
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:25 评论:0



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We've been talking all day about the meta-cosmos. What's that universe? A lot of people don't know. Actually, it's not surprising, because so far, there is no unified concept of authority over the meta-cosmos. To facilitate a better understanding of the meta-cosmos, then it's an authoritative information platform for the meta-cosmos industry, called Geo-Cosmos Business Information.


What's a metroscosm?


First, it is literally understood that the meta-cosm is a word written in English as Metaverse, which was first used by the science-fiction writer Neil Stephenson in his novel Avalanche, which was translated into the end of the universe, and Universe as the meaning of the universe. A novel that describes meta-cosm as a virtual space parallel to the real world, in which each person has his own separate parts. Next, from the origins of the meta-cosmos, in 2021, there was a small wave of meta-cosm, the origins of which are now more widely recognized as the first to be used in the computational sciences such as the virtual world, the virtual reality, and domestic research was more focused on meta-cosmology, and the concept of meta-cosin was distributed in computer science, news, cinema, educational science, and so on. In addition, from an academic standpoint, the metamorphology of the world is the identity of the world’s virtual reality, the world’s virtual reality, and the world’s virtual reality is essentially the same.




Why is the universe so hot all of a sudden?


The concept of the meta-cosmos was just mentioned to you. It was first introduced 30 years ago, but why this year was a fire? The main reasons are the following:


First, there is an urgent need to find a new direction for the Internet, and a new revolution is needed. By 2021, the Internet had been born 52 years ago, and we in China had access to the Internet 27 years ago. The Internet was considered to be one of the greatest inventions of the twentieth century. The Internet industry was already deeply immersed in every aspect of everyday life, and it was impossible to imagine that the Internet, which had been able to eat, wear, live and basically to become Internet-based, had changed people’s way of life and socialization. But did you notice that these changes were real, that is, they were connected to the Internet for more than half a century?


Second, some traditional Internet giants have encountered development bottlenecks in their reality, and they also need to explore a new direction. The bottlenecks are mainly monopolization and infringement of consumer interests, especially consumer privacy, due to earlier rapid expansions. Almost all Internet giants have been subjected to monopoly investigations and even penalties, and countries have imposed stricter requirements on Internet giants to protect their privacy.




In particular, in April 2021, Ali Baba was fined US$ 18.28 billion, amounting to US$ 34.4 billion in July 2019. There are many more cases in which all Internet technology giants are not well known. If they continue to work in traditional Internet fields, this will lead to more severe anti-monopoly regulation and punishment. So it will be difficult for them to further expand their market share, and a breakthrough must be made in the new direction of development.


Advances in technology support the heat of the meta-cosm. The development of the meta-cosmos is dependent on advances in technology. For example, the technology of the VR margin calculation and block chain is the three technologies necessary for the meta-cosm, which, while not very mature, are already operating extensively in all areas of real society, providing technological support for the development of the meta-cosmos.


iv. Young people and home culture provide the ground for the eruption of the meta-cosmos, and young people are not very much like our middle-aged minds, and they prefer to explore and accept new things, and they prefer to be in the virtual world more than we do. For example, they like to watch science fiction, play games, look for achievement in the game, and, for example, they are home-grown, many young people who, with the Internet, can stay out for days and days without affecting their lives. At the same time, the new crown epidemic has given rise to a “home culture” that we all go out of time, which has become out of touch with the real world, and the youth + home culture provides a breeding ground for the meta-cosm of the virtual world.


But, unlike abroad, where the epidemic has been beyond effective control, the advanced countries, represented by the United States, have set up a crazy model. The US inflation has been so innovative that so much money has to be exported, so the US stock market has risen, and the stock market has brought with it a wealth effect, and the money it earns has further aggravated the supply of money in the real world. In this volatile financial environment, these investment funds, investment funds, investment funds, and technology giants have not been as cheap as they are, and they are poor in terms of good investment directions.


vi. Frozen. Everything gets hot. Real estate does the same thing, and the meta-cosm is no exception. Some money is excluded, some companies are involved in the game, and some are suspected of following it. Unconscionable pretenses have further warmed the concept of the meta-cosm.




/ strong


This is because, with the concept of the new meta-cosm, few people can see what his future will be like. In this respect, the meta-cosmos has real development needs, as well as advanced technology, especially some of the technological giants of the Internet who turn to the meta-cosmos, and will necessarily give the meta-cosmos a great boost.


At the beginning of July 2021, for example, Facebook indicated that it would be transformed into a metaspace company for several years. On December 29, Facebook’s founder, Mark Zuckerberg, even changed the company’s name directly to Meta. What does that mean? Meta’s name is the dollar of the metaspace, and Facebook’s stock code, which was listed in NASDAQ in the United States, was replaced by “FB” to “MVRS, which shows how Zuckerberg was obsessed with the universe.




But, on the other hand, the meta-cosm faces many problems, first of all technologically not yet mature, the applications of the meta-cosm applications of network and budget technology, artificial intelligence technology, Internet technology, sector chain technology, etc., but they are far from mature. For example, VR's methods of filming and the language of the lens are not perfect, and the development of tool chains leads to excessive costs.


The metaspace is a shared space, and the future users will be the creators and creators of the world. But there is greater uncertainty than in the real world, where the creation of the work has a degree of freedom, which has not been guaranteed, and where there are no officially accepted rules of operation and management, which are similar to the development process in the real society, which require well-established rules and organizational systems that require the involvement of the relevant authorities and regulators. The public and social nature of the metaspace makes the existence of a neutral third party all the more important.




There are already experts calling for stronger financial regulation, so the path of the future meta-cosm is one of profound changes in the world, creating all kinds of chaos, triggering strong regulation, the giants looking for the next wind, including the process, which may take decades to play in the meta-cosm, and experience the virtual world, but it's good to invest in the meta-cosmos. You say, for example, we're not big companies, we don't have ordinary people, we don't have capital to go into the meta-cosm as Internet giants, so it's better not take risks, wait for the meta-cos to develop again, get a clearer direction, and then make a decision. If you have a certain financial basis, you can take risks, and try it, of course.


This article is organized by the Metacosm Business Information, and more is read in depth by the Metacosm for your attention.




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