原文中此处为链接,暂不支持采集 is not supported for the time being. )的故事,今天我们说说 “中国比特币第一人”李笑来 。 Story, today we say 坊间流传的李笑来成为“中国比特币第一人”的传说大致可以总结为: The legend of Li laughter becoming "the first person in Chinese bitcoin" can be roughly summarized as: 李笑来1972年出生于中国东北吉林省,后来考上了长春大学会计专业,1994年,李笑来读大三的时候,看到长春火车站附近有个批发市场在招生,便跑去谈合作,与当时正在闯荡的罗永浩一起,在报纸上登广告,这一下拿到了2万提成,于是在批发市场挑了个柜台卖电脑组装件。 Li smiled at , born in 1972 in Jilin Province, Northeast China, and later joined the accounting profession at Changchun University. In 1994, when Li laughed at the sophomore year, he saw a wholesale market near Changchun Station where he was recruiting, went out to cooperate and worked together with Lo Yong Ho, who was in trouble at the time, posted an advertisement in the newspaper, which resulted in 20,000 titties, and picked a counter to sell computer packages in the wholesale market.
>but the money earned over years of hard work, because the father's severe illness was exhausted, and then, under Ro Young-ho's advice, Li laughter came and became a teacher in the new East. And then Li laughter seemed to see the future, buying a bunch of bitcoins by accident, and in 2015, Bitcoin rose, and Li laughed to become China's Bitcoin First Rich.
Li laughed to the press and told him that he held six bitcoins, the first of which was 1.
The inter-family legend saves a lot of steps and skipping nodes, and the authenticity of the details remains to be examined.
2015: to establish . .
In July 2016,
but now, the two labels that accompany Li's laugh are
in 2017, the ICO project was launched on all roads. At the end of June, the EOS project, which was reported to have been launched by Li laughter for its platform, financed $185 million in just five days, amounting to RMB 1.1 billion, at a market value close to $5 billion. Some people called EOS “$5 billion worth of air”, and Li laughter responded in microblogs that “air is uncoded”.
there's another project called "PressOne" for Li to laugh. Compared to the EOS project, there's not even the ICO White Paper, which is about the ICO, like the IPO. Nevertheless, PressOne still collects around $470 million in a four-hour period.
9月初,ICO监管的靴子落地,央行等7部委下文叫停代币发行,李笑来回应称“积极拥护”,并表示“将配合相关清退工作”。如今几个月过去了,互联网金融协会再发风险提示,ICO监管的余波,并没有散去。 In early September, ICO-supervised boots landed, central banks and seven other ministries called for the issuance of deconars, and Li laughed in response to the call for “positive support” and said that “it will cooperate with the relevant clean-up.” Several months later, the Internet Finance Association issued a further risk alert, and the aftershocks of ICO regulation were not dispersed. 暂不说区长对李笑来的评价,我们先看看李笑来的朋友(相对来说更加了解他的人)是怎么说他的。 > >span style="font-size: 16px;> 和菜头在那篇《我所认识的李笑来》中,提到了一个关于李笑来遭遇车祸的故事。(据说很早以前李笑来跟和菜头聊天的时候将这个故事绘声绘色地给他讲了半小时。)而这个故事很能反应出李笑来身上的特质,以及呼应和回答本文的标题——李笑来,你有什么厉害? and the chef in the book "The laughter of Lee I know" >, mention a story about Lee laughter in a car accident. (It was said that Li laughterd him for half an hour when he talked to the caterer.) And this story reflects the quality of Li laughter, and the title of echoes and answers - Li. What's your skill? 下面我们摘录一部分这个故事的文字:
