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However, as the Internet becomes an infrastructure for all sectors, we can foresee that Web3.0 will not be a solution to change and replace a particular industry in the future, but rather to propose a “ecological co-optimal” growth model for development in all walks of life, the core features of which include openness (open source, lower technology thresholds, no threshold for access to quality resources in society), co-alignment (consistency of ecological interests based on Token economics), core chain autonomy (resistible confidence mechanisms based on the unalterable chain of blocks, making organizational progress more sustainable). In the long run, we believe that a more freer and more rational production relationship is expected to drive a new round of technological innovation from the bottom up.


DAO is the core vehicle of the eco-coalition model. proposes a new solution to similar forms of organization in history, such as co-operative organizations, open-source software development. Web3.0 proposes a total of $8.5 billion in assets, according to the DeepDAO data, which can be described as a community based on some type of collaboration. The total ecology of DAO can now be divided into DAO infrastructure, application type DAO support tools for DAO, and future circle breakups are dependent on the development of the type DAO. DAO is currently in the early stages of development, with a total assets of $8.5 billion in June this year, with a positive development, with 678,000 active participants in community governance, with more than 100 DAO organizations with a governance monet of 629.

从Uniswap DAO的案例看社区共荣模型发展路径。任何生态型的产品(包含开发者、C端用户、创作者、投资者等环节)最终都可以以DAO的形式进入生态共荣模型,但是好的产品仍然是生态共荣模型的根基。我们将社区DAO的发展分为三个阶段:1.初期以打造产品为主,这时DAO与传统公司形态无异,需要创始团队前瞻决策,比如Uniswap初期重点打造基于AMMs的去中心化交易所产品;2.逐步培养社区,可以开始建立Token激励体系,吸引一部分社区重要成员参与治理;3.Exit to Community,将社区核心治理权通过Token归还给生态,创始团队可能仍是中心级的存在,但没有绝对掌控权,比如Uniswap将其代币UNI大部分发行给了社区,并通过UNI激励社区成员参与治理。

In the case of Uniswap DAO, the community co-optimal model development path is seen in the case of . Any eco-type product (including developers, C-end users, creators, investors, etc.) can eventually enter the eco-coupled model in the form of DAO, but the good product remains the foundation of the eco-coupled model. We divide the community DAO development into three phases: 1. Initially, the product-making pattern of DAO with the traditional company is the same, and there is a need for proactive decision-making by the founding team, such as Uniswap's initial focus on developing decentralized exchange products based on AMMs; 2. Progressive development of the community, which can start with the establishment of a Token incentive system that attracts key members of the community to participate in governance; 3.Exit to Community, returning the community's core governance to the ecology through Token, which may still exist at the centre level, but without absolute control, such as Uniswap, which distributes most of its tokens UNI to the community and inspire community members to participate in governance through UNI.


DAO's current problems and risks. DAOs are still at an early stage and face many problems, such as lack of regulatory recognition in most parts of the world and the legal risks of operating; incomplete core decision-making mechanisms, which can be divided into systemic risks (e.g., complicity of a few, bullying of a few) and extra-system risks (e.g., bribery of votes) and potential solutions to risks, including changing pro-driven forms of governance, voting methods or rules. We suggest that the development of DAO should be viewed with an open mind and that a solution in development may be the right way for the future development of DAO. Risk: DAO forms of organization are not recognized by regulatory law; poor decision-making mechanisms lead to the risk of failure of operations; code gaps, inadequate institutional mechanisms lead to the risk of financial banks being attacked.


Web3.0 starts with a fairer and more equitable productive relationship


Web3.0 is based on block chain technology, with new production relationships for decentralisation and the Token economic incentive system, and the next generation of the Internet. In the metaspace world, innovation occurs both at the front end and back end. Unlike innovations at the front end, such as AR/VR. Web3.0 focuses more on the renewal of back end production relationships, and web3.0 rises rapidly with ecological maturity such as block chains, encrypted currency, decentralized applications, DeFi, etc. The President of the United States, Biden, signed an executive order in March 2022,[1] to exercise prudential control over Web3.0 while emphasizing the need for the United States to lead the development of the Web3.0 trend and to describe industry trends and importance.

Web3.0必要性缘起于对Web2.0生产关系革命。在对Web3.0必要性的讨论中,比较经典理论来自a16z投资人 Chris Dixon[2]:他认为Web2.0平台的发展遵循S型增长曲线,而Web2.0的不平衡来源于,Web2.0超级平台和与上下游的关系(含上游内容生产者、下游用户等)会随着其发展规模的变化而变化——在超级平台成长初期,总的蛋糕在不断变大,平台和上下游生存空间也一起变大。但随着时间推移,当超级平台用户增长停滞的时候,随着其对于利润持续追逐,超级平台自然就会挤压上下游利润,“正和博弈”变为“零和博弈”。这就导致,上游端,创作者对利益分配不均的状况不满;下游端,用户数据隐私等各项权益无法保障。因此,缘起于Web2.0超级平台主导生态必然的不平衡性,我们需要一个新的范式,这就是Web3.0——基于区块链的,去中心化和代币经济激励的新的生产关系。

The need for Web3.0 stems from the revolution in the Web 2.0 production relationship. , in the context of the debate on the need for Web3.0, compares classic theories from a16z investor Chris Dixon [2]: while he believes that the development of the Web 2.0 platform follows the S-type growth curve, the imbalance in Web2.0 is that the Web 2.0 super-platform and the relationship with the downstream (including upstream content producers, downstream users, etc.) will change with the scale of its development - in the early years of the super-platform growth, the overall cake is growing, and the platform and downstream survival space are growing together.





