
资讯 2024-06-29 阅读:112 评论:0



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As 2020 marked the onset of the new crown epidemic, the office surged into large vacancies, leading to a sharp erosion of market confidence in the entity. Back to this year, office vacancies have not improved significantly. A series of negative events, such as rising interest rates and the explosion of Silicon Valley Bank, have further exacerbated market suspicion of the entity, widespread fear and the impact of economic fundamentals, and the circulation of CCBS has been largely depleted in recent months.


One kind of magic, non-farm data, most of the news and the problem is that, before it comes out, it's all about non-farmers, and I don't know which two blades say that non-farmers have a big impact on the currency ring, and it's a constant fanfare. See, when the news comes out, it's 200 points, the big pies are too volatile, 10 points, what's it say, that the economy's going to be so uncertain that it triggers a rapid turn of the market, and it's not always going to rain a little bit.


In order to stabilize the US banking system, the Fed has already taken clean-face interventions. Federal Reserve Chairman Barkin of Richmond said, “If I wake up on Tuesday morning or Wednesday morning and think that there are challenges to important global-system banks, I will obviously see reasons for suspending interest hikes. On the contrary, if the financial turmoil has calmed down, I will convince myself that the US banking system is still resilient and inflation is still too high, so why not continue to raise.” See, this is the current Fed.”


Good Friday plus weekends, three days is their rare holiday, so no one is willing to intervene, and they want to rest at this time, raise their gods, and, in fact, the time of the current crisis in the capital market is not over, they want to rest in peace for a few days.




What about today, as if it was waiting, and it's not clear what's going on, that the top K-line is 28100, the bottom 27,800, less volatile than yesterday, before the release? Is it even smaller? Of course, it is not possible to see that the EMA has begun to slow down, that the overall trend is weak, that the ups and ups are blocked, that the head is up, that the MACD is up, that the ups and downs are accelerating, that the KDJ is jumping down, that the K-line is down again breaking the middle 27,900 support points after the Brimbline closes, that the bottom is looking at 27,100 support, and that the top pressure is 28,700.


The short-line trend of four hours has begun to enter a lower route, the EMA has begun to close, the top is gradually decreasing, the top pressure is now down to around 28,300, the support point below is concerned about 27500 and 27000 positions, the overall trend is not volatile, the MACD has been shrinking, DIF and DAA are also on a more stable trend, KDJ are moving upwards, KDJ is being blocked, Kline is falling downwards, two lines of thought, there are many highs and lows, there are no more lows and lows.




As of the day before the release, near the top of the Kline at 1880, near the bottom of the 1840, the same fluctuations are not as high as yesterday, and the mouths are shrinking and the mouths are getting smaller. This is likely to be the case for next week unilaterally, the mouths of this week have not shrunk, the Kline echoes, the EMA has not ended its stretching, the original location supports the journey from 1750 to 1820, the strange trend is that the top pressure is moving downwards and not too high.


MACD top deviations have been going on for some time, with short-term difficulties ending, KDJ spreading downwards, and the Bryn belt is off-track. The lower medium-track supports attention to 1800. The overall trend will be affected by large environmental shocks in the short term between 1850 and stretching after the end of the build-up, and the pressure position above is focused on between 1900 and 1920.


The four-hour short-line twilight drive is much more obvious, and the upper side has been blocked by 1870, the lower side has been blocked by 1840, the down-and-back fluctuations are certainly smaller, the EMA has started to shut down, the MACD has shrunk down, KDJ has deviated upwards into gold fork, and the boolean belt has closed, and the trend has concluded that short-term impending behavior will not be too much, but it's always good to be prepared, but it's always good to be prepared in advance, and it's always good to be prepared, thinking how easy to be, not to go backwards, not to be greedy, not to be greedy, to operate in a way that is based on a real-time strategy, to be informed by analysis, risk to itself





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