
资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:29 评论:0



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Last December, the National Monitoring Committee of the Central Disciplinary Committee issued a note stating that it would take a rational view of the new technological revolution and its impact on society. In January 2022, the Small and Medium Enterprises Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Communications made it clear that it would foster an innovative set of small and medium-sized enterprises that would enter the military universe. In addition to the big Internet players abroad, Ali Baba, Tseng, 100 degrees, Internet access, and the by-products of the by-products of the country’s Internet.

乱象一:暴跌90%后 上市公司元宇宙虚拟房产被指“收割韭菜”

"Strong" one: after a 90% drop, the listed company Won-Cosmos virtual property is referred to as "harvesting vegetables"


At the second half of last year, at the hottest time of the Won cosmos, I bought a house at $10,000, and now I can't sell it for $1,000. Let's pay for a lesson. On August 20, Bike 1001, an early Yuan cosmopolitan player, admitted that his investment in the Won cosmos had been completely defeated and “clicted out of vegetables.” At the hottest time of the second half of last year, a virtual plot of land from abroad was even higher than a villa in Beijing. In November 2021, the singer, Lin Junjie, announced that he had purchased three virtual plots on the Decentraland platform at a total cost of over $70,000 (approximately 500,000 yuan). However, according to data from the We Meta platform, Lim Junjie had recently purchased three virtual plots, which were currently valued at just $97.5 million yuan, and dropped by more than 80 per cent.


According to the latest data from WeMeta, in 2022, virtual land prices within the six-dollar space platform fell sharply, from about $17,000 in January to about $2,500 in August, a drop of 85% over a six-month period. And overall sales fell from 16,000 last year to 2,000 last August, a decline of 87.5%.


In November last year, a newspaper reporter from North Yin reported on the original 88-dollar dollar dollar-type property called the back of 100,000 dollars, when the A-stock market company launched an App-based “Rink-Cosmos.” By downloading App, users can create a 3D virtual image in the rainbow universe, own their own 3D virtual home, socialize, live, etc. APP details 13 types of housing, with different distributions and levels of scarcity for each type of house, ranging from high to low levels of SSS, SS, S, A, B, C. The prices range from $888 to 88, or even higher. My Star certificate includes the land and property you own on the APP, with a world ranking based on the number of properties you own. In the Rainbow Cosmos, you can decorate your own house and go to another house.


“Super scarcity, half a sea view house, buys and earns!” As the rainbow cosmos began, its virtual real estate market blew up. The price of the cosmopolitan virtual estate was so high that it varied from hundreds to hundreds of thousands of dollars, with the highest set being 99,99 million dollars.

去年11月18日,天下秀创始人李檬发布了一封名为《面向下一个十年 让连接更有价值》的公开信。在信中,李檬正式介绍了公司基于区块链技术的3D虚拟社交产品虹宇宙,并表示虹宇宙会使我们不断接近社交技术的终极梦想。随后,该公司股价连续涨停,市值飙升近50亿元。上交所随后发布了对该公司及相关负责人的监管警示。上交所的监管文件称,在“元宇宙”等相关产品、技术处于当前市场高度关注的热点时期,但公司实际并未参与AR、VR、MR 及相关硬件技术研发,亦无相关硬件技术储备或专利,公司主营业务也未发生重大变化。创始人公开信内容可能对投资者产生误导。

On November 18, last year, Lee Leung, the founder of the show, published an open letter entitled Towards the next decade, Making Connecting More Value. In the letter, Lemon officially introduced the company’s 3D virtual social product, the rainbow universe, based on block-chain technology, and said that the rainbow universe would bring us closer to the ultimate dream of social technology.


After a period of frenzy, at the end of December last year, second-hand platforms, such as idle fish, blocked the key words “Ion cosmos” and “virtual real estate” and subsided the content of the transaction. The Ion cosmopolitan official Weibo also sent a message indicating that all violations involving private transactions, induced transactions, pretences, fraud, etc., would be monitored in a focused manner, and that, once discovered, the relevant accounts would be restricted and the entries banned.


