蚂蚁金服蒋国飞:2020 年产业区块链开场

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即便是 2019 年初 Facebook 的 Libra,也没能挽救日渐式微的币圈。矿机大厂上市失败和内斗裁员的消息轰炸之中,曾经风光一时的炒币泡沫崩裂。

Even Facebook's Libra at the beginning of 2019 failed to save the increasingly micro-coin ring. In the news of the collapse of the mining company's market and the downgrading of its internal staff, there was a break-up in the wind.


At the other end of the spectrum, the ever-low-key block chain technologists have opened up opportunities.

2019 年 10 月,中央强调了对区块链技术和行业的重视,一时之间,这个比特币背后的技术被再次刷新。而在此之前,以蚂蚁金服为代表的互联网巨头,早已在区块链领域低调摸索。

In October 2019, the central emphasis was placed on block chain technology and industry, and the technology behind this bitcoin was then re-renewed. Prior to that, the Internet giant, represented by ant gold, had been undertook in the area of block chain.

从 2015 年的杭州黄龙时代 11 层的兴趣小组,到现在的独立区块链团队,蚂蚁金服区块链团队作为行业的先锋部队,凭借扎实的技术和开放共赢的心态,已经低调地将区块链技术落地到 40 多个和人们生活密切相关的场景,用区块链技术重新塑造了跨境汇款、产品溯源、司法取证、供应链金融等领域的新格局。

From the Hangzhou Yellow Dragon age 11 interest group in 2015, to the present independent block chain team, the ant gold chain team, as the vanguard of the industry, with solid technology and an open and win-win mentality, has low-profiled block chain technology into more than 40 scenes closely related to people's lives, reshaping new patterns in areas such as cross-border remittances, product traceability, forensics, supply chain finance, etc.

2020 年 1 月 8 日,蚂蚁金服副总裁、智能科技总裁蒋国飞在北京向媒体透露,蚂蚁区块链将开放平台技术能力给全行业,尤其是面向实体产业,「不让任何一个实体产业在数字经济时代掉队」。

On January 8, 2020, the Vice-President of Ant Gold Clothes and the Managing Director of Smart Technology, Jiang Kuo, flew to Beijing to tell the media that the ants' block chain would open up the platform's technical capacity to the entire industry, especially to the real industry, "not to allow any entity industry to fall behind in the digital economy age."


In fact, the ant block chain has been on its way to the "True."

         蚂蚁金服集团副总裁、智能科技事业群总裁蒋国飞 | 蚂蚁金服

中国哲学强调「出世」和「入世」,在 2018 年之前,区块链技术作为底层结构,光芒一直被表层的比特币应用所掩盖,行业人士也保持着「出世」的淡定,低调地研发优化技术。而从 2018 年开始,当币圈泡沫破灭之后,真正的区块链技术的「入世」则拉开了序幕。

China’s philosophy emphasizes “born” and “accession.” Until 2018, block-chain technology was used as a base structure, the light was hidden by top-level bitcoin applications, and the industry kept “born” low-key research and development of optimized technology. Since 2018, when the currency bubble bursted, the true “accession” of block-chain technology began.

经历了几年的技术积累,蚂蚁区块链团队已经成为行业的技术翘楚。「蚂蚁专利数一直连续三年是全球第一,现在已经有 1000 多个专业申请,基本上比全球所有企业都要多,而且比前几名加起来还要多。」蒋国飞不无自豪的介绍到。

After several years of technological accumulation, the ant block chain team has become the industry’s best technology. “The number of ant patents has been the world’s first in three consecutive years, and there are now more than 1,000 professional applications, almost more than all companies in the world, and more than the previous ones combined.” Chiang flew with pride.

区块链要「入世」,技术要找落地场景。对于很多区块链团队来说,最难的可能不是技术研发,反而是技术落地。早在 2 年前,通过和支付宝香港团队和国际银行的合作,凭借蚂蚁区块链技术,在香港工作的东南亚「外劳」,可以像用智能手机发图片一样,在几秒钟之内将钱跨境汇回自己国内的亲人手中,省去了大量的时间和汇款成本。

For many block-chain teams, the most difficult thing is not technology development, but technology. Two years ago, South-East Asia's "foreign workers" working in Hong Kong, through cooperation with the Hong Kong team and the international bank, with the ants chain technology, were able to send money back across the border to their families within a matter of seconds, saving a lot of time and money transfer costs.

