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The chain of blocks has been on fire lately. I heard it from a friend at first, because I've always been interested in technology-driven things, so I've learned a little bit. In short, the chain of blocks is a trust mechanism to be centralized.


In the past, the block chain was mainly applied in bitcoin, and up to the last six months, the block chain has gradually begun to have some other applications, especially in the financial field, so I was constantly asked, “Ho, tell us about the block chain.” I am here today to find an article that is biased in nature and does not require any background in technology or finance, and I hope it will help you.


This question-and-answer session is aimed primarily at ordinary people who want to know the chain of blocks without a professional, technical and financial background.


asks: What's a block chain?


Response: Block Chain (Blockchain) refers to a technical programme for the collective maintenance of a reliable database through decentralisation and detrust.


It is common to say that block chain technology refers to a way in which people are involved in accounting. There is a database behind all systems, and you can see it as a big account book. So it becomes important who keeps the book. Who's the recordr at this point in time, the account book of the micro-letters is being kept, and the account book of the treasures is Ali. But now in block-chain systems, everyone in the system has the opportunity to be involved in bookkeeping. If there is any change in data, everyone in the system can write the account over time, and the system will judge the fastest and best person in the time, write the account book and send the account book back to everyone else in the system. In this way, everyone in the system has a complete account. We call it
chain technology.


asks: What good does it do with a chain of blocks like this?


Answer: It can be found that this is a great deal of security at the expense of a little efficiency. First, there is no central large account book, so it cannot be destroyed. Each node is only part of the system, and each node has the same rights and has the same exact account book. The destruction of some nodes has no effect on the system. Secondly, it is impossible to cheat, because unless you can control most of the computers in the system, the system will decide what is the true result, and the result will find that the modification of its books is completely meaningless (because others do not recognize them). Secondly, without a centralized intermediary, allowing everything to operate automatically through predefined procedures will not only significantly reduce costs, but also improve efficiency.


asks: What is the problem with the block chain?


In the past, it was difficult for two people who did not know and trusted to work together to rely on third parties. In the past, for example, there had to be a bank or a payment treasure in any kind of transfer. But, through block chain technology, Bitcoin was the first time that humans had achieved a transfer in which they could trust each other without the involvement of any intermediary. This was a major breakthrough in the block chain.


asks: Is the block chain Bitcoin or is it Bitcoin?


Answer: The block chain technology is the bottom technology of Bitcoin, and not much attention was paid to bitcoin at an early stage. But when bitcoin operated and managed without any centralised agency, it operated very steadily for years without any problems. So many notice that the bottom technology may have a large mechanism and may not only be used in bitcoin, but it may be applied in many areas. So, by abstracting bitcoin technology, called block chain technology, or distributed bookbook technology. So, from one perspective, bitcoin can be seen as the first application of the block chain, whereas the block chain is more similar to a bottom technology like TCP/IP, and will be extended to a growing number of industries.


asks: What are the main sectors of block chain technology that can be used?


Answer: The main advantages of block chains are that they are not brokered, that the process is efficient and transparent, that the costs are low, and that the data are highly secure.


asks: Why do you use block chain technology in the financial field? What are the substantive benefits?


Response: Block chain technology has a major advantage in the financial field in terms of brokering and significantly reducing costs.


First, the financial sector now requires a layer of auditing to manage financial risks by preventing single-point failures and systemic risks, but this also has high internal costs. And, as a result of the emergence of increasing regulatory regulations, particularly the 2008 financial crisis, which has led to rising financial regulatory thresholds, the war on terrorism has led to a gradual expansion of the scope and depth of regulation, leading to a sharp increase in the regulatory costs of the financial system as a whole.


Moreover, for historical reasons, traditional financial institutions rely on central settlements for both settlement and liquidation, and the resulting problem is inefficiency. Traditional cross-border settlements are often calculated by day because they are channelled through institutions like SWIFT.


asks: What's Bitcoin calling mine?

