bitcoinday price: $28,074.6
24H最高: 27,861.7 | 24H最低: 27,503.7 | 历史最高: 69,273.1 | 历史最低: 0.0495 |
24H成交量: 21.39万 | 24H成交额: 59.92亿 | 发行总量: 2100万 | 市值: 5358亿 |
24H换手率: 1.12% | 24H波幅: 1.30% | 流通数量: 1924万 | 市值占比: 44.84% |
昨开: 27,560.9 | 昨收: 27,587.8 | 流通率: 91.63% | 完全稀释后市值 5852亿 |
Bitcoin当前价格为 27,751.00美元,24 小时交易额为 149,612,638.61。Bitcoin的价格在过去 24 小时内上涨了 0.97%。目前,该币种市值排名为第 1 名,实时市值为 $540,388,745,927.00,流通供应量为 19,135,225 BTC,最大供应量为 21,000,000 BTC。我们将实时更新 BTC/USD 的价格。
Bitcoin currently has a current price of $27,751.00 and a 24-hour turnover of $149,612,638.61. Bitcoin’s price has risen by 0.97% in the last 24 hours. Currently, it has a market value of US$ 540,388,745,927.00 in real time and a flow supply of 19,135,225 BTC, with a maximum supply of 21,000,000 BTC. We will update the prices of BTC/USD in real time.
1.比特币对人民币汇率 今日比特币兑换人民币最新价格
The currency exchange rate of the bitcoin to the renminbi is today's latest currency exchange rate of the bitcoin to the renminbi.
1 bitcoin = 191486.1111
The current currency exchange rate for bitcoin to renminbi is: 191486.1111
At current exchange rate, 1 bitcoin convertible RMB 191486.11111
汇率更新时间:2023-04-24 09:00
Exchange rate update: 2023-04-2409
2.人民币对比特币汇率 今日人民币兑换比特币最新价格
The currency exchange rate of the renminbi is now the latest currency exchange rate of the renminbi to the bitcoin.
RMB 1 = 0.00005 bits
The current RMB exchange rate is 0.000005.
1 yuan convertible 0.00005 bits at current exchange rate
汇率更新时间:2023-04-24 09:00
Exchange rate update: 2023-04-2409
时间范围 | 涨跌额 | 涨跌幅 |
今日 | $ 197.50 | 0.72% |
7 天 | $ -2,204.60 | -7.36% |
30 天 | $ 241.50 | 0.88% |
3 个月 | $ -752.40 | -2.64% |
日期 | 收盘 | 开盘 | 高 | 低 | 交易量 | 涨跌幅 |
2023年4月24日 | 27,977.8 | 27,591.4 | 27,978.8 | 27,434.0 | 43.44K | 1.40% |
2023年4月23日 | 27,591.4 | 27,813.8 | 27,815.0 | 27,388.5 | 41.77K | -0.80% |
2023年4月22日 | 27,813.9 | 27,264.8 | 27,872.0 | 27,165.7 | 44.30K | 2.01% |
2023年4月21日 | 27,264.8 | 28,240.5 | 28,353.4 | 27,171.1 | 98.72K | -3.46% |
2023年4月20日 | 28,240.5 | 28,813.7 | 29,082.1 | 28,032.4 | 95.45K | -1.99% |
2023年4月19日 | 28,813.7 | 30,382.2 | 30,408.4 | 28,641.1 | 111.27K | -5.16% |
2023年4月18日 | 30,382.2 | 29,434.1 | 30,470.1 | 29,149.2 | 76.58K | 3.22% |
2023年4月17日 | 29,434.9 | 30,310.8 | 30,312.2 | 29,274.0 | 71.90K | -2.89% |
2023年4月16日 | 30,310.3 | 30,299.2 | 30,545.3 | 30,134.6 | 34.48K | 0.04% |
2023年4月15日 | 30,299.6 | 30,472.6 | 30,586.5 | 30,208.8 | 31.71K | -0.57% |