产品溯源是区块链与现实世界的另一个结合点。对于身在阿里经济体的蚂蚁区块链团队来说,有着很多得天独厚的场景优势。2019 年双 11,蚂蚁区块链技术为天猫商城 4 亿跨境商品进行了溯源存证,是去年的 2.7 倍。通过这样全链路物流信息的比对,可以有效防治非法和虚假的物流记录,达到商品防伪的目的。

In 2019, the technology of the ant block chain was traced back to 400 million cross-border commodities in the City of Skycat, 2.7 times as much as last year. By comparing logistics information across the entire chain, illegal and false logistics records can be effectively combated.

另外,在淘宝平台,57% 淘宝商家的卖家秀图片经常被盗用。遭遇盗用后,77% 的商家都因为举证困难、维权成本高等问题难以维权。为了解决这一问题,基于区块链技术的面向天猫双 11 商家的「盗图维权」工具鹊凿在 11 月 8 日正式上线,为淘宝商家提供确权存证、侵权取证和证据核验等一站式线上自助服务。通过鹊凿,淘宝商家的图片版权信息 1 秒即可登记在链,相当于被区块链盖上「原创」戳,可有效防止其他平台商家盗用、侵权。

In addition, 57% of salesmen's pictures are often stolen on a treasure-hunting platform. After the theft, 77% of businesses have been unable to claim their rights because of evidentiary difficulties and the high cost of defending their rights. To address this problem, a block-chain-based technology-based tool, "Hijacking rights" for small sellers 11, was officially launched on 8 November to provide a one-stop line of proof of authority, evidence of abuse and evidence verification.

在阿里经济体之外,蚂蚁区块链同样推动了大量真实场景落地,其中就包括公共政务和司法系统。2019 年 6 月,由浙江省财政厅发起,联合省大数据局、省卫健委、省医保局,由蚂蚁区块链提供技术支持的浙江省电子票据平台正式成立,这也是全国首个基于区块链的电子票据服务平台。凭借「不可篡改」和「可追溯性」等优势,电子票据平台的票据能够实现实时查看、杜绝造假等优势,同时也让居民的医疗报销从几个月时间,缩短到 20 分钟之内,极大方便了人们的日常生活。

Outside the economy of Ali, the ant block chain also contributes to a large number of real scenes, including the public administration and the justice system. In June 2019, initiated by the Zhejiang provincial treasury, the joint provincial data bureau, the Provincial Health Commission, and the Provincial Health Insurance Board, the Zhejiang province electronic paper platform, which is supported by the ant block chain, was officially established as the country’s first area-based electronic paper service platform. With advantages such as “integrability” and “retroactivity”, electronic paper platforms have the advantage of real-time viewing and eliminating counterfeiting, while allowing residents’ medical claims to be reduced from several months to 20 minutes, making daily life extremely convenient.

2019 年 5 月 22 日,上海、浙江、江苏、安徽四地法院也陆续引入蚂蚁区块链技术,成立长三角司法链,推动长三角司法一体化。基于蚂蚁区块链技术,最高院搭建了人民法院司法区块链统一平台。据了解,目前已完成法院、国家授时中心、多元纠纷调解平台、公证处、司法鉴定中心等 27 个节点建设,联合四级法院共完成超 1.8 亿条数据上链存证固证,并支持链上取证核验。

On May 22, 2019, the courts of Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Anhui also introduced techniques for the ants block chain, creating a long-triangular justice chain and promoting the integration of long-triangular justice. Based on the ants block chain technology, the Supreme Court has set up a unified platform for the People’s Court’s judicial block chain. It is known that 27 nodes have been completed, including the courts, the State time centre, the Multipolar Dispute Mediation Platform, the Notary Office, the Judicial Identification Centre, and so on.

         蚂蚁区块链走入大众,落地应用超 40 个 | 蚂蚁金服

经历商业化加速的一年,2020 年的区块链行业会迎来新突破?在活动现场,埃森哲大中华区金融服务事业部总裁陈文辉抛出问题,我们节选部分做了不改变原意的编辑:

After a year of accelerated commercialization, there will be a new breakthrough in the block chain industry in 2020. At the event, Chen Wenhui, President of the Financial Services Department of the Greater Central China Region, threw a problem.


block chains have infiltrated different industries, and you opened with a reference to the opening of the industrial block chain in the year 2020 > strong

蒋国飞:首先各个产业在快速数字化,而且资产也在数字化,在这一过程中它非常需要像区块链这样的技术:一个账本记清楚各种过程流转,这样一来,整个产业里的上下游 N 方,都能提高效率。

, starting with the rapid digitization of industries and the digitization of assets, is a process in which technology such as block chains is very much needed: a book records the flow of processes, so that the N side of the whole industry can be more efficient up and down.

