beth” parent company, the new three-boarded business handyman, had been found to be in a court of law in an application for liquidation. TikTok和抖音全球总安装量约33亿次 11月25日,网经社获悉,截至目前,TikTok和抖音在全球App Store和Google Play的总安装量约33亿次。 On 25 November, the Committee was informed that, to date, TikTok and tremors had been installed approximately 3.3 billion times globally at App Store and Google Play. 传淘宝灰度测试“一起逛”功能 pass the "walking together" test function 11月25日,淘宝近日正灰度测试“一起逛”功能,目前似乎只在iPad端提供,实测发现,有“一起逛”功能的设备可以邀请没有的设备。邀请后,用户可以进行语音通话,同时悬浮窗口会显示对方正在看的商品,挂断后会显示语音时长。 On November 25, the “walking together” function was tested in recent days by the gleaning of treasures and appears to be available only at the end of the iPad, where it was detected that there was a “walking together” device that could be invited to any device that was not available. After the invitation, the user could make a voice call, while the floating window would show the merchandise that the other person was looking at, and the hang-up would show the length of the voice. 京东公布2021年双12活动总则 11月25日,京东发布2021年京东开放平台12.12活动总则。本次12.12活动,预热期为2021年12月6日20时-2021年12月9日19时59分,正式期为2021年12月9日20时-2021年12月12日23时59分。活动玩法方面,本次京东12.12将主推每满200减20的头号京贴,活动期间同一款商品可全程参与。京东介绍,头号京贴是一种全品类满减优惠券,支持与限品类东券、店铺东券叠加。 On 25 November, Kyoto East released the general guidelines for the activities of the Kyoto Open Platform 12.12 in 2021. This 12.12 event is scheduled to take place on 6 December 2021 at 20:2059 hours on 9 December 2021 and on 12 December 2021 at 23:59 hours on 9 December 2021. With regard to the method of play, Kyoto 12.12 will focus on a 200-twenty-twenties top-up, during which the same commodity can be involved. 丽人丽妆三季报:营收25.01亿元 同比增长1.49% 11月26日,丽人丽妆(605136.SH)近日发布了2021年三季报,数据显示,前三季度公司主营收入25.01亿元,同比上升1.49%;其中第三季度主营收入6.45亿元,同比下降2.15%。 On 26 November, the three-quarterly report for 2021, which was published recently (605136.SH), showed that the company's main battalion earned $2,501 million in the previous three quarters, an increase of 1.49 per cent compared to the previous quarter, of which $645 million in the third quarter, a decrease of 2.15 per cent compared to the previous quarter. 壹网壹创三季报:营收7.29亿元 同比下降11.56% 11月26日,壹网壹创(300792.SZ)近日发布2021年三季报,数据显示,前三季度公司主营收入7.29亿元,同比下降11.56%;其中第三季度主公司主营收入2.43亿元,同比下降8.91%。 On 26 November, the three-quarterly report for 2021 (300792.SZ) was released recently. The data show that the company's main business income for the previous three quarters was $729 million, a decrease of 11.56 per cent compared to the previous quarter; the main company's main business income for the third quarter was $243 million, a decrease of 8.91 per cent compared to the previous quarter. 