2023年4月14日 | 30,472.5 | 30,387.4 | 30,964.9 | 30,026.0 | 98.38K | 0.28% |
2023年4月13日 | 30,387.4 | 29,892.4 | 30,524.1 | 29,864.5 | 65.87K | 1.68% |
2023年4月12日 | 29,886.4 | 30,209.8 | 30,473.0 | 29,679.5 | 78.69K | -1.07% |
2023年4月11日 | 30,209.6 | 29,641.0 | 30,484.6 | 29,597.8 | 89.38K | 1.92% |
2023年4月10日 | 29,641.0 | 28,326.5 | 29,755.4 | 28,182.9 | 85.73K | 4.64% |
2023年4月9日 | 28,326.6 | 27,941.2 | 28,522.7 | 27,809.2 | 39.35K | 1.38% |
2023年4月8日 | 27,941.2 | 27,910.4 | 28,153.1 | 27,863.8 | 23.73K | 0.11% |
2023年4月7日 | 27,910.4 | 28,037.6 | 28,102.5 | 27,779.4 | 30.94K | -0.45% |
2023年4月6日 | 28,036.7 | 28,173.5 | 28,173.5 | 27,734.5 | 51.29K | -0.49% |
2023年4月5日 | 28,173.5 | 28,164.4 | 28,744.4 | 27,823.5 | 77.32K | 0.03% |
2023年4月4日 | 28,164.4 | 27,802.2 | 28,429.1 | 27,668.9 | 64.06K | 1.30% |
2023年4月3日 | 27,802.1 | 28,194.7 | 28,458.4 | 27,256.9 | 98.00K | -1.41% |
2023年4月2日 | 28,198.3 | 28,456.1 | 28,522.8 | 27,871.7 | 45.04K | -0.91% |
2023年4月1日 | 28,456.1 | 28,473.7 | 28,795.1 | 28,285.6 | 38.09K | -0.06% |
2023年3月31日 | 28,473.7 | 28,029.3 | 28,646.3 | 27,587.5 | 98.44K | 1.58% |
2023年3月30日 | 28,029.5 | 28,350.3 | 29,160.4 | 27,716.7 | 122.51K | -1.13% |
2023年3月29日 | 28,350.4 | 27,262.9 | 28,627.4 | 27,249.8 | 109.32K | 3.99% |
2023年3月28日 | 27,262.2 | 27,127.8 | 27,465.0 | 26,665.6 | 94.16K | 0.49% |
2023年3月27日 | 27,129.8 | 27,974.8 | 28,023.3 | 26,611.5 | 107.24K | -3.02% |
2023年3月26日 | 27,973.5 | 27,474.9 | 28,153.7 | 27,429.1 | 60.64K | 1.81% |
2023年3月25日 | 27,475.6 | 27,462.2 | 27,761.9 | 27,176.7 | 61.36K | 0.05% |
2023年3月24日 | 27,462.2 | 28,306.9 | 28,374.5 | 27,026.5 | 110.36K | -3.00% |
比特币是一种数字货币,也是一种支付系统,由一个化名中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的匿名人士或团体于2008年首次提出。比特币是去中心化的,这意味着它不受政府或金融机构的控制。交易通过节点网络进行验证,并记录在名为区块链的公共分布式账本中。比特币可以与接受比特币的供应商交换商品和服务。它的设计目的是提供一种比信用卡或银行转账等传统方式更快、更便宜、更安全的交换手段。
Bitcoin is a digital currency and a payment system, first presented in 2008 by an anonymous person or group of people under the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin is decentralized, which means that it is not controlled by government or financial institutions. Transactions are verified through nodes and recorded in a publicly distributed book called the block chain. Bitcoin can exchange goods and services with suppliers that accept Bitcoin. It is designed to provide a faster, cheaper and safer exchange than traditional methods such as credit cards or bank transfers.