我举个例子,今天股票交易所是中心化机构,我买了 50 万股票,三年后来看股票还在你的名下,为什么?中心化机构登记非常清楚,必须保证每个人的权益,但在很多产业里,实际上不是去中心化,而是没有中心化,因为去中心化是个伪命题,中心化已经非常好了,恰好问题就在于很多产业没有中心化的系统。比如合同,合同要四方、三方签合同,合同从来没有办法登记,没有这样一个地方,所以需要非常好的账本,乙方有一个账本,每个账本每个人记清楚自己的权益,构在一起像一个小账本取代登记系统,你的权益在上面更好保障。

For example, today the stock exchange is a central institution, and I bought half a million shares, and three years later the stock is still in your name. Why? Centralized institutions are well registered and must guarantee everyone's rights and interests, but in many industries it is not decentralized, but rather not centralized, because decentralization is a pseudo-promising issue, and it is very good that there are no centralized systems in many industries. For example, contracts, contracts are four-way, three-way contracts are never registered, there is no way to register them, and there is no such place.


Many industries are involved in the synergy of various supply chains, in particular In the context of globalization and multiplicity of operations, there are more and more highly complex synergies , after which there is a need to secure rights and interests, as well as recognized efficiency, authenticity, rights and so on. Much of the production information, like small contracts, invoices, is very large-scale applications. So it is necessary to combine blocks with industries. I believe that 陈文辉:你能展开讲讲,区块链带来的主要价值点是在什么地方吗?

Can you talk about where the main value of the block chain is?


支付宝诞生第一天是担保交易,担保交易是一个买家和一个卖家,我们做电商不知道买家是钱付出去能不能收到货,卖家是货发出去能不能收到钱,这是信任问题,它是 A 跟 B 单点的关系,两个点之间的关系。因为想解决这样的问题,才有了支付宝,才有了一个移动支付产业,在这个过程中又有了芝麻信用,基于你的信用,信用直接可以产生很多商业连接。

The first day of a payment bond is a secured transaction, and the secured transaction is a buyer and a seller, and we're electricians who don't know whether the buyer pays to get the goods, the seller sends the goods to get the money. It's a question of trust. It's a one-point relationship between A and B. It's a two-point relationship.

今天到区块链,区块链本质上讲不是 A 跟 B,而是 ABCDE 一圈。今天的商业环境里,大部分产业都不是解决 A 和 B 两个点的问题。像海关或者贸易,都不是两方之间,而是一圈都有关系,保证 ABCDE 之间真实流转,需要有信用机制保证上面东西流转,通过合约的东西可以保证权益的分配,B 可以空前提高后面的效率,因为不用提交一堆材料等半天,不同角色的人在中间流转,把东西拿回来,再加两页材料跑到另外一个部门,再去走一遍,这样一遍遍的走。这样一个平台上面、基础上面,很多机构通过电子方式流转、可以空前提高效率,效率背后是信用机制,信用机制后面会带来很多新的商业机制。

In the block chain today, the block chain is not essentially A and B, but ABCDE. In today’s business environment, most industries do not solve the problem of A and B. Customs or trade are not two sides, but one circle is involved, guaranteeing real flow between ABCCDE. Credit mechanisms are needed to guarantee the flow of things up there, the distribution of benefits is ensured through contracts, B can improve the efficiency of the back, because, without submitting a bunch of materials for half a day, people from different players are in the middle, take things back, add two pages to another department, walk around again, and so on all over again. This platform, on the basis of which many institutions move electronically, can achieve unprecedented efficiency gains, behind which the efficiency is a credit mechanism, and behind which there are many new business mechanisms.


Ten Wenhui:


< several pieces of our downstream fights will be strengthened.


The first is more eco-coalition, because the industrial block chain involves industry, and no single company knows everything, so we're sure to work better with industry, and we're going to set up a platform where they sing and dance, because the most important focus of integration is on solving the core issues of industry, so that there is a long-term customer value. Using our platforms and technologies, we promote more partners and service providers to develop applications based on their own industry understanding.


The second point is to further advance the formation of commercial ecology. The sector of block chains is not without stories, but a truly complete business closure. We are exploring how we can create a better business closure and make the whole ecology more prosperous. Technology research and development is good, and industrial cooperation is good, but essentially a good model.


The third is that the industry needs better direction and communication. Why do we think that the block chain will fall apart and merge with the depth of the industry? A big premise is that the industry begins to return to rationality, and that the next phase must be a return to value, so that the technology can go to a place where industry and the public feel more useful. On the other hand, we have been exploring and interacting with the industry for a number of years, and we believe in such a direction. Through our efforts, together with our industry partners, we will push the block chain into the next phase and not allow any industry to fall behind in the digital wave, which is the most important thing for us.

头图来源 站酷海洛

Headline source, Coop Hero.




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