
资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:19 评论:0



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钱江晚报·小时新闻记者 张云山

> Chan Gang Evening Hour Journalist Zhang Yunshan


The price of Bitcoin has skyrocketed fivefold in the past year. Although a lot of big guys like Musketeers, such as Aben, see bitcoin as a fan of bitcoins, the old player, Ping Ping, who started trading bitcoin in 2013, does not recommend new hands to enter the pit, because the uncontrollable risk of encrypted money is too high for ordinary investors.



The price of bitcoin has risen by more than 7.2% in the past day, up to $52395 in the largest encrypted currency exchange. Since mid-December of last year, when bitcoin broke out by $20,000, the journey has been stunned by 30,000 dollars on 2 January of this year, and by 40,000 dollars on 8 January of this year, it has increased by nearly 80%.


Bitcoin prices rose sharply, as did the Hangzhou company, which produces the Bitcoin miner, listed for KANO. On 1 February, the Unit collected $5.15, with a ceiling of $22.25 on 17 February, a six-monthly increase of four. Despite a sharp decline of 15.46% on 18 September, $17.33 remains. On 8 September last year, the Unit had only $1.8 million, more than 10 times a year.


On the other hand, during the virtual currency trade (01611), the share price peaked yesterday at HK$ 29.55, and in February it rose by more than 200%. This was nearly 10 times higher than the share price of HK$3 in November last year.


The first bitcoinETFs were issued, but giants like Bin were bought.

在消息面上,2月以来,加拿大监管机构已批准发行全球首批加密资产(虚拟货币)比特币交易所交易基金,正式拉开了数字货币交易的新序幕。近日,加拿大资产管理公司Purpose Investments Inc.以及Evolve Funds Group Inc.先后获得加拿大安大略省证券委员会(OSC)批准发行比特币交易所交易基金(ETF)。若这两只产品成功发行,将成为全球首批针对零售客户投资比特币的基金产品,并将于加拿大多伦多证券交易所交易。这也是全球首批针对散户的比特币基金,开创历史先河。

In the news, since February, Canadian regulators have approved the release of the world’s first encrypted asset (virtual currency) Bitcoin Exchange Trading Fund, officially launching a new prelude to digital currency transactions. In recent days, Canada’s asset management company Purpose Investments Inc. and Everve Fund Group Inc. have been approved by the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) to issue the Bitcoin Exchange Trading Fund (ETF).


On Twitter, the Chairman of the Eastern Harbour Investment Management Company Ltd., which has 13 million fans, said, “A bit of a bitcoin ETF fund has been purchased, albeit late, but it works! Wants to remain curious about new things!”


In addition, Internet giants are entering. According to SEC regulatory documents, Tesla has invested $1.5 billion in bitcoin and will soon begin accepting bitcoin as a payment tool for the purchase of electric cars.

全球资管巨擘贝莱德(BlackRock)固定收益首席投资官 Rick Rieder 表示,“BlackRock 已经开始涉足比特币了。”

According to Rick Rieder, “Black Rock is starting to get into bitcoin.”


Bitcoin used to call it too risky.


In the early hours of February 18, Bitcoin continued to rise, breaking US$ 52,000, but according to data, the entire network exceeded US$ 50,000 in 24 hours. In early January, when Bitcoin first broke the 30,000-dollar closure, Bitcoin began to crash, falling sharply on the 4th of January, falling by more than US$ 5,000 in three hours, at a minimum of US$ 28,000. According to Bitcoin Home, more than 100,000 people had burst in the middle of the 24-hour boom, with a cumulative value of US$ 9.8 billion, the biggest deal in the blast was more than US$ 83 million.


As Bitcoin surges and risks accumulate, the bubbles in the Bitcoin market are too large and ordinary investors should be cautious.


Ten years ago, Ping was an intern in a technology company, and he was still in his third year, and he heard from a few programmers that he applied for overtime every night, and that he left and opened 10 computers for mining, and that he could dig four or five bitcoins in one night. “It was nice to sell $12,000 when he had learned nothing, saved 20 or 30, and sold $12,000.” He told Jangang newspaper hour journalists that the first bitcoins were mostly small farmers, that the circle was small, that the price was not high, and that he had only 100 pieces of them.


The currency circle has since experienced various forms of counterfeit currency, the country has banned virtual currency, and platforms have been rolling around, and virtual money has gone up and down. “One night, I had more than 400,000 people on my pre-working account, woke up early the following morning, and all of them went down, a foreign trading platform was hit by hackers, Bitcoin prices fell sharply, and more than 400,000 people were able to pay first in Hangzhou.” After one night and zero, Ping was away from the virtual currency for a while, in 2018, and he came back into the pit with a certain amount of savings.


“Being rich all night, it was hard to get away from virtual money, but it must be idle money, patient with loneliness and sharp rises and falls, otherwise it would be easy to get out.” Pengping said that now he only treats virtual currency as an investment type.


When she came home, she used to eat snacks, and now the first thing she came home every day was to open up the trade software and look at the swings, because every increase or fall was related to her waist bag. “A half an hour, eight points, less than a year-end prize. Sleeping, two nights, she couldn't make it.” She was still in a circle of friends. Although she didn't know much about virtual money, she found it exciting to fire, he made a 24-hour deal with the villas, and he lost it to the sea.


Some people think Bitcoin's gonna reach $400,000, and Buffett thinks it's worthless.


With the price of Bitcoin rising sharply, several prominent people have expressed different views. The President of the Soft and Silver Group, Justice Sun, said that Bitcoin would replace gold and raise the unit price to $100,000 in 2025.


The joint Managing Director of Morgan Chase, Pinto, recently stated that Morgan Chase “will have to participate” in encrypted currency.


Kathryn Wood, the leader of the ark investment management company known as the Queen of the Cow, and his team have converted cash into a bitcoin model for more companies. According to the ambitious idea of investing in the ark in 2021, if all components of the 500 index had a 1% cash allocation of bitcoins, the price of bitcoins could have risen by about $40,000; if these companies had allocated 10% of their cash to bitcoins, the price of the encrypted currency would have increased by 400,000 dollars accordingly.


Megan Hugh, an analyst of the United States Wilmington Trust and a well-known Bitcoin strategist, warned of a worrying trend in the future as the flow of funds into the crypto-currency market reached record levels.




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