
资讯 2024-07-01 阅读:20 评论:0



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In recent days, the price of Bitcoin has exceeded $60,000, and on February 29, it was $64,000, with an increase of more than 40% over a month. What is the motivation for this round of Bitcoin’s rise? What are the future trends? What are the investment risks?


Multi-factor-driven rise


Following the historic peak of almost $69,000 in Bitcoin in November 2021, prices fell all the way down to a low of $16,000, influenced by the Fed's start of a radical interest-added cycle, the collapse of some of the trade platforms in the industry and the tightening of regulations.


Referring to the recent recovery in bitcoin prices, Zhao Wei, a senior researcher at the OX Institute of Digital Assets Trading Platform, said that, following the gradual digestion of the Fed's aggressive interest-raising policy and the industry's “black swan” events, the price of bitcoin had hit its bottom in November 2022, the market mood had stabilized, and bitcoin was entering a shock repair route. In the process, the Fed expected the increase in interest rates, the market for bitcoin current ETFs, and the surge in capital had a symbiosis that had led to an increase in the value of the crypto-currency industry, which was stronger than the price of bitcoins.


On 11 January this year, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) officially approved 11 Bitcoin spot ETF applications, including by Belet. “This provided institutional investors with access to the encrypted money market and facilitated the entry of a large number of retail investors, further broadening the audience base of Bitcoin.” The Co-Chair of the District Chain Committee of the China Communications Industry Association and Honorary President of the Hong Kong District Chain Association, Ganing, said that, as of 17 February, the US dollar’s 30th spot ETF had net inflows of $331.7 million, with a total net inflows of $4,926,900 since 11 January.


“Global macroeconomic developments during this spring’s season, and the upcoming “50-per-cent” of the market’s “matched” market forecast, boosted market prices. Moreover, the volatility of crypto-currency markets was largely influenced by financial derivatives and leverage transactions, and short-term surges could trigger a large number of forced silos in an environment in which market participants generally use high leverage to invest.



With Bitcoin's spot ETF transactions on the market, the discussion of Bitcoin's “legal status” has been gradually warming, and it has been suggested that this has meant that the attitude of major overseas markets towards encrypted currencies has become softened and that encrypted currencies have begun to win the battle against traditional financial regulation.


Shortly after the Bitcoin ETF approved the listing, the Chairman of the US SEC, Gary Guensler, stated that, although the CSRC had approved a number of spot ETF listings and transactions, it did not approve or approve Bitcoins. Bitcoins was a more speculative and volatile asset. The approval of Bitcoins ETFs would bring more regulation. Investors should be cautious about the risk of comparison of the currency and products whose value is tied to encrypted currency.


“The approval of the Bitcoin ETF does not mean that the encoded currency will make breakthrough progress in a short period of time.” The partner in Beijing’s Dae-jung law firm and member of the China Council for Legal Studies of Banks, Xiao Xiao, argues that, first of all, the ETF is only a financial instrument and will not change the nature of the encrypted currency itself. Currently, countries around the world view encrypted currency, such as Bitcoin, as a special financial product or as a special virtual asset, and have introduced successive regulatory regimes for Bitcoin, and that the approval of the Bitcoin ETF does not affect the established norms of countries with respect to the direct holding, use, and trading of encrypted currency.


There are also concerns about whether Bitcoin ETF is publicly traded and can be purchased by residents of our mainland region? Indeed, our country’s encrypted currency, such as bitcoin, has been subject to strict supervision. As early as September 2021, the Circular on Further Prevention and Handling of the Risks of Virtual Currency Transactions, issued by the People’s Bank of China, the Central Networking Office, the Supreme People’s Court, etc., provided that “the virtual currency-related operations are illegal financial activities” and that “the offshore virtual currency exchange provides services to residents of our country via the Internet is also illegal financial activities.”


“This means that abroad the ETF distributors cannot sell the relevant financial products to our citizens and that residents of our mainland region are not allowed to use the relevant instruments directly to purchase the relevant financial products in the mainland region.” Shawn states that, on the whole, the fact that encrypted currency has not entered the mainstream market has not changed and suggests that investors remain sober.


Risks cannot be ignored


The price of bitcoin is strong, more and more investors are looking at it. How's bitcoin coming? Will it open another round of the bull market?


In response, the East U Securities Research Group believes that the three-fold gain in 2024 will be “half” for Bitcoin, the Bitcoin ecological rise, and the Fed’s expectations of interest reduction. Among these, “half” is a unique distribution mechanism for bitcoin, with a “half” of the Bitcoin incentive to dig about every four years, which means that bitcoin will be more difficult to dig and fewer supplies will be available.


There is also disagreement. “Bitcoin’s “half by half” did serve as a catalyst for triggering a new round of ‘Cow City’ on many occasions, but there are limitations to relying only on historical models to predict future market trends.” In Janin’s view, the background for every “half” of Bitcoin is different, and the crypto-currency sector is more mature and complex than before, and other factors, such as macroeconomic conditions, policy adjustments, and technological advances, may have had a greater impact on the price of Bitcoin.


“Risk is the intrinsic attribute of financial activity, and the encryption industry is no exception. The current market for encrypted money is still faced with such potential benefits as increased macroeconomic uncertainty, the persistence of the industry ‘black swan’ and the lack of clarity about regulatory policies.”


“As an emerging digital asset, the price volatility of Bitcoin is influenced by a variety of factors, including market sentiment, the macroeconomic environment, technological innovation, regulatory policies, etc..” In Gyanning's analysis, countries' regulatory attitudes and policies towards encrypted currencies are evolving, and any new regulatory measures may have a significant impact on Bitcoin prices.

长远来看,包括加密货币在内的数字资产行业最终的出路还是要服务于实体经济,帮助传统产业转型升级、提质增效。“过去几年,不少主流数字资产取得较大成功,就是因为其在数字技术和产业应用等方面的创新,切实改变了实体行业痛点。”于佳宁表示,因此,数字资产行业未来发展趋势应是以数字科技创新为动力、以商业模式创新为表现、以应用场景扩展为本质。 (经济日报记者 李华林)

In the long run, the ultimate exit for the digital asset sector, including crypto-currency, will be to serve the real economy and help the traditional industry to upgrade and improve its efficiency. “In the past few years, a number of mainstream digital assets have been more successful than ever, thanks to innovations in digital technology and industrial applications that have effectively changed the real industry’s pain spot.” In Janin, it is stated that future trends in the digital asset sector should therefore be driven by digital science and technology innovation, manifested by business models, and by the extension of the application landscape. (Economic Daily Reporter Lee Wahlin)




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