
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:24 评论:0



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  徐 骏作

Xu Bong
(Xinhua Society)


What is the hottest investment in Taiwan now? The answer is the ICO, which is linked to the virtual currency (the block chain project was issued as a token for the first time). When the island’s start-up business was difficult to raise money, early in May, the latest indicator case of a new circle in the Taiwan block chain, the BitoEX fund-raising case, raised more than $600 million in one day and triggered the issue in the investment ring.


Executive Director Zheng Guangtai had estimated that it would take a month to collect 175 million dollars for the first time. As a result, $10 million was raised in five hours, and 26 small-time coins were sold out, converted into market prices and raised more than $650 million. “On the next day, we're done, and we're all scared, but the next line is, "What do we do?"



Innovative Block Chain


The ICO has become a new and more common source of fund-raising in the block chain, targeting the general public. Indeed, it is not Taiwan’s first exchange for currency sales. Others such as Cobinhood, an off-site trading platform such as OTCBTC, have publicly raised funds from the public.


The first quarter of this year was 70% more than the same period last year. Another platform, Maicoin, was set up in 2017 to follow up with Leafour.


An exchange is a new plan for a currency trust. In March this year, the exchange Bitobo is officially on the line in Taiwan. The business will cover French currency transactions (buying bitcoins, emasculates, ICOs, and so on in Taiwan or the United States dollar), currency transactions (trading between virtual currencies), leverage transactions (lending money from the platform) and off-the-shelf transactions.


Attracting users by selling tokens is only the first step, and it will ultimately depend on the platform’s user experience, quality of transactions, and security. An in-houser analyzes that the exchange operates in a multi-faceted manner to reduce reliance on fee earnings. Because there are too many exchanges now, investors are bound to go to low-cost exchanges.


For example, Bitbo, the exchange’s fees ranged from 1 per 1,000 to 2 per 1,000, an initial one-tenth of the original offer for the platform. But there were platforms, and last year’s first official call for money was made at a zero fee. The platform raised 400 million dollars for the first time publicly, and was praised by the Ministry of Science and Technology as one of Taiwan’s most promising businesses to become a unicorn.


Sectors tend to include regulation


In contrast to the heat in the capital market, it is the security concerns of the regulatory authorities.


Unlike real-world exchanges, in the virtual currency world, the exchange is private-owned, with no restrictions on numbers, and investors come from all over the world. Most countries and regions around the world still have little interest in regulating the virtual currency exchange and the ICO.


In order to strengthen the prevention of money-laundering, the Minister of Justice, Qiu Tai, has recently indicated that he has been invited to consult with the “Ministry of the Interior” “Central Bank” and the “Investigation Bureau” of the “Police Administration”, among others, to consider the integration of virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin, into the management process, which is expected to be completed before the convening of the APG (Review of the Asia-Pacific Anti-Money Laundering Organization) in November this year.


Recently, the “Commission” questioned the Legislative Council, stating that the buyers of Bitcoin were not aware of their identities, that the current “Ministry of Finance” could only levy a turnover tax on fees earned by the trading platform, and that the profits from the Bitcoin transaction could not be taxed at all. The “Board of Gold Councils” was also exporting, and was debating whether to “realize” Bitcoin transactions on the stage. In Korea, which was also hot for virtual currency, the government required investors to convert existing encrypted currency exchange accounts into real-name bank accounts, or to open a real-name certified bank account to deal with such virtual assets in order to increase transparency of transactions.


According to the “Golden Council” survey, four Taiwan banks, Kaki and Tamayama, are currently providing gold flow services, and the “Golden Council” has asked banks to strengthen their transaction controls. The “Bank Bureau” states that banks, when opening accounts with virtual money dealers, such as Bitcoin, are classified as high-risk customers and cannot carry out online banking operations, i.e. Bitcoin traders must travel to the counter. The “Bank Bureau” emphasizes that since there are no special regulations in the island, the application of virtual currency, block chains, etc. is very cautious, but it also wishes to “maintain the possibility of free markets”.


How to Balance Security and Innovation


Although virtual money is hot, many people have been feeling that the ICO market is full of speculation and fraud. The “Commission” also believes that “many of the ICO white papers are now simply being copied, and even the team’s photos are being captured online.” These have led to a negative perception on the outside and increased the support of the authorities for greater management.


Chen Tae Won, a 27-year-old co-founder of the Kauping Tiger, said that the block chain “is also a blue sea market” and looked forward to Taiwan becoming a major part of the chain of development and development. Chen Tae Won expressed the hope that the platform would be used to build Taiwan’s block chain ecosystem and that “Wall Street, a virtual currency” would appear in Taiwan.

  台湾也颇有支持陈泰元的声音。第一,台湾有科技人才优势,近年许多区块链新创也都纷纷以台湾为基地。第二,区块链是开源的技术,跟人工智能或大数据不同,不存在数据量的门坎。第三,目前台湾的区块链社群已相当多,民间社会拥有巨大的能量。第四,2000年网络泡沫化后,台湾网络产业走得辛苦,过去几十年靠着电子制造业立住脚跟。许多人说区块链是“互联网 2.0”,台湾该如何抓住这个新的风口?

Taiwan also has a strong voice in support of Chen Tae Won. First, Taiwan has a strong talent in technology, and many of the new block chains in recent years have been based on Taiwan. Second, the block chain is open-source technology, unlike artificial intelligence or big data, with no data available.


Chief Inspector Choi Yu Ling, Taiwan Financial Science and Technology Association, argued that the ICO itself did have many problems, but she also asked how the authorities would take control if this was an important opportunity for industrial innovation.


When Taiwan’s block chain-based self-regulation union was formed, the CEO, Zhao Chang Peng, said, “The more you have to behave properly and properly without government oversight.” The industry should find a way to know what is good ICO projects and what is bad.


Of course, Tsai Yu Ling believes that the authorities do not care about nothing, that the money-laundering and tax components are dealt with through the relevant authorities, but because the chain of blocks is transnational, non-geographical and limited, it would be better to adopt low-level regulation and self-regulation on the part of those who support it. Is that enough reason enough to convince the public and the authorities?






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