答:比特币中的“挖矿”实际上就是记账的过程,比特币的运算采用了一种称为“工作量证明(Proof of Work,PoW)”的机制,系统为了找出谁有更强大的计算能力,每次会出一道数学题,只有最快解出这道题目的计算机才能进行记账。而抢到记账权的计算机会获得25个比特币的奖励。通常把这个行为称为“挖矿”,把获得的比特币视为挖矿成功获得的奖励。

Answer: “mining” in Bitcoin is actually the process of bookkeeping, and Bitcoin's operation uses a mechanism called “Proof of Work, PoW” whereby the system, in order to find out who has a stronger computing capacity, has a mathematical question, and only a computer that quickly solves the subject can record it. Computers that steal the right to bookkeeping are rewarded by 25 bitcoins. This behaviour is commonly referred to as “mining”, and bitcoin is regarded as a reward for success in mining.


asks: Do all blocks chains need to be mined?

答:并非所有的区块链项目都会采用类似于比特币这样的“工作量证明”方式,这更多出现在早期的区块链项目中。如果采取其他的证明机制,如“权益证明(Proof of Stake,PoS)”、“股份授权证明机制(DPoS,Delegate Proof of Stake)”都是不需要采取这样的挖矿方式。

Answer: Not all block chain projects use “workload certification” similar to Bitcoin, which is more common in earlier block chain projects. If other certification mechanisms are adopted, such as Proof of Stock, PoS, and the share authorization mechanism (DPoS, Delegate Proof of Stock) are not required for such mining.


asks: What's the relationship between the block chain and the big data? The block chain will replace the big data?


Answer: Block chains and large data relationships are not very large. Big data are mainly about the management of big data, while at the heart of block chains are about achieving high security and reliability of data without centralizing intermediaries. So block chains and big data do not conflict with each other, do not replace them, and are simply different solutions for data in the face of different scenarios.


asks: What does a block chain have to do with cloud computing cloud storage? Is a block chain cloud computing or cloud storage?


Response: Cloud computing is usually defined as the provision of dynamic, scalable and often virtual resources via the Internet, but the platform for cloud computing is often provided by a central institution. The network of block chains is generally non-specific, so the block chain is more closely defined by distributed computing systems and is one of distributed computing. However, the block chain is capable of achieving cloud storage, unlike the current centralized provision of cloud storage space, and there are a number of decentralized cloud storage options in the block chain, such as Stotj, Sia, Maidsafe.


asks: Is the block chain software? What program is it written?


Answer: The block chain is not a specific software, as the word "database" means, but it is a technology-specific design idea. It can be achieved in most languages, and in many ways.


asks: What's a public chain? What's a private chain? What's a union chain?


Answer: The public chain is open to anyone, everyone can participate in the calculation of the block chain, and anyone can download the complete block chain data (the full account book). But in the context of some block chain applications, it is not desirable for anyone to participate in the system, anyone can see all the data, and only the permitted node can participate and see all the data.


The chain of alliances refers to the full reciprocity of the rights to participate in each node, the credible exchange of data that can be achieved without the need for complete mutual trust, and the R3 banking block chain alliance is a typical chain of alliances.


But with the rapid development of block chain technology, it is not precluded that the boundaries of subsequent public and private chains will become blurred. Because each node may have more complicated reading and writing rights, the node with partial rights may be developed for all, while the node with partial bookkeeping or core rights can only be opened to permitted nodes, which would no longer be a purely public or private chain.


asks: is the main issue in the current technological development of the block chain?


Q: The block chain technology is still at a very early stage, not only without uniform technical standards, but also with rapidly developing technology options. But systems that were previously considered to be based on block chain technology are resource-intensive (like bitcoin), or systems that have limited processing data in block chain technology have made a technological breakthrough.


Without quantitative analysis, the financial sector will remain relatively cautious in the short term about the real benefits that the use of block-chain technologies can bring us, including savings and value creation. After all, global financial infrastructure investment now exceeds trillions of dollars, and a new financial architecture and bottom operating system needs to be supported by real data.


Moreover, the block chain industry is extremely short of talent and lacks a large number of people who know both the technology of the block chain and the many aspects of finance. Markets are struggling to find people who can connect to the two worlds, and they need to be able to do better in the capital markets in the real world.


asks: What's a smart contract?


Answer: Smart contracts are contracts that replace legal language with computer language to record terms. Smart contracts can be performed automatically by a computing system. Smart contracts can be used to apply block chain technology to the practical application layer if the block chain is a database. Traditional contracts are generally not directly related to the computer code that executes the content of the contract. Paper contracts are, in most cases, archived, while software enforces contract terms in the form of computer codes. The potential benefits of smart contracts include reduced costs of contracting, enforcement and regulation; thus, for many low-value transactions, this significantly reduces human costs.


asks: How do smart contracts work?


