全网最保姆级BsquaredNetwork的buzz活动教程( B2 、B2 Network),最低存100USDT能挖

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## 摘要

# Summary

本视频主要介绍了BsquaredNetwork的buzz活动教程,最低存100 USDT即可挖矿B2代币,详细介绍了如何存钱进去,并提到了参与活动的最低金额和最高金额。

The video focuses on the Buzz programme at BsquaredNetwork, where a minimum of 100 USDT can be used for mining B2 tokens, detailing how money can be deposited, and mentioning the minimum and maximum amount of participation.

### 亮点

# Brighter #

- 存入100美元即可参与活动

- I'll be able to participate in the event with a deposit of $100.

- ? 车队越强大,奖励越丰厚

- ♪ The stronger the convoy, the better the reward

- 新项目需做足功课

- It's a new project. It's a full-time job.

- 存期至少两个月

- For at least two months.

- 挖矿有团队奖励

- There's a team reward for mining.

#B2 #挖矿 #保姆级教程

# B2 # mine # # nanny class #

### 问题

# Problem

1. 该活动能够带来怎样的收益?

1. What benefits can the activity bring?

2. 参与该活动有哪些风险需要注意?

2. What are the risks that require attention when participating in the activity?

3. 如何加入或创建车队?

3. How to join or create a convoy?




Text version:

0:01哎 这里是加密教父啊 今天给大家录制一个视频 是关于什么呢

I'm here to record a video for you today. What's it about?

0:06是关于这个呃 b square network b square network的Buzzy的活动 啊这个是什么呢

0:06 is about this, uh, Bushy of the, uh, b square work b square work.

0:15就是一个比特币的二层啊 然后呢呃 我们之前今天的视频结构大概分为 首先第一部分是这个呃

At 0:15, it's a bitcoin second floor.

0:25点报 然后第二部分是数 第三部分呢 是我做的功课啊

And then the second part is counting, and the third part is my homework.

0:31道的层面呢 就是我们为什么要做这个活动啊 为什么它是大毛 然后竖的层面呢

That's why we're doing this, why it's hairy, and then it's vertical.

0:37啊就是我的一些保姆级教程 然后最后呢 是我的功课啊 就在右边

0:37 is some of my nanny classes, and then, finally, my homework, right here.

0:41好首先第一部分到为什么要做它 好首先第一个be scroll network 又叫be to network 它是一个比特币的level to啊

0:41 to start with the first part of why it's done so that the first one is called be to work and it's a bitcoin level to

0:50level to网络 然后呢 它已经就是要发这个部分的TOKEN 给展护

0:50 level to network, and then what, it's already sending this part of Token to escort the show.

0:57给社区相当于说要搞IDO这种类似啊 然后嗯 首先看一下它的这个投资背景啊 他的投资方有Hashkey和OK x

0:57 for the community, it's like talking about IDOs, and, uh, first look at this investment background, and he's investing in Hashkey and OK x.

1:09就是我们最近经常在用的这个钱包 还有水滴资本 还有ABCDE 就是那个杜军搞的啊

1:09 is the wallet we've been using lately and the drip capital and ABCCE.

1:14还有IDG啊 这酷酷快音的就还行吧啊 然后啊 这个它就是一个基于ZK的啊

One-one-four and an IDG. That's cool. And, uh, it's a ZK-based thing.

1:22也是基于ZK的EVM的这个比特币二层 然后它把呃就类似于以太坊的L2 然后呢以太坊的L2已经像OP和RB 已经到了几十亿美元

1:22 is also based on ZK's EVM on the second floor of this bitcoin, and then it's like, uh, the Etheraya L2, and then the Etheraya L2, like OP and RB, has reached billions of dollars.

1:32比如说OP应该是20亿美元量级 但是呢比特币的air还在成长当中 然后呢 比特币的资产

1:32, for example, OP should be $2 billion in volume, but bitcoinair is still growing, and then what about bitcoin's assets?

1:41跟比特币以太坊资产是4比 就是市值 4:1的关系 所以有理由相信在未来比特币的air

The ratio of 1:41 to Bitcoin Ethel's assets is the ratio of market value to 4:1 so there's reason to believe that in the future there's an air in bitcoin.

1:48它能够到达80亿美金这样一个市值啊 我们假设以太坊的LR不增长的情况下 当然以太坊的l肯定也会增长 那就是双向增长的一个关系

1:48, it can reach a market value of $8 billion, and we're assuming that if the LR of the Etherms does not grow, of course, the I of the Etherms will grow, which is a two-way growth relationship.

1:59好然后这个 这是第一点 投资阵容强大啊 保证了他不会跑路

1:59 and this is the first point.

2:05因为OK包括这些呃 大资本他们都握有这些 这个创业团队的护照啊 身份证啊什么的

They've got all these passports for the start-up team, I.D., whatever.

2:13然后他们肯定 然后也有多签钱包 就是他们的那个 我们曾经的曾经的资金是be school network

And then they're sure, and then they've got extra wallets.

2:21有一个钥匙 就是有一个钥匙签名 然后它的还有一个 就是两个资本也有它的钥匙签名


2:30所以是三个人共同签名 然后这笔钱才能转出 所以是有多签钱包的 这个我们不慌

Two-thirty, so it was signed by three people, and then the money was transferred, so it was multiple wallets.

2:35然后其次 这个嗯 你说他这个项目会不会成功 那我还真的不好说

And the next thing you know, you say he's gonna make it, and I don't know if he's gonna make it.

2:41但是呢我要先把它代币拿到 反正相当于说是免费得的 因为我是可以存稳定币的 就存USDC

But I'm gonna take it first, which means it's free, 'cause I can keep a steady currency and a USDC.

2:48USDT就去 还有存FD USD 存稳定币 然后永远都是一美元兑一刀

2:48 USDT will be there, and there'll be a FD USD deposit of steady currency and a dollar to a knife.

2:55对一个稳定币 所以我是存稳定币进去 然后去挖矿啊 我是不担心什么价格下跌

Two-five to a steady coin, so I'm depositing it in and digging for mine.

3:00我也不打算存BTC 我也不打算存其他东西 我就打算存稳定币 因为放在边

I'm not planning on saving the BTC, and I'm not going to deposit anything else.

3:06放在OKX我也觉得利率太低了 放在这里 我预计大概30% 50%或者100%

At 3:06 on OKX, I thought the interest rate was too low.

3:12不知道啊 但是呢至少比我编的高啊 这是一个 第一个是团队

3:12 doesn't know, but at least it's taller than I made it up.

3:17第二个呢 是刚才说的这个利益啊 就是利润啊 然后这是这两点驱使我

The second of 3:17 was the profit that I was talking about, the profit, and that's the two things that drive me.

3:21们去投资这个项目啊 然后第三点这个 他已经存入了这么多啊 对吧然后这个投入地址是1万六啊

3:21 to invest in this project, and by the third point, he's already put that much in, right?

3:32还算行不算特别卷啊 比起那个我昨天录的这个视频 昨天录的这个视频 这个呃morning Chen好像稍微好一点

Three-thirty-two, isn't it a special roll?

3:41因为他才1万六啊 用morning欠的话 差不多10万地址了啊 好然后3点

3:41 because he's only 16,000.

3:47决定了我们去投资这个 然后话不多说 进入数的这个层面啊 好

At 3:47, we decided to invest in this, and then we didn't have much to say.

3:51在进入数的这个层面当中呢 我们今天这个活动的这些介绍啊 包括这个网址链接对吧 我都会放在我的这个加密教父

3:51 is in this level of access, and this is what we're doing today, including this web site link, right?

3:59百宝箱里啊 然后视频链接啊 视频主题 然后任务链接

It's in the 3:59 box, and then the video link, the video theme, and the mission link.

4:04我都放这里 然后呢这个就是为了这个呃 链接的安全 因为区块链是一个黑暗森林啊

I put it here at 4:04, and this is for the safety of this, uh, link, because the chain of blocks is a dark forest.

4:10然后链接一定安全号 然后怎么获得这个加密 叫VIP箱呢 啊就是呃

At 4:10, we'll link to a secure number, and then how do we get this encrypted box called VIP?

