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研报 | 世界五百强第一的沃尔玛在用区块链做什么

What's Wal-Mart in the top 500 in the world doing with the block chain?


Description of the column


Ignoring that the block chain has developed for almost 10 years, but even now there are questions that the block chain does not have any practical application at present, but on the contrary, thanks to the accumulation of technology and industrial exploration over the past few years, the block chain has quietly taken root in some industries...


The section on block chain applications, in turn, is intended to explore the true landing of block chains through specific cases of their integration with the real industry and to inspire business or block chain practitioners.

互联网的发展带来了传统行业的变革,对零售行业的冲击尤为的猛烈。大浪淘沙,传统零售业在电子商务及新零售的双重挤压下也发生了变革。作为零售业巨头的沃尔玛在 2018 年开始宣布要求其部分食品供应商使用 IBM Food Trust 区块链应用系统,在众多日薄西山的零售企业之中实现了突围,沃尔玛是如何利用区块链技术实现了自身的创新与成长,我们将在本文中为各位详细拆解,以下请 enjoy:

The development of the Internet has brought about changes in the traditional sector, with a particularly strong impact on the retail sector. There has also been a change in the traditional retail sector, under the double squeeze of e-commerce and new retailing. Wal-Mart, a major retailer, began in 2018 to announce that some of its food suppliers would be required to use the IBM Food Trust block chain application system, which has led to a break-out in many retail businesses in Mount Japan, and how Wal-Mart has used the block chain technology to innovate and grow, and we will dissect you in this paper, enjoy:




General information on retail trade


In terms of traditional definitions, retailing refers to any person or company involved in the marketing of products from producer to consumer who buys goods from wholesalers, brokers or manufacturers and sells them directly to consumers.


Simply put, retailing is an organic combination of “human-material-places”, currently divided into four periods.

零售 1.0 时代是集贸式零售,主要表现形式是百货商场。渠道成本比较高,物资短缺、消费者和生产者之间信息不对称,产量不足,是以“物”为主导的时期。

Retail 1.0 The era was an amphibious retailing, mainly in the form of a department store. The period was dominated by “materials” with high channel costs, shortage of materials, asymmetric information between consumers and producers, and insufficient production.

随着产能的提高,零售业进入的零售 2.0 时代,大商场式零售和连锁店式零售成为其主导。产品数量日趋丰富,零售业引入了会员的概念增加顾客忠诚度,是以“场”为主导的时期。

As productive capacity increases, retailing enters the retail age of 2.0, which is dominated by large-market retail and chain-based retailing. As the volume of products grows, retailing introduces the concept of membership to increase customer loyalty, and the period is dominated by a “field.”

随着互联网的进步,人与人之间的沟通越来越高效,增加了线上零售的场所。零售业也因此进入了 3.0 时代,以电子商务为主导。线下场所的功能被弱化,平台作用突显,运营效率增加,带来了消费者主导零售的概念。

As the Internet advances, people-to-people communication is becoming more efficient, increasing the number of places on-line retailing. The retail industry has thus entered an era of 3.0, dominated by e-commerce.

而当数字时代伴随着消费形式多样化的发展,零售业不可避免的进入了 4.0 时代,也就是我们常常说的新零售时代。商品信息的不对称性越来越弱,场的作用逐步的被削弱。

And when the digital age is accompanied by the diversification of consumption patterns, retailing inevitably enters the 4.0 era, the new retail age that we often call it. Commodity information is becoming less asymmetrical and the role of the field is gradually diminishing.


Retailing has broken a pattern of monopoly among a few distributors. Retailing entities have become the presence of any non-changed form of goods and the provision of marketing services, selling a smaller number of goods to the general public.


Traditional retail businesses such as Wal-Marts are at a time when they are in a difficult position, and how to move ahead is an important issue for these industries today. There must be peace in the world, and the problems of the traditional retail industry itself need to be addressed.


2. The pain of the traditional retail industry


a. Inefficiency of traditional retail food systems


Food, as an important product of the traditional retail industry, has been plagued by systemic inefficiencies. Most companies use traditional paper-based paper-based paper paper processes, making identification processes and inventory management difficult and time-consuming.