当时他(李笑来)开着自己保时捷准备下高速公路,突然有一辆后车强行抢道,撞了他的车。李笑来说:“我本来没想怎么,反正是全险,不用他赔,等着保险公司来就好了。”但是,肇事车主下车来敲他的玻璃,等他摇下车窗玻璃之后,对方对他一通狂骂,把责任全推了过来。李笑来说自己全程听完,没有说一句话。这时候,对方说了一句:“这个路口没有摄像头你知道吧?”李笑来听完,终于开始正式生气了。 He was driving his Porsche off the highway, and suddenly there was a back-car rushing his car. Li laughed and said, "I didn't want anything, but I didn't have to pay for it, so I waited for the insurance company to come." But, when the owner of the crash came to knock on his glass, when he got out of the window, he threw the blame all over him. Li laughed at himself and said nothing. At that point, the other said, "You don't have a camera at this intersection?" 他缓缓摇上车窗,不再理会对方。对方每隔一会儿,就过来敲车窗,在车外大喊大叫。李笑来并不理会,在车里低头玩手机。第四次的时候,对方的情绪明显崩溃,神情也软了下来。这时候,李笑来摇下车窗,死死盯着对方说: He swerved into the window and stopped paying attention to each other. Every once in a while, the other guy comes and knocks on the window and shouts out of the car. Li doesn't give a shit and plays his cell phone down in the car. On the fourth time, the other person's emotions were clearly broken and his spirits softened. At that time, Lee laughed off the window and looked at the other and said:
“兄弟,你好好想想,这半小时我过一句话么?我和你提了一个“钱”字了么?我说了要你赔偿了吗?都是你在又蹦又跳,你怎么不想一想为什么?你想过没有?” Did I mention the word "money" to you? Did I say you were jumping and jumping? Why didn't you think? 看到对方有些愕然,李笑来突然提高音量继续说: “你他妈现在还有5分钟,只有5分钟,回去他妈的想好了再回来给老子说话!记住了,你只有这一次机会,想好了再他妈跟我说。滚!” "You've got five fucking minutes, five fucking minutes, go back and talk to me! Remember, you've only got one chance to fucking talk to me. Get out of here!"
过了一会,对方的女朋友过来道歉,承认刚才男友态度不是很好,希望李笑来能够不要计较。至于说那个肇事司机,他再也没有出现过。就这样,李笑来自始至终没有说他是谁,他的诉求是什么,他的感受和判断是什么,他只是用半小时的沉默和两句话,就成功地激发起了对方心中疯狂的想象,并且产生了不可估量的恐惧,最终选择了退让。 after a while, each other's girlfriend came to apologize, admitted that the boyfriend was not very good, and wanted Lee to laugh so much that he didn't think about it. As for the driver, he never showed up again. So Li laughter came from never saying who he was, what his claims were, what his feelings and judgment were, and with half an hour of silence and two words, he succeeded in unleashing the crazy imagination of the other's heart and creating an incalculable fear and eventually opted for defection. 和菜头讲完李笑来这个“车祸故事”后,将李笑来身上的特质归结为:他通晓人性且无所畏惧;他擅长操控他人的情绪,并能够在最短的时间内说服别人。深层原因在于他可以激发出人的欲望。 and the chef, having said the story of a car accident, down to the characteristics of his smile: 但是和菜头并没有将李笑来这个异于常人的特质归结为其优点,反而总结为“这是李笑来身上最大的缺陷”。 but instead of confining Li's smirk to the beauty of an unusual person, it turns out that 而和菜头所说的这个“缺陷”在区长我看来,正是李笑来能长期霸占“中国比特币第一人”的称号的根本原因,也是在李笑来做了无数不断实现财富自由的N次方的事情后招来各种骂名的根本原因。 > > and the "defect" called by the caterer > > are, in my view, the root causes of Li's laughter to take over the title of “China's first man” for a long time, as well as the root causes of all the scolding after Li's laughter has done countless things to keep his wealth free. 