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block chain technology allows economic actors that do not have a traditional relationship of trust between them, without the need for a central authority, which is a confidence-building machine, with features such as decentralization, decreditation, impostability, traceability, etc., and the great potential for promoting a shared economy. The disadvantages of the traditional centralized structure, compared to the distributed structure, can be seen in two ways: first, by increasing transaction costs to address information asymmetries; and second, by potential security problems. Block chain technology can be applied to optimize payment systems and to build efficient and secure financial science and technology. In the securities market, block chain technology can be applied to securities registration and issuance, securities clearing and settlement operations, which can significantly simplify intermediate links and transaction processes, improve the efficiency of market transactions, and help facilitate the settlement of transactions to achieve the full real-time trade of T+0.


New financial models, such as Internet finance, have also had some impact on the traditional financial system. As financial operations have become more open, the profits of traditional financial institutions have shrunk, interest rate marketization has intensified financial competition, and large financial institutions are engaged in Internet financial operations, which, driven by interests, do not exclude the incentive of some financial institutions to operate in an irregular manner.


, in the context of a large global resource base that continues to drive sector chain-related industries, the block chain technology will reach the level of large-scale commercialization applications, but will also face institutional and legal constraints, such as whether financial assets can be registered, issued and traded on the block chain, which are not explicitly provided for in existing legislation, and the development of the block chain requires multiple synergies and coordination.


has not been strictly distinguished so far. However, if decentralisation is not defined, there may be multiple interpretations that may lead to difficulties of understanding, confusion or even ambiguity. We believe that decentralization is not necessarily a distribution, but it must be decentralized, and decentralized technology actually means that social individuals or organizations can work together in a distributed way by technological means.


In September 2016, the G20 Hang State Summit also made digital money and digital inclusive finance a key topic, and the G20 Digital Inclusive Finance High-Level Principles adopted by the Summit considered that digital money and block chain technology would have great scope for development in China. The block chain technology is the vehicle for digital money technology, the engine for the development of inclusive finance, and an important shape for the development of the digital economy. The block chain technology may not only reshape the money market, payment systems, financial transactions, and financial services, but also change people’s lifestyles related to economic and financial issues.


The value of technology applications in block chains is of global interest


Over the past few years, block-chain technology has gradually become a global focus in a wave of rapid advances in financial science and technology. Globally, the financial industry, the scientific and technological community, and regulatory authorities have become increasingly aware that financial services based on block-chain technologies are more efficient, that traditional financial institutions face major challenges and opportunities for change, and that the strategic importance and commercial value of block-chain technologies have attracted competition and close attention from governments around the globe.


The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) of the United States have provided numerous subsidies and financial support for block chain projects; the British Government has been exploring the great potential of block chain technology to be applied to traditional financial sectors, public and private services; the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority has been trying to apply block chain technology in areas such as cross-border payments, bank transfers, and transaction data storage; the Ministry of Industry and Informationization of China has analysed sector chain applications in a number of areas in the White Paper on Technology and Application Development in China (2016), which analyses the road map for technology development in the Chinese sector; and, for the first time in late 2016, the sector chain technology has been included in the 13th Five-Year Plan for National Informatization.


The essence of block chain technology is a distributed and reliable database with collective participation in bookkeeping, a data chain that links blocks sequentially through cryptographic algorithms and according to the chronological order in which the transaction takes place. When there is a hacking attack, 51% of the nodes are needed to disrupt the original data. The more the nodes are involved, the more the rewrite the workload, the more time each data is marked, the time changes as the data are rewritten, and the limitation on the calculation of the workload and the time dimension makes it almost impossible to tamper with the data.


The famous financial journal Economist evaluates block chain technology as far as the influence of block chains goes beyond encrypted currency, which allows people who have no confidence-building relationship with each other to work together without the need for neutral central authority, which is a confidence-building machine. Melanie Swan, founder of the US Block Chain Science Institute, says in the book “The Block Chain – A Blueprint for the New Economy” that economic, political, charitable, and legal systems will benefit from the development of block chains, which can be divided into three stages: the block chain 1.0 era is an application of encrypted currency, such as money transfers, remittances and digital payment systems; the block chain 2.0 era is a contractual application, and the block chain is more extensive in market and financial applications; the block chain 3.0 will go beyond money, finance and markets – especially in the areas of government, health, science, culture, and art – and a platform based on distributed information technology will drive economic development on demand and sharing.


According to economist Li Yang, the future direction of financial development will be digital and inclusive, and block-chain technology will solve major problems in digital survival, such as credit problems, single problems and point-to-point problems, which will be followed by asset intelligence and a move towards financial and self-transaction, consistent with the theory of national demonetaryization and the issuance of competitive currencies advocated by Nobel laureate Hayek. The advantage of block-to-line systems is that they will be able to identify and personalize network transactions at very low cost, and point-to-point transactions will avoid complex liquidation processes and costs in traditional central financial structures, such as banks, securities, and thus significantly improve the efficiency of the financial system and even the economy as a whole.


the essence of block chain technology


Decentralization, mistrust mechanisms, immutable, and traceability are essential features of block chain technology. Understanding block chain technology and its features requires three fundamentals: the first is that the block chain has the function of carrying information and can record, store and disseminate transactional information; the second is that all information from the previous block is recorded on each block; and the third is that, in the same network, each node has a complete copy of the block chain, and any section of the damage does not affect the other nodes or the network as a whole.


