
资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:26 评论:0



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Since Facebook promoted the concept of the meta-cosmos and changed its name to Meta to pay tribute to the meta-cosmos, the `strong' brand has created a `mass cosmos heat'.


For all brands, the “megaspace” is seen as a prelude to capture the “megaspace”, which means that the next market opportunity may be seized.


As a result, I saw the man's closet for the two days, and the man's closet, in the heat of his heart, applied for the symbol of the family's cosmos. And just last week, Zhang's family came together and set up the country's first meta-cosmos research centre, and the Internet questioned and narrated: is, after all, where Avanda visited.



The concept of the meta-cosmos is just on fire, and there's this trend, and there's a broken rhythm.


How much fire does it have in Woncoon?


Look at the enthusiasm in the brand world!


Appearance shows that, to date, more than 4400 applications have been made for trademarks related to the Mesocosmos, of which more than 3,000 are currently in a state of “substantial review” and more than 700 enterprises have applied for mesocosal trademarks covering various areas of food and clothing.

这其中既包括各大科技巨头,如腾讯申请了“QQ元宇宙”、“王者元宇宙”等商标;百度申请了”元app”;网易提交了 “网易元宇宙”;阿里巴巴也注册了“阿里元宇宙”等多个商标。还有小米、字节跳动等互联网大厂都没闲着,注册相关商标,不断制造着元宇宙话题。

These include major technological giants, such as , who applied for trademarks such as the Queen dollar cosmos, the King dollar cosmos; 100% applied for 8221; wonapp #8221; the Internet easily submitted the “Network cosmos”; and Ali Baba also registered several trademarks such as the Ali dollar cosmos. The Internet plants such as and mills such as mills such as mills such as mills, mills, bytes, etc.



It also includes the home of the masonry referred to earlier, which even double-sinks have registered the logo of the meta-cosmos, which is the rhythm for the creation of the ham-intestinal cosmos, which is actually a bit of a stretch.


In business, several cars have the greatest enthusiasm for the meta-cosmos. Not only has the electric car players, such as pelicans, idealists, and utensils, have entered the game, but the upper consortium has applied for 100 meta-cosm-related trademark categories, which are inevitably suspected of dampness.



Of course, in addition to the trademarks, a number of brands have already taken action. Among them are the upcoming “Megaspace” business start-up of Young-ho.

运动巨头耐克宣布将与元宇宙平台Roblox合作,推出虚拟世界Nikeland,玩家将能为他们的虚拟形象穿上Air Max运动鞋等数字版本的耐克产品。Nikeland网站目前正在推广帽子和背包等独家商品。

Nike, the sports giant, announced that he would work with Roblox to launch the virtual world Nikeland, where players would be able to wear digital versions of Nike products like Air Max sneakers for their virtual image. Nikeland’s website is now promoting exclusive products such as caps and backpacks.



As a national brand that may be the closest to the Woncosmos, it is also accelerating the layout. As early as 2019, it joined forces with Roblox, the American game company that did not become the first share of the Woncosmos at the time, to build the relevant metacosmos development team based on popular games, Robles and Fort Night.


In recent days, ZPLAN, the new project “ZPLAN”, was launched, and several media outlets reported that the project was dominated by social + games, with a team of more than 1,000 people, and even by the “Small Hammer” as the “Metaverse Project”.


阿里也是早有“预谋”,除了此前打造的代言人易烊千玺虚拟代言人——千喵,更是推出从平行宇宙穿越而来的 metahuman(超写实虚拟数字人)AYAYI ,声称将为 AYAYI 注入新的「智识」与「灵魂」,赋予 AYAYI 在元宇宙商业文明中探索数字营销新可能的「超能力」。

Ali was also “premeditated”, in addition to the formerly created protagonist, the closing virtual protagonist, Chiaki, and the introduction of metahuman, who traveled from a parallel universe, AYAYI, claims to inject a new "intellectual" and "soul" into AYAYI, giving AYAYI the "superpower" to explore new possibilities of digital marketing in the business civilization of the meta-cosmos.


今年中秋,天猫超级品牌日已经发布了一款 AYAYI 定制月饼礼盒,除了实体月饼,礼盒内还含有 1 枚 NFT 数字月饼。

In the middle and fall of this year, Skycat Super Brand Day has released an AYAYI custom-made mooncake box containing one NFT digital mooncake in addition to the entity mooncake.



