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Deep combustion (shenrancaijing)

作者 | 周继凤

Chou Si Feng, author

编辑 | 黎明

♪ The dawn ♪


"At the end, I don't hold any encrypted currency."


A ring player who had invested in bitcoin and dog money, after a collective collapse of encrypted currency on 19 May, lost all the principal and left the ring in silence.


And a few days ago, he was passionately discussing the direction of the bull market. To some extent, the player seemed to be a microcosm of the entire currency circle for almost 100 days.


At the end of last year, especially since February, encoded money has come to the bull market, small to ordinary pickles, big to capital giants, and has begun to join this crazy game. In these short 100 days, plays countless crazy stories about wealth and greed.


They go in there for the purpose of making big money, trying to be a pig standing in the wind. After all, every day in the currency circle, there is the legend of a rich night, and in the words of encrypted money, what you do not have is “the fun of poverty”.


But the cow market is fast and fast. On May 19, the encoded currency began to crash, and within 24 hours, 580,000 people exploded, amounting to $6.91 billion. For the first time, the newcomers in the currency ring felt, "The currency ring is a meat grinder, and it's too exciting to go up and down."


In fact, encrypted currencies are highly volatile, risky and prone to bubbles. Some of the people involved are rich overnight, but more of them pay nothing and are heavily indebted.




There's such a famous word in the ring, "Hell" in heaven.


The meaning of this phrase was felt for the first time on 19 May, when the new groves, which had been in the currency ring for no more than three days, came to light.


On May 16, when Kobayashi accidentally entered the pit, he accidentally painted a short video of the dog coin booming while he was shaking. He realized that he might have spent a little money on eating for the rest of his life, “it was exciting to hear it”, and he immediately put $10,000 on it.


What's unexpected is that bad things happen before you make a lot of money. At 5 p.m. on 19th night, the tree that's been staring at the plate suddenly discovered that the rising green Kline started to turn red. It all happened so fast that he didn't know what was going on. Ten minutes later, the puppies fell by a dozen points.


What does not know is that in recent months he has experienced the biggest swing in the currency ring . The news of the collapse of the currency was hot on that day. More than a dog's currency, the entire line of the encrypted currency fell. Bitcoins fell by 30,000 dollars per day, and by 30 per cent in 24 hours; the tutela fell by more than 40 per cent; and the dog's currency lost 0.3 dollars per day, or by more than 40 per cent per day.


The strongs are all over the world. Many of the new pickles who have just entered the troupe have felt for the first time the cruelness of the troupe . In this crashing game, it is not just Kobayashi who has lost a lot of money.


Lee Liang, who claims to be an old gambler, suddenly received notice of his intention to blow up the warehouse on the night of 19th. Liang was in a hurry to make up the warehouse, but it was too late, and hundreds of thousands of yuan were washed up. “I didn't dare to use a dozen times, if not dozens of times, but only three times. I didn't think there was a problem.”


In fact, like Liang, more and more people in the currency circle are not satisfied with the average viewing up and down, starting to play a game of "breaths" that is dozens, if not hundreds, of leverage. Leverage can increase profitability in the short term, but it can also face a loss of blood. If the loss exceeds the deposit, it is forced to sell it all, that is, a "blast warehouse."


Data from the Bitcoin Home show that, as of 7:30 a.m. on 20 May, approximately 580,000 people had exploded in the last 24 hours, totalling $6.91 billion (approximately RMB 44.4 billion).


Three hours after the crash, these encrypted currencies began to rebound. But many people were ready to cut meat without quenching and waiting for the price to rebound. One of the networkers who invested in the dog coins gave us a microblog, bought it at the price of $0.53 and bought it as a bottom, and sold it at the price of $0.27, and then sold it at the time of the sale, when it was just sold, the dog coins started to bounce and rose to $0.35. This meat was white, and it grew into a new dish.

这场暴跌此前早有预兆。市场研究公司Arcane Research称,市场情绪的下降是在过去一周比特币价格暴跌之后发生的。比特币价格跌破5万美元后,比特币市场已转向“极度恐慌”。

Market research company Arcane Research claims that the fall in market sentiment followed a sharp fall in bitcoin prices over the past week. After the fall in bitcoin prices by $50,000, the bitcoin market has turned to “extreme panic.”


Moreover, recently, the state began to tighten its controls on encrypt currency. For example, the State Council’s Financial Stability Development Committee, at its fifty-first meeting, made it clear that it would combat the mining and trading of bitcoin and would be determined to prevent individual risks from being transmitted to the social sphere.