美团闪购试点前置仓新业态“闪店仓” Mostroom Pilot pre-empts the new business "Mostroom" 11月26日,美团闪购近日上线了针对日用百货及快消品类的创新前置仓电商项目——“闪店仓”。到目前,闪店仓已开设了500个左右前置仓,并专门为此架构了新的商家中台系统——百川系统。 On 26 November, the United States sturgeon brought on-line an innovative pre-barrel pre-barrel project for the use of daily department stores and fast-disposals, the “Standouthouse” project. To date, the staircase has opened about 500 pre-positions and has set up a new business desk system for this purpose, the Begawan system. 淘宝公布双12大促日程安排 The Treasures announce a double 12-tracking schedule 11月26日,淘宝放出“12.12全民淘宝节”大促日程安排,淘宝活动时间,预热期为12月7日至11日,售卖期为12月12日至14日。天猫活动时间,预热期为12月9日至11日,售卖期为12月12日至14日。跨店满减力度方面,淘宝每满199元-25元,天猫每满200元-20元。 On November 26, the "12.12 National Breathing Day" programme was released, with an advance date of 7 to 11 December and a sale period of 12 to 14 December. Skycats had an advance period of 9 to 11 December and a sale period of 12 to 14 December. 2.生活服务电商 定义:狭义的生活服务电商指基于互联网为人们日常生活消费提供的服务,分为到店服务(包括到店餐饮、酒店、影院等)与到家服务(外卖、家政等)两大类。而广义上的生活服务电商,网经社认为还包括:旅游、出行、医疗、教育、婚恋、房产、招聘等生活服务行业的互联网化。 曹操出行获全国首张网约车电子证照 > >. . >................................................................................................................................................................ 11月22日,云南省启用道路运输电子证照新闻发布会在昆明举行。会议宣布,自11月19日起,云南省全面启用道路运输电子证照,2022年底将实现全省道路运输电子证照线上服务。发布会现场,云南省交通运输厅演示了电子证照管理系统服务,随后曹操出行等企业代表及司机代表现场注册、申请对应电子证照。曹操出行企业代表及司机很快便获得对应的电子证照,这也是全国首个网络预约出租车的电子证照。 On 22 November, a press conference was held in Kunming on the launch of the electronic road transport certificate in Yunnan Province. It was announced that, as of 19 November, the electronic road transport license will be fully operational in Yunnan Province and that a provincial road transport electronic transport license will be available online by the end of 2022. On the site of the conference, the Transport Department of Yunnan demonstrated the electronic transport license management system service, and business and driver representatives, such as Cao Cao Cao, subsequently registered on site and applied for the corresponding electronic certificate. 同程艺龙发布三季报 营收19.39亿元 净利润3.52亿元 11月22日,同程艺龙(00780)发布了2021年三季报。财报显示,第三季度,同程艺龙营收19.39亿元(单位:人民币,下同),同比去年同期19.15亿元增加1.3%。其中,住宅预订服务收入6.45亿元,同比去年同期6.845亿元减少5.8%;交通票务服务收入11.25亿元,同比去年同期10.55亿元增加6.6%;其他收入1.69亿元,同比去年同期1.75亿元减少2.9%。 