根据联合国粮农组织在 2014 年的报告就指出,全球每年约有 13 亿吨食物因为收成到消费过程中损失或者浪费。报告显示,食品系统的低效会对食品定价、浪费、食品新鲜度和全球碳排放都产生巨大的负面影响。这是一个紧迫的全球问题,联合国将 2030 年将粮食损失和浪费减半作为了其可持续发展目标(SDG)之一。

According to the 2014 report of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, about 1.3 billion tons of food are lost or wasted every year as a result of harvests and consumption. The report shows that inefficient food systems can have a significant negative impact on food pricing, waste, food freshness, and global carbon emissions. This is an urgent global problem, with the United Nations making halving food loss and waste one of its sustainable development goals by 2030.


However, the outbreak of the new crown has put enormous pressure on global supply chains, making the problem even more acute. Improving the inefficiency of traditional retail food systems will not only save individual businesses, but will also affect consumers’ confidence in brands by wasting large amounts of food, so addressing the inefficiency of food systems is a “just-in-demand” problem.

b、 零售商与供应商之间争端解决时间成本高昂

b. High time cost of dispute resolution between retailers and suppliers


Food safety in the retail supply chain has plagued retailers and suppliers.


For retailers, such problems seriously damage brand image, creating suspicion among consumers about the products they sell, while not all businesses can quickly identify the causes of food safety incidents. It takes days or weeks to track food in the supply chain, and it is difficult for firms to trace the source of the problem in a complex and growing network of suppliers and distributors, and this inefficiency also strikes at the reputation of firms.

而对于供应商和零售商双方而言,食品安全问题也是对双方盈利能力的威胁。2020 年《食品安全》杂志统计了 337 起因食品安全而在美国召回商品的事件。涉事企业表示,每起事故的成本高达 3000 万美元,他们不仅仅要承担召回商品的直接成本,还要承担罚款、诉讼、销售损失等间接成本造成的损失。

For both suppliers and retailers, food safety is also a threat to mutual profitability. In 2020, Food Safety magazine counted 337 cases of food safety-related commodity recall in the United States.


c. Counterfeiting and regulatory difficulties


Any loopholes in the supply chain can lead to the vulnerability of the food system.


For a long time, even a chain of brand trust endorsements has been available. Consumers still devote a lot of time to learning and identifying the authenticity of food.


d. Changes in consumer perceptions


Consumers want more than nutrition, and more health. Consumers want more details and visibility about the food they consume in order to make informed decisions. They want to know when, when, and how to grow. A new generation will look back on the problem and focus on improving the quality of life.


At the same time, more and more people are focusing on sustainable development. The spontaneous rejection of goods produced with high energy consumption and carbon emissions. Consumers, with greater social responsibility and self-regulation, want to have clear control over the products they consume.


Some food companies do not strictly comply with their own standards and programs for food safety and freshness. When consumers learn that these things not only affect the company’s image, but also reduce the brand loyalty of the companies involved in retailing.




Faced with the above-mentioned problems, some retailers are deploying block chains to provide end-to-end traceability of food in the supply chain. By doing so, regulators can increase regulatory efficiency, forcing food companies to produce in strict compliance with standards.


1. Characteristics of the block chain


Why then would block chain technology solve the plight of the traditional retail trade?


The block chain is a decentralised distributed bookkeeping technique, so let's take a look at his main features.


First, the block chain is decentralized, which means that any data upload to the block chain is irreversible and authoritative. Because the technology platform is neutral and does not tend to be biased by the will of any individual or subject;


Second, it is retraceable and instantaneous.


Third, block chain technology is visible and transparent, and we mentioned earlier that it is decentralized, so that any agency or individual allowed by the platform can trace the data through this technology, facilitating easy access by consumers and regulators;


Fourthly, block chain technology is constantly technologically iterative, and the block chain platform is not a static process, but an ecosystem, intelligent and scalable. Its role increases exponentially as the number of users joining the ecosystem increases.


Two. Wal-Mart's pre-emptive.


Wal-Mart, as the best business in the traditional retail industry, also faces problems in the traditional retail sector, although Wal-Mart's business strategy allows them to achieve strategies while pre-empting problems in these retail sectors.


Wal-Mart's brilliant achievement stems from Wal-Mart's long history of “customers first” as his business, and Sam Walton, the founder, once said, “Our boss is only one, our customer.” The most direct expression is its high-quality customer service and its price strategy, the “air price”.


To be cheaper than other shops, a strong supply chain is needed to support it. Wal-Mart understood the importance of the supply chain early in its creation. As early as the 1970s, Wal-Mart set up its first distribution centre, and then completed its satellite network in the 1980s, which is one of the largest privately owned satellite systems in the United States and ultimately one of the most powerful supply chains in the world.