4:15扫二维码 然后我拉你进群吧 然后进群之后是有这个 比如说6群

4:15, clear the two-dimensional code, and then I'll pull you in, and then after that, there's, like, six groups.

4:21好了 6群的话是点击群公告啊 群公告你点一下这个链接 然后就到了这里 到这里之后就Twitter

Four-two-one, six-packs is a hit-and-tell, and you're gonna light this link, and then you're gonna be here, and then you're gonna be there, and then you're gonna be on Twitter.

4:30点这个就到了这个推套啊 这边就是我的百宝箱 来拿就可以了 好

That's where the pusher comes at 4:30, and here's my bag.

4:34然后为一切都是为了链接的安全啊 然后这个呃 群里的话 这个项目呢

It's 4:34 and it's for the safety of the link.

4:39其实也是群友推荐给我的啊 就是哎很多人都已经做了 但是我呢 赶上了这个最后一期吧

At 4:39 I was actually recommended by a group of friends, but a lot of people have already done it.

4:47因为啊 因为这个 它是2月7号之前是有活动 就是你两倍速挂框啊

Because of this, it was active before February 7, and it was twice your speed frame.

4:55就是大家很多人都做了 对吧 啊 这个

4:55 is what a lot of people do, right?

5:00对我是有点晚 但是呢也不晚啊 大家虽然 做了但是我也不晚

It's a little late for me, but it's not too late for everyone to do it, but it's not too late for me.

5:06因为2月7号24点 然后加8的话 就是2月8号以前做 都是有两倍速挖矿

5:06 because February 7, 24, plus 8, it was twice as fast as it was before February 8th.

5:14然后2月8号之后也可以做 但是是一倍速挖矿啊 这个倒没关系 好即使我2月8号做

5:14 and then after February 8th, but twice as fast as mine.

5:22我也一辈子我也愿意 因为挖矿挖的慢 但是我的代币是免费拿的 相当于我用USDT去挖它的代币

At 5:22, I'll be willing to dig for the rest of my life because of the slow pace of mining, but my tokens are free of charge.

5:28好嗯 这个就是一个数的层面 我们要开始好 首先呃网页

5:28 is good. Well, that's a numeric dimension. We're gonna start with the, uh, web page.

5:35这个进网页我也会这个 给大家有一个链接放在我的这里啊 放在这里 大家自己去取就可以了

I'll have this at 5:35, and I'll have a link right here.

5:48好 然后 包括这个呃 其他的一些链接都会放到就百宝箱里

At 5:48, then some of the other links, including this one, will be in the box.

5:59好然后嗯 他有一个车队的形式 哎呀我是开一个教教辅车队 然后车队上每个人都是会有这种

5:59 and, uh, he's got a motorcade form.

6:06嗯 加成啊 奖励好 然后开始

Six-six-six-six, plus, reward good, and then start.

6:14好 首先就是点这个join up对吧 然后join up之后 它这边就是把to join

All right, 6:14. First it's join up, right? And then when join up, it's to join up.

6:20然后enter 要join to join 然后这边已经有了 因为呃我发的链接里直接就有

At 6:20, then the iner wants to join to join, and there's it right here because, uh, it's in the link I sent.

6:25然后直接join in now就可以 然后去follow这个be square on Twitter 这个我们之前也带大家做过 点这个join in now对吧

6:25 and then just join in now, and then we're going to follow this be square on Twitter, which we've done before.

6:33第一步已经完成了 第二步去connect and follow 那就是在这个Twitter里面啊 我们不是有自己的推特

At 6:33, the first step has been completed, and the second step is that we don't have our own Twitter.

6:41每个人肯定都有啊 我的也有 大家关注一下啊 好然后他会去follow这个

I'm sure everyone has it at 6:41, and so am I.

6:47然后我呢 是已经follow了 所以点一下Wifi 你们没有关注的要关注它的这个

At 6:47, and then I'm already following, so give me a little Wifi, and you don't have to pay attention to this.

6:52follow推特哎 OK那对吧 然后get start去connect钱 包啊钱包有这几种方案

At 6:52, follow Twitter, OK?

6:57第一种方案是Bitcoin的 然后United OKS或者说是以太仿的Mati仿 然后或者是polygam或者是BNB的 然后由于呢

At 6:57, the first option was Bitcoin, and then United OKS, or too imitated Mati, and then Polygam or BNB, and because?

7:04我是要用这个呃FDUSD 它是BNB或者说以太坊的 你们都可以 反正我是用Mat mask的啊

7:04, I'm going to use this, uh, F.D.USD., it's B.N.B. or Etherwood.

7:11比如说我都给大家演示一下 也可以比如说我的账号 比如说是用这个好了 用这个账号吧啊

At 7:11, for example, I'll show you my account number, for example.

7:17稍微那个一点啊 啊 这个账号就在这里 用这一步吧啊连接对吧

A little bit of that at 7:17. Ah, here's the account number.

7:23那我就是它就会跳到这里对吧 然后f d USD我是给大家说过的 这个是它的一个嗯EM的一个稳定币啊 然后点签名啊

So I'm gonna jump here at 7:23, right?

7:39然后这个的话 就是有一个这个钱包就在了 对吧那我看一下我这边的一个f d USD 我去我要去这个填过来啊

7:39 and that's one of those wallets right there, right?

7:49就是从那个 嗯一从这个这个呃 交易所从OK x或者从BI 这个就是只能从BI

7:49 is from that, uh, uh, from this, uh, exchange from OK x or from BI, and this is just from BI.

7:57从BMT FDUSD到这个钱包里 Mitmask里或者你从OKX提USDT 或者USDC到Mitmask钱包里 就可以参加

7:57 from BMT FDUSD to this wallet, either Mitmask or you can take it from OKX to USDT or USDC to Mitmask's wallet.

8:09所以它永远就是稳定币啊 我刚才跟大家说过了 我们不参加那些要质押什么BTC 或者要质押ETH

8:09, so it's always a steady currency.

8:16那万一两个月之后跌了呢 对吧所以这个USDT的话 我们存在交易所存在OKX十年化 那我还不如在这呢啊

What if the 8:16 drops in a couple of months, right?

8:25然后你去提币的之前呢 你当然肯定要有一个OKX的钱包 你就在这我百宝箱里 你就去点这个链接去注册

8:25 and you'll have to have an OKX wallet.

8:34是手续费能能够打8折的啊然 后普通链接是没有折扣的啊 然后当然有空be the get啊 我还是推荐oks好

8:34 is a 20% discount on the charges, and then there's no discount on the regular link, and then, of course, there's plenty of time.

8:42然后这个continue之后 之后的话就是你这边我去提钱了 好我已经从这个边提了FDUSD 到我的这个钱包里面

And then after 8:42 this continue, then you're the one who's going to pick up the money.

8:55然后呢你发现这边没有对吧 怎么去呃 找呢在这边我教过大家的啊 连接你的钱包之后呢

And then at 8:55, you realize there's nothing here, right?

9:02它就在这里啊 它这里1,000呢 你看这是我提的啊 你点一下这个

It's here. It's here. It's here.

9:07然后同时你用 呃OK XT USDT到这个minormax也是一样的啊 你就是来这边去添加他的合约 合约然后加这个就可以了

9:07 and the same thing happens when you use, uh, OK XT USDT to this miniormax.

9:18加代币的名字就可以了 对吧 然后他就会等待 你看就就有了对吧

The name is 9:18, right, and then he'll wait, and you'll see it, right?

9:24下一步然后这1,000呢 你看就显示了对吧 啊就是这就是我的钱 然后我就准备存进去啊

9:24 and this one thousand, right?

9:29啊当然你用OKX的话你就用我的 这个有折扣啊 有手续费80%啊 打八折好

9:29, of course, if you use OKX, you'll use mine.

9:36然后说那么多啊 这个看44C7对吧 是我的你看 然后是BMB链对吧

9:36 and that's all. This is 44C7 for me. You see, then the BMB chain, right?

9:44然后44C7是我的 要对齐啊 然后continue这边就有了对吧 然后肯定尼亚呢

9:44 and then 44C7 are mine.

