
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:32 评论:0



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The 6-18 shopping festival is just down, and the express delivery is about to peak. In a wharf 1 logistics warehouse, 42 containers of Spider-Man, whose brain AI is working on the 9 metre gap, are going to take the box. Once they get the next order, the spiders are precisely positioned in milliseconds at the location of the container where the goods are stored and quickly trans-shipped to the pick-up counter, which takes only two minutes.


Unlike in previous years, for the first time in the spider industry, a “uplink” has been achieved, and all the operational data encryption flows have been transferred to the block chain network, laying the foundation for the development of the scalability of the warehousing logistics industry and for credible collaboration.

经历了比特币的大涨大跌和NFT(Non-Fungible Token,非同质化代币)的一时风光,国产区块链抓住实体经济数字化转型的机遇,打通自身技术“孤岛”的同时,在金融、物流、减碳等领域闯出一条产业化道路。

After a period of sharp rise and fall in bitcoins and NFTs (Non-Fungible Token, non-consistency tokens), the chain of national production seized the opportunity of a digital transformation of the real economy and opened up an industrial path in areas such as finance, logistics, carbon reduction, etc.



In recent days, the National Standard on the Technical Reference Framework for Block Chains and Distributed Accounting has been officially published and will be implemented on 1 December this year, as the first approved national standard in the technical area of the block chain.


“The blocks chain is not new in the country, but the definitions of the blocks chain vary from one party to another, as well as the general underlying concepts of distributed bookkeeping techniques and artificial intelligence contracts, which make it difficult for the industry to reach a consensus.” IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) Chairman of the Committee for Standardization of Block Chains and Distributed Accounts of the Computer Society, Li Ming, told journalists that, in the process of developing the national tenders, the team had sought as wide a range of views as possible, had met in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Sichuan and Jiangxi, and had developed a standard text through more than a year of consultations, which was also a process of consensus-building.


According to the national logo, the block chain is a new database software integrated by a variety of technologies, such as distributed networks, encryption technologies and smart contracts, and it is currently being applied to hundreds of typical block chain enterprises.


In the early years of the industry, technological advances, standards lag behind, and the technical routes of the different block chain systems vary in terms of communication protocols, identity management, etc. As the sector chain becomes more complex in its business form and its applications enrich, more and more block chain projects and chain applications are born. However, as most of the chain and chain are independent, numerous “silos” are formed. As the White Paper on the sector chain (2022) shows, as of September 2022, there were 6914 enterprises associated with the global block chain.


The key to the chain from “local area network” to “Internet” is the need for “verbal connection” between the different chain systems. After that, the chains become interconnected and open ecosystems from the islands.


“The introduction of national standards is only the first step, and with national standards, firms can cross the chain more effectively.” Li Ying states that cross-chain standards provide for a unified communication agreement, as if people who used to speak Mandarin in different dialects would significantly reduce the cost of communication.


“There are now three main trends in the development of the domestic block chain: platforming, assembly, integration.” Li Jin told reporters that there are currently their own block chain services everywhere, such as the long-single chain, the chain of letters and the chain of rivers, which have formed platforms, and that firms do not need to build bottom systems to develop applications on existing platforms and reduce development costs. At the same time, the key technologies of the block chain can form separate products, such as smart contracts, digital signatures, etc., and as the sector chain industry is further broken down, the independently sealed components can increase the flexibility of the system.


He also said that, like the new generation of information technologies, such as artificial intelligence, block chains are data-oriented technologies and integration with other technologies is an inevitable trend, such as privacy computing, object networking, etc., is deeply linked to block chains. Today, the fire’s GPS needs to consume a great deal of arithmetic, perhaps supported by distributed calculations. Moreover, data interactions between different sector chain systems, such as the energy chain, the financial chain, the copyright chain, require not only cross-chain capabilities, but also the distributional and traditional centralization of the block chain.



A few years ago, the block chain was almost identical to a virtual currency painting, with bitcoin, ethaco, etc., the word “mining” became a hot word for industry, and at one point the price of the processor went up. With the rise of the meta-cosmos concept, the NFT digital collection rekindled market fanaticism, and a boring ape NFT sold millions of dollars in 2021.


In the same year, China’s NFT industry began to prosper, with the ants group launching the NFT platform, and the major Internet plants, tweaking, 100 degrees, and beeping, almost all catching up with the wave. With media forecasts, at its peak, two platforms, the NFT platform, under the flag of whaling and tweaking, attracted nearly a million users every day, Xu Ying-hong’s digital ink and horse collection, selling $3.68 million a minute.