距离沃尔玛在 2001 年登顶世界五百强首位已经过去整整二十年了,这些年来沃尔玛并没有因此而骄傲,始终如一地坚持着他们的“增长框架”——在价格上积极进取(为客户提供更低的价格),并为客户提供信息和技术,以及更优质的客户服务。

Twenty years have passed since Wal-Mart reached the top 500 in the world in 2001, and Wal-Mart has not been proud of it, consistently adhering to their “growth framework” — positive price progression (lower prices for clients) and providing information and technology to clients, as well as better customer service.


Wal-Mart believes that high-quality fresh foods are the key to driving shop traffic and that convincing innovations in fresh food and e-commerce will be important drivers of growth in the future.

为此,沃尔玛一直在寻找新的技术来优化供应链,而恰逢 2015 年左右,区块链技术逐渐被一些科技公司所熟知,IBM 作为世界知名的互联网技术解决方案提供商,也正在对区块链技术进行商业落地的探索。

To this end, Wal-Mart has been looking for new technologies to optimize the supply chain, while around 2015, block chain technologies are becoming known to a number of technology companies, and IBM, as a world-renowned provider of Internet technology solutions, is also exploring the commercial landing of block chain technologies.


The two giants in their respective fields, one with the real need to address the problem and the other with the desire to explore how technology could be better settled, came together.

沃尔玛科技的高级总监 Karl Bedwell 表示:"多年来,为整个食品供应生态系统创建一个(可追溯)的系统一直是一个挑战,没有人想出过解决这个问题的办法。我们认为区块链技术很适合解决这个问题,因为它注重信任、不可篡改性和透明度。"这便是沃尔玛与区块链结缘的原因。

Karl Bedwell, the senior director of Wal-Mart Science and Technology, said, "For many years, creating a (retroactive) system for the entire food supply ecosystem has been a challenge, and no one has come up with a solution to this problem. We think that block chain technology is appropriate because it focuses on trust, irreversibility, and transparency." That's why Wal-Mart is connected to the block chain.

在当时,如何用区块链与零售业结合,还没有什么案例,需要摸索,为此,沃尔玛首先与 IBM 一起测试了两个概念验证项目,以测试所构想的系统。

At that time, there had been no case of how the block chain could be combined with the retail industry and there was no need to trace it. To that end, Wal-Mart had first tested two concept validation projects with IBM to test the system envisaged.

第一个项目是积极追踪了在美国所有沃尔玛商店销售的芒果的产地,另一个项目则是尝试追踪了沃尔玛在不同的中国商店出售的猪肉。测试的效果非常理想,沃尔玛的研究团队表示,通过这个新系统,该公司进行食品溯源所需的时间从 7 天减少到仅 2.2 秒。

The first project is actively tracking the origin of mangos sold in all Wal-Mart stores in the United States, while the other project is trying to track the pork that Wal-Mart sells in different Chinese shops. The test works very well, with Wal-Mart’s research team saying that, through this new system, the company’s food traceability time has been reduced from 7 days to only 2.2 seconds.

有了这两次的探索,在 2018 年,沃尔玛、雀巢和其他八家公司共同成立了一个食品安全联盟(Food Trust),并推出了一个更成熟的新平台——IBM Food Trust。

With these two explorations, in 2018 Wal-Mart, Nestlé and eight other companies established a Food Safety Alliance and launched a new and more mature platform, IBM Food Trust.

要了解沃尔玛如何更好的运用 Food Trust 为其服务,我们需要了解 Food Trust 的基本情况。

To understand how Wal-Mart works better with Food Trust, we need to know the basics of Food Trust.

3、IBM 的 Food Trust

Food Trust of IBM

区块链提供的应该是完整的行业解决方案,而不能为了区块链而区块链。IBM Food Trust 立足于此,提供以区块链为基础的云服务,运行在 IBM 区块链云平台 IBM Blockchain Platform (IBP) 之上, 底层采用 Hyperledger Fabric 超级账本。

Block chains should provide complete industry solutions rather than block chains for block chains. IBM Food Trust is based on this, providing cloud services based on block chains that run above the IBM Block Chain Cloud (IBP) platform using the Hyperledger Fabric superbook at the bottom.

