
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:24 评论:0



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One thing very similar to the one-quarter adjustment of the A-share market is that, in addition to white wine, funds are starting to tap into other interesting stocks. Now, investors in the digital money market are also beginning to allocate more money to Etheria, rather than just buying bitcoins.


The second-largest market market in the world, Etheria, is leading a new round of markets, which is like a hut that is not equal to A shares, and a bitcoin is not equal to a digital currency. In the last 30 days, the price of Ethio has risen by 60%, reaching an all-time high, while Bitcoin has fallen by 7% over the same period.


It is worth noting that Bitcoin dropped from over $58,000 on Monday to a low of less than $54,000. At the beginning of the 4 May, Bitcoin reached over $55,000, and Ellen’s talk about a small interest increase fell over $54,000, increasing the drop to nearly 8 per cent in 24 hours. By the close of the deal, Bitcoin returned back over $54,000.


In addition, the doggie price rose by 40% in 24 hours, and the data show that the market value of the doggie price is now fourth in rank. On the evening of May 4th, the doggie price rose by about 0.6 dollars per piece, refreshing its history. The last seven days have nearly doubled, and if it starts at the beginning of this year, it will rise by more than 100 times.


For a long time, Bitcoin’s performance has led the market for a long time, as has its A share of the stock of King Maotai. This change in the digital currency market appears to be trendy, with Bitcoin accounting for 80% of the total digital currency market in 2017 and 60% in July last year. The market value of Bitcoin fell to 47% during the 51st year, while the market value of Ether was rising over the past three years, and has now reached nearly 18% of the total currency market value of the ring.


In the case of financing accounts, a large number of equity investors in customary off-site financing and financing coupons have entered the digital money market, which has led to a steady increase in the size of the financing account in Taiwan and Bitcoin. In the last 24 hours, a total of 1,42292 matching or financing accounts have exploded in excess of $6.6 billion, the vast majority of which came from the Bitcoin and Etheria finance coupon accounts.


funds flow out of bitcoin and use the talisman to move out of independence


At a time when many equity investors had introduced bitcoins as the full recognition of the digital currency market, the price of the talisman had reached an all-time high.


On May 4, the second-largest digital currency in the world reached $3,500 at a 24-hour price, with prices rising by almost 13 per cent. Prices of $3,500 also mean that the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the price of the house of the house of the house, which was maintained at $3,300 in the price of the price of 5 May.


Digital money markets have similar features to A’s rotation and structural adjustment. At a time of recent and continuing vulnerability shocks in the Kudo in Guizhou, many of the two-line blues have emerged from independence in the recent A’s market, or even from historical heights.


And because of its preponderance of market characteristics, the strength of the Tai Ho has led some investors to believe that it would be the biggest void for Bitcoin!



“长期来看,我确实认为比特币的空头就是以太坊。”知名交易员和分析师Crypto Cobain认为,如果以太坊持续上涨超过比特币的市值,那么这可能会损害领先的加密资产的成功,因为长期的比特币资产持有者会将其持有的资产换为以太坊。

“In the long run, I do think that Bitcoin's empty head is Etheria.” Crypto Cobain, a well-known trader and analyst, argues that if the market value of Bitcoin continues to rise in the same direction, it could undermine the success of the leading encrypted asset, because long-term Bitcoin asset holders would trade their holdings for Etheria.


Chinese journalists also note that Bitcoin’s share of the global market value of digital currencies reached 80 per cent in March 2017, with only 20 per cent of the market value of many digital currencies, including the Pacific. Today, with the rise of the price of the mountain currency, the market value of Bitcoins is declining, falling to 70 per cent in August 2019, and the market value of the mountain coins rose to 30 per cent, and to 60 per cent in July 2020.


With the continued strengthening of the price of Taiwan since 2021, by 5 May 2021, the market value of Bitcoin had fallen to 47 per cent of the overall market value of the encryption market, and to 18 per cent of the market value of the Taiyeon market.


According to the market research company Fundstrata, crypto-currency narratives are shifting from bitcoin to etherp, with a target price of $10,000 this year. The Fundstrata is looking forward to the development of a new financial application on the etherm network, which has grown significantly over the past year. These applications cost about three times more than Bitcoin and three times the market value of Bitcoin. Fundstrata also expects to reach $100,000 this year, while the total market value of the digital currency will reach $5 trillion.



Just as early in February, when the market value of Maotai in Guizhou reached $3 trillion, smart money began to increase the allocation of other equity assets. When Bitcoin prices were once close to an amazing $70 million, more and more money was flowing to Etheria, not just to buy bitcoin.