以这样的思维模式理解Web3.0生产关系的必要性是没有问题的,因为这是一种更兼顾公平和平等的生产关系。然而,我们都知道投资的核心是追求技术创新带来的效率提升。那么,Web3.0的生产关系效率提升点在哪里?把用户数据所有权归还给用户是否必然造成系统整体效率的降低?我们认为,从效率提升维度来看,Web3.0核心承载点在于生态共荣模型(Ownership Economy)。

The need to understand the Web3.0 production relationship in such a mindset is not problematic, because it is a more balanced and equitable production relationship. However, we all know that the core of investment is to pursue efficiency gains resulting from technological innovation. So, where is the efficiency enhancement point of Web3.0? Does returning user ownership of data to users necessarily result in a reduction in the overall efficiency of the system?


High-speed, high-quality development of the eco-co-optimal model Web3.0


If Web 2.0 makes the Internet itself an important industry, and as the Internet becomes increasingly an infrastructure for social development, Web3.0 leads will not be a single-sector innovation – a sign that the Internet will penetrate all walks of life and that Web3.0 new production relationships will become or will become a long-term “metaco-cosm” development of the entire new Internet society. That is to say, , in the revolutionary sense of Web3.0, although it begins to change the production relationship at the centre of super-platforms, has a larger vision of thinking, based on block-link technology, to create a new model of social collaboration and a mechanism for the distribution of benefits, which we define as an “ecological co-opportunity model” characterized by open ecology, co-opportunity, and core autonomy.

  • 开放生态:任何人都可以给生态发展做贡献,Web3.0采用底层代码开源等形式,不存在数据垄断,同时嫁接最广泛的社会资源(包括人才流动,无时间和空间的束缚)。
  • 共荣:Token经济学、博弈理论等体系是生态共荣模型的必要条件。例如,社区生态每个参与者(包括开发团队、投资者、创作者、用户等)都是生态内Token的持有者,这些参与者具有一致的共同利益,能够共同推动生态发展。
  • 核心环节自治:基于智能合约等形式,DAO的组织形态可以实现核心管理和利益分配环节自治,避免人为操作导致的寻租空间和利益冲突等问题,从而提升去中心化治理的可操作性。


In Bitcoin's ecology, the Bitcoin (the essence of which is to maintain the central bond of ecology – Token) allows developers, users and investors to form a community of interests and to work together for the advancement of Bitcoin's ecology (everyone can be a marketer of bitcoin), while the incentive system behind it (e.g., mining incentives of bitcoin) attracts a large number of miners to become ecological supporters. Thus, the Economist model is one of the central reasons why Bitco has risen rapidly in the last decade.




The Eco-Community Model is the democratization of traditional corporate systems


By analogy, the Eco-Commonwealth model has been more democratized on the basis of “Corporate control over ecology, shareholders eventually control companies.” Ultimately, “Ecomakers decide jointly on the future and share the dividends of eco-development” will become the long-term goal of the Eco-Commonwealth model.



长期来看,更开放的环境;利益更一致、更平衡的体系;更公开透明的分配制度有希望催生更广泛的技术创新。历史上看,当工人被赋予更多自由,更好的激励,一个新的自下而上创新的环境被创造出来,从而驱动更多技术创新驱动工厂效率持续提升。Netflix的CEO Reed Hastings就曾经提出一个基于人才密度,取消管控,催生自由创意的独特管理模型[3],也是Netflix持续创新的基础管理体系。长期来看,我们认为Web3.0的生态共荣模型底层逻辑也是类似的,其更开放环境,利益一致的体系和更公开透明制度有望引领下一波科技创新浪潮,从而引领Web3.0生态效率进一步提升。

has a longer-term, more open environment; a more coherent and balanced system of benefits; and a more open and transparent distribution system that has the potential to generate broader technological innovation.




First form: cooperative organization model



One of the most well-known cooperatives of is Visa. Visa originally came from BankAmericard, a credit card with revolving credit functions introduced by American banks in 1958. Since 1966, Visa began authorizing banks outside California to deal with MasterCharge (the predecessor of the MasterCharge), a competitor set up in 1966, in response to the size of credit card operations in the United States, and subsequently authorized banks such as Canada, Japan, the United Kingdom, France.


