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文 | 智能相对论

Wirtschaftsprüfer Intelligent relativism

作者 | 青月



The meta-cosmos that came out of the science fiction novel Avalanche is now playing "Avalanche of Ground Prices."

CoinGecko的一项调查显示,Otherdeed for Otherside、The Sandbox、Decentraland、Somnium Space和Voxels Metaverse 这五款知名元宇宙土地价格近期均出现了不同程度的下滑。

According to a CoinGecko survey, the prices of the five well-known Won cosmos have declined to varying degrees in recent times.


Of these, singer Lin Junjie purchased three virtual properties in Decentraland at a cost of $123,000 and is now worth only about $10,000, with a loss of 91 per cent.


(Chart: CoinGecko)


The Avalanche of Ground Prices is one of the most visible manifestations of the overall heat loss in the metacosystem. Besides, the attention of large domestic and foreign plants to the metacosystem is much less than before.

All in元宇宙的Meta的RealityLabs在2022年共亏损137.17亿美元,较2021年亏损扩大34.57%;曾经的元宇宙第一股Roblox,市值一年时间蒸发约600亿美金;腾讯也宣布XR全线岗位取消。

The Reality Labs of All Incosmos lost a total of US$ 13,717 million in 2022, which is 34.57 per cent more than the 2021 deficit; Roblox, the first dollar cosmos, evaporated at a market value of about US$ 60 billion a year; and the XR full-line job was cancelled.



Overseas, all products such as the Microsoft flag Office, Azure Cloud Service, etc., integrate the ChatGPT on a full-line basis, and Google publishes the next generation dialogue AI system, Bard, based on Google LaMDA's big model. Focusing on the country, 100 officials declare that they are developing a large model project, “One Word,” and Chinese firms like Ali Baba and Kingdong have indicated that they are developing or are planning to develop similar products.


So, as the technology for processing natural languages based on in-depth learning evolves, will the future generation of large models of AI, represented by rhetoric and ChatGPT, further squeeze the living space of the meta-cosmos?


AIG >doesn't want to be an enemy of the meta-cosmos?


There is no “zero-sum game” between the Woncos and the AIGC, which must be lost by us, but more like a “positive game”.


After all, the meta-cosm is a new digital ecology brought together by advanced technologies such as 5G communications, artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet, block chains, and so on. In the meta-cosmos number ecology, AI was originally one of the bottom technologies underpinning the experience.


At this level, the emergence and maturity of a large prototype of the generator AI, represented by rhetoric and ChatGPT, will only further “circumcise” the meta-cosmos.


One of them, AIGC can inject into the meta-cosmos "Empirical Soul".


In the case of XRs and numbers, if the meta-cosmos is seen as a large MMORPG game, the virtual digital person is like the NCC and the player in the game, while the XR is the gateway between the link player and the game. loses the "passway" and the "player", and the game loses the "soul."


However, it is clear that the current level of XR and digital technology is not sufficient to sustain the “treaties” of the meta-cosm. It is important to know that, to date, virtual digitalists are not sufficiently intelligent and do not support continuous dialogue with memory; VR is also faced with a lack of content and a sense of dizziness that is difficult to overcome.


However, when XR and virtual digital individuals “access” AGC, it not only optimizes the linguistic interaction of virtual digital individuals, but also allows the knowledge mapping of virtual digital individuals to move from a single domain to an integrated one; XR hardware can also call on ChatGPT-related functions in multiple segments, such as the system layer, and the way AR content interacts may change.


With this in mind, at least a dozen virtual digital manufacturers have now announced that their virtual digital products are connected to the ChatGPT interface, while a number of national AR-glass initiatives, such as Li Wiko, Rokid, Leibird Innovation and Film, have begun to try to integrate ChatGPT into their products.


Second, AIGC can contribute to the formation of ecology in the creation of cosmic content.


While the current generation AI, represented by ChatGPT, is dominated by 2D information such as text, photo generation, etc., it can be expected that with the acceleration of large models, generation AI will soon be involved in 3D areas.


At that time, AIGC may significantly improve the efficiency of content generation, reduce costs and provide tools to support the construction of the larger scenario of the meta-cosm.


To give a simple example, in the “complete” metaspace game, at least to the level of oasis in the first player, more meta- and more sophisticated scenes are necessary. Industryers have estimated that if visual effects are taken into account, the cost of a professional drawing could be between $5,000 and $10,000, and that the cost of building a world as a whole would be an astronomical number, not a single Internet enterprise or two.

在这样的市场环境下,AIGC作为继PGC、UGC之后的新型内容创作方式,采用人工智能技术来自动生产内容,一张图的成本可以降至4毛,甚至更低,并且效率更高。比如在NVIDIA instant-ngp和tiny-cuda-nn的帮助下,网易瑶台神经隐式曲面建模的速度从一开始的10个小时,优化到了10到20分钟,相比传统MAYA类手工建模效率提升百倍。

In this market environment, AIGC, as a new form of content creation that follows PGC, UGC, uses artificial intelligence technology to automatically produce content, the cost of a map can be reduced to 40 gross, if not less, and is more efficient. With the help of NVIDIA instant-ngp and Tiny-cuda-nn, for example, the speed of modelling of the neural invisible surfaces of the meridium stands has improved from 10 hours to 10 to 20 minutes, a 100-fold increase in the efficiency of the traditional MAYA type of manual modelling.