9:49这边我们就来到了一个什么地方呢 这个地方叫做存钱啊 然后等会我会把这些功能介绍一下 然后最关键的问题啊

At 9:49, we're in a place called saving money, and I'm going to introduce these functions to the most critical questions.

9:55多少起存 这个是各位穷哥们啊 兄弟们最关心的啊 呃

9:55. That's all you guys care about, man. Uh-huh.

10:02最高呃 5个BTC以上 越多越好 最低100美元啊

10:02 tops, uh, 5 BTCs, as many as possible, $100 minimum.

10:08100美元以下 你就不要来参加这个活动了啊 最低存100美元好 然后呢由于我们这个教父车队

You don't have to come to this event for less than $10:08,100, save a minimum of $100, and that's because of our Godfather's convoy.

10:16应该在我预计当中会比较强大 所以你应该可能你50美元也 有戏因为他是邀请的人越多 这个车队越强大

10:16 is supposed to be stronger than I expected, so maybe you'll have $50, because the more people he's invited, the stronger the convoy.

10:25然后会平分给每个人奖励啊 100美元我觉得保险一点啊 你至少能够 100%吧 肯定是我觉得是有的

At 10:25, I'll give everybody a fair share of the reward.

10:33打新的就是打新的收益年化100% 肯定是有的啊 呃 对因为这个你看啊

10:33 is 100% annualized for new returns.

10:41他没没什么人参加 你知道吗 这个他才1万多地址参加 然后对比另外一个

10:41 he didn't have a lot of people in it, you know?

10:46我这个录的那个视频 他是现在已经有10多万人啊 所以大家想一下这里面的利润啊 所以我们来参加这个少一点的好

The video I taped at 10:46, he's got over 100,000 people now, so let's think about the profit in here, so we'll join this less.

10:55呃 bridge deposit 然后选择什么呢 选择这个

10:55, uh, Bridge deposit and what's the choice?

10:58当然我们选择b and b链嘛 对吧然后首先这个我跟大家讲一下 如果你是呃 比如说你是从这个怕这个什么USD

10:58 of course we choose the b and b chains, right?

11:08USDT那你就选以太坊对吧 然后你选USDT对吧 或你选以太坊 或者选这个USD

11:08 USDT, right? Then you choose USDT, or you choose the USD.

11:14但我是没有对吧 我它要存进去吗 对我是没有 我选择的是BMB对吧

11:14, but I didn't, did I?

11:19BNB链的FD USD 那我就是在这里FD USD 我是有1,000块钱对吧 那我就存进去嘛

11:19 with the F.D.USD. in the B.B.B. chain, so I'm here with the F.D.USD. I have $1,000, right?

11:26然后gas呢 当然是消耗我的 这个我的意思是 你一定要有一些gas在你的钱包里

11:26 and gas, of course, consumes me.

11:32就是BNB在这钱包里 你才能够才能够动弹 所以我就存1,000进去对吧 然后存1,000进去呢

11:32 is BNB in this wallet so you can move, so I'll put 1,000 in, right?

11:38就放到这里面 就super met就可以了 而我为什么存1,000呢 啊我本来想是存这个0.25个BTC

Just put it in here at 11:38, just super met, and why do I keep 1,000?

11:44就是相当于说是呃 说2500U啊 但是呢我后面还要做项目啊 就是其他项目也要用钱

11:44 is equivalent to, uh, 2,500 U, but I've got projects to do.

11:52就是因为我现在基本上可能每天会更 一个视频是把我 或者说两天 跟一个

11:52 is because I'm probably going to be more every day, and one video is about me or two days with one.

11:58把我看到的比较好的项目给做了 因为牛市之初 我觉得我捡这些筹码是比较便宜的 等牛市来了

At 11:58, I did what I saw as a better project, because at the start of the bull market, I thought I'd be cheaper to pick up these chips and wait for the cow to arrive.

12:06这些筹码就贵了 到时候我要去买的话就比较吃力 所以我要把陆续的把子弹都打光啊 现在打光了很大一部分

At 12:06, these chips are more expensive, and I'm going to buy them, so I'm going to shoot them all up.

12:14但是还有啊 就是大的仓位我还还在啊 就跟大家说实话也没关系啊 啊啊

It's 12:14, but there's something else, and I'm still in the big warehouse, so it doesn't matter if everyone's telling the truth.

12:24为什么呢 因为我要留给比特币生态以及啊 so以及 以太坊的一些新的玩法啊

Why 12:24? Because I'm going to leave the Bitcoin Ecology and some new games with the Etherkom.

12:35因为以太坊的一些新资产 我也会去参与啊 这种是无风险的啦 但肯定要参与啊

12:35, because of some new assets in Etherwood, I'm going to be involved, too.

12:40然后你看人家是建议0.25个BTC 那我也认同啊 但是呢我一个朋友 他是1,000刀

12:40 and then you'll see he's suggesting 0.25 BTC, so I agree, but I'm a friend of mine, he's a thousand.

12:47他是存了两天 因为现在2月8号之前 他是有那个两倍数 他是1,000刀

He saved two days at 12:47 because before February 8, he had twice that number.

12:53他是转了两天就拿到了 呃 10个零 10多个零件就组成了一台矿机 就在挖了

At 12:53, he's been in possession of, uh, 10 zeros, more than 10 parts, forming a miner.

13:00虚拟矿机啊 所以我1,000刀 我存个两三天也可以开始挖 我并不担心这个

I can start digging for two or three days, and I'm not worried about that.

13:07然后另外我们还有一个大车队啊 我们组车队到时候评分奖励也会有 所以1,000刀我是不慌的 然后呢 100刀是最少

13:07 and we've got another big convoy, and we'll have a rating prize, so I won't panic about 1,000 bucks, and then, uh, 100 bucks is the minimum.

13:16我觉得50刀呢可以参与一下 最少留的100刀啊 然后这个有没有必要多耗呢 啊没有必要

13:16, I think it's possible for 50 bucks to be involved in a minimum of 100 bucks, and then there's no need to spend more on this one.

13:22因为呃 等会我会给大家看这个原因啊 就是我的功课 这边有好多功课

13:22 because, uh, I'll show you later.

13:29因为他 你要把效率集中在一个账号上啊 然后我就是不是meet了啊 这边是mining repair这个

13:29 because of him, you have to focus efficiency on one account.

13:37然后最后 视频 最后我给大家讲一下我的功课啊 好deposit之前呢

And then at the end of the video, I'll tell you about my homework.

13:43我就想想思考一下 要不要点 然后好 因为我在想get这种应该还行吧

13:43, I'll think about it, or something, and then okay, 'cause I'm thinking maybe it's okay with the get thing.

13:51然后它你要注意一个点 就是它是你在提取的话 你是在apple 就是在4月份才能提取

13:51 and it's one thing you have to pay attention to is that it's what you're extracting, and you're at the apple, and it's only in April.

13:57相当于你这1000U 你就做了一个定期的理财 你2月份存进去 4月份取出来

13:57 is the equivalent of a thousand U, and you've made a regular fortune, and you saved it in February, and you took it out in April.

14:02两个月啊 好continue 啊就是我的一个检测工具 就检测是否有木马的

14:02 for two months. Good continue. Ah, that's one of my tests.

14:09是否有那个盗窃的什么 然后啊gas还可以吧啊 嗯 确定啊存进去了

Is there anything about the theft at 14:09?

14:17然后存到这里 好depart成功 成功之后我们来详细的分析一下啊 我们的车队啊

14:17 and it's here, good depart, and then we'll do a detailed analysis of our convoy.

14:23很重要因为你一个人是玩不转的 一定要借助车队 比如说啊我们之前这个曼塔车队啊 开过车的啊好

14:23 is important because you can't do this on your own.

14:31在这之前呢 我要讲一个观点 就是很多人会发的 你就是很多人会跟你说

14:31 before that, I'd like to make the point that a lot of people will send it, and you're a lot of people who will tell you.

14:37这个项目他你必备反撸 必备反撸什么的 但是呢 我一定要跟你说一个东西

This is a 14:37 project, and you're going to have to get back at him, and you're going to have to get back at him or something, but I'm going to have to tell you something.

14:43你存钱的项目是一定不会被反录的 就大概率 很大可能是不会被反被反录的 因为你想一旦这个项目如果反录了你

14:43, your money deposit will never be re-recorded, that's probably it, and it's probably not re-recorded, because you want to know if you're re-recording this project.

