在公有链方面进行了一些探索,更多是联盟链的相关应用。 There has been some exploration of the public chain and more related applications of the chain of alliances. 四川省区块链产业发展到底怎样?哪些是当前区块链技术应用的重点方向?1月17日,四川省区块链行业协会公布《四川省区块链产业白皮书(2019年)》,对上述问题一一作了回答。 What has been the development of the Sichuan block chain industry? What are the priority directions for the current block chain technology? On 17 January, the Sichuan block chain industry association published a White Paper (2019) on the Sichuan block chain industry, which answers one by one. 发展如何?全省有44家以区块链技术研究为核心的企业,大多在成都 所谓区块链,就是分布式统一记账系统,即通过“多人分别记账”来替代“会计一人记账”,防止被随意篡改,确保数据安全。区块链技术的集成应用,被普遍认为将在新的技术革新和产业变革中起到重要作用。 The so-called block chain is a distributed, unified accounting system, which replaces the “account-for-one” by “man-man-for-man-for-man” to prevent random manipulation and to ensure data security. The integrated application of block chain technology is widely recognized as playing an important role in new technological innovations and industrial changes. 《白皮书》认为,四川发展区块链产业基础不错:据相关调查,目前全省拥有44家以区块链技术研究为核心的企业,其中35家落户成都。 According to the White Paper, the Sichuan development block chain industry is well founded: according to relevant surveys, there are currently 44 enterprises in the province that focus on technical research on the block chain, 35 of which are settled in the capital. 如果把范围从“以区块链为主业”放宽到“涉足区块链产业”,企业总数就成倍增长。《白皮书》提到,截至2019年底,全省经营范围内包含区块链的企业有365家,其中成都市有298家。这些企业多“年轻”且“小而美”:超过40%的企业成立时间在1年以内,三分之二的企业注册资本在1000万元以下。 By the end of 2019, the White Paper mentioned that 365 businesses, including 298 in urban areas, were operating in the province. These enterprises were “young” and “small and beautiful”: more than 40% of businesses were established within one year, and two thirds of their registered capital was less than $10 million. 四川区块链企业主要做什么?《白皮书》提到,在公有链(任何人都可以参与“记账”)方面进行了一些探索,如照片分享等。但更多是联盟链(要参与“记账”需要经过审核)的相关应用,如供应链金融、农产品溯源、司法存证、医疗处方流转、扶贫资金管理等。 What does Sichuan Block Chain Business do? The White Paper mentions that some explorations have been made in the public chain (where anyone can be involved in “bookkeeping”), such as photo sharing. But more relevant applications in the chain of alliances (where participation in “book keeping” requires scrutiny), such as supply chain finance, agricultural traceability, judicial documentation, medical prescriptions, and pro-poor fund management. 四川还有人才优势。《白皮书》提到,在区块链人才毕业院校排名中,电子科技大学和四川大学在全国分别排第7和第8位。西南财经大学、成都信息工程大学等川内高校也已在研究生相关专业设置了区块链理论与技术研究方向。 The White Paper states that the University of Electronic Technology and the University of Sichuan are ranked 7th and 8th in the country, respectively, in the ranking of regional graduates. The University of Finance and Economics for the South-West and the University of Chengdu Information Engineering have also set the direction for the theoretical and technical study of block chains in their graduate-level specializations. 哪些会成为应用“新风口”?“区块链+产业金融”等7个方面值得关注 以目前技术成熟度来看,区块链技术可以应用到哪些领域中?会产生哪些新的“风口”? In terms of current technological maturity, what are the areas in which block chain technology can be applied and what are the new “winds” that can be generated? 《白皮书》梳理了7个当前最具潜力、最值得关注的应用方向—— The White Paper sums up seven of the most promising and interesting applications of the day — “区块链+产业金融”:帮助解决中小企业贷款融资难、银行风控难、部门监管难等问题。“区块链具有不可篡改总账的特点,因此可以给中小企业‘增信’。”攀钢集团成都天府惠融资产管理有限公司总经理龚金介绍,金融机构可以通过“上链”来掌握中小企业的真实交易情况,从而打消顾虑,让后者有可能以应收账款质押等方式融资。 “Cluster Chains + Industrial Finance”: helping to resolve problems of SME lending finance, bank control, and sector regulation. “The block chain has the characteristics of irreproachable master accounts, so SMEs can be `trust-added'.” The Managing Director of the Hintercheon Asset Management Ltd., a steel-climbing group, Yong-jin, introduced that financial institutions can “uplink” the true transactions of SMEs, thereby dissipating concerns and making it possible for the latter to finance themselves, for example, in the form of a pledge of receivables. “区块链+医疗卫生”:“换一家医院就重复检查一次的现象,有可能得到避免。”西南财经大学中国区块链研究中心主任段江介绍,通过区块链技术,可实现病历处方等跨机构共享。 “Plutonium chain + health care”: “A repeat examination at a different hospital is likely to be avoided.” The Director of the China Block Chain Research Centre at the University of South-West Finance and Economics, Jiang, introduced that through block chain technology, cross-institutionalization, such as the prescription of medical records, could be achieved. “区块链+工业制造”:《白皮书》提出,可基于区块链技术构建工业制造协同链,解决产业链条上各家企业的互信问题,从而降低协作成本,为智能制造产业的快速发展赋能。 “Plus chains + industrial manufacturing”: The White Paper proposes that industrial manufacturing synergizing chains based on block chain technology can be built to address the issue of mutual trust among enterprises in the industrial chain, thereby reducing the cost of collaboration and empowering the rapid development of the intelligent manufacturing industry. 此外,《白皮书》还提出“区块链+资金监管”,即通过基于区块链的一账式管理,有效解决信息漏斗、资金截留等问题;“区块链+产品溯源”,为老百姓、监管机构提供可信数据支撑;“区块链+城市治理”,构建多方共同参与的社会治理体系;“区块链+知识产权”,通过构建覆盖法院、公证处、知识产权管理机构、内容生产方等机构的知识产权链,简化知识产权公正确权流程和侵权诉讼流程。 In addition, the White Paper proposes a “block chain + financial regulation”, which effectively addresses issues such as information funnels and funds sequestration through a single-account management based on the block chain; “block chain + product traceability”, which provides credible data support to the population and regulatory bodies; “block chain + urban governance”, which builds a participatory social governance system; and “block chain + intellectual property rights”, which streamlines the public right to the right to the right of intellectual property and the tort litigation process by building an intellectual property chain that covers institutions such as courts, notaries, intellectual property authorities, content producers, etc.
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