On 3 May, the digital payment technology company, Mogo, listed by NASDAQ, announced that it had purchased about 146 e-Taiwans at an average price of $2780, and that Mogo planned to invest 5 per cent of its cash and portfolio value in encrypted currency. The company had invested in bitcoins and had so far acquired about 18 bitcoins on the open market, with an average transaction price of $33,083.


The investment strategy of the Hong Kong stock listing company Metas, which has invested $600 million in digital currency, is very forward-looking — rather than plunging the treasure on bitcoin, it is treating the overstretched bitcoin as the second largest asset, instead of the overstretched bitcoin as the largest warehouse-holding asset, which is clearly different from the traditional “cooking” — that is, the small dissipation of stocks that simply equate bitcoin to digital currency.


In terms of the cost of USI’s investment, the Hong Kong stock company held a total of 31,000 Etherias at a warehouse cost of approximately US$1,480 and, as of the morning of 5 May 2021, exceeded US$ 33,330 at a unit price, which means that USI made up US$ 57.35 million in profits in Ether and US$ 371 million in profits equivalent to the RMB.


In the case of Bitcoin investments, the average price of Bitcoin was approximately $52,653 and Metco held 940.1 bitcoins. By early 5 May 2021, Bitcoin prices remained close to $54,800. That is to say, it earned approximately $2 million on Bitcoin and 1.294 million won on the renminbi.


Overall, USI invested $600 million in digital currency, earning a total of RMB 384 million, of which the contribution of Ethio to profits amounted to 96.6 per cent, while the contribution of Bitcoin to profits amounted to only 3 per cent.


Why does the weak bitcoin have enough attention?


While Bitcoin's ability to make profitable contributions in the short term has diminished significantly, this does not mean that Bitcoin's appeal has been completely lost to Ether.


Understanding this problem, like A-share investors view the Guo Dai in Guizhou. Despite the massive rise that has led to heavy losses for many of the high-hungry investors, you can attract more investors to re-enter if prices fall well.


For many fund managers in Unit A, it is not just about one or two quarters of stock price performance. While many fund managers admit that they may face short-term failure to make money or even run out of fund managers who hold other shares, the Fund’s quarterly reports show that well-known fund managers, including Zhang Quan, Liu Yanchun, Wang Chongqing, still hold enough warehouse weight in the top ten heavy warehouse holdings at the end of the first quarter of this year.


The above-mentioned A share fund manager has the same mentality, strategy and attitude as the big agencies continue to hold the kangaroo bitcoin, and despite the seemingly high price of bitcoin, its elasticity or its continued loss in one or two quarters, they still use bitcoin as their principal asset.


On 30 April, the United States stock company MicroStrategy published its first quarter of 2021, which showed that it had purchased some 20857 bitcoins for a total of $1,086 million in the first quarter of 2021, at an average purchase price of $52,087 per unit.


It also includes Tesla's CEO, who invested $1.5 billion in the digital currency market in the first quarter of this year, which did not spread out, but bought all of it in a single variety of bitcoins. Clearly, as a man with a deep understanding of the digital money market, Mr. Muske, who demonstrated the power of Ether, but who still buys only bitcoins, which is a reflection of Mask’s personal understanding of investment, and the fact that it is impossible for the manager of the A-share fund to win the other two-line blues within a quarter or two, these fund managers still put a very large share of the investment on that stock in your state.


bitcoin, of .


It is worth mentioning that a month after the recent sharp rise in the Etherm and the continuing decline of Bitcoin, the digital currency market has also witnessed large-scale busts.


Clearly, it is a basic common sense that buying in bitcoin will not per se blow up a warehouse, like an A-share investor, buying in Guizhou huts, and it will not be possible to face an explosion, but if an investor uses 10 times leverage to buy in Guizhou huts near the value of $2,500 — so far, your state has fallen close to $2,000 — then the stock investor holds a ten-fold leverage of the warehouse, and if no additional bond is made, the stock account will collapse.


Bitcoin, Etherburg, was also the result of high-leveraging transactions by investors.


As of the morning of May 5, 2021, a total of 1,42292 people exploded in the last 24 hours, amounting to $1.02 billion, equivalent to $6.6 billion. Of the $1.02 billion, the largest explosion came from empty bitcoin and bitcoin's financing account, amounting to $247 million, followed by Ethako's financing account, $230 million, Riboco's finance account, third place, and $4.62 million.




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