14:51就 目前历史上还没有出现过这种案例啊 如果他反录了你 比如说你消耗gas比较多的那种

At 14:51, there's never been a case like this in history.

14:56呃钱的那种项目 如果他反问了你 你想社区是什么反应 就觉得这个项目完全不可靠

If he asks you what the community's reaction is, he thinks it's completely unreliable.

15:04你还敢存钱进去 你还敢用他的跨链桥 你还敢用钱去试他吗 所以这个项目会被历史遗弃的

At 15:04, you put your money in there, you use his cross-link bridge, and you test him with your money, so this project will be abandoned by history.

15:11所以很没有项目这么干过 反倒是那些比如说lemail这种呃 你消耗一点点gas 对他来说他所以他严严的很就

15:11, so there's no such thing as a project.

15:19是然后呢 另外一个东西 所以呢一旦有人跟你说哎 这个项目不用参与什么的

And then at 15:19, it's another thing, so once someone tells you, this project doesn't have to be involved.

15:25必备反路什么的 你就想起教父跟你说的话啊 嗯 然后你再想一下赵父的一些历史战绩

At 15:25, you'll have to go the opposite way, and you'll remember what the godfather said to you.

15:34这边就是我的一些战绩是最好的证明 你再想一下 你看到那些信息 他背后那个人

This side of 15:34 is the best proof of what I've done.

15:38他的战绩 他能做到这些吗 比如说啊 Linear Linio

15:38, his performance. Can he do that? Like Linear Linio?

15:45我从两个月前开始讲 出了好几期视频 两个月前Liniol 在那个时间段

At 15:45, I started talking about a number of videos two months ago.

15:51Liniol就是最大耳毛 所以我就做的Liniol 那个时候也有好多人说哎 Liniol gas费贵啊什么的

15:51 Liniol was the biggest ear hair, so I made Liniol, and there were a lot of people who said that Liniol Gas was expensive.

15:57你必被反撸 那结果呢 Liniol给了我 2,000多个LXP 换句话说

15:57, you'll be turned back.

16:03现在一个LXP应该是EU 所以是2,000多u啊 一个账号 他就给2,000多u

16:03, an LXP is supposed to be EU, so it's more than 2,000 u, an account number, and he's giving more than 2,000 u.

16:08当然我消耗肯定有 消耗个200200多u 肯定有了 肯定有了

At 16:08, of course, I'm going to have to consume more than 200200 u, I'm going to have it, I'm going to have it, I'm going to have it, I'm going to have it.

16:12所以10倍的回报 所以 1万多块钱就是可见的未来 他会给我 这个就是什么呢

16:12, so 10 times the return, so 10,000 dollars is the visible future, and he's going to give me this.

16:18就是gas的消耗决定了人生的方向 就是什么呢 大毛我 我做的就是大毛啊

16:18 is the consumption of Gas that determines the direction of life.

16:24我不光做保姆级教程 我还做我只做大毛 然后呢linia我都带大家做的对吧 这个都是写在板上钉钉的事情

16:24, I'm not just a nanny, I'm just a hairy girl, and I'm taking you to Linia, right?

16:31然后其次 item啊大家拿到了dimension的空投 你只要item 你就可以拿到dimension的空投

16:31 and the next time, item, everybody got the drop from dimension, and you just get the drop from dimension.

16:37我带大家领过dimension dim 你们就可以去查一下啊 我给大家看一下也没关系 这个dim我是赚了啊

16:37, I've led you to Dimension Dim, so you can check it out.

16:45就是赚了的 来看一下吧 啊 68刀dimension 你们可以去查一下

It's 16:45. Let's have a look. 68 bucks, you can check it out.

16:54多少钱啊 就是每刀 差不多现在是六六刀吧 就是每一个是6刀

16:54. It's about six or six for each knife.

16:59差不多是差不多400刀吧 400刀是人民币 几千块钱就质押了 这个就有了

16:59 is about 400 yuan, 400 yuan is RMB, and a few thousand dollars is pledged, and that's it.

17:05所以我的战绩 应该也不用群里的人很很多也也知道 对吧然后我也不用去过多的讲啊 我只是想反对那些动不动就

17:05, so I don't have to have a lot of people on my team to know about it, right?

17:15嗯 说你这个项目不好 你这项目肯定反撸 因为我都是精心筛选过的

17:15, well, say you're a bad project.

17:21你这样说的话就对我的 我做过功课的 这些都是我做的功课 你这样说的话就是对我的一个

17:21, that's what you say to me, that's what I do, that's what I do, that's what you say to me.

17:27我说呢我理解是对我的一个攻击 但我知道你也并不是有意的 你也并不是存心的 可能你可能有些人他这个说这些话

I say 17:27, I understand it was an attack on me, but I know you didn't mean it, and you didn't mean it.

17:35比如说这个项目他觉得会反撸 可能他觉得是他比较不太想去了解 可能他讨厌这个项目 然后希望你也不要去做这个项目

17:35, for example, he thinks it's counterproductive, maybe he thinks he doesn't want to know, maybe he hates it, and he wants you not to do it either.

17:42去拿他的空投 那我也能理解 但是呢我还是属于比较勤奋的人 我会去了解这个项目到底会不会反撸

I can understand that, but I'm still a more diligent man, and I'm going to find out if this project's going to be counterproductive.

17:48去做功课啊 这些都是我做的功课 所以呢总结一句话 如果你遇到这些信息的时候

It's all my work, so let's just say, if you get this information,

17:55碰到看到这些信息的时候 你就想教父有没有做 你就想教父为什么会做 你就想他的历史

When you see this information at 17:55, you wonder if the godfather did it, and you wonder why the godfather did it, and you think about his history.

18:00我的历史战绩都在这里啊 好包括我跨课其实涨了7倍 这个我都没怎么吹啊好 呃好

That's my record at 1800, including my seven-fold jump in class, and I didn't even blow it.

18:09吹得有点过头了是吧 那就回来啊 给大家详细讲一讲这个 这几个按钮是什么意思

It's a little overplayed at 18:09, right?

18:17很重要因为我们不光存钱进去 我们还要 每天他会给我们零件 所以我们之后会这个每天要拼一下

18:17 is important because we don't just deposit in, and we're gonna have to give us spare parts every day, so we're gonna put this together every day.

18:26好首先是这样的rewards 这个里面是最重要的 呃bridge的这个history呢 是我存的呃

18:26, well, first of all, rewards, which is the most important one in this, uh, Bridge's history.

18:321,000-0.02个BTC啊 我认为是够了啊 但是呢越多越好啊 肯定是越多越好

18:321,000-0.02 BTCs, I think that's enough, but the more the better, the better.

18:38因为它的效率会有增加 就是你每隔一个呃时间段 效率会有增加啊 然后reach more

18:38, because it's going to be more efficient, and it's going to be more efficient every second, uh, time, and then it's going to be more efficient.

18:47这个就是你可以在这边继续存啊 你觉得不够你可以继续存啊 多号呢是没有必要的啊 然后年化呢

18:47 this is where you can keep it. You don't think it's enough for you to keep it.

18:54是有的然后其次就是就是Mining regpots 是零件零件是一部分 一部分然后10个零件 它隔一段时间就一天

18:54 has it, and then the next thing you know, Mining regpots is part of the parts, part of the parts, and then 10 parts.

19:02每天它会给你一些零件 你看这里啊 就是你 大家可以去把这些阅读一下啊

It gives you some parts every day at 19:02.

19:07这些英文大家去阅读一下 我就不带大家一一句句读了 就是相当于说你现在以现在的速度 你28号之前存进去

19:07, all of you in English, I'll read it without a single word, which means that you're now at the rate that you put in before the 28th.

19:14你大概两天你就能获得10个零件 10个零件就能组装成一个矿机啊 然后这是一个虚拟矿机啊 然后如果你2月8号之后

19:14, you'll get 10 parts in about two days, 10 parts in a mine machine, and then it's a virtual miner, and if you're after February 8th,

19:23你可能3天或者四天 能够组成一个矿机 然后这个矿机有了矿 虚拟矿之后

19:23 you may be able to form a mine machine for three or four days, and then this mine has a mine, a virtual mine.