The currency ring has been mad for almost six months before this storm.


At the end of last year, especially since February, the market for encrypted money has come to the bull market. Bitcoins have gone up all the way, at a price of over $64,000. Bitcoins have also led to higher prices for other encrypted currencies.


In contrast to the past, some of the bounties that had originally been born as a result of peddling began to gain popularity.


For example, the sarcasm of bitcoin, which was born, rose by more than 100 times in just a few months.


What is even more exaggerating is the fact that SHIB, also known as turd coins, was inspired by dog coins, and that the previous period was the scene of a frenzy. As Musk left a message on SHIB, saying, “I'm looking for a wooddog.” Then, SHIB prices rose sharply. And, on 17 May, SHIB landed at the Exchange, which announced a 10-minute suspension of all withdrawals due to traffic overflow, until 17.34.


In addition to firewood, dog coins, canine coins, fox coins, hog coins, ant coins, rabbit rabbit coins, and even pickups, the wind has even covered the main encrypted currency such as Bitcoin, Etheria, etc.


The logic of a lot of people rushing into the currency circle is simple, and one of them says, "Pitcoin flips by at least 400,000 times and creates a lot of freedom of wealth. If you don't use leverage, you put tens of thousands of dollars there, and maybe after a few years you change your life, it's nothing."


Bitcoin had a price of less than a cent when it was first sold in 2009, $1 could be converted to 1,300 bitcoins, and by the end of 2017, it had jumped to $18,000, followed by a further surge in volatility from the end of 2020. Bitcoin had already crossed the $60,000 mark in March 2021, and, although it had recently fallen to nearly $40,000, it had risen several thousand times. That is, if you had bought bitcoons with a pack of cigarettes in the early years, it was at least financially free now.


Today, however, Bitcoin is already a tall, rich and handsome man, and it is very difficult to rise a thousand times more. Everyone is counting on these bounties, the animal coins, to turn over.


And, a growing number of young people with no investment experience joined this wealth festivities. Steven was a 90-year-old, and he looked around at his colleagues buying dog coins, the SHIB, and he started out with $600 himself. Another 90-year-old player had little investment experience, didn't know what an encoded coin was or what a block chain was, and he was surprised to discover that the two-day gain had quadrupled. He realized, "This is my only chance to change class."


As one of the microblogging Vs said, "By entering a group of SHIBs, I found that it was all after 95 and 00. They hoarded the SHIB to buy a hope. The traditional market told me that the house was safe and I couldn't afford it; the people who made the money told me that I couldn't afford the bitcoin."

来源 / 视觉中国

Source / Visual China

在暴跌前夕,整个市场躁动的情绪已经到达了顶点。由CNNMoney开发的恐怖与贪婪指数试图可视化地显示加密货币市场情绪的变化。以比特币为例,比特币的恐怖与贪婪指数一度达到79, 意味着市场已经非常贪婪(0表示“极度恐惧”,100表示“极度贪婪”)。

The terror and greed index developed by CNN Money attempts to visualize changes in the mood in the crypto-currency market. In Bitcoin, for example, the terror and greed index reached 79, meaning that the market is already very greedy (0 for “extreme fear” and 100 for “extreme greed”).


For example, some of the so-called projects actually issued 10 billion coins, but all of them had 9 billion in hand, and the price went up, and the pig-killing project had nine billion in its hand, so that no cost could run around. “This is a pig-killing plate, but it's a lot of time that the newcomers can't tell from each other, and they're just trying to turn the shit, the dog, into their own power.”


Looking at the wonders of recent months, one of those who had a long-standing interest in encryption notes that “when more and more people know that encryption money can be invested, the cow market is at the end of the day, and it's bound to fall, and I don't know which day, but I know it will come.”


What I didn't know was that the day had come so soon.


Who can make money?


Ninety-nine per cent of the people in the currency circle want to be rich, but it's not that easy.


"In fact, 90% of people are not rich overnight, which means they'll accumulate over a long period of time, and then earn a lot at a good time." Pixar, who entered the ring in 2017, pointed out that "strong" means paying extra tuition and cutting more pickles.


Another player, Bin, who had a long-term interest in currency circles, agreed: “Don't look at Bitcoin rising from less than one dollar to nearly 40,000 dollars today, but in fact there are not as many people who are really rich.”


