比特币大跌致43家机构损失上百亿美元 特斯拉、美图等炒币出现亏损

资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:19 评论:0



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  财联社|区块链日报5月10日讯(记者 徐赐豪 董宇佳 ),北京时间5月10日早上8点左右,比特币跌破3万美元大关,最低至29735美元,24小时内跌幅逾10%。 

FAFIA Daily News, May 10 (journalist & nbsp; Xu Chi Ho & nbsp; Dong Woo Jia & nbsp;) Peking Time, May 10th, around 8 a.m., Bitcoin broke the 30,000 dollar threshold, down to US$ 29735, with a drop of more than 10% in 24 hours. & nbsp;


This is more than 56% lower than the historical high of $690 million created in November last year. It is worth noting that the last time Bitcoin fell by $30,000, it dates back to July 2021.


Driven by the fall of bitcoins, other encoded currencies fell almost all the way down to $2,200. According to CoinMarketCap, the global encrypted currency market volume in the last 24 hours was $143.09 billion, and the total market value has fallen by 9.2 per cent to $1.498 trillion. & nbsp;


Industry sources have analysed that the recovery of encrypted money will not take place in the next two months, and that there will be more losses in the encryption market. But once the stock market finds a "some kind of bottom," Bitcoin will start rebounding, as in previous years.


It's almost $1 billion for more than 270,000 people in 24 hours.


According to the third-party data service provider bcoin, at 1200 hours on 10 May, over the past 24 hours, 27.13 million people worldwide had exploded in storage of $970 million, including $262 million in Bitcoin and $220 million in Taiku. & nbsp;


What is the direct cause of the 30,000 dollar fall in Bitcoin prices this time? & nbsp;

  有分析认为,今日凌晨2时许,Luna Foundation Guard(LFG)的比特币地址向外转出了42530.82枚比特币,时值约13.19亿美元。这刺激了大量用户的恐慌性抛售情绪。 

Analysis suggests that at around 2 a.m. this morning, the Bitcoin address of Luna  Fundation  Guard (LFG) transferred 42530.82 bitcoins, worth about $1,319 million. This stimulated a lot of panic selling. & nbsp;


According to the analysts of the data analysis company Glassnode on the chain, “emergency transactions” have occurred in the recent sale, with investors paying even higher fees to quickly sell them. Last week, the total fees on all the chains amounted to 3.07 bitcoins, the largest amount recorded since records were recorded.


According to Zhao Wei, a senior researcher at the OI Institute, to a daily newspaper in the block chain, a new high of US$ 69,000 from Bitcoin to a continuous drop of US$ 50,000 and US$ 40,000 is closely linked to the Fed’s monetary austerity policy.


On May 4, the United States Federal Reserve announced 50 basis points for interest hikes to between 0.75 and 1% of the federal fund’s target area. At the same time, the Federal Reserve announced that it would reduce its balance sheet by nearly $9 trillion, effective June 1, as part of interest hikes to contain soaring inflation.


In the meantime, Fed Chairman Powell ruled out 75 basis points for interest hikes and dispelled the market’s doubts about excessive radical interest hikes.


But then there was a sharp turn in the wind, and the US stock and encryption markets both fell sharply.


Zhao Wei's analysis suggests that the Fed's interest hike was the first to reach 50 basis points since 2000, demonstrating the urgency of tightening the Fed's monetary policy, which had an impact on the capital market and market sentiment. & nbsp;


Many of these companies have lost money and lost money.


According to the masters of the Ocowin chain, to date 43 companies or institutions, including greyscale investments, hold 122,56 million bitcoins. & nbsp;


After a fall in the morning, Bitcoin experienced a small rebound. At about 13 o’clock on May 10, the price of Bitcoin reverted to $30,000, with $30,878. But cumulatively, since the Fed announced interest increases on May 4th, it has also meant that the amount of bitcoins held by these agencies and companies has evaporated by more than $12 billion.


Bitcoin’s fall in the current round has sunk the price of bitcoin for a number of institutions or companies. According to public information, 12 institutions or companies, including Tesla, currently hold bitcoins at a price of $30,800. & nbsp;

  其中AKer ASA亏损2162万美金,美图亏损1975万美金、Plunwra亏损1695万美元位列前三。另外,特斯拉持有4.09万枚比特币,持币均价为32000美元。 

Among them, Aker  ASA lost $21.62 million; US$ 1.75 million in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in US dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars in dollars

  加密货币的大跌也影响了与该行业有关的股票,据MicroStrategy 提交给SEC的数据显示,在2022年2月15日至4月期间,该公司以1.905亿美元现金买了约4167个比特币,截至目前持有该公司公司共持有约129218枚比特币,总购买价格约为39.7亿美元。平均为每枚比特币成本约30700美元。 

The sharp fall in encrypted currency also affected stocks associated with the industry, according to MicroStrategy  data submitted to SEC showed that between 15 February and April 2022, the company purchased approximately 4,167 bitcoins in cash of $190.5 million, with a total of about 1,29218 bitcoins held by the company to date, with a total purchase price of about $3.97 billion. The average cost per bitco is about $30,700.

  因比特币价格下跌,一度跌穿 MicroStrategy 成本价30700 美元/枚,该公司的持币也出现了亏损。同时MicroStrategy股票也在今日(北京时间5月10日)凌晨收盘时大跌25.55%,报 219.05美元。 

As a result of the fall in bitcoin prices, there was a fall in   MicroStrategy  cost at 307000  dollar/mine, the company’s currency also suffered a loss. At the same time, the MicroStrategy stock fell by 25.55% at the end of the morning (Beijing time, 10 May), reporting & nbsp; & $219.05; and & nbsp;


Coinbase’s share price fell by 19.5% on the same day, with $83.51 at an all-time low, and has fallen by more than 65% since this year. Robinhaood’s share price fell by more than 45% in 2022. & nbsp;

  Galaxy Digital 首席执行官Mike Novogratz 在最近的财报电话会议上预测,加密货币复苏不会在未来两个月内发生,加密市场还会有更多的损失。 

Galaxy & nbsp; Digital & nbsp; CEO Mike & nbsp; Novogratz & nbsp; forecast at the recent treasury conference that the secure currency recovery will not occur in the next two months, and that there will be further losses in the encryption market. & nbsp;


But he says he's still “very confident” about the market, and once the stock market finds “some kind of bottom,” Bitcoin will bounce back.

  值得注意的是,由于加密货币价格下跌,Galaxy Digital报告第一季度亏损1.117 亿美元。 

Notably, Galaxy  Digital reported losses of 1117  in the first quarter; and $ billion as a result of the fall in the price of encrypted currency; and nbsp;

  ARK Invest创始人Cathie Wood在接受媒体采访时表示,加密货币与传统资产之间的相关性越来越大,这表明熊市很快就会结束。 

ARK  Cattie , founder of Invest; Wood, in an interview with the media, said that there was a growing correlation between encrypted money and traditional assets, indicating that the City of Bears will soon end. & nbsp;


She further analysed that encrypted currencies, as a new asset class, should not look like NASDAQ, but they are highly relevant now. “You know you're in Bear City, and maybe it's almost over when everything starts to become similar.”


She indicated that, despite the current market downturn, she maintained long-term confidence in the encoded currency, which, like the other investment categories of ARK, she believed would grow exponentially with economic and social development.




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