19:29你可以去挖它的b 这个b就叫busy 就叫b two啊 又叫busy啊

19:29 You can dig it. This one's Busy. It's b two. It's Busy.

19:34然后呢这个mining regus 你的三种矿机 一种是CPU矿机 一种是GPU矿机

19:34 and then this minding regus, your three miners, one CPU miner, the other GPU miner.

19:38一种是IC矿机 然后CPU矿机是最拉垮的 IC矿机是最牛逼的 我的我想的目标

19:38 is the IC miner, and then the CPU is the deadliest, and the IC miner is the toughest, and I think it's my target.

19:44就是 我们这个能够搞到一个大的IC矿机啊 但是也看我们的大户给不给力啊 然后还rate

19:44 is the big IC miner that we can get, but it depends on the size of our family.

19:52就是它的挖矿的速率啊 你就是比如说你这个数值越高你 挖矿每秒你挖挖到的矿就越多 挖到的b就越多

19:52 is its rate of mining, so you're saying that the higher you are, the more mine you dig every second, the more mine you dig, the more b you dig.

20:00好这个是我们的team member啊 然后再讲一下 这个invite是我会去 相当于说就是我们会

Okay, so this is our team member at 2000, and then we're gonna talk about this invite that I'm going to go to, which means we're going to...

20:07我会组战队 所以呢大家一定要加入我这个战队 然后战队呢 每个每个战队呢

I'll form a team at 2007, so we'll have to join my team, and then we'll have to join each team.

20:12它有contribution 就是你存 存到0.25个BDC 你就可以解锁一个高级的

20:12 it has contribution that you store to 0.25 BDCs and you can unlock an advanced one.

20:18这个就每个人都会下放一些奖励 然后你后面还有 就是这边还有0.5零点 0.81就但是这边没显示出来

That's 20:18, and everybody's gonna give you a little reward, and then you're gonna have a half a point right here, and it's like 0.81 and it doesn't show up here.

20:27为什么呢 因为我们战队还没有达到这个指标 等到达到了 它会慢慢解锁更多

20:27, because we haven't met the target yet, and by the time we do, it'll slowly unlock more.

20:33然后这些零件都会下放给个人 你看它的next reward就是0.03对吧 BTC加上milestone对吧 这个你看啊

20:33 and all these parts will be handed over to the individual.

20:41你看我没骗你们吧 就是5个BTC 你看10个BTC 15个 20个BTC啊

20:41, you see I'm not lying to you, it's just 5 BTC.

20:46我觉得我们车队搞20个BTC 应该没问题吧 因为教辅车队 这个怎么说呢

20:46, I think we're gonna be fine with 20 BTCs, 'cause we're gonna be teaching the convoy.

20:53啊 7个群 然后再加另外还有一个群 就是8个群 8个群啊

20:53, seven groups, and then there's another group, eight groups, eight groups.

20:58每个群200多人 1,600多人 然后反正历史的 从历史上看

20:58, more than 200 people per group, more than 1,600 people, and then, anyway, history.

21:03曼塔啊就是拉满了 曼塔大家也赚了很多对吧 这个群里面之前历史消息可以翻一翻 对吧曼塔也是赚满了啊

21:03 Manta is full, and Manta's made a lot of money, right?

21:10然后1,600多次观看 好多人加我车队啊 轻轻松松就破了这个啊 那个质押的量啊

21:10 and more than 1,600 times.

21:18然后这次呢 我们20个BTC要把它冲完啊 大户跟着我冲 因为然后呢

21:18 and this time, 20 of our BTCs are gonna flush it out.

21:24你是用我灵币啊 我是用FD USD 你也你也可以用USDT USDC它是永远不会跌的

21:24, you're using me. I'm using FD USD, and you can use USDT USDC, and it's never going to fall.

21:31但是呢它是比BM 比OKX这个 理财利率要高的 所以呢大户跟我充

21:31, but it's higher than the BM than the OKX, so the big house is mine.

21:38把这个20个比特币充满啊 让team bridged 就我们这个队充满了多少个 然后他就会reward

At 21:38, this 20 bitcoins fills up, lets the team bridged on how many of our team is full, and then he'll reward.

21:46reward给你多少个 那个奖励啊 这些就是奖励的 BTC就奖励的这个零件

How many of those prizes are you getting from 21:46 reward?

21:52它以零件的形式奖励给你 好然后呢 这个我就是会come come hope这个

21:52, it rewards you in the form of parts.

22:00然后我会 在这里 哎卧槽 太那个啥了

And then I'll be here at 22:00.

22:11这个不太智能 说句实话 copy in my link那就比较智能了 好

22:11, it's not very smart.

22:16然后Ctrl v对吧 然后你们点这个链接 就参加了教辅车队 然后这些当然是一些资料

22:16, then Ctrl v, right?

22:22我肯定会放在这里 好 然后team member 你们

I'm sure I'll put it here at 22:22.

22:26到时候每一个人都会展示在这里 然后我们我们的目标没什么啊 004车队的兄弟们啊 我目标是20个BTC啊

22:26, everybody's gonna be here, and then we're gonna have nothing to do with the 004 crews.

22:35我们大车队大 我们大户有的是 为什么是004车队呢 我们是我们跟400U做的事情

22:35, we're big, we're big, we're big, we're big, we're big, we're big, we're good, we're good, we're good, we're good, we're good, we're good, we're good, we're good, we're good, we're good, we're good, we're good, we're good, we're good, we're good, we're good, we're good, we're good, we're good, we're good.

22:41我们倒过来 400U做的事情我们不干 好我们是倒着干啊 所以我们叫004

We're not doing what the 400U does, so we're doing it backwards, so we're calling 004.

22:46好choose这个assembly line 这个也是一个 呃我要跟大家讲的东西就是矿机 到时候呢basic和advance

22:46 Good choice of this assembly line, and this is also, uh, what I'm going to tell you is the mine machine.

22:54这个呢呃 我在群里也会讲 我在这个这里视频也给大家讲一下 大家看一下Ruer就知道了

Well, I'll tell you about it in the group, and I'll give you a video here.

23:01它这个最后 视频我的功课我会给大家弄出来啊 就它是有各种各样的概率 你去有概率去生成这个GPU矿机

23:01, this last video of my homework, I'll show you.

23:08SK矿机和CPU矿机啊 我在视频中我会把文字 我做的功课都亮出来 所以视频的最后会有其次啊

23:08 SK Miner and CPU Miner.

23:16你要选择basic框机跟advance框机 你就根据我这边的规则来选啊 那基本上来说的话 你如果资金量小的话

23:16, you're going to choose the besic and the dvance, and you're going to choose according to the rules on my side.

23:25你就选basic吧 因为你也拿不到advance 如果你资金量大 你就选advance

23:25, you pick Basic, because you can't get advance, and if you're big, you pick advance.

23:29你当然你要根据我这个功课来做选择 我会把文字我筛选过这个给你 你们看会看到这个 它的还是就是不一样的好

23:29, of course, you're going to make a choice based on my homework, and I'm going to screen the text for you.

23:38好然后这是Assembly line log 是你组装的这个日志啊 好这个看法了 rewards很重要

23:38 and this is Assembly Line log.

23:44然后bridge大家也有这个页面了吧 bridge就是有这个页面 然后你4月份它是会开放这个TB页面 然后connect的这个钱包是我提的

23:44 and Bridge's got this page, and that's what Bridge has, and then in April, it's gonna open up this TB page and I'm gonna bring up this wallet of Connect's.

23:52然后这个size的话 就是早鸟的这个rewards 它相当于说是我们在现在是两倍的 啊啊

23:52 and this size is the early bird's rewards.

23:59两倍的这个挖矿速率很快 然后到时候提取的话你可以提取啊 好然后leaderboard是我们这个 呃这个所有人

23:59 times the mining rate is quick, and you can extract it by then.

24:07这个参与的这个BTC的那个 嗯零件个数 你们看他们已经好多个 这个矿机什么的

24:07, the one with the BTC, the number of parts, you see, they've got a lot of them, this miner or something.