On 22 November, the three-monthly report for 2021 was issued by the same minister (00780). The financial report shows that, in the third quarter, the same company collected 1,939 million yuan (in the same amount as the yuan), representing an increase of 1.3 per cent over the same period last year of 1,915 million yuan, of which 645 million yuan was earned by the housing reservation service, representing a decrease of 5.8 per cent over the same period of 684.5 million yuan last year; 1,125 million yuan was earned by the transport ticket service, representing an increase of 6.6 per cent over the same period last year of 1,055 million yuan; and 169 million yuan, representing a decrease of 2.9 per cent over the same period last year of 175 million yuan. 利润方面,第三季度同程艺龙经调整EBITDA5.26亿元,同比去年同期4.99亿元增加5.4%。经调整EBITDA利润率由2020年同期的26.1%增加至27.1%。经调整溢利净额3.52亿元,同比去年同期3.73亿元减少5.6%。经调整净利润率由2020年同期的19.5%减少至18.1%。 有道成立研学旅游公司 经营范围包含旅游业务 1月22日,有道研学(杭州)旅游服务有限公司成立,法定代表人为周枫,注册资本500万元人民币,经营范围包含:旅游业务;旅行社服务网点旅游招徕、咨询服务;旅游开发项目策划咨询等。股权穿透图显示,该公司由杭州网易临界点教育科技有限公司全资持股,后者由丁磊、周枫共同持股。 ofo拉好友退押金上热搜 ofo > >. 11月22日,有网友发现,ofo商城推出拉好友帮退押金功能,除了“邀请好友,帮你退押金”外,还有好友下单奖励、充值退押等功能。随后,“ofo 推出拉好友退押金功能”“ofo 退押金充值 10 元退押 2.5 元”等话题一度登上微博热搜。 On November 22, an online friend found that the Ofo commercial city had introduced a bond withdrawal feature, which, in addition to “inviting a friend to help you refund a deposit,” also had such functions as a single reward, a high-value refund. Subsequently, the topic “ofo roll-out of a bond refund function” was “ofo refunds of 10 yuan and 2.5 yuan” and other topics such as a microblogging search. 中文在线回复关注函:元宇宙和NFT尚无实际业务收入和利润 11月23日,中文在线发布了关于对深交所关注函的回复公告。公告表示,中文在线目前在元宇宙和NFT(Non-Fungible
IP 事业部、知识产权事业部以及研发中心相关人员。 尚德机构2021Q3营收5.95亿元亿元 净利6518.00万元 11月23日,尚德机构发布2021年三季报。财报显示,尚德机构三季度营收5.95亿元人民币,同比增长9.9%;净利润9280万元人民币,去年同期净亏损1.658亿元人民币,同比扭亏为盈。 如祺出行拟开展约10亿元融资计划 proposes to launch a financing scheme of about $1 billion 11月23日,广汽集团发布公告称,旗下联营企业如祺出行拟开展规模约为10亿元的融资。公告称,为充分利用外部资本的力量,实现资源协同和持续稳健发展,由控股股东广州汽车工业集团出资3.5亿元参与本次融资。增资完成后,如祺出行仍旧为广汽集团联营公司,而前者董事会成员的构成不变,董事会的7名成员当中,由广汽集团委派3名董事。 On 23 November, the Guangbot Group issued a communiqué stating that, in order to take full advantage of the power of external capital, resources could be synergized and sustainedly developed, with 350 million dollars from Guangzhou Auto-Industries, the controlling shareholder, to participate in the financing. After the completion of the replenishment, if the travel continues to be a member of the members of the board, the board of directors remains unchanged, and three of the seven members of the board of directors are appointed by the Guangboat Group. 斑马快跑拟进行10亿美元的美国SPAC上市 The zebra's about to run for $1 billion in US SPAC on the market. 11月24日,据环球新闻社报道,中国网约车服务平台斑马快跑(武汉斑马快跑科技有限公司)正在接受上市辅导,考虑通过与特殊目的收购公司(SPAC)合并进行美国上市。该公司预计最早于2022年3月左右在纳斯达克上市,估值10亿美元(折合人民币65亿元)。 