多平台密集布阵合约市场 马太效应更加明显

资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:28 评论:0



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  来源:蜂巢财经NEWS  文|凯尔  编辑|文刀 


The contract market is changing.


From the fights between OKEx and BitMEX, to the break-in of the gun, there's a lot more and more of the predators.


Considerable profits are naturally a major incentive for the exchange to enter. How did the founder of the union reveal that she was surprised by the contract profits of her friends?


Contracts, as popular financial derivatives, attract more exchanges, and exchanges such as Bibox, Gate.io, Bitget, etc., launch contract products and compete for “cakes” by surprise.


None of the predators have placed much hope in their own contracts, but it is obvious that the siege will not be easy in the face of powerful pioneers. Currently, there is an increasing number of platforms to launch contracts, but there are still a few that dare to claim dominance in the market.


The battleground for contracts that test technological, financial and wind-control capabilities seems to be more evident than the Matthew effect of spot markets, where ambitious predators have been looking for opportunities.



From the end of 2018, the contract market became more active.


On December 10, 2018, the tender contract went on line; half a month later, Gate.io (Bithel) officially went on line to renew the BTC/USD contract; on February 18, 2019, Bibox announced the launch of the permanent contract; and on May 23, Bitget also went on line to negotiate the contract. At the beginning of July, the Founder, Zhao Chang-hoon, announced that the currency contract had entered the countdown.


In just a few months, successive new forces have emerged in the field of contracts to sow seeds for subsequent intense fighting and pattern change.


As a first-line platform, the rise of the gun in the contract market was rapid, only eight months ago, when it was announced to the outside world that the value of the tender contract bilateral transactions had sunk by $640 billion, with a combined growth rate of over 112% a month, ranking first among the global cut-off platforms.


During this period, a wide range of platforms, such as Bibox, Gate.io and Bitget, are also quietly grinding their products, refining their internal performances and expanding their power.


Unlike the cut-off contracts, the three platforms have chosen to prioritize the long-term contract front, with different product and strategy features. Bibox's greatest feature and advantage is “no cost.” Compared to the eight-hour fee of the OKEx permanent contract, Bibox has lost user concerns about the cost of the funds to save user costs.


Gate.io prefers a variety of online transactions. At present, either OKEx or the currency of fire is mainly engaged in contract transactions in mainstream currencies, while Gate.io has moved innovative currencies such as ADA, ONT, MDA, BTT, etc. into the contract trading area. At present, Gate.io offers a total of 22-currency contractual transactions, and, as you know, OKEx has only nine contract currencies.

 Gate.io共上线22个合约品种 Gate.io共上线22个合约品种


The availability of multiple types of contracts helps to capture user flows. But it is also a double-edged sword, and the often lack of depth of transactions in innovative currencies increases the risk of markets being manipulated.


Bitget, who only went online at the end of May, is less well-known than the above-mentioned platform. But, as the Forces nouvelles, it also brings with it innovations such as providing AI (an artificial intelligence) to assist users in making transactional decisions, alerting risks, etc.



Prior to the emergence of the latecomers, the most well-known contract exchange in the Chinese-speaking world was the launch in 2017 of the contract service, OKEx, which, although facing much controversy in the course of its development, was already improving, thanks to its pre-existing advantages, to become one of the globally recognized lead sheep.


BitMEX, who has been overseas for five years dedicated to a permanent contract, is also a powerful leader in this field. It divides almost the entire contract market with OKEx.


The intense inclusion of “growlers” has brought waves to seemingly unsurprising markets. The extraordinary “growlers” of each, like those who stormed the city, raised their hands against the former, and fought against the Great War.


According to the founder of LinkVC, Ling Ka Peng, the exchange is transitioning from a 1.0-era spot exchange, a 2.0-era mine-mining exchange, to a 3.0-year-old contract exchange. “Contract deals are essential weapons for the success of a new exchange, and they are now the early stages of a contract-exchange competition, and entry players have a great chance to bend over.”