激发一个人的欲望,利用其产生的力量去帮助自己实现通往未来之路,不会让人感到危险,但是当一群人的欲望被激发,其背后所产生的力量也就很有可能是不可控的了,当欲望洪流改变了整个大环境后,一切都极有可能违背初心,更有可能将自己也置于危险之中。 strang it is not dangerous to stimulate a person's desire to use the power that he or she generates to help him or her achieve the path to the future, but when a group of people's desires are inspired, the power that lies behind them is likely to be uncontrollable, and when a flood of desires changes the environment as a whole, everything is more likely to break the heart and more likely to put itself in danger. 在李笑来的另一个朋友霍炬口中,李笑来是这样的:
李笑来对“教自己学会某种知识”这个年头有无穷的执念。 Li laughs about how poor it is to teach yourself some knowledge. 他非常相信,人可以通过自学掌握各种知识,只要你有正确的方法。
他自己确实也是这样做的,他教了自己英语,之后成了新东方被打分最高的英语老师。 He did it himself. He taught himself English, then became the highest-rated English teacher in the new East. 他教了自己计算机,建站写文章,成了那个时代中文文章流传最广的人之一,他教了自己统计、分析和概率,写下了销量惊人的英语词汇书《TOEFL核心词汇21天突破》。
后来,他终于教了自己计算机,还真的做出来了一个分享科技产品的网站KnewOne.com,后来还拿到了创新工厂的投资… and then he finally taught his own computer, actually made a web site sharing technology products, KnewOne.com, and later he got an investment in an innovation factory...
当然,他还教了自己如何投资,并且在股票上小赚,最终在比特币上成就了传奇。 of course, he taught himself how to invest and make small profits on stock, and eventually made legends on bitcoin. 除了不断让自己进步成长以外,霍炬称,李笑来试图亲自做各种事情,做出榜样,趟出路来,这样就更可以说服别人:“你也可以这样做”。 In addition to constantly making yourself grow up, the torch says that 举个
李笑来曾和朋友合伙做过一个叫做“有奔头”的项目(如下图),写一本计算机普及教材,让人们可以更简单的学习如何使用计算机和网络。 Li laughed to work with a friend on a project called “Happy Runners” 李笑来相信每个人都应该认真学习如何使用计算机和上网,最好能学会写程序。今天看来这是理所应当的事,但10年前,很多人家里甚至是没有计算机的。那时候想教会所有人使用计算机,看起来也是一个挺不正常的想法。这个项目后来也因为诸多原因被搁置。 Li laughed to believe that everyone should learn seriously how to use computers and access the Internet, and better learn how to write programs. Today it seems right, but 10 years ago, many people at home didn't even have computers. 但是现如今看来,这种想法十分具有远见。如果2006年学会了使用Linux和写程序,在之后的10年里面找到一份高薪工作确实是轻而易举。 but now it seems very visionary. If you learn to use Linux and write programs in 2006, finding a high-paying job in the next 10 years will be easy.
也因此,现如今,有人在人群里大喊:“李笑来,你个大骗子!” 也有人在人群里高呼:“谢谢你,李老师!”。 > > > > >and as a result, now shouts in the crowd: "Li laughs, you big liar!" and in the crowd shouts: "Thank you, Mr. Lee!" 这一切,一点都不奇怪。 it's not surprising. 只是,不得不承认,不论他盛名如初还是骂声远扬,你不得不承认,“中国比特币第一人”的帽子现如今还是扣在他的头上。 just, I have to admit, - 各位大佬,下周再见 ▽ -【区块链独家】是由一群对区块链感兴趣的媒体人创建的区块链资讯媒体,我们致力于用通俗易懂的语言向大家介绍区块链行业里发生的点点滴滴,希望我们的文章能让大家以一种轻松愉快的心态去拥抱这个正在被越来越多人关注的新生事物。 - /strong> is a block information media created by a group of media interested in block chains, and we are committed to presenting to you, in plain and understandable language, the little droplets that have occurred in the sector chain industry, in the hope that our articles will allow you to embrace, in an easy and pleasant spirit, something that is getting more and more attention. 责任编辑:
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