1. Decentralization


In a centralized structural system, the system is controlled and decided upon by central nodes. In 1776, Adam Smith made a classic statement about “invisible hands”: “everyone is trying to use his capital to maximize the value of his products.” In another example of a decentralized system, Paul Barran divided the network into three types: centralized structures, weak Internet structures and distribution structures. In doing so, he was guided by an invisible hand to a goal that he did not want to achieve. He pursued his interests more effectively than he really wanted to promote social interests.


Block chain technology is based on the Internet as hardware, distributed database technology as a soft facility, while decentralizing transactions between the two sides and information dissemination. Decentralizing the block chain depends on consensus mechanisms, i.e., how to agree when the system is divided. The most widely applied approach is to reach consensus through the workload proof mechanism, which, however, requires significant energy consumption for each block generated under the workload proof mechanism, which has become one of the obstacles to the commercialization of block chain technology. The industry is exploring options to reduce the resource consumption of the consensus mechanism, but in essence does not change the fact that it is resource consumption, and the workload proof mechanism remains the most effective and reliable mechanism to decentralize the consensus mechanism.


To date, no strict distinction has been made between the centralization and distribution of block chain technology. However, if decentralization is not defined, there may be multiple interpretations that may lead to difficulties in understanding, confusion, or even ambiguity. We believe that decentralization is not necessarily a distribution, but it is necessarily a decentralization, and decentralization of block chain technology actually means that individuals or organizations in society can work together in a distributed way by technological means.


2. Mechanisms of mistrust


Trust mechanisms can also be translated into de-creditation. In fact, block-chain technology is not without trust. It means that credit with technical rules, self-restraint through algorithms, that any malicious deception system is excluded from other nodes, that it is not entirely dependent on the credit endorsement of central authorities, that it can replace traditional credit-building with a degree and scope, that confidence-building relationships between point-to-points can be completed and that system security will increase as the number of participants increases and the difficulty of disrupting the system increases. In traditional credit systems, participants need to have sufficient confidence in central institutions, that increased participation puts pressure on the central agency’s ability to regulate, and that system security will decline.


In the 1950s, Hayek questioned the centralization of the monetary system, arguing that there was no natural advantage in the issuance of currency by the Government, and questioned it in the Non-Stateization of Currency: the Government did not monopolize monetary issuance for the public good, but for its own self-interest, and could draw a monetization tax; under the conditions of banknotes, the Government monopolized it, giving priority not to monetary stability, but to its own fiscal expenditure; historically, deflation was temporary, regional, and inflation was persistent and widespread; the national currency was a bias, not only the Government could do it, and the private sector should and was fully capable of issuing a stable and good currency; and if the Government did not give priority to public interest or even short-sightedness, a centralized monetary system could lead to a serious catastrophe, the fundamental solution being to reform the current monetary distribution system or monetary policy and the elimination of the monopoly on the issuance of government money.


3. Retroactivity


The traditional means of preventing criminal activity is mainly through harsh methods and education, but there are generally gaps in the national legal system, where the educational level and self-regulation of the majority of the population are limited, where the risk, razing of the margin or the use of the Internet as an anonymous means of committing criminal activities is exploited. At the same time, in many developing countries, where the rule of law system is weak, legal perceptions and legal awareness are weak, and where the rule of law is subject to the exclusion of traditional social customs and norms of interpersonal relations in some regions. The development of regional chains contributes to the probability of criminal activity being broken, shortening investigative time, using technological innovations and applications to be used as a technical supplement to the legal system, will further reduce the crime rate.


The traceability of block chains has the effect of mitigating information asymmetries, as well as incentives such as moral risks arising from information asymmetries, by expanding tradable borders and ultimately promoting economic growth. In an environment where there is no strict regulation, individuals or enterprises may fail to comply with borrowing contracts and use the loans they receive to run high-risk high-yield projects, especially during periods of economic booms, and lenders can easily relax their vigilance to engage in speculative activities. Financial institutions cannot detect moral risks in a timely manner because of excessive regulatory costs or inadequate regulation, ultimately causing significant losses to investors’ interests. New financial models such as Internet finance also have some impact on the traditional financial system.


application of block chain technology in securities


By streamlining business processes in the securities market through block-chain technology, reducing transaction costs is positive for promoting healthy development of capital markets. Development of capital markets is necessary in the light of China’s financial realities. First, the efficiency of the financial system’s allocation of resources remains weak. On the one hand, difficulties in financing and high savings ratios have not changed, and the fact that large amounts of money held by commercial banks do not translate into productive capital has led to a low rate of investment in savings. On the other hand, China’s broad currency M2 supply is the first in the world, which at the end of 2016 has reached 1.55 billion yuan, and M2 GDP is well above other countries, reflecting the inefficient use of credit assets in China’s economic growth. Second, the irrationality of the financial architecture and the distortion of the financing structure.