On 24 November, the Global News Agency reported that China's CyberBureau service platform, zebra fast (Wuhan zebra fast-run technology company, Inc.), was receiving listing coaching and was considering the United States listing through a merger with the Special Purposes Acquisition Company (SPAC). The company was expected to be listed in NASDAQ as early as March 2022, valued at $1 billion (equivalent to RMB 6.5 billion). Airbnb在欧盟征收和汇出超过3.15亿欧元旅游税 Airbnb collects and remits more than Euro315 million in tourism taxes in the EU 11月24日,Airbnb表示,希望与更多欧盟成员国和税务机关合作,实现旅游税的自动征收和汇缴。Airbnb首次强调,它已在整个欧盟征收和汇出超过3.15亿欧元的旅游税,并发布了Airbnb在全球征收和汇出超过40亿美元旅游税的消息。Airbnb最早于2014年在阿姆斯特丹开始征收和缴纳旅游税,目前已与18个欧盟成员国中15个实施旅游税的城市和地区达成协议。 On 24 November, Airbnb expressed a desire to work with more EU member States and tax authorities to achieve automatic tax collection and transfer on tourism. Airbnb stressed for the first time that it had collected and remitted more than Euro315 million of tourism taxes throughout the EU, and released news that Airbnb had collected and remitted more than $4 billion of tourism taxes globally. Airbnb started collecting and paying taxes on tourism in Amsterdam in 2014, and has now reached agreements with 15 of the 18 EU member countries that have introduced tourism taxes. 旅游信息化服务商“智游天府”获阿里旅行战略投资 Tourism Info-Services “Intelligent House” received Ali's travel strategy investment 11月25日,浙江阿里旅行投资有限公司新增一则对外投资,投资企业为四川省智游天府科技有限公司,投资比例为20%。 On 25 November, Zhejiang Ali Travel Investment Co. Ltd. added an outward investment of 20 per cent to Sichuan Province's Science and Technology Institute. T3出行登陆威海 完成进驻48城目标 11月25日,T3出已经正式登陆威海。据了解,这是继济南、青岛、烟台之后,T3出行布局山东市场的第4座城市,也是其在全国开通网约车服务的第48座城市。进驻威海,标志着T3出行2021年战略目标中进驻48城的目标已经提前完成。 Povernance, marking the early completion of the target of 48 cities in the T3 outbound strategic goal of 2021. 3.跨境电商 定义:狭义指跨境零售电商,分属于不同关境的交易主体,借助互联网达成交易、支付结算,并通过跨境物流将商品送达消费者手中的交易过程,包括:9610、1210、1239等海关监管代码模式。广义网经社定义为电子商务在进出口贸易及零售中的应用,包括:进出口跨境电商、跨境电商(B2B、B2C、C2C)以及9710、9810等海关监管代码和相关服务商。 亚马逊国内首个产业带集货运营中心落地义乌 11月22日,亚马逊国内首个产业带集货运营中心落地义乌,亚马逊全球物流团队义乌服务中心同时启用。当天,亚马逊全球物流还与义乌国际陆港电商城签订了战略合作,标志着义乌与亚马逊的合作迈入新阶段。 德国电商BBG获1亿美元投资 融资金额超13亿美元 11月23日,国际电商公司BBG(柏林品牌集团)宣布获得Ardian资本公司的1亿美元的投资,BBG表示将利用这笔新投资,进一步加速全球范围内的品牌扩张。据悉,今年4月,BBG通过债权融资募集到了2.4亿美元;9月,BBG获得Bain资本公司的7亿美元投资。目前,BBG共获得融资金额超13亿美元。 俄罗斯电商Wildberries更新卖家协议 11月23日,俄罗斯电商平台Wildberries向卖家发送了一份新版要约协议,在该协议中的1.6条款规定:将对不参与促销活动的产品收取额外交易佣金,且商品溢价将根据每个特定促销活动的规则决定。而在上一版合同中有明确规定,此类额外佣金的金额为货物价值的10%。 “OnePro”完成千万级天使轮融资 11月23日,出海电商产品平台一号创品(OnePro)已于近期完成千万级天使轮融资,投资方为国际物流华运国际集团。一号创品(OnePro)由小米生态链企业比科斯集团创始人陈克勇发起,本轮融资将主要用于行业研究,体系建立、团队建设以及产品开发设计等诸多方面。 商务部:将优化跨境电商零售进口商品清单 11月24日,商务部外贸司司长李兴乾今日在商务部召开的《“十四五”对外贸易高质量发展规划》专题新闻发布会上表示,鼓励优质消费品进口,扩大先进技术、重要设备、关键零部件进口,增加能源资源产品和国内紧缺农产品进口。优化跨境电商零售进口商品清单。进一步推进边民互市贸易进口商品落地加工,扩大自周边国家进口。 商务部:拓展丝路电商全球布局 11月24日,商务部印发《“十四五”对外贸易高质量发展规划》。其中提到,积极发展丝路电商。拓展丝路电商全球布局,建设“一带一路”电子商务大市场。