VISA International is one of the world's largest international credit card cooperation organizations, a non-profit international organization with the participation of banks around the world, co-owned by its members and composed of financial institutions such as banks, to create a global network of payments and financial services. While Visa was placed on an independent board of directors after IPO in 2008, it is undeniable that, as of 15 July 2022, Visa had a market value of more than $390 billion, and that the former model of cooperative organization had some merit and was able to maximize the effectiveness of collaboration between different actors, thereby creating greater value.



Figure : Visa's organizational development history. Source: 36 kryptons, New Waves, Finance Development, Visa Bulletin, China Gold Research Department



Figure : Visa created the largest increase in the market value of the financial sector in the last decade. Source: Wind, China Gold Research Department


, however, has many problems in the development process of cooperating organizations: start-up costs, competition dynamics, governance systems, etc.[4]

  • 冷启动困难:合作组织初始期比较难启动,俗话说“三个和尚没水喝”,“大锅饭”模式很难激发大家创始的积极性。相反,传统中心化组织由于一开始就有明确的目的(比如募资以实现收益最大化),反而更容易达成目标。
  • 不一定竞争得过效率更高的传统公司:如果碰到激烈的行情竞争,在合作组织的资金资源、效率都不占优势的情况下,传统中心化公司若真使用铁腕手段与之竞争,合作组织很难形成合力与之抗衡。
  • 治理体系设计难:合作组织的治理体系比较难设计,如何高效、专业达成决策结果是难点,之前的许多合作组织最终都延续了传统公司的层级治理结构。


Second form: Open Source Software Ecology


One of the core features of the bottom infrastructure of Web3.0 is the open source properties of the code, which we consider to be somewhat similar to the development of the traditional open source software ecology. has been dominated by closed Windows since 1990, but Linux, based on the open source collaboration system, has evolved over the past 20 years and has demonstrated the success of open source software ecosystems since the Android operating system (based on Linux) began to dominate mobile Internet markets (over 40 per cent).

  • Linux是一套开放源代码程序的、可以自由传播的类Unix操作系统软件,诞生于1991年10月5日,由芬兰学生Linus Torvalds和后来陆续加入的众多爱好者共同开发完成。开发Linux系统的目的就是建立不受任何商业化软件版权制约的、全世界都能自由使用的类Unix操作系统兼容产品。在过去的20年里,Linux系统主要被应用于服务器端、嵌入式开发和PC桌面3大领域,其中服务器领域是重中之重。


开源软件生态能够胜出的原因:软件开发天然具有流程化特点,适合多人按一定流程协作,而开源体系则能够嫁接全社会最优质的资源,以供养这套流程化操作。正如a16z合伙人Chris Dixon所说[5]:“闭源软件推出时一般相对完善,但其进步速度和其雇佣员工资源相关;而开源软件推出时经常像个半成品,但是随着时间发展,其能够最广泛利用社会优质资源从而获得指数级别增长。”

Open Source Software Ecology can win: Software development is naturally process-specific, suitable for many people to work together according to a certain process, while Open Source Systems are able to match the best resources in society to support the process-based operation. , as Chris Dixon, partner of a16z, said [5]: “Closed-source software is generally relatively well developed at the time of its introduction, but its pace of progress is related to the resources of its employees; open-source software is often introduced as a semi-finished product, but over time it is able to maximize the use of high-quality resources of society for index-level growth.”



另一个类似开源软件模式的典型案例是维基百科(Wikipedia)。最初的互联网的崛起并不是在消费端进行效率提升,而是在生产端进行效率提升——满足了用户追求言论表达自由的需求。维基百科的前身是Nupedia,这是一个Web版的在线百科全书计划,其邀请众多不同领域专家成为编辑,但是速度很慢,一年才发表不到24个词条。而Wikipedia(2001年推出)则采用类似Linux的开源编辑模式,任何人都可以在前人的基础上编辑。这样的协作模式在最初可能被认为是没有质量的,然而事实上在互联网上先放出一个错误答案很容易得到他人的修改进而得到正确答案。Wikipedia成立一个月后就产生了600个词条,数量多而且质量高,1年后词条到2万个,两年达到10万个。2003年,创始人Wales把Wikipedia设立成为非营利组织(Not for profit),到目前为止维基百科主要的商业模式为用户捐赠。

Another typical example of a similar open source software model is Wikipedia. The initial rise of the Internet at was not an increase in efficiency at the consumer end, but an increase in efficiency at the production end - meeting users’ demand for freedom of expression. Wikipedia’s predecessor, Nupeedia, is a Web-based online encyclopedia programme that invites experts in a wide variety of fields to become editors, but only very slowly, with less than 24 words published in one year. The initial rise of Wikipedia (2001 launch) was a Linux-like open-source editing model that anyone could edit on a previous basis.