第一批比特币诞生于2009年。据估计,在2010年消失之前,中本聪已经挖掘了大约100万枚比特币,当时他把网络警告密钥和代码库的控制权交给了加文·安德森(Gavin Andresen),后者后来成为了比特币基金会(Bitcoin Foundation)的首席开发者,成为一家负责开发和推广比特币网络的非营利组织。
The first bitcoins were born in 2009. It is estimated that, prior to his disappearance in 2010, Nakamoto had excavated about 1 million bitcoins when he gave control of the network warning keys and the code library to Gavin · and Gavin Anderson, who later became the chief developer of the Bitcoin Foundation and a non-profit organization responsible for the development and promotion of the Bitcoin network.
As a pioneer in the field of encryption, Bitcoin has been priced more than any other encrypted asset. To date, Bitcoin remains the world’s most marketable digital currency. Bitcoin is also responsible for mainstreaming block chain technology, which over time has found the scene.
One of the most important uses of Bitcoin is to serve as a medium of payment for goods and services purchased online and offline. More than 15,000 businesses actively accept Bitcoin, including Microsoft, Starbucks, Jiatri, Etsy, New Eggs, AT&T, Samurai, Burger King, Kentucky, Virgin River, Dallas Cows, Norwegian Airlines, Travala and Victory.
Some argue that it is not as safe as traditional currencies, because governments or financial institutions do not support it. Others claim that Bitcoin is not actually used for any real deal, but rather for trading like a stock or commodity.
比特币是由一个化名中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的人或团队创造的。多年来,有几个人被怀疑或声称是中本聪,包括澳大利亚科学家克雷格·赖特(Craig Wright),一些人认为他拥有最可信的证据,证明他是比特币的发明者。
Bitcoin was created by a man or a team under the alias Satoshi Nakamoto. Over the years, several people were suspected or claimed to be Chinese, including the Australian scientist Craig & Middot; Craig Wright, some of whom believed that he had the most credible evidence that he was the inventor of Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is an encrypted currency, an electronic cash. It's decentralized, which means it doesn't have a central authority like a bank or government. On the other hand, the block chain is the bottom technology that allows Bitcoin and other encrypted currencies to exist.
Bitcoin can be used to purchase goods and services online, although its main purpose is value swaps, but it can also be an investment.
Bitcoin is legal in many countries. Two countries, El Salvador and the Central African Republic, have even accepted it as the legal currency.
你可以在欧易交易所购买比特币。欧易交易所为 BTC 提供 115 个现货交易对,包括BTC/USDT 以及 BTC/USDC 等。或者你可以直接用法定货币 购买BTC或将您的数字货币兑换为 BTC。
You can buy bitcoins at the OCEX. The OCEX provides BTC with 115 spot pairs, including BTC/USDT and BTC/USDC. Or you can buy BTC directly in statutory currency or convert your digital currency to BTC.
在欧易交易所进行交易之前你需要先 创建交易账户。要用您喜欢的法币购买 BTC,请点击顶部导航栏“买币”下的“刷卡购买”。如需交易 BTC/USDT 或 BTC/USDC,请点击“交易”下的“基础交易”。在同一选项卡下,可以点击“闪兑”将加密货币转换为 BTC。
You need to create a transaction account before a transaction is carried out on the ELEX exchange. To purchase BTC in the French currency you like, click on the top navigation bar &ldquao; buy the currency & rdquao; below &ldquao; brush cards to buy &rdquao; or, if you need to trade BTC/USDT or BTC/USDC, click on &ldquao; trade &rdquao; below & & rdquao; base transaction & & rdquao; under the same tab, click & & ldquao; flash &rdquao; convert encrypted currency to BTC.
或者,访问我们新的数字货币计算器功能。选择 BTC 代币和您期望转换的期望使用的法定法币,以查看大致的实时兑换价格。
Alternatively, you can access our new digital currency calculator function. Select the BTC token and the legal currency you expect to use to see the approximate real-time exchange price.
These are the details of the BTC prices today, 24th of 24th of April. More information on Bitcoin is available in other relevant script homes!
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