What does the metaspace mean? What does the metaspace game mean? The metacosystem concept has recently been very hot, many games and Internet-related hotspots have been exposed, and many friends don't know much about it.
What's the dollar universe? is the hacker empire. To realize a parallel universe , human intubation will take place and telephone booths will come out.
why the meta-cosmos > /strong >
The current network world is carried mainly by
2. The current online world has been taken over by businessmen and politicians, and there is an urgent need to recreate a new, pure virtual world.
The human being is two parts, physical and mental, so the two worlds can exist in parallel.
VR, AR was supposed to be 5G本来是看超清视频或者工业互联网的,现在是元宇宙的数据传输方式 5G was supposed to be a super-clear video or an industrial Internet, and now it's a data transfer from the meta-cosmos. 区块链、云计算本来是商业领域的应用,现在是元宇宙的底层技术 Block chains, cloud computing were originally commercial applications and are now the bottom-of-the-cosmos technology. 稳定币本来是作为加密货币投机交易的中间货币的,现在可以作为元宇宙的法币 Stable currency was supposed to be the middle currency of an encoded currency speculator. It can now be the French currency of the meta-cosmos. DeFi本来是用来投机套利的,现在可以作为元宇宙的金融系统的一部分 DeFi was supposed to be used for speculative arbitrage. It can now be part of the financial system of the meta-cosmos. NFT本来是艺术品数字化拍卖的,现在可以作为元宇宙中商品唯一性的底层技术 NFT was supposed to be a digital auction for art, and can now be the bottom-of-the-art technology of the meta-cosmos. 元宇宙游戏是什么 What's a strong game?
《头号玩家》、《无敌破坏王》本来是贩卖怀旧梗的影视作品,现在成了元宇宙的文化铺垫 The number one player, The Invincible Destroyer, was supposed to be a nostalgia video, and now it's a cultural pad for the Won-Cosmos. 在最极端、最理想的元宇宙世界中,现实世界的肉身只不过是一具躯壳――负责吃喝拉撒睡而已。其他的一切活动――娱乐、社交、购物、旅行、工作、学习、投资、恋爱,乃至犯罪和服刑――均在元宇宙中进行 In the most extreme and ideal metaspace world, the body of the real world is nothing more than a body - responsible for eating, drinking and sleeping. All other activities - entertainment, 部分业内人士认为,1.0的PC时代和2.0的移动时代过后,科技行业需要新故事,元宇宙成为巨头破除焦虑的一味解药。它一方面推动5G、区块链等基础技术的升级,另一方面又关联着游戏、社交、内容乃至消费领域商业模式的变革。腾讯、网易、字节跳动等大厂均已表露出对元宇宙的野心。科技行业需要新故事,元宇宙成为市场“兴奋剂”,而巨头早已下场布局。 Some industry sources believe that the technology industry needs a new story after the 1.0 and 2.0 days of the PC era and move. The technology industry needs a new story and the meta-coastal becomes a cure for anxiety. On the one hand, it promotes the upgrading of basic technologies such as the 5G, block chains, and on the other hand it is associated with the transformation of business patterns in the field of games, socialization, content and consumption. 腾讯早在2019年就参投Roblox,2020年投资虚拟音乐会运营商Wave。天眼查显示,腾讯还在近日申请注册王者元宇宙、天美元宇宙等商标,国际分类覆盖社会服务、通讯服务等。 Tseng joined Roblox as early as 2019 and invested in the virtual concert operator Wave in 2020. 2020年年底,腾讯创始人马化腾在公司年刊《三观》中提出“全真互联网”概念。马化腾指出:“虚拟世界和真实世界的大门已经打开,无论是从虚到实,还是由实入虚,都在致力于帮助用户实现更真实的体验。”这与“元宇宙”的概念可谓不谋而合。 Towards the end of 2020, the founder of Quinterteng introduced the concept of the “Full Internet” in the company's annual journal, Three Perspectives. He pointed out that “the door to the virtual and real worlds has been opened, from the point of view to the point of view, to the point where the user is working to achieve a more real experience.” This corresponds to the concept of the meta-cosm. 近期,字节跳动则豪掷数十亿元收购消费级VR硬件制造商Pico。这是字节跳动40亿美元买下沐瞳游戏后最大的一笔收购,对行业看好不言自明。 Recently, the byte beats threw billions of dollars to buy Pico, a consumer VR hardware manufacturer. This is the largest buy-in since the byte beats $4 billion to buy an accelerator game, which is self-evident to the industry.
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