Linux和Wikipedia成功证明了两点:1.相比于封闭的公司,民间拥有更多真正优秀的工程师;2. 开源模式也可以产生高效的协作。人们对开源模式一直存在误解,认为其很容易被破坏,因为每个人都可以编辑。但是从另一个方面想,开源模式使得每个人都可以修改内容(内容上的错误不会永久存在),并且开放、协作的模式使得不存在单一的权威可以对内容施加控制。这也许可以视为Web3.0时代里DAO这种去中心化组织的理论雏形之一。

Linux and Wikipedia succeeded in proving two things: 1. There are more genuinely good engineers in the private sector than in closed companies; 2. Open source models can also produce efficient collaboration. people have been misinformed about open source models, which are easily destroyed because everyone can edit them. But, from another perspective, open source models allow everyone to modify content (content errors do not last forever) and open and collaborative models allow no single authority to exercise control over content. This may be seen as one of the theoretical prototypes of decentralized organizations like DAOs in the Web3.0 era.


, however, the biggest ecological problem with open-source software is inadequate economic incentives. Organizations such as open-source communities, open-source foundations, etc. are required to make donations from traditional business companies the main source of revenue, while traditional commercial companies are not unconditional, and they are more likely to rely on open-source communities for the successful incubation of commercial products.


Web3.0 proposes an entirely new organizational solution - DAO


The advantages and disadvantages of


Web3.0 is based on block-chain technology and the relatively mature decentralized financial system (DeFi), which offers a solution that combines the advantages of cooperative organizations and open-source ecology and improves its shortcomings — DAO. , on the one hand, the bottom-level development of Web3.0 and open-source attributes can be matched with the best resources in society, which can lead to a consensus of participants in ecology from a value point of view (coherentness can be separated); on the other hand, based on Token's economic system, Web3.0 can lead to an agreement on the interests of development teams, users and investors, among others, and, from a game theory point of view, the flourishing development of the community itself is something that everyone expects (although irreconcilable differences can be resolved by a split, but will inevitably damage the economic interests of every ecological owner).


What's a DAO?

顾名思义,DAO是Decentralized Autonomous Organization的简称,意为“去中心化自治组织”,核心意思有三层,也就是这三个词语各自代表的意思。

By definition, DAO is a short term for Decentralized Autonomous Organization, meaning “decentralized self-governing organizations”, with three layers of core meaning, that is, the meaning of each of the three words.

  • Decentralized(去中心化):按照以太坊创始人Vitalik的定义,去中心化意味着没有一个实体可以控制所有组织内部所有的操作流程。但是再往下深究,去中心化并不完全是无中心化。由此,Web3.0所言的去中心化是相对Web2.0而言的,并不是绝对的去中心化。如果将去中心化分成建筑、组织和逻辑三个维度来看,区块链以及DAO所说的去中心化很可能是建筑上(打破地理位置限制)、组织(权力分布)上的去中心化,而不是逻辑上去中心化(DAO不能自由切换成两个同样的整体仍然良好运转)。[6]





  • Autonomous自治:DAO的自治指执行和部分管理环节都利用智能合约负责,从而较少出现执行环节的权力寻租空间。Vitalik曾经说过[7],传统自动化是替代基层工人的流程化工作,而DAO自治也要替代传统公司的管理层机制(例如分配利益环节程序自治)。总而言之,DAO的目的之一是尽量减少在决策和执行过程中的人为操作空间,以程序为基础获取大多数人的信任,从而提升组织运行的效率。
  • Organization组织:其核心是解决协作的问题,这是DAO的基础属性。与Web3.0理念一脉相承的是,DAO的组织内涵包括开放自由、利益平等等。


DAO can also be described as a community formed from a convergence of consensus-based mechanisms for a particular collaborative purpose. DAO is a new community of governance based on block chain technology, a form of organization that supports project financing and benefit-sharing. In relation to traditional corporate forms of organization, DAO is characterized by decentralisation, a high degree of autonomy and organizational collaboration.[8]



We can compare the advantages and disadvantages of DAO in terms of scale, network effects, competitiveness and replacement costs.

  • 规模效应:一般。DAO能够最广泛使用全球优质人才和资源因此能够迅速做大规模。此外,其基于智能合约自治环节也使得公司运行本身成本较低(规模越大,IT成本更低)。但整体而言,其规模效应相比传统公司并无绝对明显优势。
  • 网络效应:优秀。DAO利用Token激励将开发者、创作者、用户和投资者等各方利益统一,基于博弈理论,使生态内部每一个人都有最大动力去提升DAO的价值,加速DAO的成长。此外,随着DAO所在生态的成熟,又会吸引更多用户、创作者、投资者、开发者等,从而形成更快飞轮循环。
  • 竞争能力:优秀。DAO的分配机制更加公平平等,各方利益一致(且分配不会随着规模变化而变化),因此其一旦形成网络效应更加难以被改变。
  • 替换成本:一般。DAO的代码底层都是开源的,任何不满意的社区生态用户都可以选择复制一个现有社区,替换成本不高。因此,DAO的网络效应和竞争能力核心来自于真正满足了用户的需求,而不是来自数据或者代码的垄断。当然,持有人对于Token经济价值是吸引其停留在原有社区重要原有之一。


DAO governance framework: current coordination and decision-making modalities


focuses its governance framework on the two core steps of “how to coordinate” and “how to make decisions.” addresses “how to coordinate” issues, which can be broadly divided into chain-based and chain-based proposal governance, while we know that the core decision-making approach of the DAO is voting, and the question of “how to make decisions” focuses on what voting mechanisms are used.