Answer: If the central bank is able to issue French currency through a block chain, it can also do so through smart contract technology and embed the code into the act of issuing French currency, which can be called “programmable currency.” If, for example, the central bank designates a portion of the funds to be disbursed to an agricultural-related account, then it can write that part of the funds into the appropriate procedure, and that part of the funds can only be transferred to an agricultural-related account, which in any case may not be diverted to other accounts. If most of the currencies become “programmable money”, then we can imagine that the financial environment in which they are made becomes “programblemable finance”.


asks: What does the block chain have to do with ordinary people?


A: It doesn't matter much unless it is prepared to start a business. As far as the relationship between the TCP/IP agreement and the ordinary person is concerned, ordinary people simply don't need to know what a TCP/IP protocol is at the bottom of the Internet, as long as they have access to the services provided by the Internet.


asks: Does the block chain project have to have some kind of currency?


Answer: No. Bitcoin itself is a payment system, so it needs a tool of value measurement, so bitcoin is needed. Moreover, in order to reward more people who are willing to contribute their own computers to provide computing for the system, bitcoin is needed to reward it.


Ask: Is Bitcoin legal now?


In fact, on 5 December 2013, five ministries, including the People’s Bank of China, made it clear that Bitcoin was a specific virtual commodity, and that ordinary people had the freedom to participate with their own risk. Financial institutions and payment agencies were not allowed to carry out Bitcoin-related financial services, or to use Bitcoin as an investment target.


Bitcoin is defined as a bulk commodity in the United States as a currency unit in Germany. According to the European Court of Justice, Bitcoin is a means of payment and no value-added tax is required.


asks: can be invested? Is it a block chain project? Is it a distribution?


Answer: All digital currencies, including bitcoin, are currently at high risk, and block chain technology is itself very high at the start-up stage, as are all block chain projects. No ordinary people are advised to invest in any digital currency or block chain-related items. And the digital currency and block chain have a certain technical threshold, so ordinary people cannot distinguish between real items and distribution items.


asks: How to invest in block chains?


Answer: Most block chains are in the initial stages, mostly overseas, and very few good block chain projects in the country are recommended, so no unprofessional block chain projects are recommended. If you are interested in block chain technology, you have a technical or financial background, it is recommended that entrepreneurship in this area be considered.


asks: Who invented the block chain/bitcoin? Is he Japanese or is it a conspiracy of the United States government?


A: Bitcoin was created by a person or team who called himself a “medium bellicose” and had completely withdrawn from the project in the early days of the Bitcoin project. It was very unlikely that the word “medium bellicose” would be Japanese, because in his previous e-mails he could have inferred that he should be a native of English.


Moreover, the Bitcoin creators are no longer influential in the current Bitcoin project, so it is unlikely that they will be the product of a conspiracy. Whether or not a “medium-brain” emerges later, or is physically eliminated, does not have much impact on the Bitcoin.


asks: What's the difference between Bitcoin and Queen?


Answer: Queens are a central electronic currency, including totals, which are distributed in a manner controlled by the company. The volume of Bitcoins, which is predefined by procedures and encryption algorithms, operates on multiple nodes around the world, without any person or institution that can be modified or controlled by any single person or institution. Qnotes are commonly referred to as electronics, or corporate tokens. Bitcoins are called digital or encrypted digital currencies.


asks: Is there a ceiling on the amount of bitcoins? How is it distributed?


Answer: As stated earlier, miners are given the opportunity to compete for rights to bookkeeping. At the beginning, the 10-minute system will reward the fastest and best bookkeepers with 50 bitcoins, then they will be halved every four years, and there will be no new bitcoins in almost 2140, which will reach the upper limit of 21 million.

欢迎关注程浩的个人微信公众号“浩哥说”(ID:haogetalks),关于创业/企业级服务/互联网金融/VR/AR/人工智能的任何问题。如果你是创业者,欢迎发BP到我的邮箱:steve@ivision.vc。翻译 | 暴走恭亲王     媒体来源 | 区块链铅笔Blockchain

Welcome to Xing Ho's personal micro-public address (ID:haogetalks), any questions about entrepreneurship/business-level services/Internet finance/VR/AR/ artificial intelligence. If you're an entrepreneur, please send a BP to my mailbox: step@vision.vc. Translator & nbsp; & nbsp; media source block pencil




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