IBM Food Trust 由食品认证、食品安全、食品浪费等多个不同的模块组成,针对不同的场景和客户进行交互,旨在帮助食品系统的参与者(生产商、供应商,制造商、分销商和零售商)相互协作,提高供应链条效率,针对食品行业供应链的行业需求预设了丰富的智能合约模版和二次开发接口。

IBM Food Trust, which consists of a variety of modules such as food certification, food safety, food waste, etc., interacts with different scenes and customers and is designed to help participants in the food system (producers, suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and retailers) work together to improve supply chain efficiency, pre-empting a rich and intelligent contract template and secondary development interface to meet industry demand in the food industry supply chain.

利用区块链和物联网技术,Food Trust 上的模块可以提供前所未有的供应链透明度,以进行产品识别并解决效率低下的问题。

Using block chain and material networking technology, the Food Trust module can provide unprecedented supply chain transparency to identify products and address inefficiencies.

Food Trust 主要有三个模块组成:

Food Trust consists of three main modules:

IBM Food Trust Core 提供数据访问权限管理、区块链共识引擎、文档安全存储、API 集成等功能。IBM Food Trust Product Recall 即时存取可追踪的资料,用于对供应链中的环节、位置以状态等进行验证,对产品进行追溯查询。IBM Food Trust Certificate Management 用于上传、管理、存储、编辑及分享说明信息、检验结果及资料审核,认证版本控制、确认性验证、以及实时分享。

IBM Food Trust Core provides data access rights management, block chain consensus engine, document security storage, and API integration functions. IBM Food Trust Report provides instant access to traceable information for validation of links, locations and status in the supply chain, and for retrospective searching of products. IBM Food Trust Management is used to upload, manage, store, edit and share illustrative information, test results and review information, authentication version control, validation, and real-time sharing.


Through the tracking module, members of the food system can safely and visibly track the location and status of food in the supply chain. Moreover, its decentralized features provide transparency for food, and through the documentation module users can demonstrate that the sustainability and source monitoring of food is easily achieved by managing safety certificates throughout the supply chain.

以沃尔玛生菜供应商为例,Food Trust 的使用流程如下:首先将生菜打包并且贴上二维码标签,通过这个二维码将必要的产品细节上传到区块链;发货的员工创建运输记录,输入卡车车牌号并且扫描将被装车的生菜的二维码,将这批货的配送地点和对应的采购清单上传到区块链,以供用户查阅;任何一个经过授权的用后户都可以在区块链上追溯到这批生菜来源细节、加工数据、到期日、储藏温度及运输细节等产品信息。

In the case of Wal-Mart lettuce suppliers, the use of Food Trust is as follows: first, to package and label the lettuce with a two-dimensional tag that uploads the necessary product details into the block chain; through this two-dimensional code, the sender's staff creates a transport record, enters the truck's licence plate number and scans the two-dimensional code of the lettuce that will be loaded into the truck, and transmits the distribution location of the shipment and the corresponding purchase list to the block chain for user access; and any authorized end-user can trace on the block chain the product details of the origin of the lettuce, processing data, maturity date, storage temperature and transport details.

同时Food Trust 创建了一个安全、共享的交易信息平台。通过跟踪相应的模块,供应链的成员可以追踪食品的上下游,对业务供应链商家的身份使用关键证书和检查文档进行数字化,验证来源并确保真实性,获得消费者所需的食品细节,并帮助生产者、供应商、制造商、分销商和零售商更方便地找到合作伙伴。

Food Trust also creates a secure and shared trading information platform. By tracking the corresponding modules, members of the supply chain can track food up and down, digitize the identity of business supply chain providers using key certificates and checking files, verify sources and ensure authenticity, obtain details of food needed by consumers, and help producers, suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and retailers find partners more easily.

4、Food Trust 如何解决传统零售业的困境

4. Food Trust how to address the plight of the traditional retail industry

Food Trust 通过可被许可、永久和共享的食品数据记录系统,将食品供应链中各个参与者连接起来,可以刻捕捉任一食品在任一状态的实时数据

Food Trust connects various participants in the food supply chain through a licensed, permanent and shared food data recording system that captures real-time data on any food in any state.

针对传统零售业的困境,Food Trust 提供了切实有效的解决方案。

In response to the plight of the traditional retail industry, Food Trust provides an effective solution.