In combination with these characteristics, "intellectual relativism" argues that, even at a time when the AIGC heat is blowing, the meta-cosm is losing the discussion of the past, but the AIGC is not here to rob the meta-cosm and even take away the "diplomatic" from it. On the contrary, there is a positive linear relationship between the two, and the maturity of the generating AI technology will provide a breakthrough opportunity for the meta-cosm.


Is the meta-cosmos "real crash" or "false fire out"?


AIGC will play an important role in the construction of the future meta-cosmos, but it is undeniable that the meta-cosmos is now entering a “struck period” that is inextricably linked to the emergence and development of the AGC.


One obvious reality is that in the two high-intensity arenas of the meta-cosmos and the AIGC, there is not yet a single company that can enter simultaneously in a “rich atmosphere”.


To run through a model of more than 10 billion logarithms at least at the “kcal/month” level, 1,000 GPUs, based on an average price of 50,000 yuan per GPU, represent an arithmetic cost of 50 million a month.

业界测算, GPT-3 涉及 1750 亿参数,训练费用约花费 1200 万美元。据国盛证券报告估算,GPT-3 训练一次成本约为140万美元,每一次训练任务都耗资巨大。

The industry estimates that GPT-3 involves a 17.5 billion-dollar parameter and that training costs approximately $12 million. According to GPT-3 training costs about $1.4 million per training exercise.


AIGC's cost input is yet to be accounted for by clear accounts, but the metacosystem, which “capable of the future”, can hardly be seen to end at cost.


In particular, at a time of macroeconomic weakness, when the industry's “mode” entered into mitigation efficiency, most enterprises made the best value for money choice between the “relatively distant” meta-cosm and the “sufficiently close” AIGC.


And, apart from the fact that the cost value is more predictable than that of AIGC, in return, the domestic meta-cosmos has not yet been commercialized on a scale that is likely to yield returns in the short term, but AIGC already has a predictable commercial link.


“The development of the Yuan cosmos has not yet crossed the Rift Valley and is expected to enter the early stages of business in 10 years.”


By contrast, the generation AI technology, represented by ChatGPT, has been able to bring about real productivity gains for users in the areas of search, content tools, and income. Since March 16, when open-mindedness measures have been introduced, 150,000 companies have applied for in-depth measurements, including more than 300 eco-partners that have been tested on more than 400 specific sites.


By contrast, it is easy to understand why more firms are willing to invest their resources in AIGC rather than in the metaspace.


The emergence of the aGC does “non-actively” crush the “space for survival” of parts of the meta-cosm. From a long-term perspective, the meta-cosmos continues to have a high degree of imagination.


On the one hand, although some Internet companies “retrench”, there are a number of local governments in the country that persist in the new geography of the meta-cosm.


For example, in recent days, the Suzhou City Engineering and Information Agency has released a 2023 demand for major applications of the Suzhou City Yuan cosmos, covering 30 needs scenarios in seven major areas, and has begun to solicit solutions from society; and in Henan province, the Henan Province has published the Work Programme for Digital Transformation in Henan Province 2023, which supports the city of Zhengzhou in its bid to create a pilot area for the innovation of the National Yuan cosmos.


To date, nearly 40 provincial and municipal regions of the country have issued plans for the development of the meso-cosmos industry. In addition, more than 10 regions have established a meso-cosmos-related industry fund with a total size of nearly 30 billion yuan. UBS added the meso-cosmos to its long-term investment list last month.


The firm's “retrenchment” is mostly a consideration of the real economy, but the government's “advance” represents the future direction of the industry. The potential and importance of the meta-cosmology industry is self-evident.


On the other hand, the development of meta-cosm technology is consistent with the overall trend, as seen in the Gartner technological maturity curve.


In March 2021, on the occasion of Roblox's listing, the concept of the meta-cosmos exploded, causing the industry to overheat, and then became cold this year. When the heat of the meta-cosmos fell to a relative bottom position, the bubble burst and gradually began to climb from the valley, and the industry developed more rationally and healthyly.


That is why some of the companies that really insist on investing in the meta-cosmos have clearly emerged and will lead in the future, or will lead in their respective fields, towards the health of the meta-cosmos.


For example, China's mobile titanium gullium cosmopolitan project provides users with digital life experiences such as literary tours, interactive entertainment, consumer shopping, and the creation of a self-controlled, free-to-exploration, instant interaction, real-time online “First Island of the Woncos”; and, as a virtual technical support for the late spring evening of the 2023 network, it successfully built the first Won cosmonautium on the spring evening of the Web, with a constructive mix of intelligent face-stuffing, freely changing costumes and a variety of fun interactive games, which has led to a subversive evening experience for viewers.


A global development study published by Meta shows that, by 2031, the expansion of the meta-cosm industry will have contributed $3.01 trillion to the global economy. And those who really invest in the meta-cosm after the bubbles are certainly the biggest contributors and will benefit from it.


In sum, the relationship between AIGC as a new form of content production, and the meta-cosmos as a new form of society, which now appears to be the “competition” relationship, is complementary and mutually reinforcing. The maturity of AIGC will provide a breakthrough opportunity for the meta-cosmos; and the benign development of the meta-cosmos, which will provide an infinite scenario for the landing of AIGC.


Although there is a lack of strength in the metacosystem, which is still at the conceptual and prototype stage, due to pre-existing excessive market expectations and speculation, it may be, as the head of the melancholy tower Liu said: “The metrocosm is not cold, but has become more benign or rational, and the future of the metrocosmos must still be an important direction for development.”


On the day the tides retreated, the valuation of the meta-cosmos industry might gradually return.


*The photos are from the Internet.




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