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The latest rankings are 1.oy, 2. durian, 3. Rocket, 4. Casso, 5. EzcoinPro, 6.PIEXGO, 7.XIN, 8.Anbbit, 9.ZGYE, 10. Silver.


1. Sesame Open Exchange


With its own technological build-up and profound knowledge of the industry, the Sesame Open Exchange Gate.io will continuously optimize and refine its product matrix to provide more diversified and enriched services to cover more investment needs. When the service system is completed, the Sesame Open Exchange Gate.io will match its own flow and brand influence to address the pitfalls that constrain industry development, such as high entry thresholds, low audience and large project platforms.


2. durian >/strang >

采用银行级的SSL安全连接, 离线比特币钱包技术,虚拟币即时充值提现,保证用户的交易信息和资金安全,为用户提供安全,快捷,公平,公证的比特币交易平台。支持币种:支持法币OTC交易;数字货币,包括BTC, EOS, ETC, ETH,等,共98个币种,208个配对交易市场。手续费率:目前所有交易配对的手续费均为:0.2% 优点:支持法币OTC法币交易,;申请注册简单,币种较多,成交量大,安全性高,支持电脑端和移动端应用,充值提币速度快。设计风格符合投资者习惯,在非交易高峰期,用户体验较好,提供不同的节点优化响应速度。

Use bank-level SSL secure connections, offline bitcoins wallet techniques, real-time billing, guaranteed user transaction information and financial security, safe, fast, fair, notarized bitcoin trading platforms. Currency support: supports French-currency OTC transactions; digital currencies, including BTC, EOS, ETC, ETH, etc., in 98 currencies, 208 match-to-trade markets. Process rates: At present, all transaction matching fees are 0.2%. Advantages: support French-currency OTC French currency transactions; applications are simple, currency-size, volume-high, security-high, computer-end and mobile-end applications are supported, currency-rate speeds are fast.



It is one of the major head trading platforms in the currency ring, with long contract deals, and recently online options, with a rich variety of products trading. It also brings its own pond service, which allows for mining operations to be closed to the full course of the transaction. The APP is also very fluid, with no trade depth, meets the standard of a single line, and its platform xxxB has been relatively stable, and it is a good option for friends who like to invest in platform money.


Deficiencies: The platform's trading system will occasionally be subject to offlines and needle plugs, and there will be a certain level of optimization in the future & hellip;


4. .


Since its inception 13 years ago, nearly 500 high-quality block chain asset classes have been provided with trading and investment services for millions of users from over 224 countries around the world. Working towards a trusted, secure, stable, credible block chain asset international service that not only provides security for users, easy and fair chain asset transactions, but also provides comprehensive security of transactional information and asset security for users.



One of the world’s leading digital money companies, with a team of over 40 technical and financial experts, operates in a number of countries, with offices in London, Singapore, and Cape Town. Our products and services enable people and businesses to store, buy, use and learn digital currency like Bitcoin safely and easily.



It is the largest local Bitcoin trading exchange and a very structured and character-oriented exchange, established in 2014 to date for only three currencies, BTC, ETH, BCH, which has now received two rounds of financing from the consortium and is also well known as the investor. Its founder is now also the director of the block chain association.



The currency circle’s largest compliance platform, and with its strong sponsorship properties, basically xxxxxxx projects, usually move out of a wave of double-digit increases, even several times more common, and are not IEOs, but some of the dominant currencies that have been on the line for some time, with strong upper currency effects. The platform also supports poss mining, with higher returns for users preparing long-term troupes.


The greatest advantage of the platform in a transaction should be compliance, direct transactions in United States dollars in French, bank cards in which money can be bought directly, which is very convenient, unlike in our country, when it is bought, it has to be cut by a stable currency.

同时平台的安全性也是非常牛的,上线至今没有一起丢币事件 - 用户误操作除外。之前好像只有一次钓鱼攻击,最后还是被风控发现,阻止了攻击,平台技术性和安全性都非常好。

At the same time, the security of the platform is very strong, with no money loss on the line - except for the mishandling of the user. It seems that there was only one fishing attack before, and finally, it was detected by the wind, and the platform was stopped, and the technology and security of the platform was very good.