数据的积累帮助零售商更好的进行供需匹配,并且在腐败产品识别上提高了效率。根据IBM调查的数据表明,如果全球启用一个跟踪产品损失、浪费和过期日期的系统,每年可以节省 1500 亿美元的食品浪费。既能解决流程效率低下的瓶颈,又可使产品供应链实现可持续发展。

Data accumulation helps retailers better match supply and demand and improves efficiency in identifying corrupt products. According to IBM survey data, a global system to track product losses, waste, and expiry dates can save $150 billion a year in food waste.


By analysing the origin, real-time location and state of food, participants in all food systems have access to local consumer-based supply-and-demand-forecasting models, resulting in more efficient procurement contracts for supply chain parties. Supply chain efficiency is enhanced from automated processes to end-to-end.


At the same time, the top-down visibility of the entire supply chain allows brands to manage damaged products proactively, while avoiding disruptions to services caused by disputes, ensuring the quality of promised goods is indisputable. In the event of food safety problems, it is clear that responsible parties can be found and consumer food confidence enhanced, while increasing brand trust.

同时 Food Trust 明确了食品来源,供应链的可见性可以让监管组织清楚的看到食品是以怎样的方式种植或者生产的。减少了污染风险和潜在的有害食品欺诈。消费者也可以根据自身的需求选择更适合自己的产品。

At the same time, Food Trust identifies the source of the food, and the visibility of the supply chain allows the regulatory organization to see clearly how the food is grown or produced. It reduces the risk of contamination and potential harmful food fraud. Consumers can also choose their products better suited to their needs.


Current situation and limitations

沃尔玛旗下山姆会员商店和沃尔玛超市所有的生鲜蔬菜供应商加入 Food Trust,实现了沃尔玛对于任何食品的溯源。不仅帮助其节约了成本,并且增强了其品牌自信。随着 Food Trust 技术的逐渐成熟和发展,越来越多的企业加入其中,Food Trust 的蓝图逐渐扩大。

With the growing maturity and development of the Food Trust technology, more and more businesses are joining it, and the blueprints for the Food Trust are expanding.

全球最大的水果和蔬菜生产商都乐(Dole)食品公司在 2020 年宣布计划将在 2025 年实现全面整改其食品追溯系统到 Food Trust。家乐福、雀巢、橄榄油公司 Conde deBenalúa 等众多企业也纷纷加入了其系统。

In 2020, Dole, the world’s largest producer of fruits and vegetables, announced plans to complete a complete overhaul of its food traceability system to Food Trust by 2025. Many companies, including Carrefour, Nestlé, Conde deBenalúa, have joined the system.

然而这并不意味着使用 Food Trust 的公司一夜之间就能解决供应链问题。

This does not mean, however, that a company that uses Food Trust can solve supply chain problems overnight.

麻省理工学院运输和物流中心的研究科学家 Inma Borrella 指出:“区块链是一项有趣的技术。它有它的用途,但是我不认为它是供应链可追溯性的灵丹妙药,起码它本身不是。” 区块链只能保证我们上传的数据具有不可更改的特性,却没有办法保证我们上传的数据一定准确。这就需要与实体物品自身的防伪技术相结合,也就是我们的常常提到的“电子 DNA ”技术。

According to Inma Borrella, research scientist at the Transport and Logistics Centre at MIT, "The block chain is an interesting technology. It has its uses, but I do not think it is a panacea for the traceability of the supply chain, at least not in itself." The block chain can only guarantee the immutable properties of the data that we upload, but there is no way to ensure that the data that we upload are certainly accurate.

同时将数据正确的上传也是一个巨大的挑战,许多供应商并不具备良好的使用 Food Trust 应用的基础,如何让没有IT基础设施的小农户也可以加入系统在应用推广中是一大难题。而且我们不得不考虑食品庞大数据带来的吞吐量,应用落地之后的流畅程度也是难点之一。

The right uploading of data is also a huge challenge, as many suppliers do not have the basis for good use of the Food Trust, and how small farmers without IT infrastructure can join the system is a major challenge in extension. And it is one of the difficulties that we have to consider the amount of toll that can flow from the vast amount of food data.

在过去的五年中,与 IBM 建立联系的公司仍处于其供应链应用区块链的早期测试阶段,有些公司甚至已经缩减了规模。首席执行官和供应链管理人员需要仔细权衡潜在的透明度优势和实施这样的区块链系统的基础设施困难和成本。

Over the past five years, IBM-connected companies have been in the early stages of testing their supply chain application block chains, and some have even been downsized. CEOs and supply chain managers need to carefully weigh the potential transparency advantages and the infrastructure difficulties and costs of implementing such block chain systems.

