获千万美元天使投资: 百度、阿里旧部的区块链之“恋”

资讯 2024-07-03 阅读:30 评论:0



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“We knew block chain technology early on, but we didn't understand it very much, so it was only at the level of technical advice for our friends. Rethinking, the block chain is not a simple new software technology, but a huge technological wave in which we should be more deeply involved.” In recent days, the CEO Xu Ocean of the Kyoto block chain has reported on the economy of the twenty-first century.


Xu Ocean was the 100-degree chief architect, an artificial intelligence expert at the Microsoft Asia Institute, and had entrepreneurial experience in the fields of online education, Internet technology, and so forth. His partner was one of Ali Wangwang’s founders and chief architects. On February 4, 2018, the two co-founders announced funding for a $10 million Angel Round of investment.


Unlike many start-up teams that have tried to do ICO projects or to do technical services in digital currency exchanges, digital wallets, or mining, the Jinghang block chain is dedicated to infrastructure development for block chain applications and has been unprofitable for five years.


In the view of Xu, what is the value of the application of block chain technology, and how will it affect finance, commerce, and society? How can the Jinghang block chain be involved in this chain wave, and how can it win the favor of investment?


From a mastery of technology to a sense of reflection.


As a result of years of industrial accumulation, Xu Ocean and Moxiang have been studying computer systems, Internet technology, in-depth learning, and know how block chain technology works and bitcoin operations. But at first, they, like most people, thought that block chains were “fry” and were not deeply involved.


In the second half of 2017, there was an occasional opportunity for friends to bring together Xu Ocean and Yao Yongjie, the chairman of the investment committee, to work together on the ICO project. But because of different ideas, the project did not come to fruition. “We felt that we should not be too quick, but rather invest in technological innovation at the bottom and do something more meaningful to change the industry.” Yao Yongji recalled the situation at the time.


Although the project failed, this led to a reflection by the Xu Ocean on block chain technology. “Rethinking that block chain technology itself has not made a big breakthrough in the past two years, but its impact on society is gradually permeating, so the impact is growing. The Xu Sea is not a simple new software technology, but a huge wave of technology that will have a great impact on finance, commerce and society.” The Xu Ocean says.


He explained in detail to journalists that the block chain is a secure data-processing technology and a value-transfer network. The Internet is a network that transmits information, such as a 100-degree search for news, a micro-mail that transmits information about people and people, and a piece of information about commodities on a treasure. The Internet, when added to the block chain, becomes a value-based Internet, which transmits assets and values.


Bitcoin, for example, is a form of block-chain application in which Bitcoin transfers, transfers, and does not depend on third-party institutions, can be done online. All assets and wealth need to be measured in monetary terms, all countries of society need to issue French currency to measure assets on the Internet, and digital money to measure digital assets in digital societies. Bitcoin is the first digital currency, many consider it to be “gold” of a digital society. It is limited in quantity, easily carried, stored, hidden, and transferred.


In addition to digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Xu Ocean spoke of other applications for the future of the block chain. He said that the block chain was first and foremost the value of the Internet, and that it was valuable for patents, literature, and who created the work was in whose name it could not be changed.


Second, the block chain is based on a network of trust, and confidence-building can be of great value. In a block-chain-based financial system, for example, it is difficult to create fraud, which reduces the costs of auditing, financial oversight and other forms of mistrust.


Third, block chains can bring about changes in productive relationships, and projects can be financed directly by ICOs, investors, coupons, accounting firms, etc. Block chains are good tools in their own right, but now, due to the diversity of ICO projects, regulatory authorities have taken restrictive measures against ICOs.


Industry early layout infrastructure development


After thinking about this, Xu Yui agreed with Mo Jianxiang to become a start-up company on the infrastructure of the block chain. The start-up needs money, and Xu asks Yao Yongjie through a micro-letter whether Yao Yongji would be interested in talking about the investment. Yao Yongji, who was on a mission in Beijing, agreed to fly back to Hangzhou in the afternoon. The three people were talking about it in a teahouse, talking about it from 8 p.m. to more than 1 a.m., and finally finalized the investment.


“It took less than a month for us and Yao to learn to talk deeply, and then to determine the terms of the investment agreement, the funds, and the accounts.” Seo-yeon said, “I invested in a lot of sector-related companies, such as Jana Ji, who are working on the bottom of the block chain. There is synergy with these companies, and these companies also bring us industry information and demand.”


With regard to the specific operation of the Jinghang block chain, the Xu Ocean explains that the current technological development of the block chain is still at a very early stage, similar to that which occurred 20 years ago when Internet technology developed. At that time, some people were fanatical and felt that society would change dramatically.


“The same is true of block chain technology. It is still too early to apply. The Jinghang block chain is dedicated to infrastructure development in the area of block chain, such as bottom-level agreements, infrastructure, basic storage chains, etc. Only when it is done will the commercial application of the block chain be gradually demonstrated.” He said. It may take 5 to 10 years for the technology to truly produce large industrial applications, and five to 10 years for the Jinghang block chain to be ready for five years without profit.


Many start-up companies fear that they will eventually be rivals with big Internet players like Ali, Tseng, or that they will be reaped. However, Xu’s view is that BAT does not necessarily have a leading edge in the area of block chains, which may even destabilize BAT.


“BAT's concern about block chains is more exploratory and defensive. They are currently less influential in block chains, and it's hard to be the giants of block chains, as it was in the past when software companies transformed into Internet companies. The Internet is centralized, delivering information, and the chain is decentralized, transmitting assets and values, a concept that is not so easy for Internet companies.” He said.


There are many people who know the Internet, but very few who really know the chain. Beyond Internet technology, they need to know cryptology, P2P networks, and so on.




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