The governance of proposals on the chain is the most fundamental part of DAO governance, using smart contracts to de-centralize governance processes, incorporating governance mechanisms into codes, and usually taking decisions through the vote of currency holders. The governance of proposals on the chain is a support tool, often using informal community discussions under the chain to avoid overexploitation of resources on the chain.




The simplest of the voting mechanisms of DAO is a universal representative vote (1T1V), but the voting mechanisms themselves are flawed and require long-term continuity. We know that, in retrospect, a decentralized community in the traditional sense needs > 50% of Token's share of votes through the governance programme. This, however, leads to several problems: not all programme participants are interested in participating (especially those with a lower share), the inexperience of those participating in the voting (there are a large number of competent people without a say), the lack of prioritization of the proposal in the Token voting mechanism, the inefficiency of the voting, etc. There are some new solutions to these problems. There is therefore a long-term debate on how to ensure that the decision-making process is fair, efficient and professional.




DAO market profile and pattern: tools to pave the way and applications to rise


DAO is currently in its early stages of development. According to DeepDAO data, the total assets owned by DAO have been growing since July 2021, but there have been recent fluctuations and declines, amounting to $8.5 billion in June 2022, and only 98 DAO organizations (with a statistical base of 2228 DAOs) with assets of more than $1 million. In terms of the number of users, the number of DAOs counted by DeepDAO is 3.7 million, the number of people active in community governance is 678,000, and over 100 DAOs with governance intergenerational currencies is 629. Thus, the DAO organizational pattern is still dominated by small groups, regardless of the size of assets or the number of users.








In view of the current overall ecology of DAO, it can be divided into DAO bottom infrastructure, application type DAO. The bottom operating system of and DAO tools are infrastructure that supports DAO operations. They are necessary to enable DAO to emerge and help it to address issues such as creation, voting, dispute resolution, asset management, talent recruitment.



  • DAO的基础设施:含DAO的底层操作系统及工具,底层操作系统为创建DAO社区提供不同的模板、框架和工具,通常提供智能合约和接口以促进去中心化社区的链上操作,使DAO的创建变得更加便捷,典型案例如Aragon、MolochDAO等。此外,目前有许多类似于工具箱的细分产品以支持DAO的运作,基本围绕社区的治理和代币系统等问题,如Gnosis Safe(管理社区资产的钱包)、Snapshot(链下投票治理平台)、Discourse(链下论坛)、Tally(治理dashboard,用于跟踪不同协议的链上投票历史)等。
  • 应用类DAO:根据DAO组织不同的协作目的和职能,可以分成捐赠类DAO、投资类DAO、协议类DAO、服务类DAO、社交类DAO、收藏类DAO、媒体类DAO等。这些不同类型的应用DAO组织使得整个DAO生态变得愈发繁荣,实际上DAO是个组织框架,这个框架可以套用在任何领域的应用上,核心特征和目的就是去中心化。



生态共荣模型在网络效应和可持续性方面都有明显优势,但在如何驱动创业者完成冷启动角度仍然存在一定短板,比如早期公司面临很多重要得选择需要高效决策,且产品定位等都需要创始团队前瞻定位,因此我们认为社区生态模型并非适合初创企业。根据Jesse Walden的《Progressive Decentralization: A Playbook for Building Crypto Applications》文章所言,从初创企业到进入真正生态共荣模型,需要分三步走,分别是产品搭建、建设社区、Exit to community。[10]本章我们将去中心化交易生态Uniswap发展作为案例解析社区共荣模型的发展路径。

The eco-coalition model has a clear advantage in terms of network effects and sustainability, but there are still short lines in how to drive entrepreneurs to complete cold start-up, such as the many important choices that early firms face that require efficient decision-making and product positioning that require the forward-looking positioning of start-up teams, so we believe that community eco-models are not suitable for start-up enterprises. According to Jesse Walden’s Progress Decision: A Playbook for Building Crypto Applications, we will go to centralizing eco-business development as a path to developing community co-propriation models.[10]



The start-up business and the traditional start-up company system are exactly the same, and the start-up team needs to focus on building a good product. The good product of is a prerequisite for community ecology. The big premise of Web3.0 is that software is open-sourced, so-called “formers grow trees and later people cool”, that the process of code writing can be comparable to Lego blocks, that start-ups can quickly solve the problems of technology infrastructure, and that focus on product function development, such as Compound, where MakerDAO (including smart contracts, Token releases, CDP tools, etc.) is used to build their infrastructure. At this stage, decentralization is not the core objective of the project, which should be the product itself, and companies, like traditional start-ups, will also rely on VC for financing and building products (early projects also require specialized investors).