创新发展丝路电商合作框架,推进合作机制建设,丰富合作层次,促进产业对接,扩大产品进出口。 Shopify与库存管理工具DreamRobot达成合作 11月24日,Shopify宣布与库存管理工具DreamRobot达成合作,允许卖家在DreamRobot平台上,一键管理Shopify、亚马逊、eBay和OTTO等平台的订单和库存。每月需15美元服务费,可免费体验14天。此次与DreamRobot的合作,在方便Shopify卖家管理业务的同时,也可以为卖家开辟新的销售渠道,用户可以发现新平台的契机,从而有望提高品牌影响力、知名度和销售额。 eBay英国预测黑五66%消费者选择小企业卖家 11月24日,eBay对英国站的黑五销售作出了预测,以便帮助卖家们更好地准备忙碌的购物节。根据统计显示,去年的黑五eBay英国每秒钟卖出40件商品,其中有90%的商品就是来自小企业。今年eBay预测,有三分之二(66%)的英国消费者计划在黑五向小企业购买商品。 拉美电商MercadoLibre允许通过数字钱包进行加密投资 11月25日,拉美电商MercadoLibre将很快允许巴西的MercadoPago客户在他们的数字钱包中购买、出售和持有加密货币,因为该公司希望扩大其金融产品阵容。MercadoPago副总裁Tulio
Oliveira表示,公司正在一小部分客户中试行这一项目,并将在未来几周内向更多客户提供该项目。MercadoLibre还将把产品扩展到其他拉丁美洲市场。 速卖通将对欧洲菜鸟官方仓储平台展示页面进行优化 11月25日,速卖通发文表示,为进一步提升欧洲菜鸟官方仓整体服务质量,同时让下单欧洲菜鸟官方仓线路的速卖通消费者享有更具确定性的购物体验,速卖通商家商品在配置了欧洲菜鸟官方仓线路的运费模板后,速卖通平台展示给消费者的页面将进行优化。 京东关停跨境B2C平台JOYBUY英文站与俄文站 11月25日,京东旗下跨境电商出口平台JOYBUY发布公告称,为了帮助更多的中国企业和中国品牌在海外拓展跨境业务,JOYBUY将升级为跨境B2B交易和服务平台,更好地服务于全球买、卖家。公告显示,JOYBUY称将于2021年12月9日停止英文站www.joybuy.com和俄文站www.jd.ru现有业务的运营,并将依据与商家的协议终止和商家在JOYBUY网站的合作。 豌豆公主成跨境电商进口医药产品试点资格企业 11月25日,北京市药监局、北京市商务局、北京海关、北京天竺综保区管委会通过综合评估,同意豌豆公主成为跨境电商进口医药产品试点资格企业。据网经社获悉,豌豆公主是继阿里巴巴、京东、北京药兜、叮当快药之后,获得该资格的第五家企业。 Wish发布Wish Standards卖家表现页面指南 11月26日,随着Wish Standards的上线,商户平台和Merchant Plus平台推出了Wish Standards表现页面,帮助商户深入了解各自的店铺和产品数据。据悉,商户可通过提高各指标的表现(例如,用户评分、退款率、订单履行率、确认履行速度、有效物流跟踪率、Wish政策合规情况或者其他商户表现指标),并长期保持出色表现,从而提升Wish Standards级别(或保持“铂金”级别)。 4.产业数字化 定义:狭义指通过第三方及自营B2B平台在企业间进行的交易。广义网经社定义为指企业间在线化的方式进行信息撮合和交易的商业模式,是产业互联网的重要组成部分。包括提供大宗商品贸易服务的大宗电商,提供企业非生产性物料(MRO)及生产性资料(BOM)服务的工业品电商,提供消费品在线批发的批发电商,提供办公用品、商务服务等的企业采购电商,以及相关服务商等业态。 我国首家数字经济人才市场揭牌成立 Our first digital economy talent market was inaugurated at 11月20日,中国重庆数字经济人才市场正式揭牌成立。这是经人社部批复设立的我国首家数字经济人才市场,旨在助力重庆加快集聚数字经济人才,优化数字经济人才流动和配置,打破数字经济产业创新发展瓶颈。到2025年,该市场将力争打造成高端数字经济人才培育基地、全国数字经济人才输送交流平台。 On November 20, China’s Chongqing digital economy talent market was officially inaugurated. This is the country’s first digital economy talent market, which was approved by the Ministry of Human and Social Affairs. The objective is to help regress efforts to accelerate the gathering of digital economy talent, optimize the flow and configuration of digital economy talent, and break the bottlenecks in the development of innovation in the digital economy. By 2025, the market will strive to create a high-end digital economy training base, and a national platform for the transfer of digital economy talent. 摩贝与万向区块链合作 Mobé works with the Hulk Block Chain 11月20日,化学品综合服务电商平台MOLBASE摩贝与万向区块链共同打造化学品交易可信凭证区块链平台
(简称可信化学链平台或T2C Platform),