After all, the risk in currency circles is too high and the temptation is too high.


The price of encrypted currencies is highly volatile due to a lack of regulation and liquidity, and there are no upward and drop restrictions on encrypted currencies, 7× round-the-clock transactions take place with far greater risks than the stock market.


Pixar entered the circle in 2017, where he spent $100,000 until he finally lost 20,000. He realized that in the currency, he needed to know and learn about the chain of blocks, at least what the logic of operations was, and, at the same time, about finance, politics, and so on.


In addition to knowing the encoded currency, awareness and timing are also important. “How do you know if it's going up or down to 3,000?” That's a question of recognition. At the same time, it's important that people who buy it at the end of 2017 take two years to see the light of the rise in 2020.


And the wealth in the currency circle, like a roller coaster, comes quickly, and goes fast. It's hard to be calm, especially after a downfall and a huge loss. For example, Li Qing, in 2017, put in more than 10,000 randomly, catching up to 100 times the principal's profit, and earning up to seven digits. Money comes too fast and too much. “I haven't seen that much money in my life.” Unfortunately, the whole digital currency suddenly went bad again, Li Qing panicked, then started to use leverage, and in the end, luck-earned money was lost on its strength.


The strongs are chasing and falling, but in this wealth-related game, the common slobs are basically at the bottom of the food chain. The real players behind the scenes are making a lot of money.


For example, in the case of Coinbase, the largest encrypted currency exchange in the United States, on April 14, Coinbase was placed on the market. The financial statements showed that the company had a total revenue of $1.8 billion in the first quarter of 2021, with most of its revenue coming from transaction costs, and its profits were staggering, with a net profit of $771 million a quarter, well above the $32 million in the same period last year.


In addition to the exchange, Pix noted that mine owners were also squeezing for money.


The presence of mines is closely linked to the way Bitcoin produces its output. Bitcoin requires a particular algorithm to be used by the producer to “develop bitcoin.” Correspondingly, anyone who answers the question first gets the corresponding bitcoin reward, first of all. And the number of bitcoins is limited.


According to the Wall Street Journal, on February 17, Chinese now hold 70% of the world’s Bitcoins. Cheap water and electricity resources keep the Chinese on the Iron Throne.


“The mine owners, on the other hand, are equal to holding gold, and can hoard currency when prices are low and sell when prices are high.” Pixels points out.


In addition, a number of institutions and capital giants have made a lot of money in the game. For example, Tesla has made a lot of money through the baffling of bitcoins. Tesla has sold a portion of the $1.5 billion worth of bitcoins purchased in February in a single quarter, contributing $101 million to the season.


It was not only Tesla that began to scoff, but more and more agencies began to join the army.

自2020年以来,因为全球央行流动性宽松等因素,许多海外公司都开始购买比特币用以对抗通胀。比如,去年12月份,资产管理规模达273亿美元的英国投资机构Ruffer Investment Management突然宣布将2.5%投资组合投向比特币。

Since 2020, because of factors such as the liquidity easing of the global central bank, many overseas companies have been buying bitcoins to fight inflation. For example, last December, the UK investment agency Ruffer Investment Management, with its asset management size of $27.3 billion, announced suddenly that it would invest 2.5% of its portfolio in bitcoins.


But in its current form, the days of encryption seem to be over. Domestically, the State Department’s Financial Committee has taken a stand against bitcoin mining and trading, and the United States is prepared to fight tax evasion using bitcoin.


Despite the huge risk of investing in encrypted money, the real winner is the dealer and the exchange, the enthusiasm of believers for encrypted money continues unabated. After the crash, the game does not seem to be over.


A bitcoin player told Deep Fire: “I remain convinced that the future of digital money, including Bitcoin, will be bright.”

而正如诺贝尔经济学奖得主保罗·克鲁格曼(Paul Krugman)所说 ,比特币是类似邪教的数字货币,它总能找到新的信徒,而这些信徒将确保其无限期地生存下去。“我已经放弃了对比特币即将消亡的预测。似乎总会有新的信徒出现。也许他们只是把它当作一个可以无限期生存的邪教。”

And, as the Nobel laureate in economics, Paul & Middot; Paul Krugman, said, “I have given up the prediction that Bitcoin is about to die. There seems always to be a new believer. Maybe they just think of it as a cult that can survive indefinitely.”


At the request of the interviewer, Li Qing, Pixar, Bin, Kobayashi, Steven and grapefruit are aliases.




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