以去中心化交易所Uniswap为例,其成立于2018年11月,创立者是Hayden Adams,最早创立的Uniswap是公司形态,且2020年获得了VC a16z的2.2亿美元融资。然而,从产品形式来看,Uniswap拥有与传统中心化交易所如Coinbase截然不同的产品理念:相对于Coinbase等中心化交易所,Uniswap的产品理念融入了更多Web3.0去中心化的理念。Uniswap基于以太坊平台打造,并且基于AMMs的流动性池方案形成交易,任何人都可以成为Uniswap的流动性提供者。此外,Uniswap在交易中收取的交易费用(最开始为0.3%),这笔费用最后会全部奖励给AMM体系内的流动性提供者,而Coinbase的交易费用则归为公司营收,利润则作为股东回报的根基。

However, in the form of a product, Uniswap owns a product concept that differs from that of a traditional central exchange, such as Coinbase: Uniswap’s product concept is integrated into more Web3.0 decentralisation, which was founded in November 2018 by Hayden Adams, the first Uniswap to be created as a company, and received US$ 220 million in financing from VC a16z in 2020. In addition, Uniswap’s transaction costs (up from 0.3%) are fully rewarded to mobile providers in the AMM system.




Build Communities - the predecessor of DAO


On the one hand, the project could consider stimulating the involvement of creators, users, etc. (e.g. by increasing the share of creators and lowering user fees), but there was a trade-off between “enhancement of creators and lowering of user fees” (and thus setting Uniswap at 0.3 per cent to achieve a relatively reasonable balance). On the other hand, consideration could be given to gradually distributing Token to some community core users to encourage them to participate in community governance and share the benefits of the community. At that point, the founding team remained in control over the direction of the product, but gradually gave the community the power to govern in an open and transparent manner, and was constantly testing, seeking a better balance and achieving mechanisms.

这里就不得不提及Uniswap的分叉案例Sushiswap,Sushiswap可以看作是“建设社区”阶段的典型案例,目前在去中心化交易所市场份额占比第五。Sushiswap产生的背景是,Uniswap交易量在快速上涨,但却迟迟没有推出自己的Token体系。这就导致了几个问题:1. 对核心的流动性提供用户挽留力度不足,用户可以直接拿钱走人,无法体现长期价值;2. 对早期承受了更高风险的流动性提供用户没有给予相应的利益,随着盘子增大,他们的利益会被进一步稀释。

refers here to the case of Sushiswap, which can be seen as a typical case of the “community-building” phase, where the market share of decentralized exchanges is now fifth. Sushiswap has developed against the background that Uniswap trades are increasing rapidly, but it is late to roll out its own Token system. This has led to several problems: 1.

  • Sushiswap发现了机会,2020年8月复制了Uniswap核心代码(Web3.0开源属性降低了代码开发的门槛)的Sushiswap推出,发行了自己的Token SUSHI,并宣布在0.3%交易费率中,将0.25%分给流动性提供者,剩下0.05%兑换成SUSHI分给所有的SUSHI持有者。因此Sushiswap引入Token激励机制用来促进社区生态的发展,意味着即使用户没有提供流动性也可以因为持有SUSHI份额而获得激励,实际上是一荣俱荣——这提高了用户对社区本身的依存度。但是,Sushiswap到这一步还不算是真正意义上的DAO,因为当时其Token只分享了经济利益,没有分享治理权力,现在用户则可以通过持有SUSHIPOWAH(可以用SUSHI兑换)来投票。



早期Binance发展也有类似结构。Binance在2017年ICO发行1500万美元BNB Token,并宣布Token持有人可以在交易费率上打折,且Token持有人可以使用Token在交易所获得更多曝光(比如曝光自己要ICO的项目),同时Binance会定期销毁BNB来控制供给量来防止通胀。虽然BNB没有治理权,但是这种形式让社区在经济利益上达成一致,是建设社区共荣模型的重要一步。

Early Binance development has a similar structure. Binance released $15 million in 2017 by ICO and announced that Token holders could discount the trading rate and that Token holders could use Token to gain more exposure on the exchange (e.g. to expose their own ICO projects), while Binance would periodically destroy BNB to control supply to prevent inflation. While BNB has no governance power, this form of agreement on the economic interests of the community is an important step in building a model of community co-prosperity.



Exit to community——社区共荣模型形成

Exit to community - community co-optimal model formation

随着产品成熟、社区生态成型,最后一步就是Exit to community,其重要的一步是将Token发行、销毁等激励体系、社区治理体系写进智能合约,让社区实现真正的核心自治,而核心决策权则回归DAO。当然,初始团队仍然在社区拥有很大的影响力,比如以太坊的创始人Vitalik,在关键时刻仍将不得不做出重要的决定,带领社区前行(比如2016年以太坊The DAO的硬分叉),但是社区底层的治理权已经回归DAO,社区共荣模型建成。

As the product matures and the community is eco-styled, the last step is Exit to community, an important step being the introduction of incentive systems such as Token, destruction, community governance systems into smart contracts that allow communities to achieve genuine core autonomy, while core decision-making power returns to DAO. The original team, of course, still has a great influence in the community, such as Vitalik, the founder of Ether House, will have to make important decisions at a critical time to lead the community ahead (e.g., in 2016 with the hard split of The Dao), but governance at the bottom of the community has returned to DAO, where the model of community co-propriation has been built.