与此同时,从 2019 年开始,就有一些技术人员对 Hyperledger Fabric 究竟是不是区块链,Food Trust 是否做到了完全的去中心化提出了质疑。

At the same time, since 2019, a number of technicians have questioned whether Hyperleder Fabric is a block chain and whether Food Trust has been completely decentralised.

Hyperledger 复杂的逻辑中没有强制执行加密安全投票的机制,从而无法真正的证明代理者是否篡改了账本。

The complex Hyperledger logic does not contain a mechanism to enforce secure and encrypted voting, thus making it impossible to establish whether the agent has tampered with the books.


And because its smart contracts support multilingual writing, this has led to possible loopholes in its code, making it less secure, after all, because the complexity of computer language simply leads the programmer code to tell the computer that "Hello, the world" requires dozens of characters.

基于上述情况,Food Trust 要走的路还有很远。

Based on the above, Food Trust has a long way to go.

Food Trust 带来的启示

Food Trust's Apocalypse


Over the years, building a traceability system for the entire food supply chain system has been a challenge, and the emergence of block chain technology has made it possible to solve the problem. There is no doubt that block chain technology offers new opportunities for Wal-Marts, whose sales continue to grow.


As a decentralised, non-stereotyped, transparent and emerging technology, the block chain has an independent shared account that is effectively updated in real time and in compliance with encryption protocols, breaking the barriers between traditionally isolated data exchange models and achieving a higher level of dynamic supply chain systems. But block chain technology is not limited to that.


Wal-Mart, at the top of the industry, has chosen not to assert itself in comfort zones, but to seize the moment to be at the forefront of international development. It is certainly a success. It is important for individuals and businesses alike to choose the right time to do the right thing, which requires an open view and an open perspective.


Every technological upgrade is a trade shuffling, and every precision control of consumer behavior is a lifeline for the enterprise. Wal-Mart is undoubtedly a model for the big players in the industry and even in other fields.


What will Wal-Mart do in the future?

沃尔玛通过 Food Trust 进行了食品系统升级,然而其对于区块链的应用不仅于此,在其他的方面也有所布局。2019 年,沃尔玛宣布计划发行与美元挂钩的稳定币,并且还加入药品溯源区块链联盟 MediLedger。尽管近期并没有看到沃尔玛在其他区块链应用中有何重大的突破,但是根据我们的预测,沃尔玛可以会在不久的将来在以下的几个方面有所作为。

Wal-Mart has upgraded its food system through Food Trust, but its application to block chains is not only there, but there are other features. In 2019, Wal-Mart announced plans to issue a stable currency pegged to the dollar, and joined the drug-trace chain alliance, MediLedger.


1. Stable currency


More risk-resilient than traditional currencies. Wal-Mart has developed its unique dollar-linked stable currency, which, on the one hand, enhances consumer brand loyalty and, on the other hand, expands the scope of its operations.

而位于全球 500 强顶端的沃尔玛,如果其资金的流通全部换成它所发行的稳定币,所带来的影响力,一定会影响现实中的许多企业和个人。只是如今各国也在积极研发央行数字货币 CBDC,沃尔玛的稳定币会如何自处,我们将拭目以待。

And Wal-Mart, at the top of the world’s 500, if the flow of money is replaced by a stable currency it issues, the impact will affect many firms and individuals in the real world. It is only now that countries are actively developing the central bank’s digital currency CBDC, and how Wal-Mart’s stable currency will be self-sustaining, and we will see how it will be.


2. Customer integrity plan


The customer loyalty program was once considered by a professional marketing staff as highly expensive and profitable in its implementation. Changes have been made in the stages of independent points planning, points planning alliances, membership clubs, etc. We have been looking for more efficient, economical, and attractive ways to increase customer stickyness. Through block chain technology, we can design immeasurable and up-to-date models of points in real time.


3. Purchase of coupons


It is well known that coupons are one of the effective means of promoting consumer consumption. But in the current use of coupons, there are many links that increase the cost of their input.


First, the security of coupons. The counterfeiting of coupons has been one of the problems that plagued retailers, and the counterfeiters have been on the rise since ancient times. The inexorable nature of block-chain technology has addressed this problem.


Second, we all know that coupons with validity are more effective in promoting consumer consumption than coupons without validity. But it is because retail trade is growing, there are many products, and coupons exceed.




