区块链不等于虚拟货币 多地监管部门开展整顿工作

资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:27 评论:0



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With block-chain technology becoming a social focus, the virtual currency that has been severely hit by the regulatory sector has re-emerged. In response to this development, over the last two days, multiple regulators have announced that a new round of clean-up has been launched throughout the country.


On November 22, close to the Office of the National Task Force on Financial Risk Management on the Internet (hereinafter referred to as the Bureau) stated that the chain of blocks was rich and did not amount to a virtual currency. All current promotional campaigns on virtual currency under the banner of the block chain were illegal.


It is known that the regulatory authorities are now fully deployed, requiring comprehensive nationwide screening of the status quotients on the use of block chains for virtual currency campaigning. In the next phase of their work, the regulators will step up their efforts to clean up virtual money and trading sites and find and dispose of them together.


Organize virtual currency transactions




As early as September 4, 2017, seven departments issued a bulletin on protection against the risk of financing the issuance of money in currencies, which cleans up the ICO and virtual currency trading sites, explicitly raises virtual money from investors, is suspected of illegal sales of currency coupons, illegal issuance of securities, and illegal criminal activities such as the collection of funds, financial fraud, and distribution. Virtual currency transactions in the country have fallen dramatically, effectively avoiding the impact of a sharp fall in virtual currency prices on our financial markets.


Since then, controls have been further strengthened with regard to the installation of servers outside the country to provide virtual money-trading services to residents in the country, and ongoing clean-up efforts have been intensified from the payment settlement point onwards.


But the recent heat of the block chain, the resurgence of virtual currency, and some of the signs of a resurgence of illicit activity, have shown signs. On the one hand, virtual currency prices, including bitcoin, have surged, with markets similar to &ldquao; on the other hand, the bulletin on protection against the risk of financing the issuance of tokens has become obsolete & rdquao; and on the other hand, there are institutions that do not deal with currency but carry out illegal financial activities in the name of block chains.


For example, some enterprises organize virtual currency transactions in their territories under the name “ block chain innovation & rdquo; distribute “ × × × × × × currency & & rdquo; × × × × × × chains & & rdquo; virtual currency in the form of white papers, making false use of ecology, collecting funds or bitcoin, using virtual currency assets such as taupules; and some institutions provide publicity, diversions, brokering services, etc. for ICO projects registered abroad, virtual money trading platforms, and even individual illegal institutions that use the People's Bank to issue or promote legal digital currency and play & & ldquo; statutory digital currency & rdquo; and cheat investors' money.


On 13 of this month, the Central Bank Network also issued an announcement clarifying that so-called legal digital currency issuances are being circulated online, and that individual agencies are using the name of the People's Bank to launch “ DC/EP” or & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; transactions on asset trading platforms that may involve fraud and distribution; and that the general public is invited to raise awareness of the risks, not to be biased and to protect against harm.


National clean-up has opened up


Over the past two days, regulators in Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Beijing have issued orders to fight illegal virtual currency, and the national clean-up curtain has been opened. The regulators have also warned investors to be more risk-proof, to be vigilant about these illegal financial activities, and to report information about illegal violations in a timely manner.


On 21 November, the Office of the Steering Group for the Specialized Management of Internet Financial Risks in Shenzhen City issued a & ldquao on the Network of Officials of the Local Financial Supervisory Authority in Shenzhen; on protection against &lsquao; virtual currency &rsquao; risk alerts for illegal activities & & rdquao; and on the alert that the recent promotion of block-link technology had led to a rise in virtual currency campaigns, some of which showed signs of a resurgence of illicit activity, and that the Office of the Leading Group for the Specialized Management of Internet Financial Risks in Shenzhen City would conduct a forensic examination of the above-mentioned illegal activities, in accordance with the deployment of the National Mutual Control Agency.


In the afternoon of 22 November, the Shanghai Joint Financial Stability Conference Office and the Shanghai headquarters of the People's Bank also indicated that they would increase their monitoring and control efforts to combat virtual currency transactions. The next step would be continuous monitoring of virtual currency operations within the jurisdiction, which, if found to be immediately disposed of, would be reduced in the early hours of the operation. At the same time, the two departments would alert investors to the multiplicity of risks associated with block-link technology and virtual currency transactions, including the risk of false assets, the risk of failure to operate, the risk of investing in investments, and so on.

