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You know which ones are big now in the currency circles? There's a hundred times the potential here.


Digital money investment involves a variety of strategies, each of which has its own market context and risks. Digital money investment strategies are diverse, including long-term currency hoarding, the use of cattle-market catch-ups, sand-busting, etc. At the same time, techniques such as the bottom of the pyramid, the mean-line approach, and violent currency hoarding can also be applied. Investors should choose appropriate strategies based on market conditions and their own risk tolerance, exercise caution and focus on market trends.


Currency hoarding is one of the simplest and most challenging strategies. It is simple because only one or more digital currencies are bought without any operation for six months or more.


The strategy applies to digital currencies with a market value of between 20 and 100, because at least not for too long. For example, the purchase of the first mountain coin, when it rises by 50% or more, can be replaced by the next collapsing currency, a cycle like this.


In the cattle market, almost all of the digital currencies tend to rise, and money slowly penetrates every digital currency, starting with a larger market value. There is a clear pattern in the price of digital money, namely, the first-ever rise in leading digital currencies, such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethel (ETH), DASH, Ether Classic (ETC), etc., followed by the rise in mainstream digital currencies, such as Leitco (LTC), Monroe (XMR), Coin (BNB), Doonie (DOGE), SHIB, etc.


(b) The bottom method: the purchase of bullets was commissioned at 80 per cent, 70 per cent, 60 per cent and 50 per cent of the price, respectively, with one tenth, one tenth, one tenth, one tenth and four tenths of the total warehouse.


If the current prices are above the lines of MA5 and MA10, it is recommended that the holdings remain stable. If MA5 falls under MA10, it is recommended that the digital currency be sold; if MA5 expands under MA10, it is recommended that the purchase and warehousing take place.


Select a known digital currency that is suitable for holding high-quality currencies in the long term. There is a liquid capital, with a current price of $8, that can be purchased at $7, and sold at $8.8 if the purchase is successful. Profits are obtained in this way and the holding of digital currencies is increased.


Continuous participation in SM, recovery of principal, reinvesting in the next SM, profit retention and circulation when the new currency has increased by three to five times.


The search for a black horse, such as the ETC, raises the money when it falls, continues to do so when it continues to fall, and then throws it out at the time of profit, which continues to circulate.


Assuming that there are 10,000 yuan, divided into 10 shares, and buying 10 different kinds of coins, preferably at a price below RMB 3. Do not do anything after the purchase. Do not sell unless the increase is three to five times higher; hold and invest in long-term investments even if the lockup is not sold. If a currency rises three times, take back 1,000 yuan of principal and invest it in the next.


In general, digital money investment involves a variety of strategies, each of which has its own market context and risks. Digital money investment strategies are diverse, including long-term currency hoarding, the use of cattle-market catch-ups, sand-busting, etc. At the same time, techniques such as the bottom of the pyramid, the mean-line approach, and violent currency hoarding can also be applied.

第一,老老实实屯币,死拿现货,拿个3-10年。屯对标的。就没有不富裕的。什么标的是币圈最好的标的,只要是币圈人都知道,根本不用选择。这个看似最简单实际上最没有人走这条路,所以竞争最小。完全没有任何卷啊 内耗啊这种说法,我也完全不在乎币价涨跌,因为太反人性,我本人就是走的这条路,我觉得太适合我走了,可能是我性格导致的。我也因为走这条路赚了钱。

First, to be honest, to take the cash, to take the money, to take the money, to take it for 3-10 years. There is no lack of wealth. What's the best sign of the currency ring, as long as it is known to the people in the currency, is no choice at all. This seems to be the simplest, actually the least one, so the competition is the least. There's no volume of internal consumption, and I don't give a damn about the price rise or fall because it's so antihuman that I'm walking, and I think it's too good for me to go, probably because of my character. I'm making money for that.


Second, use the currency as its asset position. Use the current currency to participate in high-quality activities, such as the IEO of the currency exchange. The pledge of boring apes.


Third, making a deal is the hardest thing, but it's also the most desirable, and it's usually the easiest. For example, making a contract, just under the mouse, and some master telling you what to do with a dot. In fact, people don't get the money, they're fuel.

第四,参与热点概念的炒作,比如eth上海升级,会拉,那你炒作一波,比如ape有质押活动 ,预判流动性减少会拉盘那去参与。又比如ltc有减半事件,那就去参与 一下。这些都是根据事件来炒作,我个人不建议做合约,只做现货,并且要管理好仓位和止损位。

Fourthly, participation in the idea of hotspots, such as the upgrade of the eth in Shanghai, will pull, and you're making a wave, such as when ape has a pledge, and presuming a reduction in mobility will pull up. And, for example, if ltc has a reduction in the number of events, then you're going to participate. These are based on events, and I personally don't propose to contract, just to make a spot, and to manage the warehouse and stop the damage.

第五,各种活动,比如nft打新了,白名单啦。一级市场的的活动 去领取空投等等。这些都需要一点技术含量。普通人通过学习也可以学会。

Fifthly, activities like nft's new, white lists. First-level market activities to get airdrops, and so on. These all require a little bit of technology. Ordinary people can learn by learning.


I'm going to talk about the closed pit method.


If someone's trying to tempt you, tell you how much money you can make, or buy a contract with him. That's a liar.


Those who tempt you with profit are not good people, because their hearts are not pure, they must have an end.

在金融市场,如果是做交易,一定要有自己的交易系统。我自己抄山寨就是有自己的系统,跌破60日均线走人,涨破60日均线买入,远离60日均线超过25%卖出。以25%为止盈点。 如果是牛市山寨,那就是其他均线法则了。很多很多的方法,但是必须简单,我也在群里分享给了群友,如何做山寨,如何卖,如果用纪律约束人性,用最简单的语言,把最简单的方法给他们讲明白了,从此炒币根本不可能纠结,也不可能卖飞。

In financial markets, it is important to have its own trading system if it is a transaction. I'm going to take my own system, break the 60-day average, buy it off the 60-day average, and sell it away from the 60-day average.


There is also a very important reminder: anyone who calls out a list cannot be trusted; it's either bad or stupid to be precise. Anyone who jumps on the list, who claims to have insider information, tries not to believe it.


First line of taps: ordi, sats, uni, sol, link, Aave, Magic, avx, comp, mkr


Second-line potential: ens, near, snx, dydx, ldo


Memeco: doge, shit, people


Note: These are for information purposes only and are not recommended.

Tag:币圈   赚钱  



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