According to a group of micro-letters and Qq reporters, there are still a number of intermediaries selling virtual properties in the rainbow universe, but prices have fallen by 90%, and many of the early groupings are advertising “meat-cutting,” which is now almost unattractive compared to previous fires. “The 10,000-dollar group that used to be in need of it, now 500 won't sell it.” Player let770 told the newspaper reporters that he had built several rooms in the rainbow, fantasizing that he could increase hundreds of times as much as Bitcoin, and had no idea that he had been cut by the market company.


The head of a national meta-cosm project said to the North Korean newspaper journalists that the collapse of the virtual estates in the Won-Cosmos was due mainly to two factors: the collapse of global encryption assets, the price of which was closely related to the encryption market; and the explosion of these virtual properties, which ended up as a game of slamming flowers, and the fall in prices when no funds were available for the last hit. In fact, many players who bought those assets were gambling, but the strict regulation of domestic policies and market recognition of virtual real estate were limited, leading to their rapid rejection by the market.


In an interview with the media, Wang Peng, an associate professor at the Center for Smart Social Governance at the Chinese People’s University, said that trading in virtual lands in the Woncosmos had financial derivatives because they were not regulated by compliance and there were no limits on growth and decline, and that prices could easily soar or fall when the policy environment and social needs changed. Many investors did not want to buy virtual land for their own sake, but rather hoped to profit from it.

乱象二:编造“虚拟货币+元宇宙”项目 借机吸收公众资金“割韭菜”

Disruption II: Designing the Virtual Currency + dollar cosmos project to absorb public funds to “screte”


As a result of the lack of regulation, many virtual money companies in the market now use the term meta-cosmos as a cover for big data, block chains, artificial intelligence, and network of things, so as to attract more investors and consumers by packaging “mining” and flinging virtual money into a whole new set of projects. Many ordinary consumers, with their one-night-old illusions, combined with being attracted to new technology terms, can easily move into the traps set by outlaws.


According to a recent circular issued by the Jiang Soo-nin police, Ms. Chen’s best friend recommended the Yuan-Cosmos concept to her at the beginning of June this year, claiming that trading in virtual paintings would result in an intermediate price difference, which would be simple and highly rewarding. Ms. Chen was moved into the group and soon became involved in the sale of paintings under the guidance of the “group master.” She bought it at a low price of $1369, then sold it at $2080, after which Ms. Chen earned $651 for the first time.


In order to earn more money, she bought a lot of goods in the city for the following month, following the guidelines of the “group master.” But, because no one bought the painting, the painting was still in a state of stagnation, and daily fees were paid. No results were received, and the final “group” could not be contacted. It was only then that Ms. Chen woke up and lost $2,400. She went to the police station to report that the so-called electronics platform, which appeared to be an online shopping mall, was actually using high profits as a pretext to induce investors to invest and steal money from investors.


According to a set of road analyses published by the police, outlaws fabricate a pseudo-cosmos investment project. Repealing the concepts of meta-cosmos-related games production, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, fabricating high-tech investment projects with a wide variety of packaging titles, openly promoting high returns, using public funds to “clice-cutting” and using the “porcupine-killing” ploy, packaged with the concept of meta-cosmos, is essentially unauthorized and open financing.


According to the police, some of the outlaws are illicitly profiting from the use of the dollar-cosmos virtual currency. The “virtual currency” is known as the future currency of the dollar-cosmos, which induces the public to buy investments. This type of “virtual currency” is often a spontaneous air currency of the outlaws, profiting illegally, mainly by means of behind-the-scenes measures such as price manipulation and the establishment of a threshold for withdrawal.