Exchange competition has shifted to contracts


Under pressure from the Forces nouvelles, led by a gun, the old contract platform had to speed up its pace.


In the case of OKEx, over the past two years, the exchange’s contract products have been in a state of doubt about the machine, the needles, etc. The resolution of the problem has become the most important task of the OKEx contract team for almost a year.


Starting in March of last year, the team of contractual products shifted from a technical orientation to a professional financial orientation, with a focus on wind control, and in the subsequent development of a permanent contract, the new system validated the feasibility of a package of wind control options, “which has gradually been embedded in the contract of delivery, resulting in the transformation of the entire product of the contract”.


The user Judy felt this clearly: “In a number of extreme behaviors this year, the performance of OK has been much more stable than in the past, and the injections have been less frequent”.


The challenger's work is bound not to be easy when the leader constantly strengthens his own contractual “fortress”.


> > gravitational depths are difficult to access


In the eyes of industry, contracts are more brutal in the field than in the off-the-shelf market. They require strong technological and wind-control capabilities, a deep understanding of the financial system, and, above all, enough depth.


The depth of the deal is the first obstacle to a two- or-three-line platform slamming into a contract battle. In the eyes of a professional trader, Céline, the number of users of the currency ring is not large enough, even for an exchange like OK, a currency, the depth of the contract is far from the depth of the traditional futures market, and the two exchanges are hard to eat for more than hundreds of thousands of dollars.

 交易所合约排名与现货实力强相关 交易所合约排名与现货实力强相关


The deep problem is the natural constraint of a small- and medium-sized platform development contract, which is difficult to address effectively in a short period of time. Does a non-line platform only play a role in the contract market?


Vice President Bibox said to Dan that the industry has been changing, and that the future will move in a more regulated, professional and transparent direction. Change is an opportunity.


“There are many professional investors and financial institutions that are not there, and they are more concerned about contract exchange performance, experience, transparency, lack of premature explosion, malice, etc. This is a challenge and opportunity for all platforms, and the maturity of the entire contract market may be less than 60 points.”


In Dan’s view, depth is only a measure of the strength of the contract’s products, depending to a large extent on the flow. In addition, product performance, wind control and safety, transparency, etc., are the iron and steel bones built into the high-rises of the contract.


"In Internet thinking, traffic is the advantage of a big platform, but it's easy to get it, and it's hard to retain it. Competition is just beginning, and the flow is not always the same. It is imperative to sharpen its products and learn more from the experience of excellent platforms in order to gain the trust of more users."


It was revealed to Dan that Bibox placed contract products high on the platform’s development, and that the up-scaling of contract products has led to a significant increase in the volume of trading across the station. Soon, Bibox will be working on contract operations, and it is expected to go online next week to engage in mining activities, under the slogan “three months of mining, one full year of redecorating”; in addition, Bibox will hold occasional contract team competitions to increase market influence.


According to official sources, the platform’s team for contract products is more than 30 people, working late at night is normal, and even the customer’s clothes are added to the overtime.


The Bitget Exchange has a traditional financial background, and the contract has attracted traditional players in precious metal futures once it is online. To increase its influence in the currency circles, the Exchange collaborates with third-party contractual instruments, such as the Great God contract, to boost new flows.


In the contract’s professional market, the Matthews effect is more pronounced than in the spot market because of the higher threshold. For small and medium-sized platforms, it is not easy to break through.


In the mainstream consensus in the currency circles, currency security, which is about to enter into a contract battle, is the most threatening of the “gravers.” After all, the eight-month precedent for the rise of a tender contract is in sight, with large flows and influence, with greater chances of success than that of a medium-sized platform.


Of course, the former rulers have proved that the battlefield is full of bumps and thorns, and that each step will not be easy for later generations.


From the struggles of the two powers to the three-legged struggles of the men, the battles of the exchange of 3.0 years have intensified, and the battle against war has begun. Unlike before, the contract is a world that speaks out of hard power, the wonders are no longer effective, and the “growlers” need to be prepared for a lasting battle.






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