The platform has a number of advantages and disadvantages, most notably that user censorship is very rigorous, and non-American home-grown users are hardly involved. At the same time, the platform currently supports relatively few currencies and focuses only on spot trading, and derivatives are being developed relatively slowly, although there is one less money-deficient way for users who like to be small and large:


Finally, it is a very safe and excellent platform, which, if registered, would certainly be the preferred option, be it asset security or the depth of the transaction, without the need to worry as much as any other platform about freezing cards, access money would be very convenient and the user experience would be excellent. This is one of the most important features of the extension of the standard for local jurisdictions. In addition to being able to trade in currency, it would also provide for stable currency USDC transactions, even in areas where French can be traded.



Currency circle & ldquao; bulkier & rdquao; largest exchange


According to the relevant data, the exchange is now basically the largest currency bulk in the currency circle. After all, as a 13-year-old stock exchange, there are a lot of fans.


交易平台在全球综合排名第9位,交易方式支持现货,期货和法币三种方式。发行至今未发生被盗事件,安全性还是不错的, 但这个交易所没有中文界面,不大适合国内用户。

Trading platforms are ranked 9th globally, in a way that supports spot, futures, and French currency. No thefts have taken place so far, and security is good, but the exchange does not have a Chinese interface and is not well suited for domestic users.


Since the beginning of its operation, it has had no trading in bounties, only in mainstream currencies, and no less in terms of trading than those second-line exchanges. The platform is still a steady and growing exchange.




The exchange provides high-quality segment chain money sales and services to global users by providing spot transactions and services such as Bitcoin, Lightcoin, Etheria, etc. digital assets, super-comprehensive digital wallet software, and access to more information so that each user can freely trade through the platform without thresholds.


You can see the currency, the contract and the index in real time.


Provides time, k-line, real-time traffic data for viewing.


Provides desktop Widget parts with real-time prices that do not need to be started.


It is completely free of charge and there are no in-house purchase charges.


是一家数字货币交易所,自2013年3月开始运营,是全球十大最古老的加密货币交易所之一,是新数字经济的传统。我们的交易平台支持领先加密货币的用户之间的在线买卖,例如比特币和以太坊兑谢克尔,以及数字货币管理和保留服务以及大规模交易 - OTC 的执行。

It is a digital currency exchange that has been in operation since March 2013 and is one of the world’s ten oldest crypto-currency exchanges, and a tradition of the new digital economy. Our trading platform supports online purchases and purchases among users of pre-encryption money, such as Bitcoin and Etheria shekels, as well as the implementation of digital currency management and retention services and large-scale transactions - OTC.


2. Bits of Hope


There are 31 currencies active on the platform, currently ranked 11th in the global portfolio, and the platform has so far been unscathed, with fair transaction fees, lower withdrawals, and a high degree of globalization. It has also received investment from investment agencies, good team strength, good operating experience, and good visibility. In general, the exchange is a platform for arrangements with a higher degree of trust.



The exchange has been running for seven years in a low-key, unexaggerated and secure manner. The main deal is qc, which facilitates the habits of domestic users.


APP built-in group chat functions to facilitate free user discussion without fear of seals, especially quick feedback questions, and 24-hour client service to answer questions!


More recently, qc/usdt's 10-fold contract deal is on the line.

4.Degital Future

成立至今,一共经历了八次融资,在最近的一轮融资 - E轮融资中估值高达80亿美元。在E轮融资中,拿到了逾3.2亿美元的资金,亿万富翁切斯·科尔曼所掌管的老虎全球管理基金、著名风投基金Andreessen Horowitz等机构都是其投资人。

Since its inception, eight times have gone through financing, valued at $8 billion in the most recent round of financing - the E Round. In the E Round, more than $320 million has been received, with billionaire Chess & Middot; and other institutions such as the Tigers Global Management Fund, the famous Windstorming Fund, and others are investors.

八轮融资中共有35家机构 - 包括个人参与,其中28个机构来自美国,3个来自,1个来自澳大利亚,剩余3个是天使投资人。美国中主要的投资机构来自加利福尼亚州 - 19个和纽约 - 5个。

There are 35 institutions in the eight rounds of financing, including individual participation, 28 from the United States, 3 from Australia, 1 from Australia, and the remaining 3 from Angel Investors. The major investment agencies in the United States are California - 19 and New York - 5.