In September 2020, Uniswap announced the release of UNI, with a total of 1 billion units, and officially converted to DAO. Under the UNI distribution scheme, most UNI (60%) in the first four years were community-based, and the team received 21.51% UNI. But in an effort to avoid some users using negative strategies to hold UNI (do not contribute to community governance, provide mobility, merely hold UNI, which is equivalent to lying on the ground), Uniswap will open up a permanent inflation rate for UNI after four years, with an inflation rate of 2% per year, so that these negative users will be motivated to do something valuable to the community if the UNI in their hands does not depreciate.

同时,在UNI的分配方案中,充分考虑了早期用户的利益。2020年9月的UNI分配方案中,曾经的流动性提供者、用户和SOCKS持有者(Uniswap发布的一种NFT袜子,可兑换实物),可以立即认领UNI的15%;每个曾经调用过Uniswap v1或v2合约的地址都可以申请 400 UNI(相当于空投);SOCKS持有者可领1000UNI。剩下的43%的UNI供应将存在社区的“社区金库”中,通过贡献者捐赠、社区提案、流动性挖矿和其他计划持续分配。

At the same time, the interests of early users are taken fully into account in the UNI distribution programme. In the UNI distribution programme of September 2020 , former mobile providers, users and SONKS holders (a NFT stocking, convertible in kind, published by Uniswap) can immediately claim 15% of UNI; each address that used the Uniswap v1 or v2 contract can apply for 400 UNI (equivalent to an airdrop); SONKS holders can receive 1000 UNI. The remaining 43% of UNI supplies will be distributed on a continuous basis through donor donations, community proposals, mobile mining and other schemes.







The decision-making process in the governance chain of and Uniswap can be divided into three steps: thermal confirmation, consensus confirmation, proposal governance. The total number of UNI votes required for each link of



Exit to community或将对传统IPO形成替代效应

Exit to community or will have an alternative effect on traditional IPOs

传统IPO资本化体系背后的认知是:投资者相信的是方法论,就是用一套科学方法论去估值,但这种方式更强调专业框架体系,却往往忽视了产品本身内在价值;而Web3.0应用资本化Exit to community提供一种新的视角:即相信社区成员才真正懂这个产品内容价值,投资者也应该成为社区一部分(通过加密货币投资)。长期来看,其或对传统的IPO市场造成一定替代效应。

The perception behind the traditional IPO capitalization system is that investors believe in methodology, that is to say, a scientific approach to valuation, but that this approach places greater emphasis on professional framework systems and tends to ignore the intrinsic value of the product itself; and Web3.0 uses capitalization Exit to community to provide a new perspective that believes that the content value of the product is truly understood by community members, and that investors should become part of the community (by encrypting money investment). In the long run, it has some alternative effect on the traditional IPO market.




DAO is still without legal protection in most parts of the world


Unlike traditional corporate patterns, no one can exercise control over DAO as traditional CEOs or executive teams, such as how DAOs should be taxed, taxed, or contracted legally binding. The registration mechanism of traditional companies actually defines in law “who they are dealing with” as one of the essential foundations of economic activity in the traditional concept, but it is currently impossible for DAO to define this. This uncertainty in legal entities actually adds to the uncertainty of DAO’s own operations.

美国怀俄明州政策“松绑”。2021年7月1日美国怀俄明州投票通过关于允许DAO在该州正式注册的法案[11],旨在允许DAO被州政府特许和认可,可以注册成为一种独特形式的LLCs,且有限责任公司可转型为DAO。2021年7月4日,去中心化自治组织CryptoFed DAO被怀俄明州国务卿办公室认定为美国第一个合法DAO。从目的来看,怀俄明州的这个法案可以视为DAO希望与法律机构建立正式关系,并在更稳固的基础上与监管互动。从监管的角度看,怀俄明州其实是从用户保护角度出发的,DAO被视为LLC实则是一种保护,如果没有这种保护,DAO也可以被视为普通合伙企业,那么一旦发生风险,成员对DAO的任何义务或行为都要承担连带责任(这点类似从无限责任公司到有限责任公司发展)。

U.S. Wyoming policy “Led out.” On July 1, 2021, the U.S. State of Wyoming voted to pass the bill allowing DAO to be officially registered in the state [11], which aims to allow DAO to be licensed and accepted by the state government and can be registered as a unique form of LLCs, and the limited liability company can be transformed into DAO. On July 4, 2021, the centralized Autonomous Organization CryptoFed DAO was identified by the Wyoming State Secretary of State as the first legitimate DAO in the United States. The Wyoming Act could be regarded as a formal relationship between DAO and the legal body for its purpose and, on a more solid basis, interaction with the regulatory framework.


