How do dogs buy and trade? Doges have recently increased, and a lot of people want to buy their investment earnings, sort out the latest doge purchase process and share it with their newcomers.
famous virtual currency exchange platform:
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注册属于自己的私密交易账号,方便进行币种交易,充值,提现,互转 等等,均支持电脑和APP,简单方便。
Registering a private transaction account belonging to them, facilitating currency transactions, charging, cash withdrawals, tweaking, etc., supporting computers and APPs, simple and easy.
Dogecoin replaced Bitcoin as a hot star in the global market for encrypted digital currency.
The birth of the dog price was dramatic. In 2013, Bitcoin started its booming pattern, and the lookbags of the wooddog DoGE were reder than the Internet. To mock the vanquished bitcoin, a marketing expert from Australia, Jackson Palmer, and US programmer Billy Marcus, combined to create the dog price.
A lot of people blame Tesla CEO Eron Mask for the "carrying" effect. Musk has been tweeting about him on social media on several occasions, e.g. by tweeting on April 1, that “SpaceX will bring a dog price to the moon” and directly increase the value of the currency to more than 30% per day.
On 20 April, the dog price rose by 50 per cent; on 16 April, it surged again, reaching 250 per cent in a 24-hour period, reaching a maximum of $0.47 per metre, with a total market value of $60 billion.
The purchase steps for
购买doge币前需要注册一个okex帐号:点击注册 OKEX? 立即注册 欧易OKEx账号 ? ? 需要先用人民币购买USDT,然后用USDT换成狗狗币。
Before buying doges, you need to register an okex account: ?
打开OKEx官网:https://www.ouyicn.tel/join/2043599? ?如下图,进入首页,点击购买USDT即可;
Open the OKEx web: ??
Upon completion of registration, the personal data needs to be improved and some networks need to be replaced with Hong Kong, China, to be visited.
登录注册的 欧易OKEx账号? 需要通过银行卡进行充值USDT。( 1USDT=1美元,用户可以随时使用USDT与USD进行1:1兑换。)
Registered /span>?
For example, the full RMB of $1,000 is probably 148.8 USDT, and changes in exchange prices are normal.
Upon completion of USDT, the total assets in the account number can be seen at the membership log-in centre.
1,充值的USDT不能直接用于购买交易,需要进行转换,点击--资金账户,然后点击 -- 资金划转? ?把账户资金转到?交易帐户下。如下图:
1 The full value of USDT cannot be used directly to purchase transactions. It needs to be converted, clicked on the funds account, then clicked on the funds transfer? Transfer the funds from the account to the transaction account?
2,查看 - 你的交易帐户,里面就有转入后的币数量了。
Two, look-- your transaction account, there's the number of the money that's coming in.
3,买进DOGE币 :点击 -交易-基础交易? ,搜索? DOGE/USDT 找到 狗狗币,就可以看到目前最新价格动态了。
Three, buy in DOGE: Click-trade-fundamental? Search? DOGE/USDT finds the dog price, and you can see the latest price developments.
买入狗狗币,填写价格,目前是0.397,比如你想在0.38 价的时候购买,价格填写0.38 USDT
Buy dog money, fill out the price, it's 0.397, for example, if you want to buy it at 0.38 and pay 0.38 USDT.
金额USDT处填写你的金额,比如 这里填写299USDT 最后点击买入。
The amount USDT fills in your amount, for example, to fill in 299 USDT and finally to buy it.
4/ The system will be in a state of ready purchase, and when you reach the price value you fill out, the system will buy DOGE currency.
你可以在订单中心查看到 当前委托、历史委托的交易记录。https://www.okex.com/balance/report-center/unified/order-open? 系统会扣少量的手续费。如下图
You can view the transaction records of the current and historical commission at the order centre. https://www.okex.com/balance/report-center/united/order-open?
By that time, the purchase and sale of the dog's currency is complete.
One, what if you figure out how to operate the doggie coin?
同样方法,找到 DOGE/USDT 交易页面? https://www.okex.com/trade-spot/doge-usdt
Similarly, find the DOGE/USDT transaction page? https://www.okex.com/trade-spot/doge-usdt
2,点击 -卖出,填写你心中要卖出价格,狗狗币的数据,提交卖出即可。
Two, click-sale, fill out the price you want to sell, dog-coat data, and submit it for sale.
系统会自动到达你设定的价格后卖出,你就在 交易帐户中 收到相应的USDT金额了。
The system will automatically reach the price you set and you will receive the corresponding USDT amount in the transaction account.
3,如果想提现,就需要把-交易账户 中的数据转到 资金账户,然后通过USDT卖出换成RMB,你就收到钱了。
Three, if you want to cash out, you need to transfer the data from the transaction account to the fund account and then sell it through the USDT for RMB, and you get the money.
4,好了,DOGE 狗狗币怎么买入和交易详细流程就这些了,新手朋友可以多研究学习一下。
Four, well, that's all the details of how Doge buys and trades. Newer friends can study more.
目前 Doge币在各大交易平台都可以购买到,价格浮动也比较大,新手投资需谨慎。
Doge is now available in all major trading platforms, prices are more volatile and newcomers need to be cautious.
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