24:14还有他挖的矿速率啊 我们的目前还是0啊 因为刚存进去对吧 好

24:14 and the rate at which he dug the mine.

24:20那是这样的对吧 好然后他的代码也都是开源的好 然后about about他们要做的事情啊 还是挺牛逼的

That's 24:20, right?

24:27主要还是看上他 投资机构就不会跑路 这是我最关心的东西 好然后呢

It's 24:27, it's still him, and the investment agency won't run away.

24:32教辅车队呢 主要就是一个 怎么说呢 啊比较的强大啊

It's a 24:32 aid convoy, mostly one.

24:37我们是打车队 然后干满就完事了 主要创他什么呢 创他稳定币的收益

24:37, we hit the motorcade and we're done.

24:43因为我们也不存以太坊 也不存BDC啊 第二部分 我们这个

24:43 because we don't have Ethio, and we don't have BDC.

24:50讲完了第三部分我们讲功课啊 功课呢是什么呢 一章一章给大家列啊 就是框机这些东西

24:50, we've finished the third part of our homework.

24:56然后呢 因为视频我想压缩到这个30分钟以内 所以我会把一张一张的 这个给大家列一下

And then, 24:56, because I want this video to be compressed into 30 minutes, so I'm going to take a piece of it, and I'm going to put this on the list.

25:01大家去看 即暂停屏幕 然后呢对着这个屏幕 你们去理解一下这个rule

At 25:01, you will see the pause screen, and then you will see this screen, and you will understand this rule.

25:07其实也很简单 框机这个他文字也都写好了啊 实在不懂呢 你就群里啊

25:07 is easy, and he's got the framer, too.

25:13群里我会 大家会互帮互助啊 呃 然后这个呢

I'll be in the 25:13 group, and we'll all be helping each other out.

25:21是一个OG这种礼包 我猜我猜里面也应该没有了 我是有一些 当然也不吹了啊

25:21 is an OG-type gift bag, and I guess it's gone.

25:27然后这些啊 也没有什么的 那这个呢 是你们可以去章一章阅读

25:27 and that's nothing. And this one, you can read the chapter.

25:33然后这个啊 他是2月8号之至 主网上线之前 并可以继续充值

25:33 and this one.

25:41主网上线大概是在四五月份吧 在这时间内你可以继续充值 但奖励的话是每月减半 然后你第一个月是2%啊

25:41 main web line is probably in April/May, and you can continue to charge at this time, but the reward is half the amount per month, and your first month is 2%.

25:50他总共是5%嘛 第一个是越是把2.5%的代币拿过来 第二个是1.25% 第三个月是百0.625

At 25:50, he's 5%, the first one is to bring in 2.5% of the money, and the second one is 1.25% in the third month is 0.625.

25:58相当于说 你第一个月能挖第三个月的四倍啊 然后存的越久收益越高 这个是确实

25:58 is equivalent to four times as much as you can dig in the third month in the first month, and the longer you save, the higher the profit, that's true.

26:03然后这个是两倍的 我刚跟大家说过了 然后嗯 他的估值会怎么样呢

26:03 and that's twice as many.

26:08就是BTC的l呢 我刚才也讲了一下 就是他的BTC的l报天天中 报个80亿美金应该没有问题

26:08 is BTC's.

26:15然后80亿美金乘以5%的代币 那就是报呃 4啊 对吧没算错吧

26:15 and 8 billion dollars multiplied by 5%.

26:254亿美金的代币会平分给这个项目 然后我看leaderboard也不会怎么卷 那4亿美金这个代币呢 要靠你自己去挖

Two hundred and twenty-five billion dollars of money will be distributed equally to this project, and I don't think Leaderboard will be able to roll the $400 million of that coin on your own.

26:34啊因为BTC的LR 显然是比以太坊的LR要大得多 因为BTC的市值比以太坊市值是大4倍 是比以太坊4倍啊

26:34, 'cause BTC's LR is obviously much bigger than Etheria's LR, 'cause BTC's market value is four times greater than Ether's market value, and it's four times greater than Ether's.

26:46然后OP这种链 他都已经啊有20亿美金了 所以你就想想BTC的l啊 其实技术是一套嘛

26:46 and OP's, he's already got $2 billion, so think about BTC's.

26:54都是CK嘛 然后线下做一个机子 就是单机链嘛 说的难听点就是单机链

26:54 is all CK, and then you make a single chain under the line.

26:59然后它那个调节部分它还是没有 没有公开的 就相当于说他桥这部分也是中心化的 就他那有有暗门的

26:59 and it's still undisclosed, which means he's got a central part of the bridge, and he's got a secret door.

27:06就相当于说也不说暗门吧 就是怎么说呢 就是一个有桥的那部分啊 这是一个

27:06 is like saying nothing about the secret door.

27:12然后计算那部分就是完全是单机的 放在放在线下的 然后最后把结果放到线上就是只 就是最终的CK

27:12 and counting that part is a single machine, put it under the line, and finally put the results on the line, it's just the final CK.

27:20计算结果rock到线上 rock到主网就是 比如他们是rock OP是rock到这个ETH 我们这个BTC的话是rock

27:20 calculates rock to the line, and rock to the main network, for example, they're rock, op's rock to this ETH, and this BTC is rock.

27:28rock到比特币脸啊 其实技术都是一样的 就是都用的CK好 然后继续弄啊

27:28 Rock to Bitcoin's face. The technology is the same. It's the CK.

27:35这个大家也可以截图一下 就是basic 资金小就basic 资金大呢就是advanced啊

27:35, you can also take a look at Basic, a little bit of Basic, a lot of money, a lot of money, a lot of money.

27:41然后这个就是no 好然后这个规则大家也看一下啊 粘一粘 你们到时候一我都已经做好功课了

27:41 and this is No, and this is the rule.

27:50就是你暂停屏幕 然后去研究就可以了 啊 然后这个是这样的

27:50 is when you pause the screen and you study it.

27:57不用分账号 因为没有没有什么影响但是呢 5个BTC以下 就是你生产效能会提升

27:57 doesn't have to split it, because it doesn't matter.

28:06你5个BTC以上你可以考虑分号 5个BTC以下你就没有必要分号了 因为它是 资金越集中

28:06 You have five BTCs and you can consider the semicolons and five BTCs and you don't have to.

28:13生产效率越高 就是因为它是有这种效率的 你要你要去充那个ask矿机 你就BTC一个账号

The more efficient it is, the more efficient it is, the more efficient it is, the more efficient it is, the more efficient it is that you're going to fill that ask mine, you're going to have a BTC account.

28:20BTC越多越好啊 他不是那种分散账号的玩法 好 然后这个就是他们给我的

28:20 BTC's better. He's not one of those split accounts. Okay, then this is what they gave me.

28:27这个玫瑰链啊 等会我给大家说 我先把这个正式说完 然后组队开矿

28:27, this rose chain, I'll tell you later.

28:32就是组队开采 这个就是团队做贡献 然后团队的话会有奖励啊 奖励给每个人

28:32 is team mining, and that's team contribution.

28:40好 然后这个是大家也可以暂停屏幕去看 好这个也是 这个他是不推荐不低于2000U啊

28:40, and then this is the one where everybody can pause to see the screen, and this one, too, is no less than 2,000 U.S.

28:47其实也是的 然后我呢 是1000U因为我就要做其他项目啊 然后呃

28:47 is actually the same, and then I'm, like, 1000 U because I'm doing other projects, and, uh...

28:52你们呢最好2000U 我觉得是要的啊 但是呢 我要做项目

28:52 y'all better be 2000U, I think so, but I'm gonna do the project.

28:59我后续可能在加 但我也不慌啊 因为还有时间 你可以不断的存

28:59, I'll probably go after it, but I'm not panicking, because there's still time for you to keep saving.

29:04然后呢这个2,000 优的话你就是 我觉得应该还是要的 大户就忽略这些

29:04 and this is 2,000, and you're the one that I think should be, and the big house just ignores it.

29:09建议你看第一档 然后0.01BTC啊 应该就是我吧 可能

29:09 suggested you look at the first gear and then 0.01 BTC.

29:17400刀是吧 那我还比他多一点啊 这个 那0.25刀啊

29:17,400, right? I'm a little more than he is.