Project application: A token enables cross-assets intermediate currency settlements for local chains. It can be used on multiple global exchanges.


(a) A token procedure:


--- to achieve cross-equity monetary settlements


---Participants preparing transactions on the web will use to settle bulk transaction costs


---Participation nodes will be rewarded to process and validate transactions on the network


--- Customers making direct payments will make transactions at minimal cost


Project highlights:


Great expansion, rapid trade, security and privacy are protected.



It was the Digital Currency International Station, launched in 2017 by the company Dunamu, in partnership with the United States International Station, which has been operating robustly since 2017, and which has grown faster than Dunamu and currently supports 216 transactions of more than 110 tokens. The 45th place, with operations established in Malta, the United States, Singapore, etc., has reached 1.2 million users.

虽然背靠着好过微信支撑的KAxxxxxAO公司,流量巨大,但是在市场上也风波不断,2019年11月遭黑客攻击的消息震惊了加密界,黑客最终盗走了342.000 ETH - 相当于49.848.273美元。被盗的ETH正在被转移到其他地址,瞬间在业界引起了重视,各大头部交易所都在积极配合。在目前,改交易所还在接受这监管部门的监管,但是也一直在配合着各种监管与调查。目前支持韩元、日元、美元、新元的法币交易,官网提供了韩文、新加坡语、英语等4种语言服务。

Although the flow of KAXXXAO, backed up by a lot of micro-letters, is huge, it is also on the market, and the news of the hacking in November 2019 shocked the encryption community, when hackers eventually stole $342,000 ETH - the equivalent of $49.848.273. The stolen ETH is being transferred to other addresses, and attention is being given instantaneously to major head exchanges. At present, the re-exchange is under the supervision of the regulatory authority, but it has also been cooperating with various regulatory and investigative efforts.



The exchange obtained European block chain trading licences, opened up United States dollars, Euros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Democratic Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, United Republic of Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America, United States of America.



It is a global secure, leading digital asset derivatives trading platform, with a digital money trading platform compliance license and license plate? Integration? Compliance license. It is developed and operated by a professional team in the area of internationalized block chains, with a wealth of trading systems,? controls, settlements, and security management experience.


Since its establishment:


The products are constantly changing and are now on-line for long-term contracts, fast-track contracts, grant models, etc.;


Continuous innovation in operations has resulted in strategic collaboration with a number of high-quality head communities in the industry, promoting consensus and building ecology together;


Branding has been steadily promoted, with strategic collaboration with high-quality media in a wide range of industries around the world, providing strong support for market branding.


9.C Net


It is a high-performance block chain company that supports a two-dimensional payment solution, Pay, allowing users to use their cell phones anywhere for encrypted payments or payments. The chain store really fulfils the vision of block chain technology, allowing people to regain control over their money, data and identity.


It is the medium for cross-assets transactions on Chain. It supports the settlement of cross-asset intermediary currencies.



The exchange is also an old-fashioned trading platform with far less visibility than the three newcomers in the currency circle, or even less than the two-line platform. In fact, the exchange’s product lines are rich, both for spot futures and the depth of the mainstream currency’s transactions, especially in the absence of a large theft, and it feels much better to steal thousands of bits of bitcoins than a single static one.


If not enough, the platform's operation needs to be significantly enhanced, with too few day-to-day activities, with no major benefits or airdrops for older users, and even a few sessions of earlier IEO events, which have had a greater negative impact on the platform and much room for improvement.


How do you get free bitcoin?


If you complete the block chain knowledge learning task, you can easily get a free bitcoin by watching a video or an article. But when you open more than one task at the same time, you will calculate the learning time according to the most recent open task.


How can you get more bitcoin?


If you want to get more bitcoin, you can invite your friends to join you in your study.


Can I get free bitcoin every day?

是的,每天将会有5个任务获取免费比特币,任务于每天凌晨的12:00 - HKT更新。

Yes, five assignments will be free of charge in bitcoin each day, and the mission will be updated at 12 - HKT every morning.




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