There is no way that Wal-Mart can give an accurate answer right now to what kind of business it will grow in the area of block chains. But there is no doubt that the future Wal-Mart will be closely linked to block-chain technology, and that the future retail trade will also be part of the retail age of block chains.

随着 Food Trust 的普及,食品供应链的问题解决将要惠及我们所有的人。我们可以看到越来越多的区块链应用落地,也可以看到更好的技术研发,更多的野心和抱负在实现,更多对未来世界的展望变成了切实可行的项目。

With the spread of Food Trust, food supply chain solutions will benefit all of us. We can see more and more block-chain applications falling, better technology research and development, more ambition and ambition, and more visions of the future world becoming practical projects.


Not only for the retail sector, block chain technology offers unlimited possibilities and opportunities for industrial change. Wal-Mart is not satisfied with retail trade, nor is it building on this wave of block chain technology to expand the border.

就在今年 1 月,沃尔玛与 Ribbit Capital 合作成立新的金融科技创业公司。这家尚未命名的创业公司将围绕“现代、创新和负担得起的金融解决方案”。对于沃尔玛会有什么新的动作,我们也将继续观察,拭目以待。

In January of this year, Wal-Mart, in partnership with Ribbit Capital, set up a new financial technology start-up company. The unnamed start-up company will revolve around “modern, innovative and affordable financial solutions.” We will also continue to look and see what happens to Wal-Mart.


For giants like Wal-Mart, the block chain is a real opportunity for reform. For other businesses, whether to ride in this east wind for 90,000 miles or to urgently avoid the ultimate stupendousness.


There are brave people who are the first to eat crabs, and brave ones who are the second to eat crabs. In times of change, no one is able to do his or her job alone, how to weigh the pros and cons, and making the right choice is a challenge for every entrepreneur.



1、《 IBM Food Trust:世界食品供应新纪元》

IBM Food Trust: A New Era of World Food Supply

2、《IBM Food Trust-Solution》

3、《Who is buying into IBM’s blockchain dreams?》

4、《区块链杀手应用 —— IBM Food Trust 探秘》

4. "Application of block chain killers -- IBM Food Trust "


"Why is IBM Hyperledger not a real block chain? It's actually a Kafka sorting service."

6、《How Companies Like Walmart Are Gaining Fame In The Blockchain World》

7、《Walmart 2020 Annual Report》




block chain encyclopedia:

IPFS architecture-exchange level presentation


The IPFS architecture layer simulates the P2P network and creates a central server that allows users requesting the same resources to form a small cluster of Swamm, where data are shared. There are flaws in this approach to centralization, as the server is centrally maintained by a centralized service provider, which cannot be downloaded if there is a malfunction or a crash.



Wallet address: The wallet address is similar to the bank card number, so a person can own multiple bank cards and can also own multiple wallet addresses.


Wallet ID: a customer ID (name) similar to a bank card.


Public Keys: It is a cryptographic concept that is extrapolated by a private key. The public key algorithm is an asymmetric encryption algorithm, which has two keys: a public key and a private key. Data encrypted with a private key can be decrypted by a public key, and vice versa. A wallet address can be calculated by a public key.


Private key: The private key can calculate the public key and the public key can generate the wallet address through a series of digital signatures. The holder of the private key is therefore the holder of the digital currency.


Keystore: The string that you use to encrypt a private key using a user-defined password is used to operate a wallet like a transaction transfer. The key is decrypted from Keystore through a custom password, so Keystore's password is very important.


Helpwords: Since private keys are difficult to remember, they can be converted into a series of words through some algorithm. The helpword is a beautiful private key, which is essentially a private key. Whoever owns the helpword has the right to use the wallet.


What are the real reasons why states prohibit block chains?


One point to be corrected is that the State prohibits transactions in digital virtual currencies, such as bitcoin, which are unregulated and subject to high financial risk; while the block chain is the bottom of the Bitcoin technology, the State supports the development of block chain technology, and the relevant support policies are in place throughout the country.


How do you operate an empty DOGE?


the group will regularly send out the skills necessary for the production of the currency, such as: K-line reading techniques, position-based pressure judgments, depth of the currency, etc.. Summarizing the usual currency traps and allowing you to take a lot less bending steps in the currency circle. For example: exchange swipes; house wash stubbles; risk-free bricks, day-to-day operational problems, etc., will be answered in the community, welcome to join, common progress!




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