29:230.25BTC啊这个 大家也看一下 然后这个是Manta的机制 之前跟我参加过

29:230.25 BTC this one, too, and then this is Manta's mechanism, and I've been in it before.

29:30懂了就是a邀请b的话 那就是a邀请b b邀请c a就可以拿b的16% 拿c的8%啊

29:30, that's invitation b. That's invitation b.b. c.a. 16% of b., 8% of c.

29:38所以大家去多邀请啊 我到时候会给大家贴 一个一个多邀请啊 然后去邀请的话

29:38, so let's do a lot of invitations, and I'll put a lot of invitations on them, and then I'll invite them.

29:45呃 然后这批人都会进入到 因为我是源头 都会进入到教辅车队

29:45, uh, and then the whole group gets in, 'cause I'm the source, and I'm gonna get in the aid convoy.

29:50然后为共同为这个团队 为这个车队做一个挖矿 就是团队奖励 因为你只要大达到这个

29:50 and then a mine for this team together, for this convoy, is a team reward, because all you have to do is get to this.

29:59整个team达 到整个车队达到20个BTC 它有它有奖励啊 然后平分给车队的每个人

29:59 The whole team reaches 20 BTCs for the whole convoy.

30:06好 然后再来 我争取30分钟以内 啊

30:06 is fine, and then again, I'll get 30 minutes.

30:13我操已经30分钟 再来这个这个大家可以看一下啊 这个也可以看一下 然后这个运气加成

30:13 I've been fucking for 30 minutes.

30:22这个也讲过了 然后开宝箱啊 这个也说过了 就是要运气啊

That's 30:22. Then open the treasure box. That's what I'm talking about.

30:30很快就能够产生 而且我预计他 为什么他会有这种幸运箱什么的呢 显然是为了

And why would he have such a lucky box or something?

30:38呃他后端就是这个网站 就是这个项目方 后端改参数 就是如果参与的人少

30:38, uh, his backend is this site, which is the project's side.

30:43他肯定会给很多很多代币 然后我预计 他的参与人数会比Merlin少很多啊 因为他的社区能力确实不强

30:43, he's gonna give a lot of tokens, and then I expect his numbers to be much lower than Merlin's, because he's not really a strong member of the community.

30:52他的营销能力不强 所以参与他的才13,000个地址啊 我觉得哎 是

30:52, he's not very good at marketing, so it's only 13,000 addresses for him, I think.

31:01我能不能说他也是个大毛 哼哼 在我预料当中 年画100%肯定是有的

31:01, can I say he's a hairy man, too?

31:08但是300%就可以看时机 看参与的人 好 啊这些大家也是那个什么了啊

31:08, but 300% can see the time, see the people involved.

31:18这个大家也可以看一下啊 这个大家的经验就是可以看一下 然后这个也可以看一下啊 这是成本计算啊

31:18, you can take a look at it, and that's your experience, and this one can take a look at it, and it's costing.

31:32啊 这个也可以看一下大型收益什么的啊 这个这个 博主跟我的思路其实一样的

31:32, this one can look at the big money or something.

31:39是两个300 啊我觉得是有的啊 因为历史其实已经证明了 zkpafer这种什么的

31:39 is two 300s. I think so, because history has proven something like zkpafer.

31:47包括那个什么安踏已经证明了 啊 好这个哎 其实其实

It's been proven by the fact that there's no such thing as a pamphlet at 31:47.

31:56然后这种啊好 然后呢最后最后要讲一个事情 就是我刚才讲的MER Merlin Chan啊 我不是录了视频了嘛

31:56 and that's good. And then one last thing, that's the Mer Merlin Chan I was talking about.

32:03然后大家觉得 很多人觉得会反撸什么的 然后也有就博主那 个我已经

32:03 and everybody thinks that a lot of people think they're going to back off or something, and then there's the guy who's already...

32:07我已经这个其实 咳咳咳咳 他的观点其实很好反驳 就是假设这个练的固执为三义

32:07 I've got this really, really, coughing and coughing, and his point of view is very rebuttal, which is to assume that this practice's tenacity is trinity.

32:18那第一句话就错了 他假设就错了 因为比特币的l它不止3亿美金啊 因为以太坊的l

The first sentence of 32:18 was wrong, and he assumed it was wrong because bitcoin had more than $300 million.

32:25它它这个o p它都已经是20亿美金了 那你说比特币的l它比以太坊烂吗 那显然是 技术都一样的

It's 32:25 and it's already $2 billion.

32:33都是CK啊 显然是不可能的 就是你这个代币 你拿到牛市

32:33 is all CK, obviously impossible.

32:39轻轻松松20亿60亿80亿就轻 很轻松的 所以他的有成长空间 就是你这个代币拿了无限成长空间

At 32:39, the $206 billion is light and easy, so he's got room for growth, and that's where you get the infinity of growth.

32:48我觉得就是10倍肯定有 对 然后这种假设就是错误的啊 哎所以

32:48, I think it's 10 times as much as there is.

32:58人还是靠认知的 就是我觉得还是靠认知的 当然了 嗯有些人觉得我可能太

32:58 people are still cognitive, and I think it's cognitive.

33:07怎么说呢 就觉得我可能太这个 就是喜欢怼人啊 因为我在群里怼了一位兄弟

What do you say, 33:07?

33:16其实呢我就不能接受别人 因为我是精心研究过的 然后你随便一句话 这个随便一句话

33:16, actually, I can't accept other people because I've studied them carefully, and then you just say whatever you want, and this is what you say.

33:24就把我反驳了 我就觉得很难受 因为你没有做功课 然后你就来说

I felt bad because you didn't do your homework, and then you said,

33:29那我就觉得很很不舒服啊 当然了我也不是这个有意的 好然后呢 目前教父认为能参与的项目

Well, I don't think it's the right thing to do.

33:38就我在这个时间段我能看到的项目 VTC的LR啊 是一个大的机会 其次a跟l我跟大家说过很多遍

33:38 on the project that I can see in this time period, VTC's LR is a big opportunity.

33:47然后再其次啊 索拉纳生态啊 然后这几个方向 大的方向我们要把握对

33:47 and then again, Solara Ecology.

33:54至于其他那些啊 很多很小的项目 你看我都没录 我都录的是一些大的

You see, I didn't record it, and I recorded some big ones.

34:00大的那种 想大毛就我只做大毛 因为没有时间 跟大家强调过很多次

It's 34:00, and I'm only doing it because I don't have time to say it to you many times.

34:06然后你们可以去看一下 我历史的这些视频 每一个对应的是不是大毛比如说 比如说

34:06 and then you can go check out these videos of my history, and each of them corresponds to, like, hairy.

34:13比如说 这种ZK啊什么的 我肯定是撸公链的 我肯定不会去录像

34:13, for example, this ZK or something, and I'm sure it's a public chain.

34:16包括Stargate 那它是Lazaro的对吧 就看style的 layerzero的cheers

34:16 includes Stargate, and it's Lazaro's, right?

34:22我都是撸那种大毛的 因为其实真的没时间 人的精力是有限的 你你用一个小时去撸毛

34:22, because there's really no time, people's energy is limited.

34:29你如果去撸测试网 那你大概率测试网就没有毛的 我其实说句实话 我看群里的兄弟

34:29 If you go to the test network, you probably don't have hair on the test network.

34:36辛辛苦苦去撸测试毛 其实我能我也能理解 因为确实没有资金 但是撸测试毛确实是一个错误的方

34:36, it's hard to test hair, and I can understand it, because there's no money, but it's a mistake.

34:41撸测试网确实是一个错误的方向 你撸BTC的测试网 可能还有你撸其他的 你开放测试网或者其他测试网

The 34:41 test net is definitely a wrong direction.

34:48你完全就是浪费时间 VC VTC的测试网应该还是有矛盾 因为为什么呢 因为它撸的人少

34:48, you're wasting your time.

34:53那以碳防测试网 或者其他的那种测试网 它撸的人那么多 测试网怎么可能给你你奖励呢

34:53, the carbon-proof test network, or some kind of test network, which has so many people, how can the test network reward you?