On 18 February of this year, the Office of the Joint Inter-Ministerial Meeting on the Prevention of Illegal Financing in the name of the Yuan Cosmos issued a "Risk Alert on the Risk of Illegal Financing in the Name of the Yuan Cosmos" which stated that, in the recent past, some outlaws have drawn funds under the title of the MetaCosmos Investment Project, which is known as the MetaCosmos Tour, and are suspected of illegal fund-raising, fraud, and other criminal activities. In an interview with the media, Chu Xiaoping, Chairman-in-Office of the District Chain Committee of the China Communications Industry Association, said that the Yuancosm concept was hot, but that certain projects were mixed with games, coins, virtual real estate, etc., and that they had no value to the economy and society. On the contrary, they disrupted the financial market order and violated the public interest.


: "The Infringement of the Woncosmos First Case"


On 20 April of this year, the Hangzhou Internet Court, in accordance with the law, opened a public hearing to hear a dispute between the plaintiff, Chitze, and the defendant, a technology company (hereinafter referred to as the Technology Corporation), concerning the violation of the right to disseminate information on the production network. The court ruled that the technology company immediately deleted the NFT work published on the platform in question, and that the sum of $4,000 was to compensate the company for its financial losses and reasonable expenses.


The Vice-President of the Internet Trial Chamber II of the Hangzhou Internet Court analysed copyright issues in the distribution of NFT digital collections from a judicial point of view. She stated that the defendant, as the NFT trading service platform for digital works, had failed in her duty of diligence and had acted subjectively, and that the NFT trading platform should be subject to a higher duty of scrutiny. Not only would it be necessary to fulfil the responsibilities of general network service providers, but there should also be an intellectual property review mechanism to undertake a preliminary examination of the copyrights of NFT works traded on the platform, otherwise there would be corresponding legal liability.


According to media reports, a new social feature, "Scoffy Boy", is introduced to a new version of the shattering message interface. Users can turn on the twitchy little one, create an exclusive virtual image by squeezing the face, changing the suit, and choosing different "breaths" and keeping it as a dynamic head image, or they can invite good friends to join in different scenes. But the player then found that "Scoffy Boy" used a high-level approach to core games with the "Scoffs" of February of this year, with very similar product pages, characters, interactive games, and logic. According to the Daily Economic News report, with respect to the twitching kid and twilight, it is a function of twilight, a small-scale test, not a stand-alone App.


The authorities have indicated to the public that they have successfully applied for the relevant patent for cross-fertilization of products, that the team has spent two days fixing the evidence and that a letter of attorney has been sent to the shivering side.


As an important branch of the meta-cosm, intellectual property issues have been the focus of much controversy. On May 29 this year, the Xu Siaohong Gallery issued a copyright statement on the social platform, stating that some digital platforms sell related digital collections in the name of Mr. Xiaohong. Some of the original pieces of these collections are fake, some do not provide complete retrospective evidence, and some of them have nothing to do with Mr. Xiaohong.


In an article published publicly, Qinghua University School of Law, Qinghua University’s Vice-President, Professor, and Director of the Center for Research on the Protection of Personal Information and Data Rights, Qinghua, noted that the case of the “Megaspace Tort” showed that “NFT” was not a mere concept fiction, that it had entered into real life and that it had created real problems and legal risks. Some NFT trading platforms sold NFT digital art through auctions, for example, but were not equipped for auctions, and that the platforms operating the digital art lacked the qualifications to operate it.


On 5 July this year, under the auspices of the Chinese Copyright Association, a seminar on the copyright of NFT digital collections was held in Beijing, hosted by China’s Creative Industries Base and co-sponsored by the National Copyright Innovation Base. Experts focused on the protection of the copyright rights of NFT digital collections, and agreed that copyright compliance was a pressing issue behind the release of NFT digital collections.

乱象四:资本市场疯狂炒作  “元宇宙第一股”只是线上卖酒?

"Strong" is like four: capital markets are frenzying and nbsp; "The first share of the Woncosmos" is just selling wine online?