以区块链技术为核心支持,联合化学品行业众多生产和流通类企业,打造开放式可信凭证平台,科技的加持将使化学品交易更高效、更安全。 On 20 November, the integrated chemical services provider platform MOLBASEMobe, in conjunction with the 10,000-way block chain, developed a platform for credible evidence of trade in chemicals (known as a credible chemical chain platform or T2C Platform), with block chain technology as its core support, bringing together a large number of production and circulation enterprises in the chemical industry, building an open and credible documentation platform, and scientific and technological holdings will make the trade in chemicals more efficient and safer. 欧冶云商与鄂钢达成深化合作意向 Eurometallurgator and steel enter into an intention to deepen cooperation 11月22日,欧冶云商与鄂钢达成2022年深化合作意向。在现有合作基础上,双方期望在鄂钢“一总部、多基地”实现平台化营销和物流的统一管理、清洁运输的建设运营、智慧物流服务及物流园建设等业务领域进一步深化合作,促进平台与生产端深度融合。 On 22 November, Euromelon and Steel agreed to deepen their cooperation in 2022. Building on existing cooperation, the two sides look forward to further deepening their cooperation in the operational areas of platform-based marketing and logistics management, clean transport operations, intelligent logistics services and logistics parks, and promoting the deep integration of platforms and production ends. 震坤行上线商家成长中心 > >. >..................................................................................................................................................................... 11月22日,震坤行商家培训正式升级为震坤行商家成长中心(移动端同步上线),致力为所有商家提供全面细致、高效专业的工业用品电商知识,助力商家提升运营能力。 On 22 November, the training of shopkeepers was officially upgraded to the Centre for the Development of Shopkeepers (movement-end-to-line) and efforts were made to provide a full range of detailed, efficient and professional knowledge of suppliers of industrial goods and electric power for all businesses, as well as to enhance their capacity to operate. 药易购拟购买享健药易购51%股权 11月22日,合纵药易购(300937)近日发布关于签署《关于设立及收购目标公司之合作框架协议》的进展公告,公司拟与自然人杨亚、曹继军围绕新公司进行股权合作。公司拟购买享健药易购51%股权,并已交纳5000万元诚意金。 On 22 November, a public announcement was issued on the progress made in signing the Framework Agreement on Cooperation in the Establishment and Acquisition of Target Companies (300,937), whereby the company plans to cooperate with the new company in the form of shares of the natural person Yangya and Cao's army. The company intends to buy 51% of the shares of the drug and has made a good-faith contribution of 50 million yuan. 网化商城进军标准品市场 Netized Merchant Market for Standard Goods 11月23日,网化商城宣布进军标准品市场,特组建专业小组,深入研究标准品频道,并于本周试运营。网化商城平台已运转6年有余,服务超过5万家企业客户。 On 23 November, the city announced its march to the standard goods market, organized a professional group to study the standard goods channel in depth, and tested this week. The city platform has been in operation for more than six years, serving more than 50,000 business customers. 海上鲜与同业远洋渔业合作 Marine fresh and seafood cooperation 11月23日,宁波海上鲜近日与舟山同业远洋渔业专业合作社签下了采购4.35万吨秘鲁原条鱿鱼大单合同。