  当日晚间,北京青年报记者了解到, 为防范虚拟货币交易非法金融活动死灰复燃,切实保障广大投资人利益,根据全国互联网金融风险专项整治领导小组办公室工作部署,北京市地方金融监管局、人行营业管理部对以上非法金融活动坚持“露头就打”原则,持续保持监管高压态势,会同中国互联网金融协会、国家互联网应急中心对辖内虚拟货币交易场所等组织全面摸排,一经发现,将按照《关于防范代币发行融资风险的公告》等相关规定严肃处置。

On the evening of the same day, the Beijing Youth Reporter learned that, in order to prevent the resumption of illegal financial activity in virtual currency transactions and to ensure that the interests of investors were effectively safeguarded, the National Office of the Leading Group for the Specialized Management of Financial Risks on the Internet was deployed, and that the Beijing City Local Financial Supervisory Authority and the Department for the Management of Manpower Operations maintained & & & & & & rdquo of the above illegal financial activity; and that it was in principle that high-pressure surveillance was maintained, and that organizations such as the China Internet Finance Association and the National Internet Emergency Response Centre were in a comprehensive position to deal with the virtual currency trading sites in China, once it became clear that they would be dealt with seriously, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Proclamation on Protection against the Risk of Financing the Issue of Currency.


The Internet Finance Association of China and the Emergency Centre have also reportedly started a full-network search and timely disposal of newly discovered virtual currency trading sites in China, ICO activities, and offshore & & & & & & & & & & & & &, virtual money trading platforms. At the same time, payment agencies have been asked to enhance screening and clean up from payment settlements.


Relevant news


Beijing police arrested dozens of people


Illegal digital currency dealer


The resurgence of virtual currency has been a high priority for regulators. Regulatory authorities have been maintaining a high-handed and distorting stance since the beginning of the year.


According to authoritative data, since 2019 a total of six newly discovered virtual money-trading platforms have been closed across the country and 203 offshore virtual money-trading platforms have been disposed of in seven batches of technology; close to 10,000 payment accounts have been closed through two large non-bank payment agencies; and, in the case of the micro-credit platform, close to 300 advertising mini-procedures and public numbers have been closed.


It is worth noting that the police are also involved in the case. Some insiders report that Hangzhou and Beijing have & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & the Virtual Currency Exchange, which currently has more than 100 people in the prosecution process.


According to sources close to the regulatory authorities, the recent seizure by the Beijing police of a fraud by the illegal digital money exchange BISS, the arrest of dozens of suspects, was a powerful deterrent to illegal institutions and a wake-up call for a large number of investors.

  根据以往公开资料,BISS除了宣称自己是全球首家会员制交易所,还宣称自己是“全球首家币币+币股交易所”,投资者不仅可以交易虚拟货币,还能一键买美股。币市注册用户分为普通用户和VIP会员,根据邀请的付费会员数量升级会员等级及对应权益。BISS设计一个类似传销的VIP等级制度:“币市会员邀请好友成为新会员,除手续费返佣外,还可获得高额BISS返现。邀请1级好友成为会员,可获80 BISS返现;邀请2级好友成为币市会员,可获40 BISS返现,会员邀请返现收益无上限。”其整个会员分为6个等级,拉的人越多等级越高,且高等级最多可以享受下面三层的返佣。如今,警方将其定义为诈骗案。

According to past public sources, BISS, in addition to claiming to be the first global membership exchange, claims to be “ the first global currency + currency exchange & & rdquo; investors can not only trade in virtual currency, but also buy US shares by one key. Currency-registered users are divided into ordinary users and VIP members, upgrading their membership and entitlements according to the number of invited payers. BISS designs a VIP hierarchy similar to sales: & & ldquo; currency-market members invite their friends to be new members and, in addition to the cost of returning to domestic service, have access to high BISs.

  本组文/记者 程婕

Section/Reporter Programme




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