Unfortunately, the NFT industry did not last too long. On August 16, the first-year-old Mirage announced an official suspension of the digital collection, which was recently announced to be offline at 2400 hours on 30 June. The explanation is very direct: “There are no clear laws, regulations and policy documents in place for the digital collection, and the digital collection as an emerging area, be it industry risk or regulatory risk, is subject to greater uncertainty and risk.”


By contrast, the virtual currency and the NFT technology base chain are growing hidden, while the application landscape continues to grow. The new logo identifies the block chain as an important component of the new generation of information technology, which is an important technology support for the development of the digital economy.


One example of a block chain-enabling industry is the “spider man” smart silo system mentioned above. Lee Linko, founder of the wharf, described the storage of over 2.5 million items in more than 40 brands in 6,000 square metres of storage, six times as much as in traditional warehouses, and the utilization of warehouse space from 10% to 85%, with a threefold increase in efficiency. To achieve better efficiency and synergy, the wharf, using block and object-networking techniques, has secured a chain of operational information, orders, and financial transactional information on spider sorting systems, and has shared a credible book. As a result of the authenticity and abundance of these data, the whaling can lease warehouses and equipment from industrial capital at lower cost to light asset operations.


In capital markets, block-chain interventions also reduce credit risks and provide financing guarantees for innovative enterprises. Energy service providers are involved in the construction of multiple storage power station projects, both domestically and abroad, but the safety risks, quality cycle risks, performance uncertainties, and income uncertainty in the development of the global storage industry have led to greater risk exposures and financing difficulties between the needs of power plant owners and the service systems of equipment providers. To this end, the Federation works with the ant chain to establish a system of full-cycle data, algorithms and digital science services for materials, components, systems, scenes and residuals, allowing storage project data to be credible, risk visible and quantifiable, value assessable, and achieve storage systems and data source “uplinks” for asset assessment, asset management, asset operations, etc. throughout the life cycle of the project, ultimately attracting a village capital to provide financial solutions and financial support.


The ants' chain helped to create the country’s first block-based “anti-fraud union chain” technology, addressing risk-sharing challenges by working with public security, pedestrians, operators, etc. through data on the chain, processing over 2.4 million early warning data, protecting the victims’ funds account 1380 times in one year, intercepting the stolen funds 13.4 million, and safely sharing the black ash data of tens of millions. This practice was also included in the Ministry of Trade and Communications’s “Factual Application of the 2022 Block Chains” case.



According to the well-known research agency IDC, the global market for block chains is expected to reach $18.95 billion in 2024, and China is expected to reach $2.5 billion. The market is expected to remain the second largest in the world.


At this time, domestic speculation in virtual currencies, such as bitcoin, is explicitly prohibited, but transactions such as NFT digital collections are already in the exploratory phase. As early as last July, Shanghai explicitly supported the exploration of NFT trading platforms, researching related industries such as the digitization of NFTs, the global flow of digital IPs, and digital certainty protection, which pre-empted Shanghai, a statement that is rare in other government documents, even earlier than Hong Kong’s Policy Declaration on Virtual Asset Development.


Shanghai’s three-year Shanghai Action Plan for Quality Development in Manufacturing (2023-2025) states that, in implementing the “Five Future Industries” programme of action of the “Four New Races,” drug development blocks, Web3.0, among others, are new digital economies that promote significant applications in the meta-coastal universe. In August last year, the Shanghai Data Exchange established the first national digital asset block, and this year joined major domestic sector chains in an effort to achieve cross-linkage.


At the end of last year, a digital renminbi-based carbon-inclusive platform, the “Cross Carbon Line”, which allows citizens of Shanghai to travel by train or on foot, can account for carbon emission reductions by mileage, and users can convert daily low-carbon behaviour gains into digital renminbis in real time. To make carbon assets visible, available and measurable, block chain records and smart contracts are used to make carbon asset data unalterable and uninterruptible by code.


“Shanghai's block chain applications are particularly rich, the financial, shipping, and logistics industries are highly developed, and most of the chain's operations are located in Shanghai.” Li Jin states that Shanghai's policy support for the block chain is strong, and that the country's top talent is more of a “block chain that requires a combination of technical talent, integration of many professions, such as cryptology, programming language and computer networks, often requires a higher level of expertise, and Shanghai is a confluence of relevant talent.” He also believes that Shanghai has hatched a number of sector chain companies that may have “killer-level” applications in business operations in the future.




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