35:00你想一下 然后以太坊测试网 有好多都是机器人的脚本 你干的过那些脚本吗

Thirty-five, then I'll test the network with a lot of robotic scripts.

35:06人家一批量撸100个脚 用脚本撸 你人工撸 测试网怎么扛扛得住呢

At 35:06, a group of 100 feet, with a script, you test how the net can handle it.

35:11所以 所以 其实质押 很多人觉得我质押是那个项目方那个

So, at 35:11, it's the substance of the pledge, and a lot of people think I'm the one on the project.

35:19但其实质押它完全是 唉 你们 你们做的多了你就知道了就是

It's 35:19, but it's totally bet on it.

35:29唉 就这个世界还是很残忍的 就是POS POS的人最终拿到了最多的收益

35:29, the world is still cruel.

35:36就你质押了房子的股权 你质押了公司的股权 那批人赚到了最多的财富啊 但是普通辛苦的这种Pow的人

At 35:36, you pledged the shares of the house, you pledged the shares of the company.

35:46反倒没有赚到什么钱 因为太卷了 而他拥有资产的人 就拥有比特币的人

At 35:46, it didn't make much money, because it was too rolly, and the man who owned the assets, he owned the bitcoin.

35:53去羁押的人太少 所以给的奖励就多 这就是这个世界的本质 就很残酷

At 35:53, there's too few people to be held in custody, so there's a lot of rewards, and that's the nature of the world, and it's cruel.

35:58所以我们呢 1我们绝对不会愤世嫉俗 第二 我们就是要研究

35:58, so what about us?

36:03怎么样才能变成上面的人 变成POS的人 好 呃只做大毛

What's it gonna be like to be the guy up there and the guy who's going to be the guy that's going to be the guy that's going to be the guy that's going to be the guy that's going to be the guy that's going to be the guy that's going to be the guy that's going to be the guy that's going to be the guy that's going to be the guy that's going to be the guy that's going to be the guy that's going to be the guy that's going to be the guy that's going to be the guy that's going to be the guy that's going to be the guy that's going to be the guy that's going to be the guy that's going to be the guy that's going to be the guy?

36:11这个是我的一个心得啊 然后我会看很多项目 接下来我也会看啊 所以其实群里面很多很多东西

36:11 this is one of my favorites, and I'm going to watch a lot of projects, and I'm going to watch a lot of things, so there's a lot of stuff in the group.

36:20我也没办法及时回复 对吧因为我实在是太忙了 各种项目 我的任务就是把大毛筛选出来

I can't get back in time at 36:20, right?

36:26然后做成视频 然后呢组组一个车队 让这个车队能够到达这个 20个BTC这就是我们的目标

Thirty-six:26 and make a video, and then this group of motorcades makes it possible for this convoy to reach 20 BTCs, which is our target.

36:36好然后 最后还有个事情 就是啊去邀请别人 我我都给大家复制了一个文案

36:36 and then there's one last thing, that's to invite someone else.

36:41搞了一个文案 就是你去别的群里邀请他人参与 你可以获得更多奖励 刚才我也跟大家讲过

There's a case at 36:41 where you go to another group and invite others to participate, and you get more rewards, as I just told you.

36:47你可以把下面这个文案替换掉 我的链接 用你的链接 换句话说

You can replace my link with your link, in other words.

36:51你可以把这个链接替换成你的 然后这样 你去把这些文案去发到一些群里 然后让他们来做这个任务

You can replace this link with yours at 36:51, and this way, you're gonna send these files to some groups, and then you're gonna let them do the job.

36:59这样我们车队就会壮大 然后你呢 你也可以获得别人的收益 因为a邀请b

36:59 so that our motorcade can grow, and then you, and you, and you, you can get someone else's money because a invitationb

37:05b邀请c这样的话 a就可以拿b的16%的呃 就是奖励 然后c的话

37:05b invites c like this a can get 16% of b, which is a reward, and then c.

37:138%的奖励给到a 但是呢这个是额外 就是并不会直接拿别 人的利润

A 37:38 per cent reward is given to a, but this is extra, and it's just not going to take another person's profit.

37:18但是官方额外奖励给你的 就是你就相当于说额外补贴了你16% 这个玩法其实Manter也是一样的 当然你朋友用的部分是不会损失的

37:18, but what the official extra reward is for you is that you're saying that you're getting 16% extra, which is actually the same game for Manter, and of course the part your friend uses is not gonna be lost.

37:27并不是把你朋友的那个利润拿过来 是官方那边额外奖励你的 所以就是16%跟8% 所以你把你的链接分享到群里

37:27 is not the profit of your friend, it's the official bonus, so it's 16% and 8%, so you share your link with the group.

37:34你的矿机是可以零件是变会变多的 就是就是你邀请人越多的话 然后这个就是穷哥们的玩法 因为我也知道有一些穷哥们

37:34 Your miner can get more parts, or the more you invite people, and this is the way the poor guys play, because I know there's some poor guys.

37:44他们是怎么玩的呢 就是嗯 存很少的钱 但是疯狂的邀请别人

37:44, how do they play?

37:50这样的话就可以 然后比如说加入我的车队 然后他们就能拿到很多零件啊 因为穷人

37:50, that's all, and then, for example, join my motorcade, and then they get a lot of spare parts, because of the poor.

37:57其实你要想办法去参与那些大毛项目 然后去找到大毛项目里面 你能利用你的优势 就是勤劳去把他们的houd这个下来

37:57, actually, you're going to find a way to get involved in the big hair project, and then you're going to find the big hair project, and you're going to take advantage of it, and you're going to work hard to get their houd down.

38:08你去那些测试网是没有毛的啊 哎 其实很多人都走错路了 但是我也实在是那个什么

38:08, there's no hair on those test nets.

38:15然后这个我会放在我的这边 这个任务链接里啊 任务链接里 然后我也会在这个视频的下方放一个

38:15 and I'll put this on my side, in this mission link, in the mission link, and I'll put one under this video.

38:22这个我的这个这个 这段文字你们直接复制去发就可以了 然后也有呃这个任务的链接 这个任务链接我会放在视频下方

38:22, this one of mine, this text you can just copy and send, and there's a link to the, uh, task, which I'll put under the video.

38:33好今天这个视频就到这里 然后在最后的话 差不多也就是这个了 就是还做的比较辛苦对吧

38:33 is good for the video here today, and in the end, it's almost like this, but it's a lot harder, isn't it?

38:40然后也是熬夜干了好几个视频啊 然后呢dimension 如果你们赚到钱了就给我点个赞 好吧我也不要求你们

38:40 and then a couple of late-night videos, and then, "dimension," if you make any money, give me a compliment.

38:47如果说你们想给我发红包的话呢 嘿嘿 兄弟们那 我也谈一谈

What if you guys want to send me a red bag?

38:52你们如果想给我发红包的 把我的账户给贴到我这个视频的下方 你们可以给我发红包对吧 因为代马仕还赚了不少钱吧

38:52 If you want to send me a red bag and put my account below my video, you can send me a red bag, right?

39:01给我点个赞就行了啊 然后都是穷哥们 好吧 我们的目标呢

Just give me a compliment at 39:01, and then it's all poor buddy.

39:07就是20个BTC 然后呢 004车队 一起赚钱 干干翻他们

39:07 is 20 BTCs.

39:13干翻这些leaderboard上面的这些 这些他们 这些大户 这种这种

39:13 punctured all these Leaderboards, these guys, these big families, this kind of thing.

39:18应该一看也应该这种 肯定到了40个BT 20个BTC啊 呃加群啊

39:18, that's what it should look like. 40 BTs, 20 BTCs.

39:25然后群里问各种如果你不懂的话啊 然后这个 呃有群友问我 这个DC什么的这种推特去买对吧

39:25 and then the crowd asks if you don't get it, and this, uh, group asks me about this DC or something like this, right?

39:33但我还没想好 因为我还没调研好 因为有些推特被封 我怀疑是这种账号来源不干净

39:33, but I haven't thought about it yet, because I haven't studied it yet, because some tweets have been blocked.

39:39所以我要去调研好 一些好的账号我才敢卖 好 今天视频就到这里

39:39, that's why I'm going to look into some good accounts and I'm going to sell them.


39:43, thank you.




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