The DAO decision-making process is still flawed


“Although the initial vision of block chains and encrypted money is to use the base to escape from real governance deficiencies, it actually reproduces them alive. Encrypted money is merely a broader picture of real society.” That is to say, there are still many problems to be addressed in the field of democratic implementation of the DAO, which can be divided into two main types of risk: systemic risk (institutional, institutional incompetence, etc.) and extra-system risk (the risk of bribes, vote-buying, etc.).


Risks in the system: The system itself


The core decision-making mechanism of the current DAO remains the central foundation based on the right to hold a token of governance, but the mechanism itself poses problems: complicity of a few, bullying of a few, conflict of interest.

  • 少数人合谋(“巨鲸问题”):目前DAO的核心决策机制仍然是以治理代币持有权为核心基础,其明面上是去中心化的,但背后可能被少数“富有的”持币人把控。在Token体系中,大量的小份额代币持有者似乎没有足够动力去参加投票,例如,历史上,以太坊The DAO社区治理提案参与率从未超过10%。
  • 多数欺负少数:代币投票治理以牺牲社区其他部分的利益(少数)为代价,赋予大多数代币持有者利益。一个具备协议的社区往往由不同价值观、愿景和目标的成员组成,这些成员中也包含不持有代币的人。然而,显然投票只赋予了代币持有者权力,而这些人一般会以代币价值增长为目标。
  • 利益冲突:如果富有的代币持有者还同时持有其他平台的代币,那么会暴露利益冲突。


solutions to risks within the system: addresses the complicity of a few, with a small share of users entrusting their voting rights to their trusted community members (similar to representative election of members of parliament) in the form of proxy voting. Some DAOs, for example, use mobile democratic mechanisms, community members have the right to entrust trusted members, and they can withdraw their assignments at any time and be more mobile than representative. Such programmes can also alleviate the problem of “conflicts of interest” because mobile democracy is no longer entirely tied to the right to vote and Token.


Extra-systemal risk: the risk of attack


is more difficult to deal with when there is a risk that DAO may be organized to manipulate elections, that is, to bribe voters. 's risk of bribery is based on a trade-off between the interests of the bribed, and although bribery of a vote can harm the community itself, it is true that a bribed person is motivated to accept a bribe if the bribed person gives the bribe a greater benefit than if the bribeee changes the vote’s influence on community governance.

  • 第一种贿赂方案:典型案例为包装合约,吸收用户的XYZ代币(包装合约用WXYZ换),并承诺给予他们股利,包装合约则向外通过拍卖吸收到的XYZ代币治理权赚取收益,以支付股利。
  • 第二种贿赂方案:将用户持有Token享有的利润分享权与治理权分开,典型案例为DeFi借贷平台。借款人拥有没有经济利益的治理权,贷款人没有治理权的经济利益,因此借款人容易被操纵。
  • Dark DAO:DAO本身也可以用来攻击DAO——一种去中心化的组织,可以不透明地在链上买票,具体的操作为利用受信任的硬件与DAO结合,允许用户自己证明他们正在运行投票购买者的“恶意钱包”的代码/程序以换取付款(这个过程是完全隐私的,外界看不到)。当达到投票购买者的预设阈值之后(比如Token数额),程序会根据投票买家的命令自动对某个提案进行投票,并向投票买家发送收据,投票买家再对投票用户付款即可。




Solutions for risks outside the system


Vitalik, founder of the

  • 施行有限的Token驱动的治理,对底层基础设施以off-chain投票机制为主;比如加时间戳来限制用户在获得Token后立刻加入治理环节、提高分叉的容易度等,但是这个办法本身比较消极;
  • 使用非纯Token投票驱动的治理形式,比如采用根据社区贡献度、人格证明系统来设计投票权,衍生出诸如二次方投票等形式;
  • 改变投票规则本身,Vitalik认为代币投票之所以失败,是因为选民不单独对他们所投的决定负责,那么未来可以建立新投票系统——让选民必须对自己投票选择负责(建立负反馈机制,如果你的Token是贿赂来投票的,那么灵魂代币的概念,是和用户钱包(账户)绑定的不可转让的代币,任何线上线下的机构或个人都可以给一个钱包发放SBT,例如用户的毕业学校、工作企业、参加过的公益组织、贷款或参与流动性挖矿的DeFi平台、深度参与过的DAO组织等。[13]SBT有望集成用户单独身份和过往学历、职业等经历进而建立一套自下而上的个人信用评分体系,从而在DAO治理中实现甄别不同用户及其专业能力等作用,这将有望从完善基础设施角度上解决体系外风险的问题。


Summary: DAO development still has a long way to go


The development of DAO is certainly at an early stage, and because of space, it is unlikely that we can list the problems and risks faced by DAO in its current development, but just as advances in science and technology have faced the development of DAO with an open mind, realism and the solution of problems in development may be the way for DAO to develop in the right future.




















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