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With the development of the Internet and digital technology, block chains have become an area of attention and research. They are seen as a revolutionary technology that can lead to decentralized, secure, transparent and credible data exchange and recording methods that can be applied not only in the areas of digital money and finance, but also in practical areas such as supply chain management, physical networking, government services, and health care. The basic concepts and rationale of block chains are described in this paper.


1. Block chain definition


Block chains are a decentralised distributed book technology that uses cryptography to ensure the security and credibility of data exchange and records. Block chains form a chain structure by connecting multiple blocks and using consensus algorithms to ensure that each node has the same records and updates. This avoids a single point failure and review by a centralized agency, while ensuring the integrability and traceability of data.


2. History of block chains


The history of the block chain dates back to 2008, when a paper entitled Bitcoin: a point-to-point electronic cash system was published by a self-proclaimed medium-brainer, proposing a decentralized, anonymous and retrospective digital monetary system that uses block chain technology to record transactions and verify account balances as the first case of successful application of block chain technology. Subsequently, an increasing number of people began to study and explore the potential and application of block chain technology.


The block chain consists mainly of the following components: .


(1) Blocks: Each block contains a certain number of transaction records and a Hashi value, which are sequentially linked into a block chain.


(2) Nodes: Each node is a computer on the network that connects through the Internet and maintains the entire block chain together.


(3) Consensus algorithm: Consensus algorithm is a rule used to determine which node can add new blocks to the block chain. Bitcoin uses consensus algorithms such as workload proof (PoW), while other block chains such as Taiwan use different consensus algorithms.


(4) Encryption technology: Encryption technology is the basis for block chain security, including public key cryptography, Hashi function, digital signature, etc.

1. 区块链的去中心化特性

1. Decentralised properties of block chains


The most important feature of the block chain is decentralization, which does not depend on any central institution or third-party trust. Each node has a complete copy of the account book and communicates and collaborates with each other on the network, and any transaction and record can be added to the block chain only if validated by another node. This decentralized structure guarantees the security and credibility of the data, while also avoiding a single failure or review of the centralized institution.

2. 区块链的数据结构和加密技术

2. Data structure and encryption technology for block chains


Block chains use a data structure called Merkle trees to store transaction records and Hashi values. Each block contains a certain number of transaction records and a previous Hashi value, which connects all previous blocks, forming a chain of blocks. Merkle trees are a two-fork tree structure, which divides all transaction records into two groups and calculates a Hashi value for each group. These Hashi values are then merged into a new Hashi value and repeat the process backwards until there is only one root Hashi value. This root Hashi value contains a summary of all transaction records, which guarantees the integrity and authentication of the data.


Encryption technology is the basis for block chain security, including public key cryptography, Hashi functions, digital signatures, etc. Public key cryptography uses two keys (public and private) to encrypt and declassify data, guaranteeing the confidentiality and authentication of information. The Hashi function uses data mapping at any length to a fixed length, guaranteeing the immutable and uniqueness of data. Digital signatures use public key cryptography to ensure the authenticity and undeniable character of digital files and to prevent data from being tampered with or falsified.

3. 区块链的交易验证和记录

3. Transactions authentication and recording of block chains


Each transaction on the block chain needs to be validated by multiple nodes in order to be added to the block chain. Specifically, the transaction will be broadcast to all nodes in the network and, after some validation and screening, will be packed into blocks and added to the block chain. In Bitcoin, the transaction will need to be validated through the PoW consensus algorithm, and node will need to solve a mathematical problem, thereby obtaining the right to add new blocks. In Ether, the consensus algorithm based on proof of interests (PoS) is used, and the node will need to have a certain amount of ETH as an interest to acquire the right to add new blocks.

1. 数字货币和加密资产

1. Digital currency and encrypted assets


As more and more people begin to focus on the potential of block chain technology, more and more encrypted assets and digital money are created. These assets can be used for investments, transactions, payments, storage values, etc., and are not subject to regulation and scrutiny by states, banks, or financial institutions.

2. 去中心化应用程序

2. Go centralize application


Block chains can also be used to create decentralised applications (DApps), which do not have a single centralized server or database, but are jointly maintained and operated by nodes distributed over the network. These applications can be applied in areas such as supply chain management, health care, government services, and more efficient, transparent and credible modes of transactions and records.

3. 其他实际应用领域

3. Other practical applications


In addition to digital money and DApps, block chains can also be used in practical applications such as physical networking, electronic voting, intellectual property rights, and energy management. For example, block chains can be used to record interactivity and data transmission between object networking devices, avoiding single point failures and security concerns on centralised servers; block chains can also be used to record voter voting and identification information, thus achieving a safer and efficient electoral process.

1. 区块链的安全性问题

The security of the block chain


While block chains use a variety of encryption techniques to protect data security, there are still some security risks and risk of attack. For example, 51% of attacks can control most of the nodes on the network with significant computing power, thus tampering with transaction records or double costs.


2. Extendability of block chains


As the number of transactions increases, blocks chains need to deal with more transaction records and data storage, leading to pressure on computing resources and storage space. The solution to this problem includes technologies such as fragments, side chains, and lightning networks that can spread transaction records across multiple block chains and ease the load of a single block chain.

3. 区块链的政策和监管环境

3. Policy and regulatory environment for block chains


The decentralized nature of the block chain is in conflict with traditional financial and governmental institutions. At present, many countries have not yet developed policies and regulations on the block chain, which create uncertainty and risk for businesses and users. Some countries have adopted measures to prohibit or restrict digital currency transactions, ICO, etc., while others have encouraged and supported the development of block chain technology.

4. 区块链的未来发展趋势

4. Future trends in the block chain


While the block chain technology is still in its early stages, it has already achieved initial applications in the areas of finance, logistics, energy, health, and government services. As the technology continues to evolve and improve, the block chain will gradually become the core technology in a broader field. In the future, the block chain may be combined with technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and physical networking to create new applications and business models.


This paper presents the basic concepts and rationale of the block chain and explores its application landscape, challenges, and future trends. Although there are some problems and challenges with block chain technology, it has shown great potential and value. In the future, as technology continues to grow and the application landscape expands, the block chain is expected to become a core technology in a broader and more important field.




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