From the end of 2021, the capital market began a frenzy campaign on the concept of the meta-cosm, and the share price rose as long as it was connected to the concept of the meta-cosm. The Chinese Qingbao, the first share of the meta-cosmos, had been high-profile in conjunction with the Ginscha-cosmos, and the joint virtual and dream association simulation of the meta-cosm game, the Maestro, had officially opened an external test on 28 February 2022. “The player would travel through China 100 years ago, become the manager of the wine factory, run the wine factory from a God's perspective, start from scratch, and open the road to the revival of the wine factory.” Since the development of the meta-cosmos game, the stock price rose from $8/unit at the beginning of September 2021 to $40/share in mid-November, raising as much as 400%.


According to Chinese Qingbao official sources, the Wine Master game is based on a simulation of running a wine factory called "Kinsagu", in which players can experience running a wine factory, brewing wine, etc., and in which players can refer online to their own "hand-made" wine.


However, the game has been slow until August 4, when China Qingbao stated on the interactive platform that the H5 version of the Psychiatry - Master of Wine is now on the ground, while the first version of 2D is on the ground, followed by an improved version to be launched. North Qing newspaper reporters have noticed that it is not enough to make a real bottle of wine in this game to buy a virtual currency called ZQB, which the platform has launched. Its commercial section is a series of wines that are directly launched, ranging from $150 to $799.


At the same time, the concept of a meta-cosm was reduced, and the operation of Singbao was brought to the attention of the regulatory board. On 11 January this year, he issued a note of concern to Singbao, asking him to explain whether there had been repeated attempts to rub in the meta-cosmos hotspots, market concerns, and the time points that shareholders intended to reduce, to disclose the specific reasons and reasonableness of the meta-cosmos-related matters, and whether there had been instances of deliberate stock-raising in support of their loss. At that time, Singbao responded that there had been no cases in which Li had led the acquisition and manipulation of company information disclosure to accompany the decline.


Since the beginning of the year, the National Press and Publications Service has published two batches of games under the title "Master of Wine ", which does not appear on the list. Under current laws and regulations such as the Regulations on the Regulation of Internet Publishing Services, games that do not have a copy number are not, in principle, allowed to go online. On August 21, a newspaper reporter from the Young People's Party found that the 2D version of Master of Wine was no longer available for download on Apple's mobile phone.


In late December 2021, the CCM National Monitoring Committee website wrote that some companies were currently pseudo-cosmying with the real meta-cosm, and that there was a great difference between the concept of meta-cosm and the real meta-cosm, and that there was some potential risk that the meta-cosmos, while providing a direction for the future of the Internet industry, was a major bubble. The meta-cosmos industry was still in the early stages of development.

专家:乱象会使得元宇宙偏离发展正轨 影响我国数字经济竞争优势

Specialist : Chaos can divert the meta-cosmos away from development and affect our competitive edge in the digital economy


& nbsp; In an interview with the media, the Executive Director of the China Mobile Communications Federation Committee of Woncosmos Industry stated that, from 2021 onwards, the Woncosmos had become an innovative direction of high social concern, but that, as in each of the emergence of new industries, bubbles and all sorts of disturbances were often created by overly optimistic expectations and overheating investments. Such disturbances could divert the Woncosm from the right path, thereby seriously slowing the development of the metacosmos and even affecting the country’s dominance in the new round of digital economic competition around the world.


One of the important reasons for this is that virtual property is completely out of the real economy and becomes conceptual and expected. So the development of this universe must have an application that combines the real economy. For now, distance education is an important scenario for the development of the meta-cosm. Many schools have opted for a model of distance education since the outbreak, but it is difficult to focus the attention of students, especially primary and secondary students, on a simple online basis.


In recent years, a large number of P2P mines, coin rings, etc., in the name of “Internet finance” have sounded a wake-up call for developments in the digital economy and digital finance, and industrial development has to be synchronized with regulation, which has to be accompanied by a huge loss of public and government credibility. The regulation of the meta-cosmos also needs to be kept up to date, updated, and sandbox control technology needs to be optimized with the development of meta-cosm technology.

原标题:半两财经 | 炒房、虚拟币骗局、版权纠葛、割韭菜……风口上的“元宇宙”四大乱象调查

Original title: Half a fortune, a fake house, a virtual currency scam, copyright entanglement, cutting vegetables...

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