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官网地址 BNB官方网站
发行时间 2017-07-26
流通量 153,174,919个
发行总量 200,000,000个
首发价格 0.15$

Binance Coin是由币安发行的代币,简称BNB,是基于以太坊Ethereum的去中心化的区块链数字资产。发行总量恒定为2亿个,每个季度根据币安平台当季交易量对BNB进行销毁,销毁记录将会第一时间公布,用户可通过区块链浏览器查询,确保公开透明,直至销毁到总量为1亿个BNB币为止。

Binance Coin, a currency issuer known as BNB, is based on decentralised block chain digital assets in the Taikum Etheeum. The total number of issuances is consistently set at 200 million, BNB is destroyed every quarter on the basis of the currency security platform's transactions during the current season. The destruction record will be published at the first possible time, and users can access the block web browser to ensure transparency until a total of 100 million BNB dollars is destroyed.

BNB作为Binance生态系统和去中心化交易所燃料,已经应用到多个场景,如用BNB抵扣binance交易手续费,最高可获得50%的折扣,在Monaco Visa及APP应用中可使用BNB支付,在Uplive直播平台可以使用BNB购买虚拟礼物等。目前BNB排名稳居全球TOP20,最佳排名为全球TOP10,受到全球180余国家和地区区块链爱好者的支持。

BNB, which is used as a fuel for the Binance ecosystem and decentralised exchange, has been used on several occasions, such as the BNB credit binance transaction fees, a discount of up to 50%, BNB payments in Monaco Visa and AP applications, and BNB virtual gifts in the Universal Live webcast platform. The BNB is currently ranked firmly in global TOP 20, best ranked in global TOP10, supported by a global network of over 180 countries and regions.



The currency was established on 14 July 2017 as a central digital currency exchange, which rose rapidly to the top of the top of the list of transactions in six months, and its founder, Zhao Chang Peng, has become the richest bitcoin in real terms (which is much more true than Li's laughter).


BNB (the dollar) is the currency exchange’s platform currency, issuing a total of 200 million copies, and spends 20% of the platform’s net profits for the current season each quarter on repurchase of the BNB, which is directly destroyed until it is destroyed to a total of 100 million BNB. Repurchases can cause BNB to contract, and repurchases can increase currency prices if the total value of BNB is in theory constant.

以美元/USDT价格计算,2018年牛市中BNB最高价23刀,目前(2019年3月1日)价格11刀左右,熊市中价格削去了一半。对比比特币和以太坊这一年多的价格变化,这种跌幅顶多算蜕层皮,再对比那些普遍跌了十倍百倍千倍的山寨币来说,这简直不算跌。更何况,在熊市中两个月价格翻倍的事情,对于这么一个老币种来说才是它更亮眼的部分。 ?

In US dollar/USDT prices, the BNB top price was 23 in 2018, the price is now around 11 in March 2019, and the price in the bear market has been cut by half. Compared to the price changes in the year of Bitcoin and Etheria, this drop is more than a layer of skin, and is not a drop in comparison with the ten-fold-thousand-fold-threshold mountain coins that generally fall. Moreover, a two-month doubling of prices in the bear market is the brightest part of this old coin.



A total of 100 million BNBs, representing 50 per cent of the total, are publicly distributed by ICO at the same time on three platforms: the Currency Security Network, RenReenICO, and the Currency Guinness Network.


2. The founding team members held 80 million BNBs at an early stage, representing 40 per cent of the total distribution.


3. 20 million BNBs, or 10 per cent of the total distribution, are held by prominent businessmen in Angel Wheel Finance.




1. Preferential decal platform transaction fees


Users involved in transactions on the currency security platform, regardless of the currency in which the transaction took place, were required to pay transaction fees and, if they held full BNB, the system offered discounts on the fees to be paid (see table below for specific discount rates) and converted the amount of BNB equivalent to the market value at the time, using BNB to complete the payment.


The discount rate is 50 per cent, 25 per cent, 12.5 per cent, 6.75 per cent and no discount.



Repurchase mechanisms:


We will spend 20 per cent of the net profits of the currency security platform during the current season each quarter on repurchase of the BNB, the repurchase of the BNB will be destroyed directly, the repurchase record will be made public as soon as possible, and users can access the block web browser to ensure transparency until a total of 100 million BNB is destroyed.



Going to centralize the transaction of “fuels”

BNB是币安去中心化链上交易平台的燃料,使用币安去中心化交易平台时,需要用BNB,包括抵扣手续费、打赏等各种多元化功能。 ?

BNB is the fuel for trading platforms in the decentralised chain, and when using the decentralized trading platform, a variety of functions such as BNB, including credit charges, reward, etc. are required.?




The rise in the BNB is mainly related to three matters, the digital currency distribution platform, the public chain and decentralized exchanges.