1. Reduction of business costs for securities registration


In a centralized securities system, securities registration, i.e. the establishment and maintenance of a securities issuer's register of securities holders, has the legal effect of establishing or changing securities holders and their rights. It is an important element in safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of investors, and is key to regulating the issuance and transfer of securities. In a centralized securities system, securities registration requires a credible authority to ensure the authenticity and consistency of registration or change of interests information, as a result of which a central registration and settlement agency emerges. Market participants entrust all securities registration and settlement tasks to a central registration clearing agency, the China Securities Registration Clearing Authority, which has limited responsibility for securities registration in Shanghai and Shenzhen.


By the 1960s, stocks registered and issued in the securities market had been made more efficient. With the rapid increase in the issuance of listed companies and shares, paper equity vouchers and manual operations had hampered the development of ever more frequent securities transactions. In 1968, there had been a paper-based crisis in the United States, which had led to a significant increase in the volume of transactions, which had led to a slow exchange of shares and to low market size and high cost. The hosting business had led to an increase in the efficiency of the securities market, as investors no longer held paper-based stocks directly on their behalf.


In the block chain distribution mode, any asset information is received in paperless and non-moveable form. Each market participant has a complete market account. Consensus mechanisms ensure that the securities register is kept up to date throughout the market, that the content is authentic and consistent, and that full functionality is achieved in the absence of a central securities repository. On the block chain, the securities are transformed into digital smart assets through the creation of a smart contract, which sets out the rights and obligations of the participants, automates the implementation of the procedures and reduces again the costs of manual operations.


2. Simplification of the securities settlement process and mitigation of settlement risks


The settlement of securities is the transfer of securities and funds receivable and payable, including both liquidation and surrender. Liquidation is the process of calculating the receivable, payable amount or amount of each settlement participant’s securities and funds. The settlement is the process of closing the entire transaction through the receipt and payment of securities and securities based on liquidation results. The liquidation and collection are governed by the four basic principles of net settlement, central counterparty (CCP), central counterparty (DVP) and hierarchical settlement. The net settlement is divided into bilateral net liquidation and multilateral net liquidation.


One of the risks in the settlement system, namely credit risk, is that the central counterparty transfers the credit risk directly to both parties to the transaction, but does not reduce the risk, merely by segregating the risk and transferring the full risk to the central counterparty. During the actual collection phase, when a trading party is unable to perform, the securities registry clearing agency, as the central counterpart to the clearing participant, is also required to pay the securities or funds due to the performing party, and the securities registry clearing agency will concentrate on the credit risk to all the counterparty. The securities clearing agency will not be able to guarantee the liquidity risk to the securities registry clearing agency, which may lead to the disruption and failure of the system, and the securities market will be forced to close the market, causing instability in the financial market and the economy.


First, the delivery of securities and the receipt of funds are included in an indivisible operational directive, where the transaction is successful or unsuccessful at the same time, where the exposure of the goods to the other party's default is realized and the risk of default is reduced and other risks are reduced. Second, the securities settlement is no longer entirely dependent on the central registry clearing agency, each settlement participant has a full bill, any transaction can be transmitted to the whole network within a short period of time, the distribution books guarantee system security and reduce operational risks. Finally, the block chain technology will reduce intermediation, simplify the settlement process, achieve the T+0 model for the settlement of transactions, and the United States listed company Overstock will develop a T+0 securities trading platform using block chain technology.


3. Limitations to be overcome


While database technology, Hashi algorithms, consensus mechanisms, workload certification, etc., are already in place, the development of block chain technology is still at an early stage. In practical applications, there are likely to be technological bottlenecks that cannot be fully distributed and efficiently secure the system.

  区块链技术的另一技术瓶颈是通讯延时问题,区块链采用网络广播的方式发布交易信息,交易信息发送至全部节点需要耗费一定时间,当网络使用率较高和带宽资源紧张时容易出现信息传输阻塞,因此实现分布式传输也要建设高效的网络基础设施。在全球大量资源持续推动区块链相关产业的背景下,区块链技术将达到商业化大规模应用级别,但同时也面临着制度和法律的限制,如金融资产是否可以在区块链上登记、发行和交易在现行法律内并未有明确规定,区块链的发展需要多方相互配合与协调。(作者 孙国茂)

Another technical bottleneck in block chain technology is the delay in communication, the use of web-based broadcasting to distribute transactional information to all nodes, the time it takes to send transactional information to all nodes, and the ease with which information can be blocked when network usage is high and bandwidth resources are strained, hence the need for efficient network infrastructure to achieve distributional transmission. In the context of the continued global push for sector chain-related industries, block chain technology will reach the level of commercialization of large-scale applications, but at the same time it will face institutional and legal constraints, such as whether financial assets can be registered, issued and traded on the block chain, which is not clearly defined in existing legislation, and where the development of the block chain will require multiple synergies and coordination. (The author Sun Kuo)

【纠错】 责任编辑: 郭洁宇



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