资本第 1 部分:商品和货币

资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:27 评论:0



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Just as humans will come to the conclusion without knowing the truth, those who have not read Capitalism can be boldly critical of the “residual value theory” to show that they are familiar with both the origins of Western economics and the roots of Western economics. Marxism.


History is like a little girl who can be dressed up by others. Even the immortal masterpiece of Capitalism has not left behind a tragic experience of “stigma” since its birth. Even in the world’s most successful socialist countries, its comments are inconsistent.


It's very naive and ridiculous to say that if you don't have capital, you don't read Capitalism. Marx, when he writes Capitalism, needs his relief. Does he not have a capital representative? Why can he write such a masterpiece?


Contrary to the prevailing view, I think it would be useful to approach Capitalism earlier, because there are different reading feelings in different times. Capitalism is too difficult for a person with little experience in a society. It is as unrealistic as it is for a person without experience to try to climb Mount Everest at a time.


There is much to read about capital, and there is no much to read about capital. Because in today’s world, capital is everywhere, pervading in every aspect of life, like air. Without knowing the rules of how capital works, societies are never seen to function. That is why people who have been “stuffed” by society, and who have read Capitalism, have a sense of openness and a sense of power to accumulate, reflect, validate, practice, and transform at once, year after year.

系统阅读了《马恩文选》1-4卷重点章节,一步步梳理了重点章节和思想脉络后,打开《资本论》,怀着敬畏的心情打开了马克思主义经济学经典名著,不知道有没有我有勇气去读,不知道读完会收获多少,失去多少。我看过一些帖子说,在读《资本论》之前,你必须系统地阅读西方哲学、政治经济学和西方经济学,才能理解它。我想通了,如果我真的走这条路,我至少要开始读三五年,但人生没有那么多三五年,所以我开始阅读,记笔记,咀嚼一些困难的章节反复尝试 建立自己的初步认识。

The system read 1-4 volumes of the Mandarin Selection, read the highlights of the chapter and the confluence of ideas, opened the Capitalism, opened the classic Marxist economics book with a sense of piety, wondering if I had the courage to read it, how much I would get and how much I would lose. I read some posts saying that before reading Capitalism, you would have to read Western philosophy, political economics and Western economics systematically in order to understand it. I figured that if I really went this way, I'd have to start reading it for at least three or five years, but not so much in life, so I started reading, taking notes, chewing difficult chapters over and over and over again, building my initial understanding.


This is the first article in a series entitled “Reading Capital.” The content will be updated from time to time.


Interested readers can prepare a three-volume Capitalism, read it at any time, take notes at any time, keep it up to date and bring it up to date for discussion.

第一条 商品和货币

Article 1 Commodities and currencies

第一章 商品

Chapter I Commodities


In the time series, Marx believes that all commodities are derived from “work products” that congregate human labour in general. The goods have a “double character” of “use value” (i.e. use, use value) and “exchange value”. The use value is the natural attribute of the goods, that is, the use and utilization value we call it, in order to meet some of the human needs. This is the material basis for commodity exchange.


The exchange of values, i.e. the common value embodied between commodities, is what Marx calls the “general human labour” that deserves to be exchanged. The initial reference point for the exchange of values is the average amount of human labour over the same period, which should be calculated by the “average working time” spent during that period at the same productivity level. Thus, the trade value can be understood as “average labour”. This average amount of work, in the scope of the commodity exchange and in the expanding chain, `strang' Markscoin


The logical chain of capital evolution can be summarized as: human labour, goods and goods, money and capital.


Marx called this process of transformation from man to object capitalist production and summed it up as “commodity worship”. (Just as God in religion is alienated, commodities are a form of worship that transforms people into objects.)


These are the basic elements of chapter I. The following are some of the thoughts and personal feelings in the reading process.


Chapter II conversion process


This chapter is very short and solves a problem: what is the essence of the exchange process, i.e. the transaction.


Max's central point is that the exchange process hides two premises.


The existence of private ownership is recognized.


Max points out that the commodity exchange takes place at the end of the community, starting with the place of contact with other communities or members. From the initial prisoner exchange, to the subsequent exchange of goods between tribes, to the subsequent exchange of goods. These begin with the “dissolution” of the community.


Initially, it may be an act of exchange for individuals, which eventually evolves into the social behaviour of the whole tribe. Thus, the exchange of goods is both an expression of human and social relations, governed by certain operating rules. This is the first premise, which recognizes the existence of private ownership.


Max points out that the goods are only substances and only use values. However, the expression of such values requires “agents”, i.e. the owner of the goods, to be brought to the market for exchange with others in order to reflect such “exchange values”.


Here is the premise that the goods traded on the market are of no value to the seller, but are of no value to the buyer. After searching and negotiating prices, a consensus is reached that the transaction is completed. The concern is the will of both buyers and sellers, regardless of whether the will is a suburban alliance or willingness. The “contract” of the transaction is concluded at the moment the transaction is completed. This is the second prerequisite.


Starting with an individual act, the transaction evolves into a “general social process” and becomes a “market” for the trade in goods. This social act promotes a particular commodity to become a general equivalent (from the very beginning of the hunting material to the subsequent barter), gradually forming a stable equivalent-exchange medium, i.e. the currency. The crystallization of the currency is a necessary product of the exchange process.


Evolution of the chain of trade processes: human labour — commodities — currency.

