
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:25 评论:0



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Looking at this problem, many investors believe they want to understand that, after all, the digital money block chain is an industry in which the legend says pigs can fly, that the digital currency block chain quickly appears in the public eye in 2018, and now goes up to industry practitioners, down to the road to sell pancakes, and the moms are talking about the digital currency block chain, so what is the digital currency block chain? Under the coin circle, the small editor will explain the digital currency block chain in a popular way, hoping that through this presentation investors will have a preliminary idea of the digital currency block chain.



Digital money is a digital trading medium that uses powerful cryptography techniques to ensure the security of financial transactions and controls the creation of additional units and the transfer of proven assets.


Here are a few pieces that can be noticed: numbers, powerful passwords, creation, transactions and authentication.

为什么比特币是一个如此革命性的技术?很大程度上是由于它的设计防止了一个叫 “双重消费 “的问题。

Why is Bitcoin such a revolutionary technology? Much because its design prevents a problem called & ldquo; double consumption & & ldquo;


In order for you to know that the dollar you have just received will not be consumed again by your sender in another transaction, we usually need to believe that someone records who spent what, what was received, usually a bank, in the case of digital assets, or that a dollar itself actually leaves your wallet and never comes back.


With bitcoin, awareness and prevention of the problem means that we don't need to question whether the dollar money that we just gave us can really be spent by the sender, nor do we need an intermediary to verify it. It's similar to the cash in your wallet. Once you get it out, you can see it's gone.


The concept is revolutionary, as these are digital assets that in the past required a validation of the transaction.

对于比特币来说,每一笔交易都会被添加到一个”区块 “中,然后被追加到一个区块链的末端,也就是 “区块链 “中,一旦被确认,任何人都无法篡改之前的区块。这是通过强加密技术,使用一种叫做SHA-256加密哈希函数的东西来完成的。

For Bitcoin, each transaction is added to a ” block & & ldquo; and then to the end of a block chain, i.e. & & & & & & ldquo; in which, once confirmed, no one can alter the previous block. This is done by means of a powerful encryption technique that uses an object called the SHA-256 encrypted Hashi function.


So how did these bitcoins come? As part of the process of identifying transactions on the block chain, some people are called miners, who run computers or chips to solve cryptography problems and compete to add new blocks to the block chain. In order to reward the contribution of these miners in maintaining cyber security, each additional block will produce a new bitcoin.


The reason we need mining to be part of the block chain is because of security issues. Under the workload proof system, real-world assets, such as electricity, have to be spent to identify blocks: costs before getting incentives.


Under this system, the cost of attacks on the block chain by undesirable actors becomes high, as they need to spend a great deal of resources in the attack; as others act in order to legally receive bitcoin in exchange for their efforts in mining, the attackers have little opportunity to take over 51 per cent of the network and effectively control the majority.


There are other forms of consensus mechanisms, such as certificates of interest, certificates of ownership, certificates of authorization, certificates of burning, certificates of developers, and so on. Each mechanism has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it takes time to learn about each mechanism through its own projects of greatest interest.


The block chain is a technology that ensures full use of digital goods


The advent of block chain technology has led us to see the advent of a new era in data algorithms and has underpinned the rapid development of multiple industries. Currently, research and development authorities in many countries are actively innovating, improving, piloting up-to-date and better-equipped block chain technologies, and the future development of block chain technology for the general public.


The block chain is a new type of data management and operation model that is now accepted by the user and has a strong bookkeeping function, consisting of nodes constituting transactions and records, a strong storage capacity, and the support of the block chain ensures that all information in the transaction process is fair, transparent and non-distorted.


The combination of block-chain technology and the dual application of digital technology has also contributed to the rapid growth of businesses for the current development of multiple industries. The successful practice and application of block-chain technology in the area of digital money is worth all of us thinking about.


As a result of the above presentation, it is believed that there is an understanding of what constitutes a digital monetary block chain, and that little experience has reminded investors, especially newcomers in the currency circles, that it is preferable to opt for a propensity that allows investors to judge the course of events and to use it as an investment direction, bearing in mind that basic information is abundant, that investors must be aware of their priorities, that the details of the process can be ignored for the time being, but that it is important to keep the overall picture in mind that the quality of the transactions will be high.




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