Binance Launchpad:币安版以太坊

Binance Launchpad是币安推出的区块链资产发行平台,说白了就是ICO平台,只不过以前的ICO都是大部分都是以ETH为单位募集资金,币安的ICO当然是以自家的BNB来募集咯。Binance Launchpad计划在2019年每月至少推出一款新代币。

Binance Launchpad, an ICO platform for the distribution of block-chain assets launched by the currency, is an ICO platform, although formerly most of the ICOs were ETH-based, and the ICO was of course based on its own BNB. Binance Launchpad plans to launch at least one new token every month in 2019.

目前Binance Launchpad上架了两个项目,BitTorrent (BTT) 和Fetch.AI (FET) ,由于国内禁止ICO,所以Binance Launchpad不允许大陆用户使用,很多人购买国外KYC (身份认证) 资料后参与抢购,即便限制重重仍很难抢到额度,BTT抢购时很多用户只抢到了一两个BNB的购买额度。不过能够抢到的用户都收获颇丰,BTT直接晋升熊市十倍币,给投资者打了一波鸡血。

At present, Binance Launchpad has two projects, BitTorrent (BTT) and Fetch.AI (FET), which are not allowed to be used by mainland users due to the domestic ban on ICOs, and many people who buy the foreign KYC (identity certification) information and are involved in the acquisition, even though it is still very difficult to capture the amount, many BTT users have seized only one or two BNB purchases at the time of the BTTs. But many of the users who have been able to do so have good harvests, and BTT directly promoted to Bear City ten times more, giving investors a wave of chicken blood.

币安现在不仅仅是一个交易所,更是形成了一个区块链生态。从Binance Lab投资孵化项目,然后在Launchpad进行私募,最后上线币安交易所。完全的一站式服务。

It's not just an exchange, it's a block-chain ecology. It's an incubation project from Binance Lab, then a private collection in Launchpad, and finally a wire money exchange. It's a one-stop shop.


Binance Chain:平台币公链第一枪

2018年被誉为公链元年,一年之内无数公链主网上线,包含大热的EOS、TRX、AE等。不过主网上线之后都跌出了新底裤。去年币安、火币、OKEx三大交易所纷纷宣布将布局公链,币安目前对于公链的需求主要用于其去中心化交易所。近日Binance Chain (币安链) 测试网已上线,不论应用如何,这都算是一个利好消息了。

The year 2018 was celebrated as the first anniversary of the public chain, with numerous public chain main lines in one year, including hot EOS, TRX, AE, and so on. But the main line fell out of the new underpants. Last year, three major exchanges – coins, coins, and OKEx – announced that the public chain was being laid, and currency demand for the public chain was being used mainly for the decentralized exchange.

想象一下,假如未来一些优质项目选择在币安链上发币,而不是再去选择主流的ETH或EOS,配合Binance Launchpad的私募以及币安的用户支撑,那是不是和以太坊也有一战之力呢?

Imagine if some of the future high-quality projects chose to pay on the money chain instead of choosing the mainstream ETH or EOS, in conjunction with Binance Launchpad's private collection and currency support, would there be a war with Ether?


Binance DEX:去中心化交易所

何一和赵长鹏曾多次透露关于去中心化交易所的想法,早在去年八月赵长鹏就曾经发布过Binance DEX相关消息。

He and Zhao Chang Peng have repeatedly shared their idea of going to a central exchange, and in August last year they released Binance DEX-related information.

Binance DEX去中心化交易所已发布,Binance DEX依托币安链的技术优势,能够处理现在币安的交易量,解决了去中心化交易平台所面临的速度和性能难题。

Binance DEX has been published on the decentralised exchange, and based on the technical advantages of the Binance DEX chain of custody, it has been able to handle the current volume of currency transactions and resolve the speed and performance challenges faced by decentralized trading platforms.

币安一个中心化交易所为什么要“自己打自己”呢?目前市面上的去中心化交易所 (DEX) 尚未成气候,不论是基于ETH的还是EOS的,交易量都赶不上中心化交易所的零头。币安作为中心化交易所中的龙头,可以依靠庞大的用户体量带动自家DEX的发展,BNB作为Binance DEX的GAS (燃料) ,如果DEX发展好了,BNB的价值也会增加。币安后续会实现中心化交易所+去中心化交易所的共存发展,这也将会是币安整个生态的关键链条。

Why does a centralized exchange “fight itself”? The decentralized exchange (DEX) on the market is not yet in a state of climate, whether it is based on ETH or EOS, and the amount of transactions will not catch up with the centralized exchange. As a leader in a centralized exchange, it can rely on a large number of users to drive the development of its own DEX, and BNB as a Binance DEX GAS (fuel), the value of BNB will increase if DEX is developed.







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