海上鲜此次采购的秘鲁原条鱿鱼主要以特小条、小条规格为主,去年库存旧货为多数,还夹带了一些今年的捕捞新品,交易总金额高达3.2亿元。 On November 23, the Professional Cooperative for Oceanic Fisheries in the Ningpo Sea recently entered into a contract for the purchase of 4.35 million tons of Peruvian squid. The Peruvian squid purchased at sea was mainly based on special strips and small strips, the bulk of which were in stock last year, and included some of this year’s catch, with a total transaction of up to $320 million. 钢宝股份拟北交所上市 11月23日,钢铁电商平台钢宝股份(834429)近日发布公告称,公司与国泰君安、德邦证券签订北交所上市辅导协议,已向江苏证监局提交辅导备案材料并获受理,进入辅导阶段。该公司上半年营收达到49亿元,此前因信披违规遭警示。 On 23 November, an announcement was issued in the near future that the company had signed a mentoring agreement with the North Exchange Office of State and Tegang An and Tebang securities, and that it had submitted to the Jiangsu Certification Authority and received and processed the information. The company had collected $4.9 billion in the first half of the year, after being warned of violations of the letter. 1688平台升级调整月卡权益 1688 platform upgrade adjustment monthly card interest 11月24日,1688平台发布公告称,为提升平台买家采购体验,1688月卡权益将做相应升级调整。该调整将于12月8日起开始灰度执行,即部分买家可提前购买超级月卡,2021年12月20日起放开全量买家购买/升级超级月卡。 On 24 November, Platform 1688 issued an announcement stating that, in order to enhance the platform’s buyer’s procurement experience, the 1688 card entitlement will be upgraded accordingly. The application of the adjustment will begin on December 8, when some buyers can buy super-monthly cards in advance, and the full buyer buys/upgrades of the super-monthly cards in December 2021. 腾讯云巴西启动首个互联网数据中心 11月25日,腾讯云在南美洲首个数据中心正式开服,位于巴西圣保罗。至此,腾讯云在全球范围内运营的可用区达到68个,共覆盖27个地理区域。 On 25 November, the first data centre in South America was officially inaugurated in São Paulo, Brazil. As a result, Tseng cloud has 68 available areas worldwide, covering 27 geographical regions. 怡亚通药购网与新荷花建立战略合作意向 intention to establish strategic cooperation between the IATN and the New Flowers 11月26日,新荷花中药公司与怡亚通药购平台初步建立战略合作意向,并深入探讨了两个合作品类的落地方式。整合、共享双方的经验、团队、品牌、技术等能力,聚合资源力量在怡亚通药购平台上。 On November 26, NCF established an initial strategic collaborative intent with the Diatron drug purchase platform, and explored in depth the way in which two types of collaboration are located. By integrating and sharing their experiences, teams, brands, technology, etc., the pool of resources is on the Diatron drug purchase platform. 【小贴士】 网经社“电数宝”电商大数据库(DATA.100EC.CN)基于电商行业12年沉淀,包含100+上市公司、新三板公司数据,150+独角兽、200+千里马公司数据,4000+起投融资数据以及10万+互联网APP数据,全面覆盖“头部+腰部+长尾”电商,旨在通过数据可视化形式帮助了解电商行业,挖掘行业市场潜力,助力企业决策,做电商人研究、决策的“好参谋”。(如果您是业内人士,欢迎加小编微信zy982248739进入社交电商读者群,请务必备注姓名+单位+职务)
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