However, the hundreds-degree meta-cosm movement was the most complete, with a direct link to a meta-cosm socialization APP-Hyoma, where users were made of names and faces upon landing and then moved into virtual space.



And that's really, like, when the universe comes out, it's got the whole brand world in it. In short, the universe is a basket, and everything can be loaded in it.


"Strong" has the heat and the flow, which is the current brand's favorite thing -- to do with it. For most brands, what the metaspace seems to be does not matter, but it provides a marketing entry point.


In the case of Skycats, the 11th Won-Cosmos Art Fair, which was built on the eve of Twin 11s, thought it was really a meta-cosm art exhibition, but in fact, under the guise of the Won-Cosmos, it was used to sell electricity.



Although the whole thing seems to be full of flowers, it can be summarized in one sentence: , a barrel of tigers, used to sell potatoes.



The one-night reding of Willow Night-hee in the previous period made it possible for the Won-Cosmos and cosmetics to be married to each other.


According to statistics, at least 30 brands have begun to use virtual iconic advocates over the past two years, such as the “Fashion” introduced by the national brand, the “M” and “Oo” of Orea, with the exception of Vinona, Vancelin, Katziran and Tchichen, many brands that have their own brand identity.



Thanks to this wave of the universe, these virtual icons have been injected into the soul of the meta-cosmos, which has since been opened up by the make-up brands.

比如巴黎世家Balenciaga 发布的春季 22 系列广告大片,以虚拟时装秀的形式展现了本季首发造型,硬生生被冠以了“元宇宙”广告的概念。

For example, the spring 22 series of ads published by the Parisian family Balenciaga shows in the form of a virtual fashion show the first appearance of the season, with the notion of a meta-cosmos ad.



And, for example, station B explores virtual icons with its own full of binocular attributes, and virtual icons are also branded the “won cosmos”.


Gillie and the King are honoured to say that they have opened the universe of the young.



Even the Orio biscuits, in the course of the campaign to unite Jayon's build-up of the nation, did not forget the heat of a wave of the meta-cosm, and launched the so-called Olio+ block chain NFO digital art box.



As the concept of the meta-cosm is hot, a growing number of brands are unequivocal about the dampness of the matter and are fighting to join the army. Their own products are not strongly linked to the meta-cosmos, either organically or through marketing, or have a vision.


All in all, let's do it first. We're all trying to split up in the new field, but we're all in the middle of it because of the noise and the mud.


At the end of the day, it's a little ironic that Yuan cosmos is so popular with brands.


After all, the whole world's following the wind of the "won cosmos," and the "won cosmos" is what nobody says.


It's like we saw people running, so everyone joined the race, but nobody knew why.


We all know that the sheep effect is a typical economic phenomenon, that the `strong' flock is a very disorganized organization, and that when one head of sheep moves together, the flock goes up without thinking about it, regardless of whether there may be wolves or better grass not far away.


Today's brands are faced with the sheep effect of the metaspace.


No matter how hot the meta-cosmos is, there is a fundamental fact that, to date, there is no precise definition of the meta-cosmos that is widely accepted.


And that's the crux of the problem:


Most brands do not know what the “megaspace” is, what it has to do with their own brands and what they want to do through them, but they do so with a view of “do not follow the wind and do not follow the wind”, which is an extremely irrational act.



Most brands are purely damp compared to deep exploration of the meta-cosmos by technology giants like Facebook and Microsoft.


As a concept of just a fire, the universe is surrounded by capital hysteria and all sorts of chaos: many people see new ways of doing money, selling books, selling classes for millions of a month, and selling games and coin frauds.


But to think of it at the brand level, it's actually a sign of rashness in the brand world, trying to take a shortcut through the meta-cosmos.


But it's still the old talk, and branding has never grown overnight, but it's a long-term, systematic project.


“Mencosm” may lead to a temporary flow of brands, but the unknown about “Mencos” may also lead to a “new trap” for brands — forgetting the originals of brands and losing themselves in a frenzy concept.


As Director of Station B said, , "The meta-cosmos is a concept, not a product, and it contains elements of a product, such as virtual reality, a tight social system, or a self-cycling ecosystem in a game. It takes a breakthrough in products and technologies to make it happen."


So, as far as brands are concerned, the blindness and the wind of a brain, the end result is either to screw up the meta-cosmos, or it's fucked up by the meta-cosmos!


And think about it.




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