
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:20 评论:0



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Six months up by more than 25 percent, falling by almost 20 percent a day -- the risk of bitcoin going up and down.


As at 7 February, a bitcoin price had been reported at $39,000, which was a return to the high point following the first breakthrough of $40,000 on 8 January, compared with less than $30,000 at the beginning of the year, an increase of more than 25 per cent.


This year, on 11 January, Bitcoin fell from nearly $40,000 to 30,000 dollars, fell by nearly 20 per cent in a single day, and more than 200,000 people burst into storage, amounting to nearly 14 billion won, and the currency circle “Waring”.


So why is Bitcoin so volatile? What is the future? What are the risks at this point in time?


It's normal to go up and down.


“Bitcoin is a high-risk class asset with very high price volatility, and surges and falls are not accidental, but normal.” William Lee, Chief Researcher, OKEx Institute, a well-known digital asset trading platform, said to journalists.


In December 2017, Bitcoin recorded a record of US$283 earlier, and then fell all the way down, with a one-time drop of US$3,000 and an 80-per-cent drop in a year.


Since last October, Bitcoin has risen from $10,000 to a maximum of $40,000 under the patronage of some overseas institutional investors. In the process, a growing number of small and medium-sized investors have begun to follow in the process and have leveraged coins in the form of loans, derivatives, especially after the 20,000 dollars in Bitcoin prices broke out in late December.


“From historical experience, a bubble cycle can be divided into five stages of fertility, prosperity, exuberance, distress, recession, the recent collapse of the market and the subsequent rebound is but one of the typical manifestations of the difficult phase of the bubble cycle.” William Lee said.


Since the outbreak of the neo-crowd pneumonia, the global economy has been depressed, the monetary policy of the world’s major central banks has pushed up market inflation expectations. To avoid the loss of nominal capital, and to pursue higher returns, investors’ demand for cash hoarding has naturally evolved into demand for gold and bitcoin.


Under the double pressure of economic recovery expectations and high inflation expectations, markets suspect that the world’s major central banks will gradually exit from existing easing policies. Especially in the recent December 2020 Federal Reserve minutes, there was the first discussion of reducing the size of the purchase debt, which reinforced the market’s disagreement about future monetary policy.


The future or a depression.


While the surge in Bitcoin has made some investors more aggressive, it has also generated increasing foam warnings.


Unlike equities or bonds, bitcoin is not supported by real value, nor does it have sovereign and commercial credit. It does not generate any predictable cash flows, and its prices are dominated by supply and demand, with significant fluctuations.

  Convoy Investments LLC联合创始人Howard Wang在近日的报告中表示,比特币正处在泡沫中,其当前的增长率是难以为继的,它的存在很大程度上是一种投机资产。

Howard Wang, co-founder of Convoy Investments LLC, in a recent report, stated that Bitcoin was in a bubble, that its current growth rate was unsustainable and that its existence was largely a speculative asset.

  美国银行证券公司首席投资策略师Michael Hartnett公开表示,最近比特币价格的飙升可能是另一个投机狂热的案例,比特币看起来像“一切泡沫之母”。

Michael Hartnett, the chief investment strategist of the Bank of America Securities Corporation, has publicly stated that the recent surge in bitcoin prices may be another case of speculation, and that bitcoin looks like the “mother of all bubbles”.


Market differences are also greater with respect to the future direction of Bitcoin. Among them are those who call it good, some predict that Bitcoin will reach more than 10 times the current price in the next two years.


According to Wang Wang, the chief economist for Asia and the Pacific in the Pioneer Leadership Investment Strategy and Research Department, the supply of bitcoins is limited and cannot expand as economic activity increases, meaning that bitcoins, while avoiding inflation, will inevitably lead to deflation. As a result, Bitcoins cannot be a legitimate payment method, nor can they be used more widely on a global scale.

  古根海姆投资公司首席投资官Scott Minerd不久前在社交账户上发文表示,“比特币的抛物线式上涨在短期内是不可持续的”“是时候把一些钱拿出来了”。

Scott Mind, the chief investment officer of Guggenheim Investment, recently wrote on social accounts that “the parabolic rise in Bitcoin is unsustainable in the short term” and that “it is time to take out some money”.


“In the current high-inflation, low-growth economic environment, overseas institutional investors are on the rise. But institutional investors are interested in the preservation and value added of assets, not in the sense of a ‘bitcoin faith’ or a ‘block chain revolution’.” William Lee said that, in the medium and long term, the epidemic has eased and, as the economy recovers, global monetary policy will shift from easing to moderate austerity.


You have to be prepared for bankruptcy.


On the one hand, the price of bitcoin is soaring, and on the other, a series of negative news reports, such as the virtual currency exchange running, frequent trading platforms, fraud and extortion, continue to spread, and the risk of hidden behind the virtual currency boom market is becoming increasingly apparent.


For example, on 11 January, Coinbase, one of the largest virtual asset trading platforms in the world, showed up for more than four hours, during which time users were unable to do business and cashiers properly. Marketers suspected that Coinbase might be suspicious of controlling the market, not only affecting investors’ transactions, but also forcing investors to blow up because of price changes.

  中小型交易所跑路也平添了投资比特币的风险。仅在去年年末的3个月里,就有BG交易所、CEO Global、DragonEx等10余家交易所宣布暂停提币或消失跑路。这些交易所服务器往往设置在境外,法律适用存在争议,一旦发生交易所跑路,投资者维权将颇为艰难。

In the last three months alone, there were more than 10 BG exchanges, CEO Global, DragonEx, etc. These exchange servers were often located outside the country, the application of the law was controversial, and investors’ rights would be difficult in the event of an exchange running.


In addition, Bitcoin investments are plagued by hacking, fraud, and extortion. According to statistics, the number of frauds related to virtual currency reached 151 in 2020, a fourfold increase from 2019, with losses of over $3.2 billion.


“Bitcoin is a high-risk investment! If you want to invest in Bitcoin, prepare yourself for nothing!” The British Financial Conduct Regulatory Authority (FCA) has recently issued a warning, and on January 6, the FCA has banned the sale of products that track virtual currency prices, such as Bitcoin, to bulk investors. In our country, seven ministries and departments, including the People's Bank, issued a joint announcement in September 2017, making it clear that the issuance of coins is an unauthorized act of illegal public financing, and that no organization or individual is allowed to illegally carry out financing activities in the form of coins.

  全球日趋严格的监管无疑将给比特币带来不确定性。对此,李威廉提醒,投资者应正确认识比特币的投资定位,比特币是高风险类资产,不要试图通过投资比特币来实现所谓的财富自由,投资比特币要做好亏损的准备,对于采用举债、高杠杆炒币的投资者来说,可能需要做好破产甚至负债的准备。(经济日报-中国经济网记者 李华林)




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