资本第 1 部分:商品和货币


As the scale of transactions increases, the currency must have the following characteristics:


This material is naturally non-perishable, non-perishable, long-lasting. It can be divided and combined in a number of proportions.


As a result of historical experience, precious metals have become the preferred medium for money. In the long river of history, the money has gradually been on the throne. So, Max says, “Golden is not a currency, and money is, of course, gold and silver”.


But, while money is born out of generic equivalents, it does not mean that money is valuable from the moment it is born. Its value is actually derived from the trade-off between human labour and the goods that can be produced. That is, gold and silver, although they are money, their exchange rates, or purchasing power, are determined by the productivity of the society at the time (the time of work and the rate of exchange of goods). So money is the end point of the expression of the value, not the starting point.

Q1 为什么马克思要通过分析商品的二元性来开始《资本论》?

Q1 Why does Marx start with Capitalism by analysing the duality of commodities?


According to Marx, a capitalist society dominated by large industrial production is often characterized by a combination of industrial and economic prosperity, the most immediate manifestation of which is two: 1) the huge accumulation of commodities, i.e., the massive growth in productivity and the doubling of the number of products. 2) Under the shock of a large number of commodities, the traditional form of production (the feudal system, the individual-dependent form of production) has been completely broken and a large number of “productless” have been divided into society.


The basic form of social wealth is the “commodities” that are visible. By trading, they are transformed into money, and by accumulating money, they become a huge intangible force, namely, capital. From the logical chain, capital is the confluence of a great deal of human labour. In other words, capital is human.


Q2. What is the difference between commodities and labour products? The link between the value of use and the value of exchange?


Commodities are necessarily the product of labour, but the product of labour is not necessarily a commodity.


According to Marx, a commodity is first and foremost a material “object”, not an object. A commodity is a commodity because it meets the physical or psychological needs of people. It has purpose and value as long as it is needed. Marx calls it a “use value”.

劳动产品是商品的雏形。在被人类的“需要”“开悟”、“奉献”、“施肥”后,就如同“商品”一样成为新的生命。就像人类的有性生殖一样,世界各地的男人和女人通过“需要”(共鸣、感情、爱情、情欲,随便你怎么称呼它们)产生“关系”,最后产生“商品”,资本主义社会的基本要素,诞生了。. 因此,马克思认为,使用价值是商品的一种自然属性,而交换价值是一种社会关系的体现。从这个角度来看,为什么说有使用价值的东西不一定有交换价值就很容易理解了。但是有交换价值的东西一定有使用价值。所以,商品既有使用价值,也有交换价值,两者的比例并不相同。使用价值的物质形式是商品本身的作用、用途、功能、质量等具体参数,而交换价值更多地体现在共同的价值认同上,在以后往往体现为货币的形式。几代人。

Labour products are the beginnings of commodities. After being “received” by the human “needs”, “contributions”, “fertilization” becomes a new life like “commodities.” Like human reproductive sex, men and women around the world create “relationships” through “needs” (resonance, emotion, love, love, whatever you want to call them), and eventually produce “commodities” that are essential elements of a capitalist society.


Just as the human being is the basic unit of society, commodities are an essential element of a capitalist society. Although commodities have existed since ancient times, capitalist societies have just emerged.


Q3. What are the forms and manifestations of value of commodities?


According to Marx, “commodities have only value objectivity as a single social unit, the expression of human labour, so value objectivity is purely social. Values can only be expressed in the social relationship between goods and commodities”.


The sentence means that the exchange value of goods must be reflected in a particular social context. There are three parameters for this social context:


1. The human being has a certain social organization

2 人们以人力作为衡量商品价值的参考标准

2. People's use of human capacity as a reference for the value of commodities


3) Different commodities meet different needs and make people willing to exchange relationships


As a result, the value of the commodity is more evident in its exchange value. The main form of exchange of value is “relative value and equivalent form”. Relative value means the value of a commodity as a reference.


Although it takes the form of money, it is essentially a universal equivalent and a manifestation of the standardization of human labour (i.e. time and energy). Standardization is the cornerstone of industrial civilization, and the standardization of values is the foundation of capitalism. So the emergence of Marscoin, which completes the process of quantifying the value of commodities, becomes a proxy for “value.”


Q4. What is the essence of the product?

商品以物的形式掩盖了私人劳动的社会性质和私人劳动者的社会关系,最终以货币的形式表现出来。打个比方,商品将活生生的人变成可冷交换的“物”,通过交换变成“货币”等血液,最终汇聚成社会大有机体吸收养分的资本等血池。. 难怪马克思会说,资本从诞生之日起就已经被鲜血染红了。尽管现代工业比过去更加人性化,但资本化诞生的过程在今天读起来仍然令人毛骨悚然。

Commodities mask the social nature of private work and the social relations of private workers in material form, and eventually in monetary form. For example, they transform living people into cold-changing “matters” and, by swapping them into blood, blood pools such as “currency” and, eventually, into nutrient-absorbing capital in large social organisms.

Q5.人民币/美元是货币还是商品?为什么许多国家禁止 比特币 的交易?

Q5. The renminbi/United States dollar is a currency or a commodity? Why does many countries prohibit ?


The dollar is the legal currency of the United States and the base currency of the international financial system. The renminbi is the legal currency of China and is one of the currencies that can circulate in the international financial system.


This explains why the dollar can be used either to buy things or to invest in foreign exchange. As long as it is creditworthy, it has the necessary element of complicity.


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